During the charge, the giant crutches on both arms unfold and flip 180 degrees.

Taking advantage of the moment when one of the Gildas realized that he had turned around, he hit the opponent on the front of the head with a stick.

With just one blow, the opponent's head was smashed to pieces.

Gilda, whose sight was shattered, immediately staggered back and raised the crowbar in his hand to try to parry the enemy's next attack.

Mikazuki immediately controlled the machine body and quickly moved to the side of the Gilda with a sliding step.

Then he deliberately raised an arm to collide with the crowbar in the opponent's hand. Gilda, who lost her vision, thought she had parried the attack and immediately increased her strength.

At this moment, Asmodeus's other arm slammed into the cockpit behind Gilda from the opposite direction.

After directly smashing the cockpit, the Gilda fell forward and fell to the ground.

After dealing with this enemy, Mikazuki didn't hesitate at all and turned around to attack another mobile suit.

And after witnessing his teammates being killed neatly, the pilot of the other Gilda became timid.

They are all mercenaries, and they earn a few hundred yuan a month. What kind of fate are they playing?Slipping away.

So the pilot of the MS jumped back decisively, preparing to retreat.

But there was no way Lavda could let him go after she was really fired up.

"Don't try to run!"

Before the Shadow landed on Earth, two propulsion backpacks were installed on its back to enhance its mobility.

Lavda pushed the thruster power to the maximum, and Leow Shadow suddenly caught up with Gilda who was retreating at an extremely high speed.

"So fast!"

Gilda's pilot was shocked when he saw the silhouette approaching at a speed exceeding his estimate, so he ignored Asmodeus approaching from the other side.

At this time, Mikazuki saw Lavda approaching quickly and immediately changed his tactics.

From attack to assist.

Asmodeus, who approached faster than the Shadow, swung his crutch with his right hand and knocked the crowbar out of Gilda's hand.

"Caught you!"

Seizing the opportunity, Liu Ying raised the iron rod in his hand and hit Gilda hard on the head.

The blow flattened the headgear and cockpit.

After taking care of the enemy's MS, Lavda thanked Mikazuki.

"Thank you, Sanming. Just leave the rest to me."

"Well, I'm going to support others. Please be more careful."


Asmodeus immediately headed towards Xino for reinforcements.

Although the main enemy MS on the west side was eliminated, Lavda still did not leave without authorization.

The remaining MW and infantry are also a big threat to the train.

With the support of the MW sent by Tekkadan, she must eliminate these enemies.

When Mikazuki arrived at the east side, Sino had already killed an AEB-06L Herlock Glaze alone.

You can tell from the name that this model is related to Graze.

In fact, this model is a simple production model of the Graze skeleton, mainly used in the civilian field.

The size is also smaller than that of normal MS, only 15 meters tall.

However, its low cost and simple operation make it not only widely used in civilian fields, but also become the first choice of many earth mercenary groups.

"Sanming, you're late, I don't need help here."

At this time, Xino was fighting the last Herok Graze.

Although both sides were using battle axes, Mikazuki could clearly see that the other side was in decline.

Xino's victory is only a matter of time.

"I know, just pay more attention to yourself."

"No problem, look at the axe!"

crescent contacts Olga.

"Olga, the situation on the east and west sides is safe. Should I go to support Akihiro now?"

"Ah, okay, but don't get involved in the battle yet. After all, the outcome has not yet been determined between the two sides."


Asmodeus changed direction again, jumped up, and headed straight for Gu Xin's position.

Akihiro still did not intervene in the battle between the two sides at this time, but looked at the four mobile suits that were fighting vigilantly.

According to the Yahabo signal analysis, he already knew the models of the four aircraft fighting ahead.

Two of them were Gildas, while the other two were of an older model.

EB-04 Guerel.

This is the mass-produced airframe that Gjalalhorn used in large quantities before developing the EB-06 Graze.

Garel's skeleton can be traced back to the Valkyrie skeleton used in the Calamity War 300 years ago.

After Graze was mass-produced, this model was gradually withdrawn from Gallarhorn's equipment as time went by, especially the consumption of the Valkyrie skeleton.

The people who still use this machine are mainly mercenaries.

However, one of them is a completely old model EB-04 Guerel.

The other one is Garel's heavily armed model, EB-04jc4 Garel Executioner.

