They could tell at a glance that this was not a simulation virtual reality for training at all, but a giant virtual reality that they had only seen in textbooks!

The sudden actual battle disrupted the position of the second-generation students, and the sound of exclamation instantly spread from everyone's mouths.

"Why is there a giant void in the training ground!?"

"Aren't we in the barrier!?"

"How did this giant Hollow appear behind us silently!?"

"Sixth Rebirth! Where are the seniors who were born in the Sixth Rebirth!?"


The second-generation students were completely flustered.

If you must describe it in one sentence.

This is like a training match, the national football team can easily beat...uh in the training match, and then in the World Cup...


Sorry, mistyped the metaphor, the national football team may not perform well in the training match, as for the World Cup...

Cross this paragraph out!

All in all, that's probably what it means.

Facing the real giant Hollow, the second-year students who had just performed well in the simulation training were like firecrackers that had failed to fire. They were at a loss for an instant. Some of them were even more unbearable and could not even hold the shallow blow in their hands. Unsteady, it fell to the ground with a bang.

"Run... run!"

I don't know who opened the mouth first, the moment the giant ghost appeared, the second-generation students who lost all fighting spirit suddenly scattered like birds and beasts.

With a bang, they fled in all directions.

However, when those second-generation students fled around and turned their heads subconsciously, wanting to see if the giant ghost was chasing them, they discovered that the first-generation students who were still spraying with them just now It was Qiqi who stood there dumbfounded.

Although they were still arguing just now, compared with life and death, a mere quarrel is not a big deal.

Seeing that their apprentices seemed to have forgotten to run away because of fear, many of them immediately stopped and shouted loudly.

"Hey! First graders! What are you still doing there!?"


"The giant void is not something we low-grade students can handle, and even the seniors who are sixth-generation students may not be its opponents!"

"Leave the enchantment as soon as possible and seek the assistance of the god of death who is on duty in the surrounding area, which is the most correct choice!"

Voices of persuasion kept ringing in the mouths of the second-generation students.

Some kind-hearted students even gritted their teeth and hurried back to the one who was closest to him, pulling on the other person's sleeves, as if they were trying to pull him away, and they couldn't help mumbling.

"I'm so stupid, why did I come back to save you idiots at this time!?"

"You kid, you'd better live a good life for me, don't disappoint my determination to risk your life, bastard!"

However, they haven't waited for them to drag away those freshmen who "stand still" in place.

The next second, a picture that shocked them extremely appeared before their eyes.

When the second rebirth came to these first rebirths and saw their eyes.

They found that the fear in the eyes of these freshmen had all turned into something very familiar to them.

It was something they didn't have, no, maybe it should be said that they had just abandoned it.

Fighting intent!

They actually saw a strong fighting spirit in the eyes of these freshmen.

Just when the second-year students were puzzled, a crisp and sweet drink rang in their ears in an instant.

"The Ninth Way of Binding: Collapsing Wheels: Change!"

Abandon the ghost way of singing! ?

A look of surprise emerged from the eyes of every second-returned student.

This level of ghosts is not common even in special classes of their age.

The first-time students who have only been enrolled for two weeks, actually have such a high level of ghosts?

Looking at the prestige, he found that the one who had just given up on ghost chant was actually a young student, even the youngest student in his life.

They subconsciously want to see what kind of damage the other party's ghost can do to the giant void.

But he saw a silk thread of spiritual seeds, under the control of Nanao, directly gave the giant Xu a tortoise shell bound with both hands cut back!

This is not over yet.

After all, it is a giant virtual world, and it is not comparable to those simulated virtual worlds.

Beng Lun Gai, who was able to strangle Simuxu's neck, only restrained the opponent for less than a second, and then turned into bits of starlight when the opponent broke free.

However, the less than one second that Nanao won was enough.

"Destroy yourself, Rondanini's black dog, burn it completely after reading it, and cut your own throat!"

"The Ninth Way of Binding: Collapsing Wheels: Change!"

There was only a sound of chanting, and Qiqi chanted from the mouths of the other 26 students from the first life.

In the next second, dozens of threads of spiritual particles swept towards the giant void like a dragon roaming in the sky!

...... cut......

PS. Taking the national football team as an example is purely a joke. If there is any offense, please forgive me.

If you make it to the World Cup, Japan Explosive Rock will apologize even more!

Chapter 115 Desperate Crimson Cannon 1/4


The moment the spirit threads all over the sky broke away from the fingers of the first generation, under their control, they either flexibly or clumsily wrapped around the giant void that had just broken free.

If one is not enough, then two.

If two are not enough, four, ten, or even 26!

Although the methods of binding are different, under the control of Yihuisheng, the silk threads of the spirits bound the giant void like a bunch of flowers into an extremely...


If this giant head was replaced by Mikami Yuya, Masa Nagasawa would probably be very interested.


