Tulin looked at her, smiled softly, and said: "Well, this is not something you should know. So, can you please give me the authority of this world? I think he may soon came back……"

As soon as she finished speaking, Magina felt a familiar wave coming from somewhere.

She instantly realized that just as the other party said, Liu Ji had returned.

The person with the same authority as her is back.

However, he did not come here, but crossed this gap and went directly to the deepest part of the world.

That's where the mirror is.

Magina looked at the component in Tulin's hand and was a little dazed for a moment.

The final parts are here, so why does he...

Just when Magina was in a daze, suddenly, everyone present felt something.

It's a feeling of constant energy.

That's the feeling as the world begins to expand crazily.

It is the feeling of life and vitality bursting from the core of the world.

That's the feeling that the building blocks of creation have been completed...

Turin's smile froze on his face.

He was a little surprised.

No, I was very surprised.

"How is it possible, no, the only building blocks in this world are..." He said, suddenly stopped, his eyes widened, as if he remembered something.

But when he remembered something, his expression became more and more confused, as if there was something he couldn't figure out.

And at this moment, the mutation regenerated.

The expanding vitality came to an abrupt end in an instant. The world area that had just grown and spread collapsed and shattered in an instant. Invisible fluctuations passed through the entire space. The blue sky and earth instantly lost their color. Even the power to control time suddenly stopped. Without Magina's control, the flow of time returned to synchronization with the outside world in the blink of an eye.

Magina was stunned.

She knew exactly what would happen.

There is only one possibility.

The mirror, which is the core building block of the world, was taken away...

No, no, even if you take it away, you can't cut off the connection between the two in such a short period of time.

There is only one possibility.

That mirror was destroyed.

And it seems that the only person who can do this is Liu Ji.

To *307.Dragon or brave man?#



Deep in the dark space, the sound of broken glass mixed with the sound of metal cracking sounded rhythmically.

Looking into the distant depths, Majina's pupils trembled, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Tulin, who came here with her, glanced at her and frowned deeper and deeper.

He never thought of this step...

"Why?" Magina murmured, "Why did you do this..."

no respond.

There was only the sound of metal clicking and glass breaking one after another, becoming more and more fine and faint...

"Answer me! What are you doing!?" Magina took a step forward and raised the staff in her hand. In an instant, a shining light illuminated the entire space.

In the depths of the space, a long, dark dragon was coiling around, looking at the two of them with its emerald green pupils, while moving its mouth gently.

"Did you eat it?" Tulin looked at Liu Ji with an expression of disbelief.

"Eat?" Majina looked at Tulin in astonishment, then turned to look at Liu Ji. Listening to the crunching sound accompanied by the movement of the dragon's jaw, she suddenly discovered that it seemed that it was really like what Tulin said. Yes, Liu Ji ate that mirror.

but why?

She couldn't understand it anymore.

So the artifact used in the creation of the world was eaten like this?

What kind of bad taste is this?

Are there any benefits to doing this?

She still remembered the deal Liu Ji had made with her, giving him half of the world's authority, and he would help her complete the establishment of the entire new world.

She has never doubted the authenticity of this cooperation, because if this world really becomes an independent and complete world, people with world authority will really be equivalent to the gods of the entire world before their souls completely decay.

Becoming a god is enough to satisfy all their fantasies, regardless of whether they are a noble public servant, a noble person who avoids the world, a selfish person who pursues profit, or an ambitious person who pursues fame.

She couldn't think of any reason why people would refuse such a thing.

She has even been afraid that their plan will be exposed to other great mystics. The main reason is because she is afraid that after they join in, in order to pursue this position, they will do something that can ruin everything.

However, she didn't expect that all of this would still happen, in a situation that she couldn't understand at all.

Compared to the confused Magina, Tulin has figured everything out.


He regrets it a little.

"I really didn't expect you to be a true warrior..." He murmured.

"Huh?" Majina looked at Tulin in shock, as if she couldn't understand what the man next to her was saying.

The dragon looked into Tulin's eyes, and one person and one dragon looked at each other, but Tulin felt that the other person was not looking at him at all, but looking at the existence behind him through his eyes.

Turin narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Did you know you were looking for death?" he said coldly.

The giant dragon still didn't reply. He just raised his head and swallowed what was in his mouth.

"You!" Majina immediately took a step forward, but was stopped by Tulin's hand.

He turned to look at Magina with a smile and said, "Don't worry, it's not over yet. Leave it to me. I will make him the core of a brand new world."

Magina was stunned for a moment, took a deep breath, and nodded: "Okay... I will help you and do my best."

Tulin smiled and said nothing, but then turned around and took a step, waving the long knife in his hand and pointing it at the dark dragon.

"Well, I want to be a brave dragon," he said softly, "I miss the time when we worked together. I actually thought it was quite enjoyable, so you really don't think about it and just enjoy your long time. The rest of your life? If you are afraid of being alone, I can even let your true love have eternal life like you, so why should you?"

