I am a motherless child,

And my handsome father is also a single man without a wife! ! ! !


In the world of One Piece,

Luffy was eating the dishes served by Sanji.

After watching the video from the sky,

A burst of laughter suddenly appeared on his face! !

"Hahahahaha, hahahahahaha, this little girl is so cute, I really want to recruit her to be our crew member!!!"

After everyone sitting on the deck heard Luffy's words,

They all had very strange expressions on their faces,

Apparently they didn't want a crew like this,

Zoro, who had the most dull reaction, expressed his opinion at this moment,

"After all, Aniya is a person in another world and cannot have anything to do with our world, so don't bring up such thoughts again."

Luffy, who was eating a piece of meat, thought for a moment and then came up with his own idea.

I saw an extremely confident smile on his face,

"It doesn't matter. Since there is no way to turn Aniya into our crew and our partner, then we can find someone who has the same mind-reading skills as Aniya and is also a cute little girl. Be our partner." Is that enough?!"

Everyone on the boat showed extremely shocked expressions.

Sanji is smoking,

Then he put out the cigarette butts in his hand all at once.

He ran in front of Luffy,

He pressed Luffy's head and said,

"You guy, do you know what you are talking about? This is a criminal act. This is a crime, you idiot!!!!"

Luffy resisted while being pinned down on the dining table,

While putting the piece of meat in his hand into his mouth, he kept chewing it.

Some angrily said to everyone,

"What, this won't work, and that won't work either. Do you think I'm useless as a captain?!!!"

"Anyway, I have decided that I must find a partner like this!!"

Others just thought there was such a little girl on board,

It's really an inconvenience,

And the other party can know a lot of information through mind reading.

What if it's an undercover agent from another pirate group or navy?

That would be bad.

But on the ship,

There is only one person who is the most frightened.

That is Usopp who likes to lie the most.

He knew that if this girl who could read minds,

Once you really become their partner,

It is inevitable to live together,

In that case, wouldn't your lies be easily exposed by the other party?


At this moment, he stood up suddenly and loudly stopped the topic from continuing.

"Captain, maybe the whole world will be connected in the future. Wouldn't it be better to invite the other party to become our partner at that time!!"

What Usopp said,

Only he knows it in his heart,

This is a complete and utter lie,

All the worlds are connected together,

That is simply impossible to happen!

Usopp did this,

Purely because of Aniya's mind-reading ability, the great pressure caused by the secret being revealed,

make him afraid,

For others,

Ania's mind-reading ability is just an auxiliary ability that allows people to reveal secrets without knowing it.

But it has a natural restraint effect on all such people,

This is called attribute suppression.

Just like Usopp, an extremely negative person, has a natural repression towards ghost fruit holders,

Usopp is also afraid of those who have the ability to read minds!

Usopp didn't know at this moment,

What changes will this video from the sky bring?

In front of my own name, my future,

There will be one more divine word!

And he will also be the one who makes a comeback in desperate situations,

Last hope! ! !


In the Wanjie chat group:

The goddess Athena who really wants to rub Anya’s little face:

"What did little Aniya eat to grow up on? Why can she be so cute? She's almost as cute as a foul."

"Especially that little expression just now, it's just a foul, it's a foul, come on, come to me, let me rub your face well!!!"

Jiraiya, who likes to say nonsense the most:

"It seems that the goddess Athena can't wait to become Aniya's mother, but it seems to be a pity that Aniya's mother has already been chosen."

Saint Seiya who protects the goddess Athena:

"A goddess will not be someone else's mother. How can you be so disrespectful to the goddess Athena!!!"

Ania looked full of surprise:

"Does the goddess Athena want to be Ania's mother? But there is already a candidate for the mother. Otherwise, the goddess Athena should be Ania's sister. Ania really wants a girl like the goddess Athena. , such a beautiful sister!!!”

Death student Conan:

"The sentence you just said was that Aniya is so lonely without a mother. Where did you read it? Could it be that you made it up yourself?"

Nanny robot Doraemon:

"It sounds like an irresistible feeling."

Aniya's eyes were full of fright:

"No male mothers, no male mothers!!!"



Chapter 027 I don’t want people to know that I’m single, so just kill them all!

With Aniya's god-like assistance, the two people explained each other's purpose.

Joel wants a handsome and handsome man,

Pretend to be your male partner and go to a party organized by your colleagues.

In the evening, Joel needs to pretend to be his wife and participate in the interview for admission to Aniya School.


By such a coincidence,

The two finally reached a common goal.

However, on the day we agreed with Joel,

Dusk suddenly received an urgent task from the organization.

In order to avoid being late for the appointment with Joel,

This time, Dusk had to complete the task while heading to the place agreed with Joel.

When the tasks are not completed yet,

He hurried over in a hurry.

But he happened to run into Joel who was being made things difficult for his female colleague.

Not only did the female colleague slander Joel that he might be a spy sent by other countries,

And they also stated that they would truthfully tell Joel’s brother,

Joel came to this party alone;

The attitude is extremely acrimonious,

For a moment, Joel felt very disgusted.

He even wanted to kill everyone present.

In this way, you can avoid the situation where your younger brother finds out that you are single!

Seeing everyone discussing things about Joel,

Let Joel stay here more and more on pins and needles,

Just when Joel wanted to turn around and leave,

The door behind Joel was violently pushed open.

Wearing a green suit at dusk,

A man with blood on his head and face came in,

He said to everyone present,

"I'm so sorry I'm late!"

"I'm Joel's husband, Lloyd Folger!"

The husband of a female colleague came over and said,

Passing the tissue to the dusk in front of me,

He said somewhat helplessly,

"Mr. Folger, you're bleeding."

Dusk took the tissue,

Wiped the blood on his head,

He said a little apologetically,

"Sorry, I was in a hurry just now. As a psychiatrist, you will always encounter such rude patients. Did you have fun, Joel?"

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