Whether it's Nagasawa Ya's unique aura, or Sui Feng, who follows behind her like a follower and wears a domineering outfit, all reveal the other party's extraordinaryness.

After entering the small courtyard, Nagasawa Ya did not disturb her immediately, but stood quietly not far behind her, watching Huche Yuyin who was concentrating on performing the Hui Dao.

It can be seen that the patients being treated by the other party should not be simple.

As the third seat of the fourth division and the leader of the first-level ambulance squad, Toru Yune actually showed such a serious expression when he cast back, and he didn't even notice it when he and the broken bee approached behind him. It is enough to explain the problem.

Involuntarily, Masa Nagasawa set her sights on the person that Yuto Toru was treating.

It was a thin, ordinary-looking middle-aged man with short blond hair combed back.

At this time, he had already fallen into a coma, but even so, there was still a look of pain on his face.

Obviously, the pain on his body tortured him a lot.

And beside the middle-aged man, a young man with blond hair and somewhat gloomy appearance was kneeling anxiously beside the middle-aged man, his face full of tension.

When Nagasawa saw the face of the blond boy, his expression couldn't help but froze slightly.

He recognized the child.

The future vice-captain of the third squad, Izuru Kira.

The gears of fate started turning again? ? ?

?Ah drop four eighty-three Kira, and


Huche Yongyin's Dao recovery level was very high, but even so, it still took a lot of time to pull the middle-aged man back from the death line.

After letting out a groan that was obviously painful, the middle-aged man slowly opened his eyes.

"Thank you, thank you Lord Huche!"


Looking at his father who had woken up, Kira Izuru's face was full of surprise.

It can be seen that Kira Izuru has a very good family education. Even in a panic, he did not forget to thank the sweaty Toru Isamu, and then went to his father.

However, Nagasawa Ya, who had witnessed Huche Yuyin's rescue process, shook her head slightly at this moment.

He could tell that the middle-aged man's spirit body had reached a state of exhaustion, and at this time it was just a flashback before death.

Generally speaking, the lifespan of the spirit body is usually longer than that of the human body, and it is rare for a person to die in middle age.

However, this man's body is not due to the leakage of spiritual power caused by problems with the lock knot or soul sleep, but because of overwork and illness, he over-squeezed his not-so-strong body, thus depleting his own strength. vitality.

Obviously, as the rescuer, Kotetsu Yongin is also aware of this.

After hearing Kira Izuru's thanks, she hurriedly waved her hands, and replied softly with an apologetic face.

"No, no, I didn't do anything, you should hurry up and see your father."

Although she has long been used to seeing life and death, facing Kira Izuru, who looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years old, she couldn't say "Your father doesn't have much time to live" at all.

It was at this time that Yong Yin finally found Nagasawa Ya and the others standing not far behind him, and subconsciously called out.


If she could meet Nagasawa Ya by chance on a normal day, she must be extremely happy.

It's just that as a doctor, in the situation of life and death before her, she was really not in a high mood.

Just let out a soft cry, then walked slowly to Nagasawa Masa, bowed to Suifeng and called "Captain Suifeng", standing beside Nagasawa Masa, silently watching Kira Izuru and his son .

However, as the commander of the covert mobile force, Zhifeng's knowledge and insight are far higher than those of the academic Nagazawa Masaru and the inexperienced Toshiro.

Looking at the middle-aged man lying on the hospital bed, wearing a starched and whitish uniform, even though he was tortured by the illness, he always maintained a neat and clean middle-aged man, Sui Feng could not help but frown slightly, and asked softly to Yong Yin beside him .

"How is this going?"

"Looking at his clothes, that man should be at least a nobleman."

"Kira... If I remember correctly, it's the lower-ranking noble family of Kira, right?"

Hearing this, Yong Yin couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"Mr. Kira is the current head of the Kira family, but...the only two people left in the Kira family are his father and son."

After getting an affirmative answer, Broken Bee's brows couldn't help but tightened even more.