The dragon slowly raised his body, but ignored Tulin and looked at Magina.

Then, he slowly opened his mouth.

A mysterious language that was completely different from any language Magina had ever known came out of his mouth.

She couldn't understand it, but she could clearly understand the meaning of the language.

"Stop guarding the pasture, leader."

For some reason, Magina was very sure of this sentence. This was what was meant for her.

But she doesn't understand.

She only knew that what was in front of her was the evil dragon that had destroyed the future of the entire world.

Now, she only wants one thing.

That is to make this evil dragon into the core and save the entire world.

The dragon looked at her for a few seconds, said nothing, and just looked away silently.

The next moment, a strong wave came from the dragon's body.

After a while, there was another, and the waves fluctuated like a heartbeat, roaring rhythmically.

And the dragon's body also began to change.

The pitch-black shell began to gradually disintegrate, and gleaming white light burst out from under the dragon's scales. He rose into the air, rolled in the air, roared, and transformed amidst the vibrations.

"Damn it, what is this..." Looking at the giant dragon, Magina couldn't help but take a step back.

The frightening fluctuation actually made her legs and feet feel weak, and the fighting will that she thought was firm was suppressed to the point where she couldn't even lift the staff in her hand.

At this moment, Tulin suddenly said: "You know, the core of the world represents infinity..."

"Ah?" Magina looked at Turin blankly, "What did you say?"

"I said that the core of the world is infinite magic, infinite energy, infinite matter, and infinite ductility..." Turin said softly, "It can present all carriers or carriers within the limit of the carrier. You control what you are trying to present, you should be able to understand, after all, you are also a world-opening mage who created such an excellent world."

"So?" Magina asked, "Of course I know what that mirror represents, so what?"

"So, what do you think happens when the infinite tries to represent the infinite?" Turin continued.

After a brief moment of confusion, Magina's eyes suddenly widened.

She seemed to think of something.

A horrifying conjecture came to mind...

"Wait, you mean..." She stared in astonishment at the giant ball transformed by the dragon, covered with black scales and emitting white light.

"Yes, what is shown is something that is absolutely not allowed to appear," Tulin said softly, "Let's go, the next battlefield is not something you can intervene in, nor can you see. I don't want me to My first sword will be directed at you. After all, the new world always needs a guide..."

Magina was stunned, looked at the giant egg, and then at Tulin. After hesitating for a moment, she waved her staff and disappeared.

By now, she had already guessed it.

All of this has involved a higher level of dispute, a category that neither she nor they can intervene in.

However, at that moment, those words flashed through her mind again.

"Stop guarding the pasture, leader."

Although 308. The rancher’s land game is not based on the horns of the sheep hitting the land 2

Liu Ji had never experienced such a feeling.

He felt that his body was being constantly structured, and then reorganizing itself into some higher level of existence.

The root of the world has infinite possibilities, and the artifact of creation has infinite energy.

When the two become one, it is a complete world.

The person who controls the entire world is a being called a god...

The giant black egg burst open, and Liu Ji opened his eyes and looked at his body.

That pure body...

Unable to transform into sand, unable to transform, none of the forms acquired in the past can continue to be used, and all powers acquired in the past have disappeared...

That feeling was extremely...weak.

"You made a bad move, did you know that?" Tulin said, taking out the long knife in his hand, "The power of the gods is connected with the world. Your world is blank. Now you are just a human being. They are just ordinary people with no godhead."

Liu Ji raised his head, looked at Tulin, smiled, and asked: "So, is this the reason why you want to herd?"

"Yes, it's very simple, just like the purpose of human herding," Tulin shrugged, "So, you should understand that there can only be sheep in the pasture, and there cannot be sheep that want to become humans."

"Are you planning to kill me?" Liu Ji asked.

"Isn't this natural?" Tulin said with a smile, "You had the opportunity to become a false god in the lower world and enjoy everything happily in eternity. This was originally the reward I wanted to give you, but you have come to This step, haha, I can only..."

"Don't come," Liu Ji said softly, "Sooner or later, the tyrant will turn the entire world into a sea of ​​crystal trees. And after the new world is gradually polluted by disasters and brave men who cannot solve it, when When my soul decays to the point where it cannot even maintain its basic self and becomes a container at the core of the world, the tyrant will come, kill me, and then use my body as nourishment to breed an endless army, and then devour the entire world bit by bit. …”

"Ah, haha, uh, you are really smart," Turin smiled, "But... that's better than losing your life now, isn't it?"

"Ha, you still don't understand me," Liu Ji sighed, "That's right. When you chose me to cooperate with you, I should have known that you don't understand me. Do you think I really care when I have come this far? Will I live my own life..."

"You don't care about your life, you should care about the people who care about your life, right?" Tulin said calmly.

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