The Hammerhead was currently waiting in line to enter the Dot 2 spaceport, and Alex took the opportunity to observe the defenses around the port.

The last time I came here, there were at least one squadron of mobile suits floating around the port, but now, there was only one squad performing patrol missions outside the port.

By observing the mobile suit's posture, he bet that these three pilots were probably fishing too.

"Yes, not only that, even the workers who were arrested for participating in the last rally were quickly released."

"It's just retreat in order to advance."

Regarding this, Alex knew quite well what medicine was sold in Gjallarhorn's gourd.

It's nothing more than trying to restore its image.

"That's also because you made a lot of noise."

Nase said quite relaxedly.

"Using your excuse, the four major economies are now trying to get rid of Gjalalhorn's image."

“Have all the four major economies taken action?”


His words made Alex realize that what they did in Dortmund 2 obviously made Gjalalhorn passive.

After all, this world has not changed in more than 300 years, and the originally unreasonable framework is now about to be broken.

However, this may also involve the internal struggle of Gallarhorn.

Regarding the current situation, the Qixing family actually has the same opinion to a certain extent.

That is, reform is imperative.

If you continue to hold on to the idea that 'the laws of your ancestors are immutable', sooner or later Gallallhorn will be abandoned by the world.

And the cause of all this has to be mentioned the history of Gjallarhorn.

Gjallarhorn's name comes from the horn used by the Æsir in Norse mythology to warn of incoming giants.

In mythology, it is also the blowing of this horn that kicks off Ragnarok.

The original meaning of its name is 'warning', and this is exactly the purpose for which the organization Gjallaghorn was established.

In the beginning, during the Calamity War, a group of people determined to end the war established an organization.

And they put this idea of ​​ending the war into action. This organization was the predecessor of Gallallhorn.

Finally, with the efforts of Gjalalhorn, the various countries on Earth and Mars finally agreed to end this long-lasting war.

and signed a peace treaty called the Vangolf Declaration.

Starting with the signing of the declaration, the iron-blooded world entered the PD era (PostDisaster era).

Chapter 116 The horn is covered in dust

According to the provisions of the Declaration, countries around the world voluntarily give up all military power they hold in order to avoid another outbreak of war during the post-war recovery.

However, in order to ensure that peace can really be maintained, organizations from various countries provide funding, allowing Gallagher to serve as the only military organization to maintain world peace.

It is called 'a violent institution that maintains world peace by using force to suppress force'

Of course, in order to prevent Gjallarhorn from eventually developing into a military dictatorship, the declaration also stipulated that the Horn was only responsible for the military aspect and was not allowed to interfere with the economic and political independence of countries and organizations.

In fact, this is a declaration of complete compromise. In the final analysis, the calamity war has exhausted all countries and organizations.

Everyone is almost drained of blood, but no one can defeat anyone. If the fight continues, mankind can only move towards destruction.

Therefore, after mutual compromise, such a strange model of separation of military and political economy was born.

Subsequently, Earth and Mars, under the supervision of Gjalalhorn, entered the reconstruction stage.

During this period of time, both the four major economies that were gradually formed in the future and Gjallarhorn were in the most perfect and harmonious time at the beginning of their creation.

Not only were the Earth and Mars rapidly restored, but Venus and Jupiter were also developed.

As a warning horn to protect the peace of mankind, Gallarhorn also faithfully performs his duties.

In order to ensure world peace, Gallallhorn established a large-scale army.

There are also strict blockades and restrictions on military technology.

Some powerful weapons, such as the Gundam skeleton, Dynasniff, and complete Alaya technology, have been sealed away in secret.

And promote the taboo that these weapons will bring disaster, and use misleading propaganda to achieve strict control.

On the other hand, there are also strict restrictions on the development and production of MS, especially the direct monopoly on the production of MS skeletons and Ahab furnaces.

Under Gallarhorn's constant attacks and restrictions, 300 years later, only Gallarhorn has a complete set of MS production technology.

Other organizations basically use the various skeletons passed down from the calamity wars and use them after modifications.

Even if Divas was stronger than he could develop his own skeleton, he would still need to purchase the Ahab Furnace from the Horn.

By keeping limited control over the Skeletons and Ahab's Furnace, Gjalralhorn also ensured that no other group had the military power to challenge them.

But it's like Qin Shihuang collected all the weapons from the world and cast them into twelve golden figures in Xianyang, with the intention of preventing rebellion.

As time goes by, in the absence of external enemies, Gallallhorn, as the only violent institution, inevitably embarks on the old path of 'dragon slayers will eventually become dragons'.

With the continuous corruption and erosion within its organization, especially many internal families of Gjallarhorn, they are no longer satisfied with just having military power.

He began to collude with the economic circle and tried to seek political status.

This has led to various internal problems within its organization, such as corruption and overreach of authority, which have also led to its relationships with countries and organizations around the world being overshadowed by various frictions.

Under this situation and background, the Seven Stars family, as the highest level of the Gjallarhorn organization, was naturally aware of it.

Gjallarhorn had to make changes. The situation had reached a point where staying the same was no longer an option.

But the Qixing family is divided on how to change it.

Ostensibly to moderate the differences between reformers and radical reformers.

But at its root lies the disagreement over who should lead this reform.

After all, once the reform is successful, the leading family will surely gain great prestige and glory.

And there is no doubt that he will become the leader of the Seven Star family.

This position previously belonged to the Yi Xiu family, but due to an accident that happened to his family a few years ago.

Not only did his family decline, but the head of the family himself suffered a stroke and could only lie in bed like a vegetative state.

For a time, the entire Ixiu family was left with only one legitimate daughter, Karta, to support itself.

