Of course not everyone is happy about this, especially the first team.

In addition to Maluk's improved treatment of these space rats, not only are they no longer able to beat and scold the people of the third team at will like they did in the past.

And seeing this group of young soldiers growing up, the threat to their status is also increasing day by day.

Although Maluk still regards the first team as the main force now, who can guarantee what will happen in the future?

In fact, this is exactly what Maluk wanted.

The two teams are equally powerful, so the boss himself becomes the one with the highest decision-making power.

Whichever side he prefers, the other side will have to rely on himself.

On the contrary, he can also rely on the other party to check and balance or even eliminate the other party.

The members of the first team now have to work harder to ensure their position, and at the same time, Gang Nuo also has to show loyalty to him.

Not to mention Alex from the third team. The bomb neck protector around his neck is an absolute guarantee for controlling him.

In short, in his complacent manner, CGS is developing steadily in a healthy direction.

However, although his little calculation was clicking, he didn't know it.

Alex, who has completely won the loyalty of the three teams of young soldiers and the salesmen, has already instilled many other ideas in them.

For example, the concept that everyone is equal, and the mistake of selling people out should not exist, etc.

In this way, time gradually came to the time when the plot was about to begin.

With the rise of independent forces on Mars, the relationship between the Martian residents and Gjallarhorn further deteriorated.

Friction continues to escalate...

Finally, they were summoned by a girl named Gudelia Lanna Bernstein.

What came to be known as the 'July Council of Noakis' was held.

This meeting pushed the Mars independence movement into full swing, and the entire Mars was turbulent for a while.

At the same time, Gjallarhorn also intensified the intensity of his suppression. Under the promotion of thoughtful people, Mars was also shaken by the undercurrent...

Gudelia, in order to further strive for the independence of Mars, decided to go to Earth to negotiate with the Ablo government, one of several economies.

The journey to Earth is not an easy one, so a protective force is needed.

To everyone's surprise, her choice was not those other established security companies.

It's just a security company that hasn't been established for a long time, CGS.

Even in the selection of the escort team, we did not choose the first team of CGS, but the third team...

Regarding this, Alex, Biskate, and Olga were notified in Maruk's office.

"The Krisai Independent Autonomous Region is going to send their representative's beloved daughter to Earth. This time, the escort work will be left to your third team."

Alex was mentally prepared for this, so there was no change in expression on his face.

Olga and Biskate looked at each other, and then saw surprise in each other's eyes.

"Excuse me, is the representative's daughter's name Gudelia Lana Bernstein?"

Maruk nodded.

"Bisquet, do you know her?"

"No, no, how could I possibly know that kind of big shot? I just heard that she was organizing an independent movement."

"Well, that's right. Her trip to Earth this time seems to be related to the independence movement on Mars. She's really amazing for such a young age."

Olga thought more, but just as she was about to speak, she saw Alex making a gesture to him from behind.

So he closed his mouth and Alex spoke out his doubts for him.

"However, it is said that this is a very important job, why is it given to us?"

Maruk leaned back, sinking into the sofa and resting his chin on one hand.

"This was personally designated by the young lady, you should feel honored."


Biskate and Olga were stunned.

I thought it was a task given to them by a team who didn't want to go far away.But I didn’t expect that the eldest lady personally appointed it?

Just when the two were confused, Alex said to Maluk.

"Since it is appointed by the eldest lady, then we have to be respectful rather than obey."

"Well, you go get ready. The eldest lady will be here in two days. After a day of rest, she will take the other party's ship and set off."

"Understood, Mr. Maruk."

The three of them then turned around and walked out of the office, waiting until they reached a safe corner.

Olga asked Alex first.

"Captain, do you think this is reliable?"

Biscat also showed a serious expression on the side.

"Now there are three possibilities."

Alex raised his fingers.

"First, it's purely the eldest lady's personal hobby. If that's the case, then Olga, please sacrifice. I heard that the eldest lady is very beautiful."

"Hey, Captain! Let's get down to business!"

At Olga's protest, Alex continued.

