Especially in the conversation between Captain Unohana Retsu, the captain of the fourth division who came to the rescue, and his deputy captain Yamada Seinosuke, it was revealed that the White Daxu who fought with Nagasawa Masaru was probably at least at the level of Achucas. This explosive news after.

This feeling turned into crazy worship

No, class hadn't even officially started yet, and the sophomore students were running around telling each other with extreme excitement.

Almost overnight, all Mao's students knew that under the guidance of Masa Nagasawa, the rookie who had only been enrolled for less than three weeks had the initial capital to fight against the giant ghost.

And as their teacher, Nagasawa Ya, was able to use his own strength to fight against the Daxu they had only seen in the book, and only the royal family spies could fight against it!

Come to think of it, this is actually quite natural.

For example.

When going out to drink and brag, even if you are not awesome enough, you have to name some awesome friends, or even friends who are not considered friends, at most, people who met once, to prove your awesomeness.

In this regard, the second-generation students have played a similar role.

On the other hand, the first-time students.

In the simulated training the night before, this group of young students who had just entered Mao had just experienced a very frightening night.

Fortunately, no one was injured or injured, which made them excited, and they were able to re-invest in their studies the next day.

Looking at the seniors and sisters all around, and feeling the eyes of curiosity, surprise, envy, astonishment, contempt, hostility, etc. from all around, the students in the first class of freshmen were extremely nervous.

However, they had been excited all night, and before they had time to recall the battle last night, they suddenly experienced the feeling of "being famous overnight".

This couldn't help but make them nervous, but also secretly happy in their hearts.

It's the joy that comes from being recognized.

It's just that the joy on their faces was replaced by astonishment before it lasted long.


When a figure appeared in the training ground, the originally noisy environment was silenced instantly.

Immediately, it was as if a basin of clear water had been poured into the boiling oil pan, and it burst open in an instant.

"Is it Nagasawa Sanchi!?"

"Eh!!!??? Isn't Class [-]'s class in vain?"

"Are Nagasawa Sanchi ready to fully take over the teaching work of Class [-]!?"

"Damn it! Why is it that only the first class is treated like this!? It's a shady scene! This is a shady scene!"

"I'm so envious... Teacher, I want to downgrade..."

Nagasawa, who was hanging her arms, didn't pay any attention to the students who were watching, and walked into the training ground with a very happy mood, whistling.

Not only the onlookers, but even the students in Nagasawa Ya's class showed surprise.

But in the next second, the surprise was replaced by a burst of excitement.

"Long... Nagasawa-sensei!?"

"Isn't this a free lesson from Mr. Nara?"

"Could it be that this festival is about ghosts?"

Although they failed to defeat the giant Hollow last night, the improved Kidō taught by Masa Nagasawa made them extremely happy when facing the simulated Hollow.

What does it mean to play with applause?

That was it last night.

For the first time, these newcomers to Mao experienced the power of improving ghosts.

Seeing the appearance of Nagasawa Masa, who is a teacher of ghosts, even Ranju, who is not good at ghosts, has a desire for knowledge blooming in his eyes.

It's just that unlike these excited students, Nanao's eyes are full of worry.

She asked quickly with concern on her face, "Mr. Nagasawa, are you injured?"

After the big battle last night, she had never seen Nagasawa Ya again. At this moment, she suddenly saw Nagasawa Ya's "tragedy situation", and her heart was suspended on the spot.

Because of last night's excellent performance, even though Nanao is still young, she has gradually gathered her prestige in class one.

Seeing that the other party opened his mouth, the students who had been chattering just now seemed to have finally healed the injury on Nagasawa's body, and immediately became concerned about it.

Hearing this, Nagasawa first glanced at Nanao who was a little nervous, and then remembered the information he had prompted last night when he checked the progress of the fate value acquisition.

