"That's right. Although I don't really care about it, it would be a good thing if I could know."

His frankness made Rosario snort.

"You want to get your identity from me through provocation? Don't even think about it! Cough cough cough!"

After coughing again and spitting out blood, Rosario's complexion quickly turned pale.

Obviously, the state just now was just a reflection of the past.

His death is not far away now.

Alex seizes the opportunity to fool the other party.

"I know what you are thinking. It is nothing more than imagining that I will kill each other with my relatives without knowing it, and finally live in painful memories with grief and anger, right?"

Without waiting for Rosario to nod, he continued.

"What a pity. If I don't know my own identity, how can I believe that those who died by my hands are my relatives? This kind of sad and sad text is rarely used by even novel authors because it is no longer popular. Readers won’t like it!”

Alex's bachelor made Didi and Woko, who were silent, look at him with suspicion.

This person is really ruthless, no normal person can do this as if he is the only page in the household registration book.

In fact, this is because the three people present never thought that Alex was not from this world in the first place. In theory, he is now only one page in the household registration book.

Although he does struggle with some emotions, he is really able to speak calmly without any pressure.

Spreading his hands, Alex continued.

"I am also investigating my life experience myself. With today's medical technology, DNA identification is not difficult. So, whether you say it or not, to me, it's just about saving some time. "

Chapter 113 Who stipulates that what a person tells when he is about to die must be the truth?

It seems that he was frightened by his bachelor temperament. This time, even Rosario doubted how tough this man's psychological quality is, that he doesn't even care about the life and death of his relatives?

Did you say that all decent people value love and justice?

This made him wonder, who is the bad guy on both sides, the villain BOSS?

Shouldn't it be me?

"So, it's your freedom to say it or not. Don't think you can control me just by relying on this. In fact, from what you said, I can roughly narrow down the scope. Thank you for reminding me."

"You...really don't want to know?"

"Love to talk or not to talk."

Alex shook his head in an upright manner, then turned to ask Didi.

"Boss Dai Di, how are you going to kill this man?"

"Come here, I'll tell you only one person."

"I do not."

"You...I, please, come and listen!"

This time, it was Rosario who begged him.

"At this point, you still haven't forgotten to plot against me and Didi?"

Alex put on an expression like a famous detective.

"You just want to use your statement that I once ransacked Warren's house to draw out the conflict between me and Woko, and then ferment it into a conflict between the Tekka Group and the Changsheng Gang. You're right."

What he said made not only Rosario, but also Didi and Woco stunned.

"How could this be possible?"

'Does Rosario have so many evil intentions? '

'Isn't this person too imaginative? '

The three of them came up with this idea almost at the same time.

Especially as the person involved, Rosario felt that he had been wronged.

I just want to play tricks on the other person before death to satisfy my own evil taste.

But I didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to add drama to me, almost making me the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Do you...want to know?"

At this time, Rosario completely lost the arrogance he had before. What he didn't know was that he, who was already unconscious, had actually fallen victim to Alex's provocation.

Seeing that the heat is almost there, if it continues to be stimulated, the opponent's body will probably lose it.

So Alex suddenly made a sharp turn and nodded.

"Since you want to talk, then I will reluctantly listen."

After that, he approached Rosario, ready to hear what the other party had to say.

In fact, after saying so much, Alex still wanted to get information about his identity from the other party.

For him, knowing this information allows him to effectively predict how the system intends to trick him.

Although he said that he didn't care even if he accidentally killed his relatives, he was not such a person.

If such a tragedy really happened, although he would not be disheartened by it, he would still be hit and depressed for a period of time.

Obviously, if he could treat these worlds he traveled through as a game and treat everyone as NPCs, he would be able to improve the clearance efficiency more effectively.

However, he couldn't do it.

Otherwise, why would he bother teaching these Tekkadan boys all kinds of knowledge?And a deep bond was established.

Wouldn't it be better to directly exchange a set of self-cultivation for senior actors from the system and directly use the teenagers of Tekkadan as pawns?

Not only is this efficient, but it also allows you to accumulate points quickly.

But there is no complicated and profound reason, he just can't do it, it's that simple.

This is not because he is being pretentious, but because everyone has their own views and beliefs.

Although he can attack the enemy without any psychological barriers, if he later knows that the other party is his relative.