"The second is that the boss wants to trick us. However, this possibility is not high. After all, if the third team is gone, it means that CGS has lost half of its combat power. With Maluk's character, this possibility is possible , but not the biggest.”

"So, the last possibility is the greatest?"

Biskate asked.

Alex nodded seriously.

"Yes, and the third possibility is..."

As he spoke, he pointed to the sky, and then spit out a name that frightened the two of them.


"Gal...Gallarhorn! How could it be!"

Biskate never expected that the third option would be such a hellish difficulty.

Even Olga's eyes widened in surprise.

Gjallarhorn, to them, is an organization that sounds far away, but is very close at the same time.

As the organization that put an end to the Evil Sacrifice War, Gjarrarhorn surprised many people and did not take the opportunity to unify the world.

Instead, it changed hands and handed over political and economic power to the four major organizations on the planet.

Then he exists as a world policeman above the four major organizations.

Although many people complained about Gjalalhorn's behavior, which seemed to pick the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon.

But it is undeniable that Gjallarhorn is the world's policeman.

It has the strongest military power between the entire Earth and Mars.

With the seven fleets controlled by the Seven Stars family as the main force, Gallarhorn's reputation can be said to make a child cry at night.

What's more, Gjallarhorn not only has a fleet, but also a huge ground force.

Especially Mars, an alien place in the eyes of earthlings.

Gallallhorn, who was stationed here, became even more unscrupulous.

For these Martian teenagers, Gjallarhorn's atrocities were not just something they heard about, many of them had witnessed it with their own eyes.

Therefore, it is no wonder that the two of them were so nervous when this name was mentioned.

"Captain, could it be said that this mission will really involve Gjallarhorn?"

In response to Olga's question, Alex nodded without hesitation.

"Since Gudilia is running for the independence of Mars, then there is no need to think about it. Gallarhorn, who wants to maintain the existing order, will definitely intervene."

Looking at the expressions on their faces, he continued.

"Think about it, is there any simpler, faster and more effective way than directly destroying your enemies physically?"

"Indeed... this seems like something Gjallarhorn would do."

After hearing what Alex said, Biscat also felt that this was more likely.

However, under the guidance, he is not as timid as before when encountering problems.

"So, what are we going to do, Captain."

Although Olga did not speak, she also showed a questioning expression on her face.

Looking at the two of them, Alex laughed.

"I have a bold plan."

Chapter 12 Connor's Ambition

"Oh! Missy or something! She must smell great!"

Xino was at the dining table with his eyes closed and a strange expression on his face.

"You're right, Mikazuki!"

"The eldest lady is also a human being, there shouldn't be anything special about her, right?"

Mikazuki calmly ate his lunch and answered Xino's question.

"Huh? Mikazuki..."

"Xino, Mikazuki is not interested in women. Asking about this kind of thing is in vain."

The other people who came over said with a smile.

"Ah, how could this happen! Could it be that you, Mikazuki!"

Xino immediately protected himself with his arms.

"I'm not interested in you, Xino."

Mikazuki continued to eat calmly, while Xino continued to shout and chat with others.

The news that the third team received the mission to escort Gudelia quickly spread throughout CGS.

So this scene happened at the lunch table.

"Humph, these brats."

The team on the side looked at the noisy behavior of the three teams and could only curse in a low voice.

If things had gone according to the original situation, they would have gone up and silenced these noisy guys.

Thinking of this, their eyes couldn't help but look at Alex, who was sitting among the children.

It was this man who allowed these rats to gradually gain equal status with him!

Although the eyes he looked at were full of fear and hatred, Alex didn't care at all.

"Could it be that the president has discovered that we are trustworthy compared to that group of adults who only know how to talk?"

Eugene expressed his own opinion.

"So we should seize this opportunity to surpass those guys and become the main force of CGS, a real first team!"

Just when he was dreaming about a wonderful promotion and salary increase, becoming a CEO, marrying Bai Fumei, and reaching the pinnacle of his life.

Olga poured cold water on him.

"Even if Maluke is old and confused, he can't really agree with those of us who will only be treated as abandoned children. That security company will use deadbeats and young soldiers as its main force?"

Eugene was very upset by the other party's rebuttal.

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