After a lot of twists and turns, they finally arrived at the port of Anchorage a few days later.

The MS was quietly unloaded from the freighter at night, transferred to the truck yard, and loaded onto a freight train.

Subsequently, it began to receive various supplies and MW and other arms provided by supporters such as Divas and Montague.

"Mr. Shimiao, it's great to see you again!"

At the station, Alessi, a member of the Miao faction who had been notified, came to meet.

"Hahaha, Alessi, this time, I can get here safely, thanks to these young people."

Alesi looked at the busy Tekkadan members around him and felt a little emotional.

"At first, when you said you would use young soldiers as guards, I was a little worried, but now I see that their eyes are very serious."

Shi Miao stroked her beard and looked to the other side.

"Yes, they have a good leader."

Following Shimiao's gaze, Alesi saw Alex who was busy and directing.

"Is that the leader of Tekkadan? What a powerful person."

"That's right. Not only did they send Gudilia all the way from Mars, they also escorted me here, and then they also escorted me to Edmonton."

"But, Mr. Shimiao, do you really not need me to accompany you?"

Alessi asked Shimiao again.

Shi Miao shook her head and rejected him.

"If you act together with me, you will play into the hands of Gjalalhorn and Enri Fleur. For the sake of our cause, one of us must survive."

"Mr. Shimiao!"

"Moreover, the task of lobbying various factions and building momentum for me has also been given to you. What's more, when the time comes, I will have to rely on you to secretly enter Edmonton."

"Yes, Mr. Shimiao, I will definitely live up to your trust!"

Seeing that there was no way to pass, Alessi had no choice but to agree.

"Then let's meet in Edmonton!"

Shimiao nodded.

"Yeah, let's meet in Edmonton."

Tekkadan moved very quickly and completed the loading of all supplies in just one night.

When the sun rose in Anchorage, with the sound of the whistle, the double-track freight train slowly drove out of the shunting yard.

Start your journey across Alaska along the railway line.

The members of Tekkadan who had been busy all night also fell asleep.

As the leader of the group, Alex carefully inspected each member's residence.

Re-cover those who were not covered with blankets, and tuck those who were about to fall out of bed back into bed.

Although it is very cold on Mars, the temperature here is even lower. If you catch a cold, it will not only delay your work, but also make you very uncomfortable.

Looking at the sleeping faces of these young people, Alex let out a sigh of relief.

"Finally, something has changed."

Under the flapping of his wings, the situation that led Tekkadan to tragedy step by step has been reversed.

Akihiro did not lose his brother, and Tekkadan did not lose Biskate.

The original desperate state of revenge did not become the driving force for Tekkadan to continue on.

It was precisely that desperate state of revenge that ultimately led Tekkadan to embark on the road of self-destruction.

Young people and children will always explode recklessly when they are wronged.

The bald adults in the Li style will think rationally and even choose to endure the humiliation.

It is important to vent your emotions, but you also need to pay attention to the methods.

The original Tekkadan were basically children with low cultural standards and somewhat distorted outlook on life.

It's not surprising that they would embark on the road of destruction under the guidance of someone with good intentions.

Now, through their own efforts, both their cultural level and their outlook on life have been improved and corrected, although they still retain the energy of young people.

But he has also learned to think rationally, and at least he should not be hurtling toward destruction.

Especially, I shouldn’t have to worry that he will become a meme!

After checking the train cabin where the team members rested, he came to the premium lounge located behind the front of the train.

This is where Shimiao, Gudilia and the captured Kalta rest.

"I didn't expect that I would meet the eldest lady of the Yixiu family under such circumstances."

Shinae looked at Karta sitting in the wheelchair with a warm smile on his face.

Gudilia on the side was also looking at this female member of the Seven Stars family with curiosity on her face.

Chapter 146

Although she already knew that Alex had brought back a prisoner from the Seven Star Family.

But while on the ship, Karta stayed in the cabin and did not go out. Nanao was usually responsible for taking care of her.

Gudilia also knew that in that situation, the other party would definitely not be in a good mood, so she did not rush to the door.

As for Karta, although her mood has stabilized, she is no longer seeking death and survival.

But she wanted to save face and didn't want to deal with these 'rebels' at all, let alone let them see her captured.

Originally, you could hide in the box on the ship, but now when you take the train, you naturally don't have as much living space as on the ship.

Although Karta didn't want to come out, Nanao forced him to the reception room on the grounds that he needed to breathe fresh air.

Although both Shinae and Gudelia were very polite to her, there was no cynicism at all as she imagined.

However, Karta couldn't help but didn't know how to respond to the other party.

Rebuke them?It seems that the other party has done nothing wrong. One of them wants to go back to campaign legally, and the other wants to appeal for trade rights.