Perhaps because the Feng family is also a lower-level noble, seeing the current head of the Kira family like this, she couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness that things hurt others, and she couldn't help but continue to ask.

"Although the Kira family is only a low-level noble, they should also be eligible to be rescued by the Shino Shiyakuin. Why did they end up in such a state?"

Hearing this, Yong Yin's face could not help showing sadness.

"Because there is no money..."

Hearing Yongyin's answer, Suifeng was stunned.

no money...

This was a reason she had never thought about.

But only after a brief moment of astonishment, she understood the reason.

Although the Feng family is a lower-level noble like the Kira family, the Feng family attached to the Shifengin family does not need to worry about money.

The Xingjun's remuneration is quite considerable.

Not to mention the dignified family of Sifengyuan, how could they treat the affiliated families badly?

The only thing that can scare the children of the Feng family is probably the family rule that if they cannot join the criminal army, they will be exiled by the family.

The Kira family is different.

Although the Kira family has the status of aristocrats, but because of the small population and the decline of the family, there is no family that values ​​​​them at all.

Even if a weak family wants to attach itself to a powerful family, none of the higher-ranking nobles will accept it.

But because it has no value.

Probably because of this, the Kira family, who are nobles, moved their family to live in Rukon Street.

Seeing that Sui Feng understood the meaning of her words, Yong Yin continued to explain, but there was a little choking in her voice.

"Mr. Kira's wife also suffered from the same disease. In order to treat her, Mr. Kira handed over all his belongings to Mao Shiyaoyuan, but..."

Yong Yin didn't continue talking.

The sentence "there are only father and son left in the Kira family" has already explained the result.

"Since Mrs. Kira passed away, Mr. Kira's health has been deteriorating. Captain Unohana couldn't bear that Mr. Kira was also suffering from illness, and was willing to provide some medicine for free."

"It's just...Mr. Kira hasn't been to the Fourth Division for a while. I also happened to meet them because of the preparation work for the 'Health Center', but I didn't expect..."

"If only I could have come earlier..."

The low ends of her hair obscured Yongyin's face, making it difficult to see the expression on her face for a while, but from her words full of self-blame, it was not difficult to tell that this kind-hearted girl would The responsibility falls on oneself.

However, at this moment, a broad palm lightly landed on her head, and then, a gentle sound slowly spread into her ears.

"Idiot, it's not your fault."

Listening to the gentle voice in his ear, Yong Yin slowly turned his head and looked at Nagasawa Ya beside him.

Yingying's tears rolled in her eyes, as if they would fall at any moment.

But before she could say anything, Nagasawa continued softly with a gentle smile on her lips.

"Isn't what you are doing now just to prevent the tragedy from happening again?"

After hearing Nagasawa Ya's words, Yong Yin's face couldn't help but startled slightly, and then understood.

She naturally knew that Nagasawa was referring to the establishment of a "health center".

At the same time, she also knew that the reason why the thirteenth team of the court established a "health center" in Liuhun Street, which was not taken seriously in the past, was because of Masa Nagasawa.

To be honest, the establishment of a "health center" on Liuhun Street will undoubtedly make the already busy fourth team worse.

However, the members of the fourth team, including her, did not complain about Nagasawa because of the increase in workload.

On the contrary, for these team members, most of whom are from the lowest level of Rukongai, they are very grateful to Nagasawa Masaru.

No one knows better than them how embarrassing life in Liuhun Street is. They thank Masa Nagasawa for giving them a chance to contribute to their hometown, their relatives and friends.

Thinking of this, Yong Yin couldn't help but nodded heavily, wiping away the tears from his eyes.

She didn't stand there for too long. Outside the small courtyard, there were still many residents who came to see the doctor. She had to hurry up and see as many patients as possible.

Seeing Yu Yin who had left in a hurry and regained his energy, Nagasawa Masa smiled, and then set his eyes on Kira and his son.

