
Kalta slowly opened her eyes.

She stared at the unfamiliar ceiling for a while, then suddenly stood up as if she remembered something.

"It hurts!"

But the pain in her arms and legs made her grin.

However, she ignored the pain and touched her body with her left hand.

She was stunned when she realized that her clothes had been changed.

However, the wound has been treated and bandaged carefully.

Then she looked around and found that her pilot uniform was hung on the hook at the door. Everything around her was very neat.

There was a glass of water on the cabinet next to the bed, obviously prepared for himself.

She picked up the glass of water and drank it in one gulp, letting the thirst in her throat subside.

At the same time, it also woke up my brain.

Obviously the other party saved him, but no strange novel plot happened.

This made her sigh in relief, but then another thought lingered in her mind.

'Who on earth changed my clothes! '

Chapter 142 Conversation, loss of control

At this moment, the cabin door was opened.

As the metal door opened, Karta subconsciously pulled up the sheet on his body.

Despite her clothes, she couldn't help but move defensively.

But to her surprise, the man who walked in was not the man wearing a half-face mask.

It was a bespectacled maid wearing a maid's dress. She had a face that could be called charming and a proud figure.

But the smile on her face seemed very sincere.

"Ah, Miss Carta, you're awake, how do you feel?"

Ignoring her vigilant gaze, the other party placed the tray on the bedside cabinet.

"You changed my clothes for me?"

Faced with her question, Nanao laughed.

"Do you want those stinky men to help you change your clothes?"

Karta immediately shook his head.

"You should take your medicine."

Nanao handed her the water glass and medicine.

"What kind of medicine is this?"

Despite her vigilance, Nanao still behaved like a qualified maid.

"Don't worry, this is medicine to promote fracture healing. Because of the primitive conditions, we do not have biomedical equipment. In fact, you have been in a coma for three days."

"Three days!"

Karta was startled.

"Yes, that's right. I've been giving you medicine for the past three days."

"It's actually been three days..."

Facing the somewhat lost Karta, Nanao still held up the water glass and medicine and said to her with a smile.

"Then please take your medicine, Miss Kalta."

After taking the medicine in a daze, Karta drank it.

"If you're hungry, can I bring you lunch?"

Although he wanted to say that he didn't want to eat, Karta, who felt hungry in his belly, still nodded honestly.

"Wait a moment, I'll come as I go."

Nanao bowed with impeccable etiquette and left the cabin.

"What exactly is going on?"

Kalta touched the bandage on his head and thought to himself.

"Oh, is she awake?"

"Yes, I will send a lunch to Miss Karta now."

When Nanao was picking up the meal, she told Alex the news while he was eating.

He was not surprised by this news.

After all, he was the one who asked Nanao not to inject Kalta with a sedative.

After all, three days have passed, and now everyone in the Tekka Group has successfully reunited, so there is no need to keep her unconscious.

In fact, Alex had another idea in mind. Karta was not very smart to begin with. What if he took too many sedatives and became even more stupid?

Although he hasn't recognized his relatives yet, he has already put himself in his brother's perspective to think about the problem.

"After dinner, I'll go see her."

"Yes, I understand."

After Nanao agreed, she left the restaurant with her lunch.

At this time, a fleet of two cargo ships was heading towards the Aleutian Islands.

Now that they have accepted the job of growing seedlings, their next course is very clear.

Edmonton is the capital city of Abloh on the North American continent.

The safety of this fleet, which had successfully disappeared from under Gjallarhorn's nose, was guaranteed.

As long as they don't act too arrogantly, they should be able to reach their destination smoothly.

Tekkadan's nerves, which have been tense since landing, can also be relaxed.

So Alex also had time to meet Karta.

As for the legendary 'blood recognition' part, he still planned to wait.

He has asked Nanao to collect Kalta's blood sample.After arriving in Edmonton, find time to conduct a DNA comparison.

Naturally, this matter must be kept confidential.

I don’t plan to let others know for the time being, especially not letting the Montauk Chamber of Commerce get involved.

Because if Montauk knows, it means McGillis knows.

It is difficult to predict what will happen by then, so it must be kept secret.

In short, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better...

Olga waited for Nanao to leave and then asked him.

"Captain, are you planning to capture that guy as a hostage?"

"That's right, but there are some other questions I want to ask her."

Alex's answer to Olga's question was somewhat vague.

"But, the eldest lady of the Gallarhorn Seven-Star Family? I wonder which one is more eldest than Gudilia?"

Xino said suddenly with food in his mouth.

"So, Captain, when can we see her?"

Alex didn't pay much attention to Xino's words. After all, this guy was always talkative.

"In a short period of time, she probably won't be able to leave the cabin, or even get out of bed. After all, I beat her quite badly."

"Alas, Captain, you really don't know how to cherish the beauty and cherish the jade."

"Then if it were you, would you be willing to be stabbed to death by her sword?"

"Ah hahaha, of course that's impossible."

The smiling Xino naturally understood how difficult it was to capture the opponent alive on the battlefield.

"Eat your food honestly."

After lunch, Nanao also brought news that Karta wanted to see him.

After arriving at the cabin where Karta lived, Nanao thoughtfully only allowed him to enter alone, and then closed the door from the outside.

"Karta Ixiu, I heard that you want to see me."

Alex sat on the chair next to the bed and looked at the captive sitting on the bed.

At this time, she had taken off the weird makeup. Although her eyebrows were still a little strange, they looked much more pleasing to the eye than before.

And when Karta looked at Alex wearing a mask, the expression on his face was quite complicated.

He had already learned the identity of the pilot who defeated him and then saved him from Nanao, the maid who took care of him.

The leader of Tekkadan, Alex, was a former salesman.

She had mixed feelings about this result.

She was so proud that she didn't want to admit this reality, but the pain on her body reminded her all the time that she was defeated by the other party.

Moreover, the last remaining memory before coma also reminded her that it was the other party who captured and saved her.

After the two of them stared in silence for several minutes, she finally spoke.

"Why, you want to save me?"


Karta's question made him stunned.

But he quickly remembered what the other party had said at that time, asking him to kill him.

"Then tell me, why do you want to die? Isn't it bad to live?"

Alex spread his hands.

"You are still a member of the Seven Stars family. Even if you are a happy fool, isn't it good?"

(Ioghur sneezes.)

"You won't understand."

Carta smiled bitterly.

"How can a mercenary like you understand my situation? You have only seen the glory of being a Qixing family, but you have never thought that this kind of glory comes with responsibility."

"Oh? To elaborate?"

Alex turned the chair around and sat astride it, as if he was listening carefully (gossip).

Seeing his posture, Karta couldn't help but feel angry.

"You guy! Are you here to laugh at me!"

Facing the suddenly embarrassed Karta, Alex shrugged.

"Of course not, I just have a few questions to ask you."

"You! Answer my question first, why do you want to save me!"

"I just want to save, and as a member of the Qixing family, you are a good hostage. It's that simple. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

"Sure enough..."

Karta felt sad in her heart. She originally wanted to revitalize her family.

Unexpectedly, he became the biggest shame to his family.

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