"It seems that the other party has prepared a grand welcome ceremony."

Alex also saw a large number of Ahab signals appearing at the Elson base on the screen.

It seems that this is destined to be a Hongmen Banquet.

"Aji, our 'eldest lady' will be left to you later. Be careful not to get hurt."

"Understood, Captain Alex."

Although a large number of signals were confirmed, the three MSs still rushed straight towards the Elson base.

After seeing this, Corliss sneered.

"Hmph, greedy bastard! You are destined to die here today!"

Soon, three MS appeared on the edge of Elson Base.

Barbatos was the first to stop, followed by Liu Ying and Graz Gai, who also stopped in turn.

He looked at Graze on the screen, who was watching him warily even though he didn't raise his gun.Alex turned on the external communicator and shouted to the other party.

"Listen, people of Gallarhorn, I have brought the target of the transaction, where is the money you agreed on?"

As Barbatos said, he waved his hand and the figure beside him stepped forward and opened the cockpit, revealing Kalta sitting on Aggie's lap inside.

Through the screen, Coris saw Kalta with his eyes closed and his head resting on the opponent's pilot.

Because of the distance, only Kartana's iconic silver-dyed hair and side face could be seen.

It is even more impossible to determine whether the other party is alive or dead.

McGillis said Carta was probably dead.

But as a retainer of the Yi Xiu family, he naturally hopes that the other party is still alive.

"The money is here."

He waved, and the three transport-type MWs stepped forward, turned around, and opened the tail hatch, revealing the boxes inside.

"But are you sure she's still alive?"

"You can send someone to check."

Listening to the other party's confident voice, Corliss's previous determination was shaken.

After a slight hesitation, he ordered.

"Send someone to check it out."


No matter what, sending someone to confirm Karta's life or death is the most important thing right now.

Although McGillis said it categorically, what if?

Not long after, the three MWs loaded with transaction cash drove straight towards Tekkadan.

In order to adapt to the special landforms of this area, these MWs have been equipped with sleds.

Alex did not block their approach, and Aji had already brought Karta down to the ground.

After approaching, three MWs got out, and medical soldiers carrying red cross signs got out.

The other party stepped forward and said to Aji who was supporting Karta.

"Please let us check it out."

"Okay, be careful. She has multiple fractures on the right side of her body. To ensure she suffers less, we injected her with a sedative."

Then, she handed the wounded man in her hands to the other party.

It seemed that he accidentally touched the other party's broken arm. Those present clearly heard the low cry of pain from the unconscious Karta.

Upon seeing this, the medical soldier immediately conducted an examination, and the result was surprising.

Although the right side of Karta's body in front of him, even the right half of his face and half of his head were broken and wrapped.

But her vital signs were still normal.

"What! Are you sure!"

Coris was also surprised when he received the news.

"Yes, but the conditions at the scene are limited. We can't be sure whether this is Commander Karta, but judging from his appearance, he is indeed the commander."

Although the medic was not sure, Corliss could no longer care about so much at this time.

"Act immediately to recapture Commander Karta!"


While Gjalalhorn's medics were stalling for time, Aggie seemed to be impatient with the wait.

"Okay, okay? If it's confirmed, just tell your boss and hand over the money with one hand and the person with the other."

But the next moment, these 'medics' suddenly pulled out their pistols and opened fire on her.

Aji, who had already been prepared, immediately unfolded a protective shield.

The bullets jingled as they hit it, and she took the opportunity to roll on the spot and hide behind Leu Ying's right leg.

"Quick! Withdraw!"

Gjalalhorn had no intention of pursuing her, and quickly pushed Carta's stretcher onto the MW.

MW quickly turned around and threw the boxes containing the smoke generators onto the snow.

The box that landed on the ground opened automatically, and the smoke generator inside began to produce thick smoke, drowning the three MWs.

The snowmobile accelerated towards Eielson Base!

Seeing this sudden situation, Alex shouted angrily.

"What are you doing! Gallagher! Are you going to break the contract!"

Chapter 148 Who attacked whom?

It seemed that he was confused by the sudden change. It wasn't until the snowmobile rushed out for a distance that Barbatos realized what he was doing.

But the vision was obscured by smoke, and Glaze's shot did not hit the MW.

Listening to the angry questions from the other party, Corliss did not answer the other party.

Instead, he led his subordinates, activated the air cushion thrusters on the body's feet, and rushed straight towards the three Tekkadan MSs.

"Cover the snowmobile at all costs!"

Without enough time to explain to his men what all this was for, Corliss just gave them the order to cover the snowmobile.