Then he will feel sad and blame himself, shed tears, and even become depressed.

(The system's very good, I really saw the right person. Come back next time and tell him the news about the rebels.')

Seeing him taking the initiative to come over, Rosario felt a little proud in his heart.

"Hehehe, you really do care about this matter."

he said quietly.

Alex did not refute this, but continued to listen quietly.

As a new human being, he could already feel that the other person's physical aura was rapidly declining.

I'm afraid this guy will die soon.

"You are indeed a member of Gallarhorn, and you have a distinguished status. Ahem, you are a member of the Seven Stars Family."

Alex was mentally prepared for this when Losario said that he participated in the ransack of Warren's house.

After all, the Warren family has Gundam, so they are obviously the highest-ranking nobles second only to the Seven Stars family.

To raid the home of such a family, it is natural that someone from the Qixing Family would need to come forward.

It may even be that not just one family comes forward, but several families come together to resolve the matter.

The purpose is to deal with the possible resistance behavior of the other party and avoid causing greater damage due to trapped beasts fighting.

After all, if your home can be ransacked by the Gallagher Horn Law, you must have committed a serious crime. In this case, someone will definitely try to resist.

"Haha, it seems that you have guessed it."

Seeing that he did not show excitement or surprise, Rosario continued.

"As for how I recognized you, I'm afraid you have forgotten the secret due to amnesia. Then let me take this secret to the grave... ahem."

At this time, blood began to flow from the corners of Rosario's mouth, and a bubble sound like a drowning person began to appear in his voice.

But he still struggled and said.

"Remember, you are from the Yi...Xiu family..."

Although he didn't finish his words, he was annihilated by the sound of bubbles as blood poured into his lungs.

But Alex still clearly heard the full name of his family.

Ixiu family!

After temporarily writing down what he said, he stood up and looked at Rosario, who was already twitching all over.

It was obvious that the other party's internal bleeding had spread, and blood had filled his own lungs.

If no one rescues him, he will eventually drown in his own blood.

In this regard, neither Alex nor Didi had any idea of ​​​​stepping forward to rescue him.

As a traitor to the Changsheng Gang, even if he survives, he will be thrown into space naked.

Anyway, he is going to die, so it doesn't matter to Didi how he dies.

After all, being thrown into space is suffocating to death, which is the same painful way to die as drowning in your own blood.

After Lothario struggled for a few minutes, he closed his eyes and stopped.

Alex felt that the other party had lost his life in his perception.

Woko stepped forward, put his hand on his neck, and after testing his wrist, he took out a lighting device and shined it on his pupils.

"Didi, he should be dead."

Regarding this result, Didi just waved his hand.

"Even if he dies, he must abide by the rules. Woko, you personally lead people to watch him and throw him out."

"Understood, Didi."

Woko then called on several members of the Changsheng Gang and carried out Lothario, who was still staring at death.

After looking back at the two of them, he also left the reception room.

"Boss Didi pushed Woko away because he wanted to ask me something."

"As expected of Captain Alex, your response is really sharp."

Taking out a cigar, Didi lit it for himself.

"I want to know, did Rosario finally tell you the secret about your life experience?"

"He said it, but I don't believe it yet. I will continue to investigate."

After hearing this, Didi remained silent for a few minutes without speaking.

In fact, what Alex told was the truth. The other party said it, but he didn't believe it completely and still needed to investigate.

And Alex watched him quietly smoking a cigar.

Finally, Didi placed the cigar in the special ashtray on the table.

"I am very grateful to Tekkadan for your help. In addition to the negotiated remuneration, I am also willing to provide you with a sum of funds."

As he spoke, he opened his intact palm and shook it towards Alex.

"Oh? Is this hush money?"

After seeing the other party's gesture, Alex raised his eyebrows. He guessed that the other party would give a thank you gift.

But I didn’t expect so much.

"No, this also includes protection fees for Woco and us."

Faced with what he meant, Alex thought about it for a moment and understood.

he said with a smile.

"An Xin, I have no memory of the past at all, Boss Didi. Besides, I get along quite happily with you, Woko and others."

Since he led the team to ransack Warren's house before he lost his memory, it means that there must be some grudge between the two parties or they will not deal with it.

In this case, if Alex wants to continue to deal with Woco, it will not be difficult based on the comparison of the skills of both sides.

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