Fortunately, the Farid family extended a helping hand in time, which prevented the Yixiu family from becoming the first family to lose its reputation as a Seven-Star family due to family decline.

The head of the Isu family also entrusted the head of the Farid family, Iznario Farid, to become Karta's guardian.

Although through this move, the Ixiu family's position as commander of the Earth Orbital Fleet was retained.

But there is no doubt that the Yixiu family has also lost the qualification to be the leader.

Therefore, the Farid family, headed by the Baduwen family, and the Ish family, and the Elian family, who was in charge of the strongest fleet in Gallarhorn, joined the Kuzan family camp, and became mortal enemies.

Under the overt and covert fighting between the two sides, Gjallarhorn's reform process cannot be said to be very slow, but it is basically at a standstill.

In this case, the adopted son McGillis, the heir to the Farid family, and Galio, the eldest son of the Baduwin family, tried to use a more radical method to carry out a self-destruction against the already stale Gallagher Horn. And the reform!

Of course, everyone knows the final result.

McGillis became a clown-like, Bayali man.

Not only did Tekkadan fail, but Olga herself became a frequent visitor to the Ghost Zone.

Alex's purpose from the beginning was to try to avoid these two situations.

Because he is the leader of Tekkadan now!

Naturally, in order to avoid becoming a meme and a ghost zone all-star, he had to change all that.

The current Tekkadan and Kodelia are living in such a caught state.

But looking at it now, as a time traveler, Alex doesn't dare to pat his chest and say that he will definitely be able to change his destiny!

After all, in the original work, the head of the El-Erian family, Lesdal El-Erian, who was dubbed the "haired version of Elvis Tsui" as the main villain in the eyes of the audience, controls Gjalalhorn's most powerful fleet.

He is the commander of the Arianhead Fleet under the Lunar Extraorbital Control Fleet.

Although the Arianhead fleet is part of the lunar outer orbit control fleet, it is not the entire fleet.

Because several other families also have their own fleets in this fleet more or less, but there is no doubt that the size and strength of the Aryan Hed fleet are the strongest.

Moreover, as the guardian of Iogu Kuzan, he is equivalent to controlling the Kuzan family's fleet at the same time. He is a man with two fleets in his hands.

It's no wonder that it was able to easily pull out a powerful force of 40 Needlefish-class troops in the decisive battle with the combined fleet in extraterrestrial orbit commanded by McGillis.

You want to ask why the lunar outer orbit fleet is so powerful?

Because in theory, this fleet, used to prevent foreign enemies from invading the earth, is responsible for the entire earth circle except the earth.

In other words, in addition to the fleet station on the moon, the dangerous garrison forces of various colonies are all affiliated with the lunar extraorbital fleet.

Even the Gallarhorn outer ring branch, which includes Mars, Jupiter, and Venus, is nominally under the control of the lunar outer orbit fleet.

Therefore, not only is the overall size of its army large, but the quality of its soldiers is also tempered in daily battles with pirates and rebels.

Rysdal actively absorbs these powers and uses them for his own benefit.

And in his prime, his personal charm is outstanding.

Among the other Seven Star families, old and young, he stood out and naturally gained the overt and covert loyalty of many families.

In comparison, the extraterrestrial fleet has rarely had actual combat opportunities since its establishment.

After all, they are the last line of defense for the earth. It goes without saying what it means if they can be hit.

Especially after the head of the Ixiu family took over in modern times, the Earth Orbital Fleet basically had no combat records, and its main mission was to participate in celebrations.

Therefore, they are also derided as a "ceremonial guard of honor" by the Moon Circle Fleet.

So no matter what Alex plans to do, Lesdal is an obstacle that cannot be bypassed.

Facing an enemy with a huge force like Lesdal, it is not enough to just behead him.

Alex is even considering whether to find an opportunity to cooperate with Lesdal.

After all, he is also a reformist, but compared with the radical McGillis, he is more inclined to Xu Tuzhi's reforms.

And compared to McGillis's reforms that were mixed with personal grievances, Lesdal's methods were gentler, and the opponent was also stronger.

In addition, McGillis may have a grudge against him, but Lesdal may not.

Looking at it this way, the Elian family is a good partner!

But right now, with Tekkadan's size and Gudilia, even if they wanted to, the other party might not be able to take a liking to them.

Therefore, you must show your 'value', at least not to be looked down upon by the other party, or to be casually sacrificed as cannon fodder.

Alex is not interested in the Long Aotian-like behavior of ordinary time travellers.

Of course, if conditions permit, it's not impossible for Long Aotian to do anything.

But the premise is that first of all, there are conditions that allow him to do that, and secondly, he can't put himself on the opposite side of everyone like McGillis!

Judging from Tie Xue's current situation, in addition to Tekka Dan, the background of his being blocked by the system is also an unconfirmed identity as a member of the Seven Stars family.

In this case, it is best for you to hold on tight first, and then decide how to develop and who to cooperate with after taking a clear look at the situation.

After all, in the second world, I just chose the wrong partner to cooperate with. In the end, although I barely completed the task, I was stabbed in the back.

He didn't want to repeat the nightmare of the previous world again.

While he was thinking, the Hammerhead successfully obtained the port entry permit.

Slowly sailing into the space port of Dot 2, at the port pier, the union members who were returning from Nabo had already come to greet him.

"Thank you again, Captain Alex."

Nabona extended his hand, and Alex shook his hand politely.

"I wish you all the best, Mr. Nabona."

After sending the other party away, Naze came over.

"We have to wait before setting off. The Hammerhead needs to load a batch of cargo for delivery to the Earth orbit port."

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