So when the shuttle landed, Olga and others thought it was Alex and Akihiro at first.

It turned out to be someone from Tubbins.

"You... how come?"

Olga was a little surprised by the arrival of the three people.

Because he knew that in the original plan, Alex did not let Tubbins participate in the descent.

That's why he was so surprised when he saw the three of them.

"Of course there is a reason."

As the third-in-command on Hammerhead, after Armida, Aji explained their purpose to Olga.

"Alex and Akihiro have landed successfully, but apparently they did not land at the planned location due to deviations in their trajectory."

Although they did not directly participate in the landing operation, Naze and others who watched the entire battle from the extreme distance of the Hammerhead, which could be used as a backup plan, clearly saw the successful descent of the two MSs.

However, it was also calculated that their whereabouts were far from their intended location.

But being able to lower it successfully is considered very lucky, and the wrong position is not unacceptable.

Nase is worried that for Olga and others who landed first, losing contact with Alex may cause them anxiety.

Therefore, he arranged for three people to take two leaks and land on the earth in a small shuttle that was originally a backup plan.

At that time, Alex and Akihiro had completed the forced landing, but the Earth Ring Fleet and the Moon Ring Fleet were still making a fuss.

The confrontation between Kaltar and Ioghu caused chaos in Earth's orbit.

Therefore, they were given the opportunity to successfully land quietly.

On the one hand, it notifies Olga and others that Alex landed safely but was in the wrong location. On the other hand, it also further strengthens Tekkadan's combat power.

"Thank you so much, Brother Naze."

After understanding the situation, Olga was very moved.

At the same time, knowing that Alex and Akihiro were safe also made the rest of Tekkadan feel at ease.

The members of Tekkadan, who have a deep trust in Alex, firmly believe that they can only land safely.

Even if Alex was given a kayak, he would still be able to return safely.

(Alex'Welcome to Wilderness Survival, I am Alex Grylls, and this is my photographer Akihiro.')

After solving the biggest worry, all that's left is to wait for the two parties to reunite.

After a group of people finished eating early in the morning, they continued the work they had not finished yesterday.

With Ai Ge's help, Yukino Cheng and others disassembled and cleaned the legs of several MSs that landed.

And readjust it to adapt to the earth's gravity environment.

Leak Shadow had already completed this task before landing, so what needed to be adjusted was Asmode and the two Graze Kais.

"That old man last night..., ahem, Abloh's former representative, what did he say?"

Because she was busy arranging the transportation of supplies yesterday, Olga didn't pay much attention to the conversation between Shimiao and Gudelia.

There was no time to communicate afterwards. It was not until today that the rest of the work was on track, and he had time to listen to Melibed telling him about the conversation last night.

"That old man is no longer the representative of Abloh."

"What? Not anymore?"

What surprised him was that this old man was no longer the current representative of Abro?

"Yes, the opposition used the bribery scandal to force the Miao representative to step down and go into exile here in the Federation of Oceania to temporarily escape the limelight."

Hearing this, Olga frowned.

"That is to say, he is no longer the one who speaks to Abloh, so wouldn't Gudelia's action... fail?"

Although Olga is not a politician, he also knows that when the mercenary group takes over a task, if the employer disappears, even if there is a contract, the employer's successor will deny it.

What's more, Jin Miao is no longer the representative of Ablo, so his verbal invitation to Gudelia to come to Earth to discuss the independence of Mars does not count.

"No, it cannot be said to be a complete failure. Although Mr. Shimeo has resigned, Abro has not yet elected a new representative."

"So what? He is no longer a representative."

"Wait until I finish, Olga."

Meribed said patiently.

"You said."

"What Mr. Makinao means is that he will let his supporters participate in the election. Once his supporters win, then he can secretly direct the other party to meet with Gudilia."

"I see……"

After hearing this, Orki suddenly realized.

Isn't this the relationship between the boss and the elder in some gangs?

"This old man has quite a plan."

"Yes, but this matter may not be solved so easily."

"Is the opponent difficult to deal with?"


Melibed thought of the information about the current biggest competitor that Shimiao had introduced to them yesterday.

Enri Fleur, a famous strong woman in the Abro Council.

More importantly, she has supporters behind her.

It was Iznario Farid, the director of the Gallarhorn Control Bureau and the current head of the Farid family.

Although due to Gallarhorn's laws, even as the head of the Seven Stars family, he cannot openly intervene in the internal affairs of the economic circle.

But this does not affect the collusion between Iznario and Abro's opposition.

Although the Oceania Federation is also very happy to provide shelter to Shi Miao, Gudelia and Tekkadan.

But for Shimiao, he wants more than just shelter.

His ultimate goal is to leave here and go to Edmonton to participate in the Abro parliamentary election.

At the end of the day, you must support your own faction representative to come to power, otherwise Ablo will completely fall to Gallarhorn!