As if he had finally noticed the son beside the sick bed, the middle-aged man slowly raised his hand and stretched it in the direction of Kira Izuru as if he had exhausted all his strength.

Looking at his father's hand with distinct knuckles, as if there was only a thin layer of skin covering the bones, Kira Izuru quickly stretched out his hand to hold it.

But when he held his father's hand that was getting colder, he seemed to realize something, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Looking at his son with a sad face, the eyes of the middle-aged man were full of reluctance and self-blame.

Feeling the gradually dissipating spiritual power in his body, he knew that the time left for him was no longer allowed to procrastinate any longer.

He could only use his last strength, "tightly" hold the palm of Kira Izuru, and said slowly.

"I'm sorry Yihe, I'm not a qualified father...The next road can only be walked by yourself..."

This sentence seemed to have exhausted all his strength, but after he finished speaking this sentence intermittently, Kira Yizuru only felt his palm loosen.

He was holding his father "tightly" just now, as if his last life force had been sucked out, and he didn't even make a sound.

Realizing that his father had passed away, Kira Izuru finally couldn't suppress the grief in his heart anymore, and cried bitterly!

The medical center is a relatively heavy place, and Kira Izuru's grief seemed to be contagious, and immediately aroused the sympathy of the people around him.

After seeing this scene, Sui Feng, who was decisive in killing, even showed a little unbearable, tugged at the corner of Chang Zeya's clothes, and signaled him to leave.

Then, in the face of Suifeng's tugging, Nagasawa Masa remained unmoved, and just quietly watched Kira Yizuru who was kneeling beside the sick bed, causing Suifeng and Dongshiro to look surprised.

After a long time, it seemed that he had finally vented the sadness in his heart.

Kira Izuru wiped away the tears on his face, calmed down his mood a little, then hurriedly stood up, bowed slightly to Nagasawa Masa and the others who had been standing not far away, apologetic and extremely nervous Said quickly.

"Yes... I'm sorry to bother you adults, I... I'll leave now."

Although the leader, Masa Nagasawa, was not wearing a Shiba costume and brought the half-grown child with her, Kira Izuru, who was born in a lower-level nobleman, recognized the leader Haori on Suihou's body at a glance.

A big man who can be accompanied by a captain in person is not something that a declining nobleman like him can provoke.

He could only hold back his grief, and hastily restrained his father's body before it had turned into a spirit son.

What made him a little confused was how he, who was alone at this time, could transport his father's body to the cemetery in good condition.

What should he do in the days to come?

Brother Ran [-] Zhang Zeya: Is it really my fault that Dong Shilang is not tall?

"Wait a moment."

While arranging his father's remains, Kira Yizuru, who was thinking about whether to borrow a flatbed from the neighbor next door, was suddenly stopped by a voice.

Hearing this, Kira Izuru, whose mind was still in a mess just now, couldn't help but froze, turned around with a little panic on his face, accompanied Xiaoxin, and bowed slightly to Nagasawa Masa.

"No... I don't know what other orders your lord has?"

As he spoke, he did not forget to secretly raise his eyes to observe the expression on Nagasawa's face.

As a fallen nobleman with both parents dead and lonely, Kira Izuru, who has stacked almost all of Batman's buffs, even though he doesn't have the tough heart of Bruce Wayne, he still forces himself to mature very quickly, be careful Face the world.

However, just as he lowered his head, thinking about how he might offend Nagasawa and the others, except for crying loudly just now, the voice that stopped him just now rang out again .

It's just that the question that came out this time made him stunned for an instant.

"Meeting is also fate, do you need my help?"

The sudden kindness, as if King Ling opened a window for him after closing all his doors, and beckoned him if he wanted to come in and eat a popsicle, which really caught Kira Yizuru by surprise.


He was at a loss for a while, and he didn't know how to respond to Nagasawa Ya's kindness, and he even became a little incoherent when he spoke.

Seeing this, a look of helplessness flashed across Nagasawa's face.

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