"But the old man feels that you need to give you a little motivation to move forward."

"So, you should regard it as a goal to move forward and take this as your direction."

"Its name is..."

"One bone!"

As Yamamoto's voice fell, I saw Yamamoto dodging in front of him.

Immediately, it was an extremely unpretentious right fist.


I don't know if it was Masa Nagasawa's illusion. When Yamamoto's fist landed an inch in front of his forehead, he seemed to see the grandma on the other side waving at him.

And in the next second...


The first team training ground seems to have been attacked by missiles.

The violent impact was like a landslide and ground crack, turning half of the training ground into ruins in an instant.

Although just now, Nagasawa subconsciously performed the unlimited technique, even if he received a punch from Yamamoto with no spiritual pressure, he was confident that he could escape unscathed.

But looking at the fist that was close at hand, he still swallowed subconsciously.

Only those who have experienced this extremely ordinary punch know how terrifying it is.

Its powerful attack power and precise control.

Masa Nagasawa really wanted to ask Mr. Yamamoto.

Do you have a brother named Saitama?

Yamamoto put away his fists, turned around slowly, and walked towards the team building behind him while wearing a jacket hanging around his waist.

He said in a deep voice to Nagasawa behind him without looking back.

"Let's end today's class."

"I don't care about the basic training, I will be waiting for you at this time every week from now on."

"Next time we meet, I hope you can give this old man some surprises."

Although Yamamoto's words sounded harsh, they seemed like a kind elder encouraging the younger generation.

Even Jiro Sparrow, who was sitting in the corner, couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "Your Commander-in-Chief is really Asahi".

However, this beautiful picture only lasted for less than three seconds.

Nagasawa Ya over there seemed to be unable to see beautiful things, and said very "study".

"Um... Captain, will you teach me these two moves today?"

"Why don't you show your hands more?"

Hearing this, Yamamoto couldn't help but pause slightly as he walked forward, and he suddenly felt that his blood pressure was a little high.

Am I being too kind?

Or does this little bastard think I can't lift a knife?

A series of self-doubts appeared in Yamamoto's mind, and angry veins popped out frequently on his smooth forehead.

He turned his head abruptly, pointed at Nagasawa, and scolded angrily.


"Just these two moves are enough for you to learn for a while. You'd better give me a surprise next week, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"


After that, he ignored Chang Zeya and walked quickly, leaving the training ground as if he was running away.

Apparently, Nagasawa brought back his unbearable memories of someone.

However, just as Yamamoto's feet were about to step out of the gate of the training ground, as if he suddenly remembered something, he stopped again.

He turned his head slightly, looked at Nagasawa who was still standing there, paused for a moment as if he was digesting the anger just now, and then said aloud.

"Your swordsmanship still has some tricks, but it's too superficial."

"Just relying on this kind of swordsmanship, it is impossible to kill the enemy."

"Before you have fully mastered [Wild-wisp], I suggest you hold a sword with both hands like the old man did just now."

"Swinging a sword with two hands is more stable and powerful than swinging a sword with one hand. This is why children understand the truth."


After all, Yamamoto left the training ground without looking back.

After all, the old man still has a sharp mouth and a tofu heart.

Looking at the training ground with only half a seat left, Takuchojiro who didn't know when he left, and the noise around him gradually became noisy.

Nagasawa sighed softly with some unfinished thoughts, and then she dodged and left the team building.

Only half of the wreckage was left, as well as a group of stunned people.

It's just that when Nagasawa left, she didn't go back to her small courtyard to sleep in the cage, but came to the second team's team building.

Compared with the first team's team building, which was tacitly approved by Yamamoto, as the base camp of the secret mobile force, the second team's team building is not an easy place.

In addition, this was the team led by Ye Yi, so he obediently stood outside the door and made a report.

Only this time, the person he was looking for was not Ye Yi.

...... cut......

PS. It’s also a close friend who is more popular than me.

This is a close friend who has killed two of my books and is about to kill my third book.

The best rookie king of 2021, the hedgehog cat cyberpunk king, a world created by a man whom we respectfully call the "God of Silly Hair"!

Book title link here ↓↓↓↓↓

Chapter 63 Kisuke Urahara's Gizmodo

The second squad is the base camp of the secret mobile force, and its members are all special talents who specialize in cleaning up traitors and heresies, and establishing a double-faced intelligence network.

As the largest intelligence agency in the entire Seireitei, and even in the entire Eastern Soul Bureau, the Second Division has naturally become the largest gathering place for gossip in the Thirteenth Division of the Gotei.