[Slightly change the fate of Ise Nanao, the deputy captain of the future first team, and get 30 fate points. 】

[Because of family changes, Ise Nanao, who has been taciturn since she was a child, is not a girl who is good at expressing her emotions. 】

【Overhearing your words, she, who kept her heart tightly shut, gradually developed feelings of gratitude and longing for you. 】

[After comprehending the true meaning of the strong, Ise Nanao is determined to give up the shallow fight that is not suitable for her, and walk out a path that belongs to her alone. 】

[Relying on skilled ghosts, solid white fights, and flexible Shunpo, Ise Nanao won the grade chief for six consecutive years, and successfully graduated with the highest credits since the establishment of Mao. 】

[When filling in the application for joining the team, Ise Nanao, who wanted to follow in your footsteps, chose the sixth team, willing to give up the seat of the seat officer, and noted at the end of the application "I hope to follow Nagasawa as an ordinary player About three seats." 】

[When Jingle Shunsui saw Ise Nanao's volunteering to join the team, he, who was also a fun person, collapsed on the spot. Knowing how unreliable you are, he fell into a kind of despair that his daughter would fall into a fire pit. 】

...... cut......

PS. I placed a recommendation, but I was knocked back to the street, woo woo woo...

Chapter 126 Everyone Loves Masa Nagasawa

Should it be said that Nanao is indeed a character who can be involved in the "main plot"?

Although Nagasawa didn't feel how he changed the opponent's fate, she still provided him with 30 points of fate.

Looking at the concerned eyes around her, Nagasawa subconsciously glanced at the props he used to win sympathy.

When I ran away from the old man in the morning, I didn't think too much and ran back to Mao directly.

It turned out to be a good thing. Mr. Nara, who taught the white beating, had a bad stomach and squatted on the toilet, unable to get out.

I could only use a ghost channel similar to [Tenting Kongluo] to send him a message, and asked him to help with the lesson. With nothing to do, he simply ran to the training ground.

It's just that what Nagasawa didn't expect was that the props he used to win Yamamoto's sympathy did not deceive Yamamoto very much, but instead made his students feel distressed.

Nagasawa, who didn't want to explain too much, just smiled slightly.

"It's just a small injury, it's fine."

As he said that, he neither chased him away nor answered the students around who clamored to come to his class, nor did he say the sentence that the students were looking forward to, "Ms. Nara, who taught Baitao today, is sick. ghost way".

He just chuckled indifferently and said, "Teacher Nara has some personal matters. He asked me to help with this wasted lesson."

As soon as this remark came out, no matter whether it was the students in Nagasawa Ya's class or the students watching around, even if it wasn't what they most hoped for, it was also the most curious ghost class, which still attracted the attention of the students. Cheers.


"Although it's not a ghost class, as long as it's Mr. Nagasawa, I can accept it even if it's learning flower arrangement!"

"Damn it, can the teacher in our class also ask Mr. Nagasawa to take over the get out of class?"

"It's not fair! Why does Mr. Nagasawa only lead one class!"

"Eh? So this festival is for nothing?"

From the cheering look, it was completely impossible to tell that just a week ago, they were still questioning whether Nagasawa was qualified to be their teacher.

In just one week, Nagasawa conquered this group of picky children.

Different from the appearance when he was in the team, in Mao, Nagasawa Masa still has the consciousness to be a teacher.

Because he has always remembered one crucial thing.

Something like this must not be left behind.

In "BLEACH", a work in which compulsion means everything, whoever falls first will lose.

First to appease the excited students, and immediately, Nagasawa Masa looked at the crowd, imitating Aizen's appearance in class, and asked in a very friendly tone.

"So, does anyone want to come up and try first?"

Hearing this, the students below were completely blown away.

"Me, me, me! Teacher Nagasawa, choose me, choose me!"

"Teacher, since I was young, I have punched Nanshan Nursing Home and kicked Beihai Kindergarten. I have developed a solid foundation in white fighting. Please teach me!"

