Ah, what a shame!

"What are you doing? Erina."

She rolled and rolled on the bed in shame, but the appearance of a voice made her feel like she was struck by lightning. She moved her eyes stiffly to the door of the room, and happened to meet Nakiri Alice's smiling eyes.

"I, my back is a little itchy, what are you doing here?"

Embarrassed and found a far-fetched excuse, Nakiri Erina obviously didn't want to continue on this topic. She was too embarrassed to say anything about being forcibly kissed.

"You took my boyfriend away, why don't I come here to find him?"

"Boy friend?"

"Hoshino Sora, I went to Yaoriliao to look for him in the morning, and was told that he was working as your little secretary. Where is Fei Sha? I finally couldn't stand you anymore, so did you leave?"

Looking around the room, Nakiri Alice asked doubtfully, but the tone and tone of her words were very irritating.

"What? What! Fei Shasha traveled because he wanted to improve his cooking skills. It's not because you said you can't stand me!"

"Maybe it's just an excuse."

Nakiri Alice said in an angry voice.

"That's not an excuse! It's you, did your little follower abandon you? Why do you get together with Hoshino Sora every day and become boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Hmph, I like Kong-kun more than Ryo-kun. Isn't it normal to be with him? But you, how can you steal someone else's boyfriend to be your secretary? Do you have a crush on him?"

There was some vigilance in his eyes. He just told Hoshino Sora about Nakiri Erina yesterday, why did he come here today?Don't tell Erina all the bad things she said to him yesterday.

"So what if I like it? So what if I don't like it? Can you care?"

"He is my boyfriend, of course I can control it!"

Alice Nakiri said anxiously, and the experience of having her favorite toy taken away by the other party when she was a child suddenly came to mind.

"The current law supports polygamy for capable people. Even if he is your boyfriend, it does not mean that he cannot associate with other people."

Seeing Alice Nakiri's anxious look, Erina Nakiri suddenly had the idea of ​​teasing her. Who knew this guy just said that Hiisako didn't want her, hum!

"I don't have any objection, but can you accept sharing a man with others?"

Feeling that the opponent's momentum was gaining the upper hand, Nakiri Alice secretly thought something was wrong. She took a deep breath and calmed down, then crossed her arms to increase her momentum and spoke.

"What are you talking about? Come here, I've prepared the ingredients. Mapo Tofu is ready to be cooked soon."

Mapo tofu does not take a long time from making to boiling. In order to let Erina and Alice eat freshly baked Mapo tofu, Hoshino Sora decided to let them wait in the kitchen first.


Seeing Sora Hoshino appearing at the door with a natural look on her face, Erina and Alice were dumbfounded at the same time. After looking at each other, they followed.

"Mapo Tofu, are you going to do this in the semi-finals, Kong-kun? It feels... a bit too ordinary."

I noticed what Sora Hoshino said just now and thought that the theme of the semi-finals was "tofu", but the dish Mapo Tofu was too ordinary.

Classics are very classic, a model of Sichuan cuisine, but no matter how great something is, once it becomes bad, it will no longer be great, at least in terms of people's subjective expectations.

After all, after eating it many times, you are basically familiar with the taste, and the initial surprise is gone.

"My Mapo Tofu is a little different. It's called Hoshino Style Magic Mapo Tofu."

Hoshino Sora remembered it when he was cooking in the morning. After a lot of experiments and memory searches, he remembered the Mapo Tofu at Xiaodang's house, in which the beef was replaced with soybeans.

Seasoning and cooking create a meat-like texture that is indistinguishable from the outside.

Specifically, the soaked soybeans are boiled in beef bone broth, then crushed and flattened, and then the Dominglasa sauce is used to make the flavor a little stronger. If you want to create the texture of the meat, this sauce is very important. At the same time, This sauce is also most commonly used in French goulash.

It is said that in some French restaurants, it takes two or three days just to prepare the Dominglasa sauce.

However, the vegetarian meat made in this way will instantly spread into the pot when making Mapo Tofu. In this way, the meat will not become meat, which is undoubtedly a failure.

If you want to do this well, you must quickly fry the prepared vegetarian meat in oil to lock in the deliciousness of the Domingla sauce and at the same time make it have the appropriate hardness, so that the taste is infinitely close to that of meat. .

