
"Kiugashiro Kenpachi has been dedicated to his duties and loyal since he joined the Gotei [-]. Whenever there is a battle, he must be the first to charge!"

"How could such a person betray Seireitei!?"

"I think it must have been planned by you and Kuchiki Sosumi to lure Captain Oniyanjo to the team building of the sixth division, kill him, and then fake the illusion that Onigonjo Kenpachi betrayed Seireitei!"

"That's right! At a young age, he was sharp-tongued and confused right and wrong. When he grows up, won't he not even take us seriously!?"

To be honest, Nagasawa Ya couldn't stand listening anymore.

It's okay to lie to brothers, but it's a bit too much to lie to yourself.

Don't talk about the future, I don't pay attention to you now...

However, this is probably the face of the rich and powerful.

Recalling the performance of Central Room 46 like a clown in the original plot, he also felt reasonable.

Seeing this, he simply tore off everyone's fig leaf without concealing the disdain in his words.

"Haha, do you want to recall what you just said and see what you said?"

"Do the sages nowadays speak without thinking?"

"Leaving aside me for the time being, what is Kuchiki Canojun's motive for killing Ki Yancheng?"

"He is the heir of the Kuchiki family, the next generation head of the Kuchiki family."

"You said that he and I set up an ambush to kill Guiyan City, so what can we get?"

"Eternal Hell Ten Thousand Years Package?"

One question after another was uttered loudly from Masa Nagasawa's mouth, like a sharp knife, mercilessly piercing into the chest of every noble and veteran present.


Although the face hidden behind the tulle could not be clearly seen, it was not difficult to tell from the angry tone that behind the tulle there must be faces that were red with anger.

However, just when everyone in Central Room 46 was about to reorganize their language and convict Nagazeya, a huge roar suddenly sounded at the entrance of the deliberation room as everyone looked at it in shock. .


Surprised eyes also appeared on Nagasawa Ya's eyes.

Looking through the sound, I saw that the door of the deliberation room, which seemed to block freedom and completely separated the central room 46 from the outside world, collapsed under an extremely violent impact.

Immediately, a figure first stepped into the deliberation room, which symbolized the pinnacle of judicial power in the corpse and soul world.

I saw the leader, leaning on a cane, with a slow look, looking like an old man taking a walk.

However, after seeing his appearance clearly, everyone present took a deep breath.

Yamamoto Genryasai Shigekuni, the strongest god of death in the world of corpses and souls for thousands of years.

Even if the power of Central Room 46 is far above him, the captain of Gotei [-]th Team, this group of people dare not underestimate Yamamoto in the slightest.

The shadow of a man, the name of a tree.

That's a great reputation for being killed!

What surprised them even more was yet to come.

The captain of the second division, one of the four nobles, the current head of the Shifengyuan family, Yorichi Shifengyuan.

Vice-captain of the Second Division, Nozomi Omaeda, the current head of the superior noble Omaeda family.

The captain of the Sixth Division, the head of the four nobles, the current head of the Kuchiki family, Kuchiki Yinling.

The captain of the Eighth Division, the second son of the upper-class nobleman Jingle family, Jingle Shunsui.

The captain of the [-]th squad, the current head of the branch of the Shiba family, Shiba Yuma.

The captain of the Thirteenth Division, the contemporary head of the Ukitake family, a lower-level nobleman, Ukitake Shishiro.

If the above six captains were not enough to intimidate everyone in Central Room 46, then the last person who stepped into the deliberation room undoubtedly became the last straw that overwhelmed their psychological defenses.

Although this person is currently just an ordinary member of the twelfth division, no one present will have any contempt for him because of this.

Because her name is Shutara Senjumaru.

Seeing one figure after another stepping into the deliberation room, even the six great sages sitting at the top couldn't sit still at this moment.

Some sages who couldn't hold their breath even jumped up directly, pointed at the leader, and yelled loudly.

"Yamamoto Genyanagisai Shigekuni, what do you mean!?"

"Do you, the Thirteenth Guarding Team, want to rebel!?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help looking at the sage who just spoke with a look of caring for the mentally retarded.

These guys are really hooked.

They were all dazed.

If Old Man Shan really wanted to rebel, why would he need to recruit such a large group of people?

He can speed through the central room 46 copy alone.

Maybe Aizen is not as fast as him if it is better than the first kill record!

However, in the face of the baseless accusation, Yamamoto seemed very calm, as if he had already understood the urine nature of Room 46 in the center. Said softly.

"I'm just here to hand over the murderer and help you find out the real person behind the scenes."

Hearing this, Nagasawa who was at the side couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

On the contrary, the nobles and elders present were all stunned.

An unbelievable expression appeared on their faces in an instant.

Although Yamamoto kept saying that he was here to hand over the murderer, it seemed that he had a very legitimate reason.

But it was not difficult for them to hear from Yamamoto that he came to cover Nagasawa Masa.

What you need to know is that since the Gotei [-] was founded for thousands of years, Yamamoto, as the captain, has never disobeyed their orders.

This made them subconsciously exclude Yamamoto from consideration when they framed Nagasawa Masa.