But there was nothing he could do about it. After all, none of the four major economies had any actual military power that could confront Gjallarhorn.

But Gallarhorn was able to obstruct Tekkadan and Shimei's actions on the grounds of clearing out the rebels.

This led to the fact that even if he wanted to settle down in a corner, Gjallarhorn would not let him do so.

What's more important is that there is someone who can actually block their actions at this moment.

That is, the Gallarhorn extraorbital fleet responsible for the safety of the earth.

Although their name is the Outer Orbital Fleet, they also have independent operational authority to land on Earth without approval from the Control Bureau.

But at this time, the Earth Ring Fleet was in a lawsuit with the Moon Ring Fleet.

Due to the assist of God Io in the previous operation, it not only allowed Alex and others to get out of trouble, but also ultimately led to the "falling short" of the Earth Ring Fleet operation.

He even forcibly entered the defense zone of the Earth Ring Fleet and shelled friendly forces. Afterwards, he even ordered his own fleet to conflict with the Earth Ring Fleet.

If the captains of both sides had not exercised restraint and did not use naval guns, missiles or mobile suits, they would just hit the battleships themselves.

Then I'm afraid it will lead to the biggest internal strife since the founding of Gjallarhorn.

By the time Karta's flagship escaped, everyone in Tekkadan had disappeared.

Therefore, all her anger was directed at the fleet led by Iogu.

Although the Moon Ring Fleet is much larger than the Earth Ring Fleet, Iogu is only leading one of the Moon Ring Fleet at the moment.

In terms of number, it was much smaller than the Earth Ring Fleet that sent out the entire army.

Although the Earth Ring Fleet was divided due to chaos.However, with Galio's maintenance, the fleet had already begun to assemble before Carta escaped.

After Karta got out of trouble and learned the details, he directly ordered to surround the opponent.

Although there was enough time to retreat, Iogu had no choice but to lead the fleet into the defense area of ​​​​the Earth's orbit, even if it was too late to retreat.

Following Kalta's order, almost all of the Earth Ring fleet, which had failed to intercept, was dispatched to surround the Iogu fleet, which was at a numerical disadvantage.

Chapter 134 Two peaches kill three soldiers

After forcing the Moon Ring fleet to stop, Karta did not order the cannon fire, which was already a sign of calmness.

But this doesn't stop her from venting her anger on the other person.

"Iogu Kuzan! If you are a man, please stand up and apologize to me! Otherwise, I will order the fleet to fire and sink you!"

Karta stepped on the captain's seat and angrily asked Iogu to come to her by name through the public channel.

Hearing her unladylike roar like a hairless Shiba Inu, how could Iogu, who knew he was in the wrong, dare to pick up on her words?

Therefore, he could only pretend to be deaf and choose to ignore the other party, and at the same time, he hurriedly asked for help from his guardian, Lesdal.

After listening to Iogu's request for help, Lesdal did not answer him immediately.

Just ask Julieta who is standing nearby.

"Is everything he said true?"

"Yes, Master Lestal, one-third of what he said is true, but shelling the flagship of the Earth Ring Fleet and trespassing into the Earth Ring Fleet's defense zone are true."


Iogu looked at his bodyguard from the side, betraying himself without hesitation, and opened his teeth and claws in anger.

However, Julietta ignored him at all and just looked at Lesdal on the screen and continued to report.

"Now, the Earth Ring Fleet has surrounded us. Commander Kalta Ixiu wants Iogu to apologize to her."

"Oh? Just apologizing?"

"Sorry, other requests may not be known until the communication is connected."

"I see. Iogu, turn on the communication. I'll listen to what the little girl from the Ixiu family wants."

"Yes Yes……"

In front of his guardian, Iogu could only obediently connect the communication with Kalta.

"Iogu Kuzan! You finally dare to answer my communication!"

On the screen, after seeing the communication connected, Karta pointed at his nose and roared with gritted teeth.

"You are a guy who does not succeed in success but fails in failure!"

At this moment, her anger was beyond words. Under the interference of the Moon Ring Fleet, not only the interception operation failed completely, but even her own nest failed.

Grazheim was beaten into a mess.

I originally wanted to clear the name of the Earth Ring Fleet, but this time it was better, and the shame was even greater!

"I ask the Supervisory Bureau to accuse you! Take away your position as head of the family!"

"Commander Karta..."

At this time, another voice suddenly intervened.

Hearing this voice, Karta stopped his condemnation and stood up straight again.

"Commander Lesdal."

She adjusted her appearance and saluted the man who appeared on the screen.

Although both parties are fleet commanders, the other party has a much higher military rank than themselves.

After Lesdal returned the greeting, he spoke.

"I already understand what happened between you. Iogu is indeed at fault."

Hearing what his guardian said, Iogu wanted to defend himself, but Julieta stepped on him, causing him to swallow back what he wanted to say.

Glancing at the grinning Iogu, Lesdal continued.

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