After receiving the order, the Marine Grazes immediately fired at Tekkadan with their assault rifles.

Under the intensive fire, the opponent's three mobile suits were forced to give up intercepting the snowmobiles and jump back to evade.

Soon the advancing Marine Gretz encountered three oncoming snowmobiles.

MS quickly changed their formation and opened a passage.

After the snowmobile passed through the passage in the middle of the MS formation, the separated MS formations quickly closed up, blocking the snowmobile behind them.

At this time, the barrage of assault rifle fire from Leow Shadow and Graz Kai arrived again, but under the cover of the MS's fearless death, the snowmobile was not harmed.

"An...it's safe!"

On the MW, the two commandos dressed as medics in the carriage breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, neither of them noticed that the acting skills of 'Karta', who was lying unconscious on the stretcher and was not wrapped in bandages, unfolded...

"Attack, outflank them! We must not let them escape!"

Corliss was a little excited now. After all, Karta, who was originally told to have been killed in battle, was still alive.

Although I don’t know whether there was an error in the intelligence or other problems.

But he didn't care anymore, he had successfully rescued Commander Karta.

Originally, the assault troops disguised as medics were preparing to attack three mobile suits at close range to create opportunities for action.

Unexpectedly, he managed to save Karta.

Then all that's left is to eliminate Barbatos as planned!

As long as Barbatos is eliminated, everything will be fine!

However, in his excitement, he still did not forget the most basic battle plan.

"First, second squadron, follow me in pursuit, third squadron defend the base!"


The three squadrons immediately began to act according to the order, and the third squadron immediately turned around and returned to the base.

The three MSs kept jumping back, jumping like rabbits on the snowy field.

Behind them are mechanical wolves that use air cushions to propel themselves in pursuit.

"Captain, their number is smaller than before. It is estimated that there is only one squadron of MS left."

Dante found that the number of enemies chasing on the screen was about one squadron smaller than before.

Alex ordered immediately.

"We will split up as planned, you two, be more careful."


When the machine landed again and stirred up flying snowflakes, the three mobile suits suddenly separated in different directions.

Seeing this situation, Coris immediately gave a decisive order.

The second squadron is divided into two teams to chase the other two MSs. The remaining MSs follow me and must kill Barbatos!

The pursuing Marine Graze quickly divided into two groups, one large and one small, chasing in different directions.

"They separated, and there were about 2 teams behind us."

Aji looked calmly at Graz, who was catching up. Leow Shadow slowed down his movement, and taking advantage of the moment when the enemy was approaching, he raised his assault rifle and opened fire.

The first Graze was knocked to the ground by intensive fire. The other Graze jumped over its fallen comrades, raised the sword in its hand and jumped to strike at the leaking shadow.

As it landed, the battle sword was blocked by the metal rod.

During the stalemate between the two planes, the third Glaze took the opportunity to circle around and prepare to backstab Liuying.

Unexpectedly, Leow Shadow suddenly increased the thrust of the propeller, not only knocking Graze in front of him back two steps, but also stepped forward, avoiding the attack from behind.

Then the machine body rotated on the spot, and at the moment when the mechanical feet stirred up the snowflakes on the ground, the metal rod deflected the battle sword behind it.

Then Aji did not go for the knife, but quickly maneuvered the machine away from the Marine Graze team that was in a hurry under her attack, and continued to escape far away.

The Graze team, who had been held in hatred, also pursued her relentlessly.

Although Dante on the other side was not as skilled as her, he still managed to hold back the hatred.

In this way, the two people led two teams and distanced themselves from Barbatos in the other direction.

When they estimated that the distance was about the same, the two MSs stopped, and the pursuers behind them saw this and accelerated to catch up.

Aji looked at the enemy and ordered.

"Quickly resolve the battle, Nanao is still waiting for us to help."


As for Barbatos, Alex's consideration from the beginning was not escape, but how to fight guerrillas.

Facing the menacing Gretz, a squadron and a half in size, it was impossible to fight head-on. Of course, they had to be outwitted.

Alex, who has extensive experience in bar fights, knows that he must not be surrounded by too many enemies at this time.

No matter if the opponent is another member of the army who drank too much, the military police, or one of our own people.

Since Alex didn't throw weapons like Mikazuki, he didn't use a wrench, hammer, or spear.

After all, that thing is really engineering equipment, not for professional fighting.

In addition to the fact that the weapons were not lost, the damage to the body was also minor, so the characteristics of the fifth form were basically retained.

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