It took only a short while for Nagazeya to wait outside the second division team building, and he had already heard some members of the criminal army whispering to him.

"Hey, did you see that, the one over there is the third seat Nagasawa of the Sixth Division."

"Is that the kid who has a very close relationship with the size...and the captain?"

"Yes, it's him. I heard that the captain has been away several times at night just to hang out with this kid."

"No, I also heard that someone from the Sifengyuan family has already offered a huge bonus to buy this kid's leg!"

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard that too. If it wasn't for the news from the first team, this kid might have become the direct disciple of the chief captain. I'm afraid that some Xingjun brothers have already taken action."

Hearing the whispers in her ear, the corners of Nagasawa Ya's eyes twitched slightly.

Hey, the promised secret mobile unit is the most disciplined team in the Thirteenth Guarding Team?

The appearance of this gossip was misled by Captain Ye Yi, right?

Also, what does Ye Yi have to do with him not coming home at night?

This puts the pot on its back?

He hasn't done anything yet!

Nagasawa was already a little powerless to complain, he could only blame him for being too sensitive.

Fortunately, the person he was going to visit didn't make him wait too long.

It didn't take long before a man with thick dark circles under his eyes, embarrassing stubble, and weedy yellow hair, who looked like a technical geek at first glance, appeared in front of Nagasawa Ya.

When Urahara Kisuke appeared, he was obviously the same as the third seat, but he didn't have the slightest airs, and even apologized softly with some embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, I've kept Nagasawa Sanshi waiting for you for a long time."

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help feeling a sigh in her heart.

What a good young man, what exactly did he go through that turned him into the traitorous businessman that he would become in later generations?

Thinking of this, Masa Nagasawa put her arms around Urahara Kisuke's neck, and smiled lightly as if he was the yellow hair.

"I told you that we are already friends, you don't have to be so polite, just call me Nagasawa, or Yadu."

Hearing this, Kisuke Urahara was taken aback for a moment, then scratched his nose as if embarrassed, and then spoke.

"I have already made what you asked me to do, come with me."

Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't help but look happy.

He came to the second team, originally just to see the progress of Urahara Kisuke's research and development, but he didn't expect Urahara Kisuke to make it for him directly.

Look at the dark circles on each other's eyes.

Could it be that he stayed up all night?

This is too many friends, he is a little embarrassed.

Nagasawa could not help but secretly swear in her heart.

I will definitely not cheat you again next time, um, I promise!

Because the Second Division is a place where covert mobile troops are trained, and it also has the responsibility of guarding the maggot nest.

The second team's team building occupies a huge area in Seireitei, even if it is taken seriously.

Masa Nagasawa visually inspected the past, and the team building of the second division was no smaller than Konoha Village.

Kisuke Urahara placed his laboratory in an extremely remote location in order to conduct experiments with peace of mind.

Following Kisuke Urahara, Masa Nagasawa came to his laboratory.

To be honest, I really can't blame Nagasawa Masa for being ignorant.

When he stepped into Kisuke Urahara's laboratory, it was as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

The laboratory that already had the prototype of the Technology Development Bureau was filled with all kinds of equipment and materials that he couldn't name at all.

He even had trouble finding a place to stay.

However, what surprised him was that, faced with such a messy environment, Urahara Kisuke only searched a little twice before finding out what Masa Nagasawa wanted.

This is probably the feeling of "don't worry about my messy bedroom mom, I can't find it after you tidy it up".

Seeing that he found what he had spent two nights making, Urahara Kisuke couldn't help but have a look of satisfaction on his face.

He immediately waved to Nagazeya and pointed outside.

"It's not convenient to show here, you come with me."

After finishing speaking, he stepped on the pile of "garbage" under his feet, and walked towards the open space outside the laboratory.

When Nagasawa Masa came outside, Urahara Kisuke had already set his posture, and said to Nagasawa Masa seriously.

"Come on, hit me."


Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but look stunned, and then a look of confusion appeared on his face.

But in the face of his doubts, Urahara Kisuke over there still insisted with a serious face.

"Don't worry, hit..."

However, Kisuke Urahara didn't have time to finish his words, he just felt a flash in front of his eyes, and when he came back to his senses again, a big foot of size 43 had already been imprinted on his face.

This really can't be blamed on Nagasawa's ruthlessness.

Everyone heard it. Urahara Kisuke asked him to fight, so he did it.

He had never seen such a request in his life.

However, when Masa Nagasawa's feet were imprinted on Urahara Kisuke's pale face as if he hadn't been exposed to the sun for a long time, his expression was first stunned, and then overjoyed.

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