"Brother, you are so strong for nothing, so don't argue with me. Mr. Nagasawa, I have been weak since I was a child. I finally got into Mao and am preparing to show off my skills. However, it has always been my weakness. I am really lagging behind in the four majors of Zhanquan Zougui, and I hope the teacher can give me more guidance!"

"Teacher, don't listen to their nonsense. These guys are strong enough to kill a cow. We female students should practice white beating well. You don't want to see us being beaten by others before we don't have our own shallow beating. Bullying, right?"

"Teacher, are Geminis so powerful!?"

Under the envious eyes of many onlookers, the students of the first class of freshmen raised their hands high, as if they were afraid that Nagasawa would not see them.

Among them, Luanju and Shechang called the most fiercely.

Seeing this, Chang Zeya first glanced at the student who was said to be "weak since childhood", but was two meters tall and about the same height as Zhong Kui.

He felt that this classmate had some misunderstanding about the term "frail since childhood"?

Immediately, his eyes fell on Rangiku and Kijo.

It's not the teacher's preference, he just wants to see the level of the two most comprehensive strengths in the class.

After thinking for a moment, he said to Ranju, "Student Matsumoto, come first."


Seeing that Nagasawa called her name, Luan Ju jumped up from her seat excitedly.

However, just as she was about to go on stage, Nanao, who was sitting next to her, suddenly grabbed her sleeve.

Luan Ju, who was suddenly grabbed by someone, was stunned for a moment, and then she turned her head to look at her best friend next to her with some doubts, her face was full of doubts.

I saw that Nanao first glanced at Luanju who was looking at her, then turned her head, looked at Nagasawa Ya, and asked with some worry.

"Mr. Nagasawa, is your injury really okay?"

The scale of the battle last night was no joke.

Even now recalling the escaping spiritual pressure, Nanao still has lingering fears.

After going through such a big battle, Nagasawa didn't cultivate well, and even came to teach them...

Although she is not arrogant enough to think that Luan Ju can hurt Nagasawa Masa, Nanao is very worried that Nagasawa Masa will be involved in physical injuries when teaching.

After hearing Nanao's words, the students below also showed a sudden look.

While feeling guilty, they also felt that having a teacher like Nagasawa was definitely the greatest blessing in their lives.

Even Luan Ju, who was the most active just now, was a little hesitant, wondering if he should play or not.

Seemingly unwilling to add too much psychological burden to the students, Nagasawa smiled and said.

"It's okay, I'm a teacher, but I'm very strong, it's okay."

With that said, he waved to Rangiku, indicating that she could come up.

Looking at Nagasawa Ya's actions, there was a flash of hesitation in Luanju's eyes, she subconsciously looked towards her best friend, hoping that Nanao could give her some advice.

Who knew that after hearing Nagasawa Masa's words, Nanao seemed to fully agree with Nagasawa Masa's words, she just nodded her head to Ranju, then stared ahead, and sat there quietly, No more words.

When a person is faced with a decision, what he needs most is not someone who can help him make a decision, but someone who agrees with the decision he made.

Luan Ju never thought of herself as a smart child, but she saw that whether it was Masa Nagasawa or Nanao who was smarter than her, she affirmed her choice.

She immediately regained her previous vitality and strode onto the stage with her head held high.

Looking at the excited Rangiku, Nagasawa Masaru seemed to recall the scene last night when Rangiku fought against the heroes and suppressed the second-generation students with his own power, and almost couldn't help but laugh out loud.

It's like wanting to see if Luan Ju's kung fu is as powerful as her mouth.

I saw Nagasawa softly laughing at Luanju who was eager to try.

"Student Matsumoto, you don't need to worry about the teacher, just attack with all your strength."

I didn’t ask you to take that! .jpg

...... cut......

PS. The engraving in the last chapter is probably just a joke. I don’t know how to write it down. If someone really writes a book, please circle me. I want to read it too hahahahahaha!

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