The scene in front of him was indeed a bit jarring. He was just about to take action, but because of his student's outstanding performance, Nagasawa, who was temporarily restrained, could only praise his student.

You guys are so artistic!

And began to worry about his future.

Probably, perhaps, should, Yamamoto would not think that these little guys were taught rope skills by him, right?

He could no longer imagine that when the [-]th Guarding Team of the future goes out to fight, they will bring one rebel army after another, and one head to another head, fun...ah no, it will look like when they are tied up in a fancy way.

However, what Nagasawa Ya didn't know was.

In the future, these first-time students will be like a group of seeds, scattered among Mao and the Gotei [-]. They will thoroughly carry forward his demon-modified Kidō...


For the time being, the future situation will not be shown.

A brother breaks his tendons, his sharpness breaks his heart.

The story that one chopstick can be broken easily, and ten chopsticks can be broken with a little force, I don't think it needs to be repeated.

Although the Hunlun Gai of the first-time students successfully restrained the giant void, their spiritual pressure was still too shallow after all.

A strong oppressive feeling far beyond the ordinary, and a hard skin that gradually hardens.

If you want to completely restrain Ju Juxu with the binding method of the top ten, at least you have to wait until they become official members of the thirteenth team of the guarding team.

Accompanied by one after another roaring sounds that were continuously issued from the giant empty mouth that was tied up in a fancy way, the silk thread that bound it not only failed to cause any damage to it, but actually broke down at a speed visible to the naked eye. stand up.

Seeing that Benglun·Gai failed to succeed in the simulated training, Nanao frowned and prepared to make up for another round of Bindao.


However, just when she raised her arms and tried to gather the spirit, a humiliating scream, mixed with the sound of breaking wind, flew towards their location at an extremely fast speed.

I saw the second reincarnation who had just escaped the fastest, the guy named Itsuki Sakaji Roubang, flying back from the street outside the abandoned hospital at lightning speed.

Immediately afterwards, the second-generation students who had just fled far away and had disappeared ran back at a speed faster than when they escaped, with terrified expressions on their faces.

The first-time students who hadn't figured out the situation even had time to ask, one after another, like giant Hollows driving sheep into a pen, drove the second-time students back.


Looking at the more than ten giant ghosts surrounding it.

Everyone at this moment, let alone pay attention to the giant void that is about to break free from its shackles.

Even if the number of companions around is over half a hundred, it can't bring them any comfort.

"Hey, this number of giant ghosts... is not a joke!"

"Don't talk about us students, even if the official death comes, it will not help!"

"The seniors of the Sixth Generation have not appeared until now, so they must have..."

"It's's all over..."

"Damn it! How could this uncle die here!? My mother in the country, but she has been looking forward to the day when I will become the god of death!"

"Eh? The countryside? Where is your hometown, classmate?"

In the face of desperation, this time, no matter how resolute the mind is, it is inevitable to despair.

Not only the second-generation students who have already collapsed, but even the first-generation students who were struggling to resist just now, there is a glint of despair in their eyes.

However, even so, among the crowd, there are still three people who have not given up hope of life.

Shechang, Nanxu, and Luanju looked at each other, and immediately the three of them fell on the giant Xu who was bound all over his body and was struggling to break free.

If you want to open a gap, you have to start with the weakest one without a doubt.

While you are sick, I will kill you!

I saw Qi Xu suddenly raised her right palm, palm facing outwards, her left hand tightly grasped the raised right wrist as if assisting, chanting words in her mouth.

"King's Lander! The mask of flesh and blood, the Vientiane, the thing that soars high and bears the name of man!"

Hearing the chants coming from my ears, the second-generation students around were all taken aback.

"It's the chant of Chi Cannon!?"

"Impossible, how can a first-year student who has only been enrolled for two weeks use more than No. 30 Ghost Cannon!"

"Don't be brave at this time, if it blows up at such a close distance, we will all be finished!"

"Yes, yes, take a ten thousand step back, even if you successfully use the red cannon, beginners will not be able to hit the target accurately, even if we are second-born..."

However, Nanao didn't care about the doubts around her at all, and just continued to chant on her own.

"Scorching and strife, across the sea to the south, step forward!"

"Broken Road 31: Red Cannon!"

Accompanied by a firm chant, she drank it from Nanao's mouth, and the powerful Reiatsu shone with red light, like a cannon shooting into the sky, burst out from her hand!

Chi Cannon's chant has already touched the threshold of the middle-level ghost way. Even Nagasawa Masa, the ghost way teacher, did not teach the ghost way when the freshmen were only enrolled for two weeks.

That is to say, Nanao, who is a genius of ghosts, learned this trick from a certain female Shinigami who often met in the library and wore glasses on the premise of completing her own studies.

However, although she has practiced many times in private, this is the first time she has used the Red Cannon in actual combat.

Looking at the spirit shells flying towards the giant void, Nanao was extremely nervous at this moment.

please!Must hit!


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