The little boss uses ordinary soy sauce and other seasonings for seasoning, because this dish was developed during the famine years, and there were no good ingredients like beef bones for seasoning.

After appropriate improvements, and then comparing the taste of the two, Hoshino Sora clearly felt that his vegetarian meat tasted better, which was considered a proper innovation.

Cuisine should be improved through continuous research.

Quickly fry the vegetarian meat in oil and turn to medium-low heat, then add the bean paste, stir-fry both until fragrant and crispy, then add the onion and ginger ingredients, stir-fry for a while and add the chili noodles.

Add rice wine, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, seasoning, add some water, continue to simmer and add some sugar to enhance the freshness, add the water that was blanched before, one centimeter square tofu, and add a small amount of peppercorns.

This is to unify the overall taste and make the tofu have flavor underneath. This is something Xiangling has emphasized many times, and Hoshino Sora remembers it very well.

Simmer over medium-low heat for a while until the tofu is cooked and the flavor is absorbed. Skill is very important here. The tofu does not fall into pieces, which not only looks good but also tastes more evenly.


Hoshino Sora murmured softly, then took the water starch he had just prepared in his hand and thickened it in three steps. This is also the most critical period for keeping the tofu from falling apart.

Change the technique from push-pull to push, trying to keep the back of the spoon in contact with it.

Hoshino Sora recited the steps in his mind. He has always been rigorous in cooking. Although the dishes produced this way will be a bit old-fashioned, he is still in the learning stage and does not pay attention to innovation.

Twitching her nose, when the pot was extremely hot and almost scorched, she turned off the heat and added the green garlic and stirred it evenly. Next to her, Alice Nakiri brought the plate very discerningly.

Lift the pot and place the Mapo Tofu on a plate. Finally, add a layer of green garlic and Sichuan peppercorns. Use the heat from the very hot Mapo Tofu to scald the freshly added green garlic until it is cooked, stimulating the aroma of the Sichuan peppercorns.

"Stand up."

With a bright color in her eyes, Alice shouted.

I saw the tofu on the table, and the garlic sprouts standing upright in the bowl, emerald green and blue, with a bright oily luster, as if they had just been picked and chopped from the field, vivid and vivid.

This is the movable character in Mapo Tofu!


Just smelling the fragrance makes your body tremble uncontrollably, and your tongue desperately sends out the desired signal.

This was a feeling she had never felt before. Nakiri Erina's eyes trembled slightly, her hands moved uncontrollably, and her heartbeat accelerated a little as she looked at the trembling tofu in the spoon.

Finally, as if she had made up her mind, Erina put the tofu in her hand into her mouth. It was spicy and fragrant. This was the first thing she felt. When she bit her teeth, it was beef...this taste?

“Do you use soybeans to make vegetarian meat?”

"Yes, it tastes great, and it's hard to tell whether it's beef or vegetarian meat made from soybeans."

Hoshino Sora snapped his fingers with a smile on his face, and then explained softly.

"Indeed, even God's Tongue hesitated for a second. The disguise is so similar. Compared with Mapo Tofu made from beef, it can be said that it has a different flavor."

Nakiri Erina nodded in agreement. This improvement is quite good. People who prefer vegetarian food will probably like it.

"Besides this, is there anything else that needs to be improved?"

"Wait a minute, I was just busy eating and didn't even have time to taste the taste. Wait for me to take another bite."

Nakiri Erina said with a blush on her face that because the mapo tofu in front of her was so delicious, she actually forgot to taste its deeper taste.

But what is certain is that Hoshino Sora’s Mapo Tofu is comparable to Kuga Teruki, and even has a slight tendency to surpass it.

This also means that Hoshino Sora has the real fighting power of the Ten Heroes!

However, although Kuga Teruki is in the eighth seat and she is in the tenth seat, this does not mean that she is weaker than Kuga Teruki. It is just that she is the youngest and needs to save some face for her seniors, so she has always been ranked tenth.

"Is there any rice?"

Compared to Erina's talk, Alice seems very quiet. At this time, she just wants a bowl of rice and eats the delicious and warm mapo tofu!