Neither of these items violates Gjallarhorn's laws, and what's more, strictly speaking, this is an internal matter within the economic circle.

At most, Gudilia is suspected of inciting colonial rebellion, and the main problem lies with Tekkadan.

But that hateful guy is not here at this time.

Just when the atmosphere was awkward and delicate, Alex opened the door and came in.

"Oh, Captain Alex, please sit down."

Shimei's attitude towards him is quite polite now, not only because of Tekkadan's fighting prowess.

Especially because of the wisdom and familiarity with politics he showed through the conversations on the ship these days.

Shimiao clearly realized that although this guy came from the mercenary group of the outer circle, his knowledge and conversation far exceeded even some of the economic circle members and the nobles of Gallagherhorn.

Coupled with his mysterious life experience, he is a salesman.At the same time, there was a more mysterious one, but it felt like she was some kind of specially trained maid who was willing to serve him.

Therefore, Shimiao is very interested in the leader of the Tekkadan. A politician with a sharp vision will not miss any investment.

Therefore, he admired Alex very much and hoped to use this to realize his political investment.

At the same time, he could also feel that Alex was wary of being polite to him.

This not only made Shimiao less angry, but on the contrary, he looked at the other party even more highly.

Neither humble nor arrogant, but at the same time still alert.

People who do great things.

After Alex sat down, Nanao stepped forward to ask.

"Master, can I only have black tea?"

"It doesn't matter, I can't tell the difference between drinking and drinking."


Soon a cup of black tea at a suitable temperature was placed in front of him.

Hearing his words, Karta, who was holding the tea cup with one hand, snorted coldly.

"Hmph, it's such a waste to drink such good black tea for you."

Alex picked up the teacup and drank it all in one gulp, then put it down and wiped his mouth.

"No matter how good the black tea is, it can only quench people's thirst, right?"

"Vulgar, so vulgar!"

In response to his answer, Karta simply continued to express his disdain.

Shimiao looked at the argument between the two young people with a smile, as if he were a grandfather looking at his grandchildren in front of him.

"Miss Karta, can I ask a question?"

Seeing that Carta finally spoke and the atmosphere was good, Gudilia gathered her courage.

"Huh? Ask, but I don't promise to answer you."

After frowning, Karta finally did not say anything bad to Gudilia. Under her observation, she felt that this girl was more of a puppet.

Someone must have been manipulating her behind her back to make her deliver those speeches and propaganda.

Therefore, there is no need to speak harshly to such a person who has been pushed to the forefront. She is not an idiot like Iogu.

"Why does Gjallarhorn turn a blind eye to the corruption and depravity within himself?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? The Gallallhorn Inspection Department has been busy arresting those who violated the Vangolf Declaration."

The other party's questions made Karta more and more certain that this guy was a puppet who didn't understand anything.

"But why is this kind of behavior still prohibited? I think you must have never been to the Far Colonies, where Gjallarhorn has become synonymous with terror. The concept of justice you promote has become It’s totally the opposite.”

Gudelia's voice gradually became louder, but Carta did not reprimand the other party for being rude.

On the contrary, she was quite shocked by what she said.

She had always been well protected and had heard about the corruption in the Far Colonies branch.

But she always thought that it was just a minor problem.

As long as the Seven Stars family, which controls the core power of Gallar, maintains its purity, then Gallarhorn will always remain righteous.

But what she didn't expect was that it was these problems that she regarded as minor problems that were causing Gallallhorn to become a 'bad guy' in the eyes of the general public.

Because she freely received elite education, she could not understand what history was made up of by the general public.

Gudelia did not stop her output.

"Also, I want to know why you want to block my landing. After all, I am the representative of the Mars Autonomous Region who accepted Mr. Shimiao's invitation, and my identity is completely legal and reasonable."

"that is because……"

Karta didn't know how to answer the other party.

Because Gudilia was right.

She came to Earth as a representative of the Mars Krisai Autonomous Region after accepting an invitation to grow seedlings from the then Abro representative.

In other words, after accepting the invitation from the economic circle, she went to Earth for negotiations reasonably and legally, and was an official representative.

But along the way, she was not only obstructed by pirates and other unofficial organizations, but was even intercepted by Gallagher Horn.

In the end, even the Earth Ring Fleet under her command was almost deployed to intercept the Yuhuo.

And to ask the reason for all this?

Karta could only answer the other party, because what you are going to do is not good for Gjallarhorn, so we must stop you.

But he couldn't say this at all, because even Lesdal publicly stated that the Moon Ring Fleet had no intention of intercepting Gudilia.

But he not only intercepted the opponent, but also chased him all the way to the earth.

Looking into the other party's violet eyes, for the first time, Karta felt the same pressure as his brother from the girl he thought was a puppet.

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