Kiyohara Fang finished, and continued: "It's just that, when she served as the commander-in-chief of secret maneuvers, Sifengyuan Yeyi, she used the reason that 'it is safer to disperse all the seals in one place than to manage them in one place'" , transferred part of the sealing mechanism to the hands of the head of the first-generation Technology Development Bureau..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment before saying: "Although the two of them 'leaved' Seireitei after that, their original actions were not reversed, but continued."

Duan Mu nodded, he didn't know much about Wujian, he only knew that this was the place where someone would be imprisoned in the future.

It is said that it is a space where only darkness exists...or to be more precise, it is a space where even darkness cannot be recognized, there is no up, down, left, and right, and no gravity.

The prisoners who are locked in will be bound by the "Binding Chair", with their limbs bound and their facial features closed. It is more appropriate to say that they are sealed rather than imprisoned.

"However, we basically don't pay much attention to Wujian now."

Qing Yuanfang smiled and said: "Because more than half of the binding chairs and seals are personally in charge of the director of the Technology Development Bureau, we are only responsible for the daily inventory and maintenance of the seals we manage, so we seldom discuss about Wujian. thing."

After all, he carefully observed Duan Mu's reaction, and found that Duan Mu was not too interested, he was slightly relieved.

Because if Duan Mu proposed to visit 'Wu Jian', he really didn't know whether he should agree or not.

after all……

Wujian is different from other prisons. It is the place where the most dangerous prisoners are held. There are only a few prisoners held there in the Soul World.

However, for these few people, the Soul Society expends an unusually large amount of energy to maintain this space.

In order to make the sinners unable to feel the world, to hide the sinners from the 'world', and make them forget the existence of the 'world', this is a huge hole created by the soul world to 'erasure their existence'.

Even the supervision team in charge of management did not know the origins and names of those prisoners.

There is only one exception.

That was the last prisoner who was locked in more than 240 years ago.

Eight generations of sword eight...

—— Mole City Shuangye! !

"Do not worry."

Duan Mu looked at Qing Yuanfang's expression, understood what he was thinking, and couldn't help laughing: "I'll just ask casually, I won't go to that kind of place, and Captain Broken Bee and Room 46 shouldn't be at ease. let me go."

Qingyuan Fang nodded, Captain Suifeng was lucky to say that he basically treated Duan Mu as his own; but in Room 46 of Mao, they still had a high degree of vigilance and distrust of Duan Mu's boss.

Didi, didi, didi~~~

At this moment, a burst of alarm sounded suddenly.

Duan Mu and Qing Yuanfang looked in the direction of the siren at the same time, and saw that the device that sent the alarm was the surveillance device that Nagano Huaxiu had brought from home.

The two walked behind Nagano Huaxiu and found that Nagano Huaxiu was looking at the monitor with a puzzled expression.

"Strange? False positive?"

"what happened?"

Kiyohara Fang asked with some doubts.

"Didn't Boss Duan Mu ask me to help him pay attention to that Su Chuanyu, so I set up a special reminder for him, as long as he appears around him, the alarm will be issued as soon as possible." Nagano Huaxiu looked at the big screen. , and muttered: "Maybe there is something wrong with my operation, and a false alarm just appeared."

"It's normal, even the Technology Development Bureau often has false alarms, so don't worry about it." A member of the supervision team on the side laughed.

Fu Zhuhong echoed: "Indeed, I have also received false reports here."

"This is normal, don't worry about it."


Nagano Huaxiu nodded her head listening to her colleague's words, but before she could reply, Duan Mu's voice suddenly reached her ears.

"Wait, can this image go backwards?"


Nagano Huaxiu was taken aback, then nodded subconsciously: "Yes."

"Go back for half a minute and let me see."


Nagano Huaxiu didn't ask any more questions, but directly adjusted the image to go backwards.


Duan Mu raised his hand and pointed at the screen, "Expand this place."

Nagano Huaxiu did as he said, and the surrounding supervision team members all gathered together and looked at the big screen, only to see a black-haired man in a strange costume appeared on the big screen, like a cursed doll Ordinary little girl.

"Yuan Fang, what do you think?" Duan Mu asked Qing Yuanfang beside him.

Although the address was a bit weird, Qing Yuanfang didn't care, shook his head and said, "It should be a whole."

"It is indeed whole."

"A 'whole' is nothing to see."


When everyone heard this, they immediately lost interest.

Duan Mu couldn't help but smile, looked at the young man who said 'all' was nothing to see, and said, "Liu Chuan, didn't you always want to move out of the dormitory and buy a house in Seireitei by installments?"

"Huh?" Liu Chuan was slightly taken aback.

"The additional remuneration for this thing is enough for you to pay for a down payment on a two-bedroom house with a yard."


As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the surveillance department couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then their expressions changed.

"You mean..." Qing Yuanfang was taken aback, "Is this a Xu?"


Duan Mu turned around and picked up the Zanpakuto from the sofa, and said, "Notify the Jinyinhui that I'm going to Kongza Town, just say..."

"Grand`Fisher appeared."


Chapter 143 Qichuanjiu’s Resentment

In a district, the Jinyinhui is resident.

"Grand`Fisher appeared? Is it really Grand`Fisher? How is my Jiuer?"

