Unexpectedly, the frantic Lord Nadira arranged for someone to attack the space shuttle.

The murderer is very likely to be Dilla himself as the fiancé!

However, Lord Nadira denied that he was involved with the African Union or that he arranged for his daughter to attack the space shuttle Mina was riding.

Although he strongly denied it, Gudilia's speech was spread because of the African Union's request to continue the live broadcast in the Dot 2 Space Domain incident.

Afterwards, Gallarhorn also investigated the matter internally, and finally concluded that the matter was obviously related to the Nadira family.

As a result, Lord Nadira was temporarily stripped of his original duties and himself imprisoned.

Its subordinate troops were also temporarily entrusted to the Zalmford family.

These two families, who had originally planned to get married, suddenly had such a shocking incident.

Naturally, this turmoil has also caused a stir. Generally speaking, the Zalmford family, who lost their beloved daughter, is now the victim.

If it is revealed at this time that the victim's family is involved in corruption, then this incident that has been settled may be hyped up again.

Therefore, this family was involved in the corruption incident on the moon.

McGillis' adoptive father hinted to him to suppress the matter for the time being and just go through the motions.

After the incident with the Nadira family has passed, we will deal with the Zalmford family again.

Otherwise, if successive scandals break out, it will be detrimental to Gjallarhorn's image.

In this way, after removing the two families, this corruption case only needs to be 'handled' internally by Will Clark.

"Hmph, that's really disgusting."

Galio naturally felt dissatisfied with this result, although Will Klassen was not an innocent scapegoat.

However, although it seems to solve the problem, it actually covers up more problems, which is completely contrary to the concept of justice they insist on.

"I didn't expect that you, who has always upheld justice, would actually agree to your adoptive father's request."

Feeling unhappy, Galio frowned and mocked McGillis.

McGillis himself shrugged helplessly.

"There is no way, our current strength is still very weak, so this is a reality that we have to accept. When our strength becomes stronger, this kind of thing will never happen!"

What he said was decisive and contagious.

However, with his back to Galio, he didn't notice that there was something extra in the eyes of the purple-haired prince looking at his back...


The temporary fleet composed of several large and small Gallarhorn battleships led by the two men was brought here by Alex.

Ostensibly, they were responsible for heading to Avalanche to arrest Lothario and question the Zalmford family.

But in fact, they are also responsible for scaring people.

I, Alex, am going to do a trick today! .jpg

After sailing slowly for almost a day, the Gallarhorn fleet finally entered the Avalanche Colony space.

Facing this strange fleet consisting of a Needlefish class bearing the Seven-Star Family logo and several other small high-speed ships with signals from the Supervision Department.

The local garrison did not dare to neglect at all. Forget about the Seven Stars family and the presence of people from the Supervision Department, this meant that the local Gallagher Horn was in trouble.

Especially when the person in charge of the Avalanche Satellite Group has been 'missing' for several days, the sudden appearance of people from the Supervision Department is even more revealing.

Some people have speculated that the missing person in charge may have been secretly arrested by the Ministry of Supervision.

So the Gallarhorn garrison of the Avalanche colonial satellite expressed their welcome to the fleet tremblingly.

And carefully ask the other party if they want to provide escort.

"We are going to Avalanche 1 to run some errands and then meet with the Zalmford family."

McGillis happily reported his whereabouts to the local garrison.

And the fleet was indeed heading in the direction of Avalanche 1, and soon there were informants from the Changsheng Gang who passed the news to all parties.

"What! Gjalarhorn Inspection Department!"

When Rosario got the news, he stood up suddenly and felt cold all over.

After receiving the contact from Nanao, he temporarily relaxed and waited for the other party to deliver the hostages to his door.

But he couldn't wait for anyone to come, and finally waited until the Gallallhorn Inspection Department came to his door.

This surprise is really disappointing!

Although he recruited troops and accumulated a large army, he did not feel complacent about it.

He knew very well that these mercenaries who relied on money to fight pirates and others were fine.

If they were really allowed to face Gjallarhorn's regular army, they would probably collapse immediately upon meeting them.

What's more important is that the person coming is the Gjalarhorn Inspection Department.

This means that the missing Klassen may have been secretly arrested by the other party.

According to the legendary interrogation methods of the Supervision Department, I'm afraid this guy even confessed clearly how many times he peed on the bed since he was a child.

Knowing very well what this meant, he understood that he must leave Avalanche 1 and run away immediately.

No matter what their purpose is, it is very dangerous to stay here by yourself.

After thinking about it, Losario gave the order decisively.

Pack up your belongings and run away with a bucket!

Of course, in order to prevent the spread of the news and cause chaos in the situation, it would attract the advance attention of Gjallarhorn's defenders and prevent his escape.

Rosario decided to quietly evacuate.

For this reason, he even abandoned some of his close associates as abandoned children and retreated with a capable force.