The moment the tofu entered her mouth, she almost fell to the ground due to the strong impact. Fortunately, she held onto the cooking table with her hands in time, so she didn't make a fool of herself in front of the two of them.

The hot and spicy mapo tofu enters the mouth, touches the tongue and then slides into the throat. It is a very wonderful feeling, like experiencing an adventure in the chili kingdom.

Holding a spicy gun to defeat the tofu monster, the pure and extremely spicy flavor makes people want to stop, but the taste is a bit strong and needs to be paired with white rice to reach the real extreme.

"Here comes the white rice~"

Looking at the two sisters with happy expressions, Hoshino Sora's face was filled with smiles. For a chef, being liked by others for his food is undoubtedly the greatest compliment.

"This rice is not steamed well and is not worthy of this dish."

After just smelling it, Nakiri Erina gave such an evaluation, which also poured cold water on Hoshino Sora's hot and excited heart.

"Then I'll start researching rice in the afternoon. Anyway, I have seven days to find the most suitable rice."

Yes, there is also rice. This cannot be done casually. You must make high-quality rice that goes well with this mapo tofu!

He had never paid much attention to this in the past, but when he thought about it carefully, rice seemed to be a very important component of the cuisine, which could affect the dining experience of the guests.

Once you start paying attention to details, there are so many things to pay attention to.

"I think it's okay. Can Erina even eat this?"

"You can smell it just by smelling it. It has a little too much moisture."

Alice, who had finished a bowl of rice in an instant, said this. When she tasted the food, she felt that she had lost all interest in it. She only wanted to eat. When she came back to her senses, the rice in her hands was already empty.

All that's left is a mouthful of spicy flavor.

Although the mapo tofu on the plate was empty, her belly was slightly bulging.

"I'm the taste tester, okay."

Looking at the empty plate in front of her, Nakiri Erina couldn't help complaining that she had only taken two bites!

"Hmph, I can also provide reviews. Starting from today, there will be two taste testers, okay~"

Alice Nakiri spoke on her own initiative. As she spoke, she stood next to Hoshino Sora and reached out to grab his arm.

"Let me make another one. I have prepared a lot of ingredients. You can have as much mapo tofu as you want. You can eat it until you vomit."

Hoshino Sora didn't reply, but just packed up and continued to prepare materials, preparing to cook Mapo Tofu again...

Time passed slowly, the sun rose in the east and set in the west. With a lot of practical operations, Hoshino Sora's understanding of spicy tofu became deeper and deeper, and he also unlocked the rice that is most suitable for Mapo tofu.

"Where is my room?"

Night is coming soon.

After checking the time on her phone, Alice came to Erina's side and blinked her big eyes and asked.

"There's no room for you here."

Erina turned around and said, obviously not planning to let Alice spend the night at her house.

"Well...then I'll stay in your room."

He put his finger on his chin and thought for a long time, then tilted his head and said innocently.

"The innermost room on the second floor."

"What about me, what about me?"

Hoshino Sora also stepped forward and asked a few questions. Yesterday, it was because Erina Nakiri did not assign a room to him, so he had to make do in her room.

"It didn't rain today."

Nakiri Erina couldn't help but remind her.

"It's so late, and no one will open the door for me when I go back. I'll just stay here before the semifinals."

Hoshino Sora said matter-of-factly.

"I agree~"

Alice Nakiri raised her hands in approval loudly.


"Aren't you welcome?"

"You can live in the room next to Alice."

Hoshino Sora also has his own idea, which is to use this opportunity to repair the relationship between the two sisters. To be honest, the relationship between the two sisters is not bad, but there are just some minor misunderstandings.

He said he wanted to repair the relationship, but he had no idea how to do it.

No matter, I have a full week anyway, so let it take its course.

Hoshino Sora thought that he couldn't get the two sisters back together after such a long time?Although it was not impossible, he wanted to try his best.

"Let's continue playing poker in Erina's room tonight."

"I won't lose this time!"

Hearing Hoshino Sora's words, Nakiri Erina said excitedly that if she hadn't been too sleepy yesterday, she wouldn't have fallen asleep. It must have been because she was too sleepy that she was in a bad state and kept losing!

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