But all this was seen by Dio,

He does not allow JOJO to obtain happiness,

Stopped Alina on the road.

Forcefully kissed Alina in front of everyone,

Dio couldn't help laughing after his conspiracy succeeded.

"It wasn't JOJO who took away your first kiss! It was me, Dio!!"

Unexpectedly, Alina used the muddy water on the roadside to wash her lips that had been kissed.

Dio is furious!

Because I grew up in poverty,

What he can't stand the most is others looking down on him! !

Alina's actions obviously touched Dio's bottom line!

Dio punched Alina away!

"Damn it! I, Dio, am actually disliked by a woman!"

Dio gave Alina a vicious look and left the scene.

Alina was also shameless (bjfd) when facing JOJO because of her first kiss, and deliberately avoided him.

JOJO's anger level is full after knowing the truth.

I found Dio and punched him directly, but I got punched instead.

Dio looked at JOJO with disdain,

"Trash like you is no match for me!"

JOJO thought of all the evil deeds Dio did to her,

The small universe instantly erupted with a righteous headbutt, causing Dio's nose to bleed everywhere.

Then came a set of punch combinations where Dio couldn't take care of himself.

Dio's blood was splashed on the stone ghost mask,

The stone ghost mask suddenly reacted and grew spikes.

JOJO didn't have time to see it clearly,

Dio took out a knife and was about to stab JOJO!

Then suddenly Sir George appeared,

Stopped all this,

The stone ghost mask was also restored to its original state.

But how could Dio get beaten in vain?

When no one was looking, he

Put JOJO's pet dog in the furnace and burn it to death!

Everyone thought it was a thief.

Only JOJO himself knows clearly,

Now there are no more dogs or women...

Seven years passed in this way.


In the hell in the world of Jackie Chan's Adventures,

The Holy Master, who was educating his precious son with the Big Bitou, was stunned when he saw Dio's video.

I thought my son was already the most dutiful son in the world.

Unexpectedly, Dio taught him a lesson right away!

At this time, the demon dragon was about to be beaten to death.

Looking at Dio on the screen, he slowly gave a thumbs up!



In the world of One Piece,

Luffy and the others had just defeated Doflamingo.

Looking at Dio on the screen, I couldn't help but be shocked!

Although filial piety is not uncommon in the world of pirates,

But people like Dio are second to none!

Luffy pointed at the screen and couldn't help but complain!

"Nani! This guy has gone too far?!

Doflamingo would say he was an expert after seeing what he was doing! "

At this time, Doflamingo in the deep sea prison sneezed.

"Good guy... who is thinking about me?! Could it be that Dio thought of me after seeing this?!

But to be honest, this guy is a bit interesting...hehe..."


Later, Dio and JOJO spent seven years in peace,

JOJO seven years later,

His physical fitness is different from ordinary people.

JOJO and Dio have become the best combination in this school.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are the two stars with the best relationship.

In the eyes of JOJO,

Although nothing happened with Dio for seven years,

But he clearly felt that Dio didn't have any feelings for him as a friend!

The screen turns,

Sir George is seriously ill in bed,

It's obviously just a common cold, but I always have chest cramps and swollen fingers.

Looking at JOJO and Dio surrounding the hospital bed,

Sir George, who was seriously ill, couldn't help but feel very relieved.

“Both my sons are so good now;

Dad is proud of you!Especially Dio!

Do what you want to do after graduation,

I will not be stingy in supporting you,

After all we are a family! "

At this time, Dio showed a "kind" look in his eyes,

JOJO understands that this guy Dio must have bad intentions! .

Chapter 193 Dio’s Famous Scene I’m no longer a human being! !Uchiha Izuna follows suit!

It is true,

Of course, ordinary funding cannot satisfy Dio’s appetite.

What he wants is all the assets of the Jonathan family!

Dio kept a low profile for seven years in order to inherit his assets.

Just waiting for this day of adulthood!

In order to achieve his goal, Dio had already replaced Sir George's medicine with chronic poison.

But JOJO accidentally found an envelope,

Breaking Dio's plan.

JOJO discovered that Dio’s biological father also died of a strange disease.

The symptoms are exactly the same as those of my father!

Angry JOJO found D-io,

At this time, Dio just took the poison and prepared to give it to Sir George.

"Is there something wrong with the medicine in your hand?"

Dio is worthy of being a good brother who was born a saint but was born evil.

Taunting JOJO without blushing or heart beating,

"JOJO! We have been friends for so many years, and you still doubt me?"

Angry JOJO doesn’t do this at all,

Forcing Dio to swear to his dead father.

This directly angered Dio,

Dio punched JOJO in the face!

But now JOJO is no longer what it used to be.

Dio's punch was unharmed to JOJO.

JOJO threw this beast that killed his father downstairs,

He's going to test this potion,

If there is really a problem,

I will personally send Dio to prison!

Because the ingredients of this potion are difficult to decipher,

JOJO starts from home,

He wants to find the merchant who sells potions and the antidote.

After learning about this, Dio wanted to use the ghoul mask at home to kill JOJO.

Because this mask will grow spikes when it comes into contact with blood.

This made Dio mistakenly think it was a torture device...

Dio, who was afraid that JOJO would learn the truth and his conspiracy would be exposed, resorted to drinking to drown his sorrows.

Two unlucky guys walked towards Dio and bumped into him.

Dio is worried that he has nowhere to vent his anger.

With a swipe of the bottle, the fat man in front of him exploded on his head.

When the thin man saw this, he took out a knife and tried to resist.

At this moment, Dio suddenly had a terrible thought in his mind.

"Hahaha... just right! Try it on you first!"

After saying that, Dio put the mask on the thin man's face.

The moment the blood dyed the mask red,

The mask activates and emits a dazzling white light,

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