Although he thought the entire operation was very covert, he made two mistakes.

One is that he should not give up his cronies in order to keep secrets and pretend that he is still in Avalanche 1.

Some of the mercenary guards arranged included the Harkuri brothers and sisters.

In addition, without his knowledge, his actions were completely monitored by Nanao who was already waiting for him.

As one of Lothario's confidants, she knows many of this guy's secrets.

For example, a runaway dock prepared in advance...

Looking at Rosario getting off the limousine, Nanao smiled again.

"I really appreciate that leader more and more."

Although Alex's plan sounds fantastic, the probability of success seems to be very low.

However, during the implementation process, Nanao discovered that Rosario was like a puppet controlled by Alex, and his every move followed the planned script.

Thinking of this, she took out her communicator and sent a message to Lothario.

"I have approached Avalanche 1 with my goal, but the defensive situation outside Gjallarhorn seems to have become stricter. Entry and exit must be strictly inspected. Do you want to change the meeting place?"

The news about Nanao was like the straw that broke the camel's back, making Rosario more determined to run away immediately.

However, he obviously didn't want to give up on Lielina, who could be used as a 'talisman'.

He knew very well that if he ran away like this, the frame-up plan would naturally go bankrupt.

After Didi comes forward, the Changsheng Gang will definitely hunt him down.

At that time, Lielina will be the best bargaining chip in his hand.

So after thinking for a while, he sent a message back to Nanao.

"The situation has changed. Avalanche 1 is no longer safe. We will contact you again after evacuating the Avalanche colonial satellite space."

Looking at the news received, Nanao first said that he would take people out of Avalanche 1 immediately.

Then he sent the message of 'Frightened Bird' to Alex, and then turned around and left here.

Her mission in Avalanche 1 has been completed, and now it’s up to the Harkuri brothers and sisters.

After receiving contact from Nanao, Alex announced the news to everyone.

"Everyone, Rosario has left Avalanche 1."

"It actually succeeded."

Shang Marco murmured to himself, while Didi showed an expression that was indeed true.

In his opinion, Alex's plan was not complicated, and it could even be said that it could not even be called a 'conspiracy'.

But the other party completely grasped the suspicious nature of Rosario's character, and used conspiracy to force the other party out of his strong fortress.

But it was different from the others who marveled at Alex's plan.

As the leader of the Changsheng Gang, what he saw were the methods and connections displayed in Alex's plan.

If the Inspectorate of Gallarhorn hadn't come to visit, I'm afraid Losario wouldn't have voluntarily given up on the strong lair that he had been running for so long.

And since the other party can establish a relationship with the Gallagher Horn Supervision Department, and even make the other party come to Avalanche, this energy is obviously not simple!

Therefore, the way he looked at Alex also changed.

'We must make good friends with Tekkadan! '

He firmly believed in this idea and was thinking about what kind of help he could provide besides helping the other party go to Earth.

Shortly after Rosario ran away, the Supervisory Department fleet arrived at Avalanche [-].

Upon arrival, McGillis immediately ordered the closure of Vista Bank, sealed the capital accounts, and arrested relevant personnel.

Just as Rosario expected, whether it was the mercenaries hired with money or his confidants, when facing Gallarhorn.

Like an iceberg carried to the equator by ocean currents, it quickly melted and disintegrated.

His confidants put up some resistance, but the mercenaries simply surrendered or ran away.

For a time, Gallarhorn's troops were busy catching people all over the colonial satellite like a herd of scattered pigs.

"Is this the purpose of your coming here? The main criminal has already escaped."

In the messy Lothario office, Galio said with some gloating.

Chapter 106 McGillis’ Provocation

"It doesn't matter, my original goal was not him."

McGillis didn't seem to care about Galio's ridicule.

"Oh? Then what is your purpose?"

After Galio said this, he turned around and saw the wine cabinet against the wall.

He carefully avoided the scattered documents at his feet, came to the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of wine and looked at the label.

"Ha, the taste is pretty good."

Then he took out two wine glasses from the cabinet and looked at them to make sure they were clean.

Then he took out two ice balls from the ice machine next to the wine cabinet, put them into the cup, and poured the best whiskey from the earth into the cup.

Then he picked up the wine glasses and handed one to McGillis, who was sitting on the chair behind Rosario's desk.

"Thank you."

Taking the glass of wine, McGillis took a careful sip.

"I just did it for others to see. After all, although we have caught the main culprit, procedural justice still needs to be done."

"Ha, just go through the motions."

Galio, who was leaning on the table, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, then picked up the wine bottle and poured himself a glass.

"Be careful not to drink too much. We are going to meet the head of the Zalmford family, Lord Geert Zalmford. It is very rude to smell like alcohol."

Galio didn't care about this at all, and just continued to pour the wine on his own.

"Don't worry, I've got it covered."

McGillis saw that his friend was still drinking whiskey by himself, so he didn't pay much attention.

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