Hearing this, Masa Nagasawa was startled, and didn't even listen to Yamamoto's last rant.

Let him go to the academy to be a teacher?

What kind of Shrek-style expansion is this?

But in the next second, he was lost in thought again.

To be honest, this is not a bad idea.

Shinou Academy of Spiritual Art is an educational institution founded by Yamamoto to allow more commoners from Rukon Street to achieve a leap in class through their own talent and hard work.

Compared with the increasingly complex Gotei [-], the environment of Mao Spiritual Arts Academy is purer.

Coupled with Mao's predecessor, this is Yamamoto's "Yuanzi familiarity".

It would be more appropriate to say that this is Yamamoto's base camp, or a private plot.

And the most important point is that, as Mao's teacher, except for the temporary special lecturer who is served by the captain or vice-captain-level Shinigami, he does not need to deal with any team affairs, nor will he be assigned any tasks .

That is to say, unless Nagasawa commits suicide and takes the initiative to participate in some human experimentation, which eventually leads to a scandal and is wanted by the entire Soul Society like someone else.

Otherwise, Mao's ivory tower is definitely the best place for him to recuperate and even grow up.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa Ya's eyes gradually brightened up.

...... cut......

PS.1. I went back to my mother-in-law’s home with my wife on the second day of junior high school, and the process of the Spring Festival was almost over.

It feels like during this seven-day long vacation, at least three days are spent visiting relatives and friends, and then I finally have a few days of rest, and then I have to work for seven consecutive days...

so uncomfortable...

PS.2. Thank you "Roe Deer Pigeon" for the 50 blades, the boss is awesome!

_(:з ∠)_

Please reward me, please give me a blade~~~~

This round, the winner group is the A camp!

I'm currently three chapters behind, and I think I'm doing okay, and I can even pay it off before the end of this month, so don't feel bad about me!

Thank you for your support~~~!

Chapter 88 A Rebirth of Two Daughters

Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, one rebirth, one class.

Ise Nanao was taking advantage of the break before class, sitting in her seat, previewing this week's homework.

The courses at Shinyang Academy of Spiritual Art are divided into six academic years, and each academic year is divided into seven classes, with about 30 students in each class.

The new students will be arranged in order according to the test scores at the time of admission.

The first class of each school year is also called a special improvement class, also known as a special class.

Those who can enter the Mao special class are all gifted students with strong spiritual talent, and it is also the class that has produced the most high-ranking officers and even vice-captains after graduation.

Kuchiki Byakuya and Ichimaru Gin, like the previous ones, are geniuses who entered the special class as soon as they entered school.

And Ise Nanao is also a genius.

She is well-educated, gentle and elegant, wearing a pair of round-frame glasses, and she has a sense of intellectual beauty all over her body. Even though she is still young, she has gained a lot of admirers in just one week since she started school at Maou Spiritual Art Academy.

After all, Mao's first students, except for some older students, are all young people, who are the most youthful and restless age.

Even if she was just sitting there quietly preparing for her homework, she would always attract countless eyes, secretly looking at this proud girl known as one of the "Two Sisters Who Reborn".

It can only be seen from a distance, but not played with.

This is probably the psychology of Ise Nanao's classmates at this time.

However, at this moment, an extremely abrupt voice broke the beautiful atmosphere and brought these obsessed teenagers back to reality.

"Ahhhh, no matter what, Xiao Nanao, you have to save me no matter what this time!"

They were angry at this sudden exclamation.

That feeling, as if they were enjoying the classical performance in Vienna's golden hall, suddenly a heavy metal rock was inserted, which instantly made them furious.

But when they turned their heads to look at the owner of the voice with anger on their faces, the anger on their faces turned into shyness in an instant.

I saw a blond girl who looked to be only two or three years older than Ise Nanao, but her maturity was clearly highlighted in her Mao school uniform. She ran to Ise Nanao's side with a whoosh. He hugged the other person's arm and looked at the other person with a pitiful expression.


Looking at the blond girl hugging Ise Nanao, these young men couldn't help swallowing in unison.

Without him, the impact of the picture is too strong.

After only one week of school, Ise Nanao and Matsumoto Rangiku became known as the "Two Twins Born Again" because of their super talents. Their powerful and beautiful figures are simply the goddess-level existences in their dreams. .

Looking at the roommate who was holding her arm, Ise Nanao ignored the noise around her, just sighed helplessly, immediately put down the textbook in her hand, and said softly.

"If it's homework, I won't help you, Luanju."

Hearing this, Matsumoto Rangiku, who was holding Ise Nanao's arm, quickly waved her hand.

"No, no, I've finished my homework a long time ago. It's today's ghost test!"

"Iruka, this guy... obviously just started to teach us the broken way and bound way of the top ten last Thursday, and it's only a weekend after the class quiz, I don't want to take after-school tutoring. "

"You must have learned it, Nanao-chan, right?"

"Quickly teach me woo woo woo woo..."

Although they are also known as "Two Shus in One Life", the subjects that Ise Nanao and Matsumoto Rangiku are good at are completely different.

Among the four basic fighting techniques of slicing fists, walking ghosts, and shinigami, Ise Nanao is the best at Kidō and Shunpo, while Matsumoto Rangiku is good at slicing techniques and white attacks.