Although it is a heavily armored model, the rear skirt of the body is equipped with a suspension device to ensure the maneuverability of the body.

At this moment, four machines from both sides were fighting together.

However, Akihiro has confirmed that the two Gildars are already at a disadvantage.

Sure enough, the first to decide the winner was the executioner Guerel.

After blocking the opponent's crowbar with a war hoe, the shield structure located on the outside of the machine's arms suddenly unfolded.

A pair of telescopic blades flipped out from the inside, and then penetrated the Gilda's arms.

Then, while the telescopic blade was clamping down on the opponent, the war hoe was raised and penetrated the opponent's cockpit.

The battle with the other Galel also came to an end when Asmod arrived.

Garel, who was dual-wielding battle axes, quickly understood Gilda in front of him with a series of swift movements.

Then the two old model MSs confronted Gusin and Asmod.

"Sure enough, the information is not accurate enough. Counting Barbatos, Tekkadan already has three Gundam frames."

In Garel's cockpit, Garan Motha, who had come after receiving orders from Lesdal, looked at the two aircraft in the distance and smacked his lips.

In fact, he followed this team of ASU mercenaries.

As Rysdal's secret agent, he was able to enjoy the intelligence support of Gjalalhorn.

The information about this team of mercenaries was provided to Lesdal and then passed on to him.

So Garland decided to follow this team of mercenaries secretly, preparing to contact Tekkadan.

Because some of the information delivered to him was inconsistent due to different timeliness.

So for verification, this is a necessary risk.

However, he believed that as long as he acted friendly or even neutral, Tekkadan would not attack him easily.

As it turns out, he was right.

After killing the two Gildars, Tekkadan did not attack them, but just remained vigilant.

Therefore, he can observe the organism confronting him unscrupulously.

The information about Barbatos and Gusin had been determined earlier.

Asmodeus didn't appear many times, and there were basically no witnesses alive.

Therefore, it was not included in the intelligence for the time being. Garland looked at the appearance of the mobile suit marked as an 'unknown' model and decisively included it in the Gundam frame.

After all, although the Ahabo model is not recorded, the double-furnace Gundam is definitely gone.

Thinking of this, he turned on the public channel and said loudly.

"Tekkadan members, we have no intention of becoming your enemy."

Just as he was sizing up the opponent, Olga had already learned about the situation ahead.

"They didn't launch an attack? Don't act rashly for now and see what they are going to do."

Olga did not choose to rush forward with regard to the two MSs that could not be judged as enemies or friends for the time being.

Chapter 152 The Appearance of Garland Mossa

At this time, the battle on the east and west sides has basically entered the final stage.

The enemy who had lost their MSs had completely collapsed. Except for a few MWs who had escaped, all other personnel and MWs had been lost to Tekkadan's attack.

As long as you wait for a while, the MS on both wings will be freed.

At that time, it will be a 4 versus 2 situation.

Moreover, he still remembered Alex's teachings.

Although I can't completely trust people who have helped me, I can't just slap them instead of thanking them.

Therefore, after hearing the other party's voice in the public communication, he also picked up the communicator and responded politely.

"I am the deputy leader of Tekkadan, Olga Ittsuka. Thank you very much for helping us defeat the enemy, but please state your name."

Garland smiled when he heard the other party's neither humble nor arrogant voice.

As long as they can communicate, it means that the two parties will at least not fight.

Then the video communication opened, and Olga saw Garland with a beard.

"I am Garland Moza. Just a mercenary."


Olga wouldn't believe his lies.

Can ordinary mercenaries know their hidden movement routes?

Then their secret plan is a bit ridiculous, right?

For a moment, a certain golden masked man flashed in Olga's heart.

After all, he was the only one who knew the entire plan...the outsider.

Looking at the suspicious expression on Olga's face, Garland laughed.

"Yes, mercenary, that's all."

"I'm afraid, there are others behind you who hired you and provided information."

"Yes, but we will not leak the employer's information. After all, we have the principle of confidentiality."

Garland readily admitted that there was someone behind him.

But he didn't tell Tekkadan who the person behind him was.

After all, Lesdal's intention was to let him test and get in touch with Tekkadan.

Since the other party didn't intend to say anything, Olga had no intention of continuing to ask.

"So, what exactly are you planning to do here?"

Olga chose to ask a direct question. We are all mercenaries and there is no need to go around in circles.

If you are a friend, shake hands.

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