As soon as he entered the residence of the Golden Seal Association, President Xi Chuan greeted him anxiously, and he came up with a series of inquiries, but before Duan Mu could figure out how to answer, he hurriedly said:

"No, you don't need to explain to me, why are you still here? Go to this world quickly, why are you still dawdling!?"


The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, I didn't even have time to say a word after I got here, why did I become a dawdler instead?

"I still need to apply for a limit first..."

"What are you applying for... You don't need to apply. Just leave as soon as possible, Uncle Duan Mu!!"

President Xi Chuan picked up Duan Mu and ran in, while running, he said: "I will let the nobles handle the matter of lifting the restriction, and you will go to the world immediately for me."

President Xi Chuan dragged his slightly bloated figure and ran so fast that Duan Mu couldn't help but be a little surprised. After all, he usually puts on airs and does everything without rushing, giving people a very calm look. Feel.

The aristocratic association that Chairman Xi Chuan said was called the "Nobles' Association" in full, and it was an institution under the jurisdiction of the Jinyin Nobles' Association.

But on the bright side, the Noble Conference and the Gold Seal Noble Conference are two different institutions, both of which have the same system of president and councilors, and even have separate residences, which are in the same area as the Gold Seal Noble Conference.

The reason why it is so troublesome is actually to show the difference between the four nobles and other nobles, and to highlight the nobility of the four nobles.

All matters related to the four nobles, whether it is household registration, marriage application, or family matters, are all in charge of the 'Golden Seal' noble meeting.

The general nobles, no matter the upper, middle or lower ranks, are in charge of the noble meeting.

Although the president of these two meetings is President Xi Chuan alone.

In fact, normally speaking, he should be called the president of the noble association. After all, the four nobles are a minority, and the chance of him appearing as the president of the Golden Seal Association is still very small...

However, in order to show his identity, he completely referred to himself as the president of the Golden Seal Society.

Closer to home.

In this way, Duan Mu was pushed into the world-transmitting gate abruptly by Chairman Xi Chuan after he only said a word.

"meet again."

Looking at the butterfly that landed on his palm, Duan Mu said hello.

In order to avoid emergencies, Duan Mu has no Hell Butterfly available, and this Hell Butterfly Gold Seal will be assigned to him. Although it cannot be taken away, only he can use it.

As soon as he entered the Broken Realm, Duan Mu turned Shunbu and quickly walked towards the present world.


He finally remembered why the last time he heard Omaeda discussing matters related to it with his subordinates, he felt that this code name sounded familiar.

He didn't pay much attention to it before, but when he saw the surveillance video called up by Nagano Huaxiu, he remembered why this ghost, code-named Grand`Fisher, made him feel familiar.

While using Shunpo, Duan Mu took out the magic command machine.

The above information was sent to him by the supervision team and the Technology Development Bureau.


This is the code name given by the Technology Development Bureau.

It first appeared in the present world 48 years ago. During these 48 years, the death gods sent to the present world have been swallowed and repelled by it.

Its hunting method is to hide itself, use the head to produce mimic bait to pretend to be human, and eat those who can see his mimic bait.

And he is born with a kind of mimicry, the skill of concealing spiritual pressure, coupled with his extremely cautious personality, he will not love to fight every time whether he succeeds in devouring or not, and always rushes to escape from the world before the arrival of support.

Therefore, after 48 years, it still has not been killed, but has devoured many gods of death dispatched to the present world.

For example, when Duan Mu was in Omaeda's office, when he heard this code name for the first time, it was because the team members sent by the [-]th Division to Karakura Town were swallowed by it.

However, it is precisely because of it that I got online with President Xi Chuan, thus making the business of Master House among the nobles.

From a certain point of view, the Xu code-named Grand`Fisher actually helped Duan Mu a lot.

And the reason why Duan Mu remembers it is entirely because...

The mother of a certain king in the future died in its hands.

Although in the case of that mother, even without it, the final result would not be very good.

At this moment, a ray of light appeared at the end of the passage, and the turbid air filled with waste sources rushed towards his face. Seeing this, Duan Mu directly injected spiritual pressure into his clothes.

have to admit...

Kisuke Urahara is really insightful in these messy research.

This set of clothes only needs to input a weak spiritual pressure, and it can show a state similar to that of a spiritual child, making itself invisible like a normal god of death.

When he was ready, Duan Mu jumped out from the boundary-crossing gate.

"here it is……"

Duan Mu looked down at the magical command machine in his hand, and found that this was the Tsubakidai District of Karakura Town, and the location where Duan Mu appeared was a high school playground.

huh huh huh~~~

Unlike the clear sky in the world of corpses and souls, it is raining cats and dogs in this world.

One by one, the youthful high school students walked out of the teaching building with umbrellas in hand, complaining repeatedly.

"When will the rain stop? It's been raining for three days."

"I hope it will continue like this. When the river between Kuzawa Honmachi and Minamigawase rises again, I won't use it for school."

"Let's just dream, what does the swell of the river bank between Minamigawase and Karaza Honmachi have to do with Gakuencho, where Kazukaka Karaza is located?"

"Of course it has something to do with it. I come to school every day, but I have to go from Minamigawase to Karaza Honmachi Station first, and then I come to school by train."


Looking at the high school students who kept passing by, Duan Mu couldn't help feeling rejoicing.

Although this suit of clothes on my body can be seen by ordinary people, and there will be no news about "perverts invading high school campuses", but a person jumping out of thin air will inevitably cause commotion.


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