Undoubtedly, as a "poor student" in the ghost way, Matsumoto Rangiku was doing his last struggle with an attitude of cramming.


"Jingle bell bell bell!"

Although Matsumoto Rangiku had plans to hold on to Buddha's feet temporarily, he did not make up his mind about it.

She was used to stepping on the class bell to enter the classroom, but just after she finished her request, the ruthless ringing of the bell destroyed her last hope.


In an instant, Matsumoto Rangiku turned pale.

She sat down next to Ise Nanao like a zombie, as if she had just been raped. She lay on the table and stared at the entrance of the classroom with distracted eyes.

The look in his eyes was like that of a death row prisoner preparing to go to the gallows.

However, just when the classroom door was pushed open, Matsumoto Rangiku was pleasantly surprised to find that the teacher who walked into the classroom was not the teacher Iruka who was responsible for teaching them ghosts, but their homeroom teacher, Sarutobi Musashi.

Could it be that Mr. Iruka is sick, so he will have a chopping class this time?

Sarutobi Musashi is the head teacher of their special class and the teacher responsible for teaching the art of slashing.

Seeing Sarutobi Musashi walk into the classroom, Matsumoto Rangiku's expression of surprise became more intense.

However, Matsumoto Rangiku only guessed the beginning, but not the ending.

Sarutobi Musashi, who walked up to the podium, coughed lightly to attract everyone's attention, before speaking.

"For some reasons, Mr. Iruka will no longer be in charge of teaching our ghost class."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions on the faces of the students in the special class couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Although they have only been in school for more than a week, it is not too much to say that they have a deep bond with each other.

But suddenly replacing a teacher with whom they are already familiar is somewhat unacceptable to these simple-minded students.

For a while, the students in the audience couldn't help whispering, some more courageous students...

Well, the bold one I'm referring to here is called Matsumoto Rangiku.

She raised her hands high, as if she was afraid that Sarutobi Musashi would not see her, and asked quickly with a curious look on her face.

"Hey, what happened to Iruka-sensei?"

"Also, who will teach our class [-] ghost classes from now on?"

Obviously, Matsumoto Rangiku asked the questions in the minds of most students.

After hearing her question, everyone subconsciously stopped their discussion and focused their attention on Sarutobi Musashi.

Seeing that everyone in the audience looked at him in unison, as if they were waiting for his answer, Sarutobi Musashi said straightforwardly.

"Ms. Iruka will be transferred to the second class of second-year students to teach, and our first class will also welcome a new ghost teacher."

Having said this, Sarutobi Musashi's eyes suddenly turned to the door, and he spoke softly as if talking to someone outside the door.

"Next, I'll leave it to you, Mr. Nagasawa."

...... cut......

PS. As soon as I came back from my mother-in-law’s house, I started typing non-stop. I walked the dog, took a bath, and then coded Chapter 2.

Ask for a reward, ask for a blade~~~

Thank you for your support~!

Chapter 89 Great Rewards

Hearing this, the expressions on the faces of everyone in the audience couldn't help but stagnate.

Although they were only freshmen who had just entered Mao for a week, Sarutobi Musashi, as the homeroom teacher, taught them the simplest truth on their first day of school.

The battle of death is the battle of Reiatsu.

As Shinigami reservists and students in special classes, they are particularly sensitive to the perception of Reiatsu.

However, before Sarutobi Musashi turned to look outside the door, they were completely unaware that there was another person standing outside the classroom.

This couldn't help but make them curious about this new ghost teacher.

Following Sarutobi Musashi's voice, the next second, a slender figure stepped into the classroom.

"So handsome!"

This is the first impression of most girls, including Matsumoto Ranju, on Nagasawa Masa.

The face that makes readers feel extremely substituting, but does not make readers feel bored because of being too handsome, directly captures the hearts of most female students.

It's just that in the next second, a voice that sounded a little discordant broke this beauty.

"Not wearing a Death Overlord uniform means that he is not an active Death God."

"There is no spiritual pressure, no, it should be said that the spiritual pressure is low, indicating that the strength is insufficient."

"I don't mean to offend, but is such a person really qualified for the post of ghost teacher in our class?"

The one who spoke was an old-fashioned male student who insisted on wearing sunglasses even in class.

Mao's teacher is usually a Shinigami who has retired from the front line.

Under normal circumstances, you would not come to class wearing a dead bully outfit.

It's just that, probably in the entire east end of the soul world, only Nagasawa Masa is wearing the special Siba outfit made by Senjumaru.

Except for those who know the inside story, normal people really can't recognize it at first glance.

This gave the opponent the illusion that Nagasawa Masaru was not an active Shinigami.

As for Reiatsu...

To be honest, Nagasawa Ya at this time is still within the activation time of the experience card, so it would be impossible to say how weak his spiritual pressure is.

It's just that it was probably influenced by a certain dragon or a certain pearl.

Under normal circumstances, he would deliberately lower his spiritual pressure to practice the ability to control the spiritual pressure.

This gave the other party the illusion that he was lacking in strength.

When Nagasawa heard this, he was not in a hurry to refute, but just casually glanced at the student who spoke.

Sheba Tetsuzaemon, son of Sheba Sentetsu, the current deputy captain of the third team, and the captain of the seventh team after the thousand-year bloody battle.

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