At this moment, they subconsciously focused their attention on Nagasawa Ya.

How long has it been since this kid joined the Guarding Thirteen Team, and he has such a deep network?

He actually managed to get Yamamoto and nearly half of the captains to stand up and support him.

Even Shutara Senjumaru, who had already been reserved by Team Zero, came forward.

This son is so terrifying! ?

A look of fear appeared on the faces of almost every sage, and the sage who opened his mouth to scold Yamamoto just now, didn't know whether it was out of fear or other psychology, so he asked subconsciously.

"You... what do you mean!?"

Hearing this, Yamamoto didn't say anything nonsense, just turned his head and called softly to Yoruichi who was following behind him.


It seems that he has been waiting for this call for a long time.


Yoruichi is like Shiranui who has been summoned to help... Ah no, it is an agile ninja who has been summoned.

She tugged at the white bandage-like strip of cloth in her hand.

In an instant, three pitch-black figures were pulled into the huge deliberation room by her like gourds rolling on the ground.

Ye Yi pointed at the three people who fell on the ground and said loudly.

"You must recognize these three people, right?"

Chapter 84 Masa Nagasawa's Backhand

Looking at the three people who were dragged into the deliberation room by Ye Yi like gourds, expressions of indifference, bewilderment, bewilderment, panic, and panic instantly appeared on the faces of every sage.

Although the line of sight was blocked by the tulle in front of many sages in Room 46 in the center, one could still see the panic of some of them from their disordered breathing and flustered posture.

I saw Ye Yi pointing at the three people on the ground and speaking slowly one by one.

"This one is because of his involvement in the Saraki District attack and killing, and was temporarily detained in the maggot's nest, the former tenth squad vice-captain Hiroki Muto."

"This one is the squad leader of the enchantment squad responsible for maintaining the enchantment during the attack on the No. [-] team the day before yesterday, and a high-ranking officer of the ghosts."

When he said this, Ye Yi's tone could not help but pause slightly, and immediately the little black cat seemed to be transformed into a wolf king who was patrolling his territory.

Ying Gu Lang glanced around at the sage sitting on top of the high rank, until everyone felt a little hairy, and then said embarrassingly.

"Um...what's your name?"

Everyone: "..."

"Forget it, it's not important!"

Seeing that even Yamamoto, who was standing at the head of the team, couldn't help but glance at her sideways, Yoruichi hurriedly said haha, pointed to the last person and continued.

"As for the last one..."

"Thanks to Masami...ah no, thanks to the clues provided by Nagasawa Sanchi."

"These days, it took me a lot of effort to catch this cunning guy back from Hueco Mundo!"

"Organizing and planning the attack on the Saraki Ward, and as the actual executor of the attack on the real-world crusade team, colluded with the virtual circle, and attacked and killed the first four seats of the real-world crusade team, Takuma Onoe."

"I think some of you must be familiar with him, right?"

Ye Yi's words were very light, but it seemed that every word hit the hearts of everyone.

Especially some of the people she was referring to.

I saw a man hiding behind the tulle, with red eyes and gnashed teeth, he just wanted to eat his flesh raw.

If it wasn't for the fact that the door was blocked by Yamamoto and others, he might have wanted to forcefully leave the deliberation room at this moment.

Immediately, as if they had discovered something from Ye Yi's words, the sages in Room 46 in the center all focused their eyes on Nagasawa Ya.

It was only at this moment that Nagasawa breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't look at how happy he was just now, but he doesn't have any confidence in his heart.

Hiroki Muto was detained in the maggot's nest early on, and the squad leader of the enchantment class was also deliberately left alive by Ukitake after breaking the enchantment.

He believed that Ye Yi, who was in charge of the Criminal Army, would properly settle the two of them without his special explanation.

The point is Takuma Onoue.

During this period of training, in addition to practicing seriously, Nagasawa also spent free time.

He is not a person who likes to be passively beaten.

Especially when his opponent showed his chicken feet.

Originally, he didn't care about Ogami Takuma.

Even when he went to the first team for the first time, when he mentioned this person to Genshiro Chong Ya, he didn't remember who it was.

What really made him realize the importance of this person was after getting acquainted with Kisuke Urahara.

At this time, I have to say "knowledge changes destiny".

The [-]th Division encountered a bottleneck when they were studying the corpses of Neutra and others.

Although the members of Division [-] had extracted some of the ingredients of the secret medicine that concealed spiritual pressure from the corpses of Neutra and others, they were completely unable to analyze it.

Let alone recognize what the secret medicine is.

At this time, it was Kisuke Urahara's turn to appear on the stage.

As the "special combat power" appointed by Yhwach Bach, Urahara Kisuke, who is known for his versatile methods, took almost only three days to analyze it.

After all, in terms of the means of hiding the spiritual pressure, there should be few people in the soul world who are more proficient than him.

Otherwise, it would not have taken only two days and one night to make a black cloak that can cover the spiritual pressure.

It just so happened that Kisuke Urahara still knew the secret medicine analyzed from the corpses of Neutra and others.

It was a top secret medicine that only the Kuchiki family, the Sifengin family and the Tsunayashiro family possessed.

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