Then he looked at the other mobile suits that were re-entering the truck compartment.

"Mercenary group? Isn't Gjalalhorn in disguise?"

Originally, he thought that it would be Gallarhorn's disguised troops launching a sneak attack.

"No, just a simple mercenary."

"This is really strange."

From the beginning, he prepared a response plan based on the premise that McGillis had completely betrayed them.

What he didn't expect was that the other party was always in a Schrödinger state of selling them but not seeming to completely sell them.

Not only that, the next news surprised him even more.

"And another group of mercenaries appeared, calling themselves Garan. Mossa."

After Olga finished speaking, Alex looked at him with a surprised expression on his face.

"Garland Mossa?"


This name is not unfamiliar to him. The opponent is Lesdal's ace secret weapon on Earth.

In the second season, it was he who not only started the war between ASU and Abro.

It almost drained the Tekkadan Earth branch of its blood and nearly killed McGillis.

Unexpectedly, he actually appeared here and came into contact with Tekkadan.

This was something Alex didn't expect at all.

At this time, Yukinocheng ran over and said to the two of them.

"Captain, all the aircraft have been recovered, shall we leave here?"

Alex nodded.

"In that case, let's move on."


After recovering all MS, the train started again and headed towards Edmonton.

Afterwards, he listened to Olga telling him the detailed actions of Garland Moza after he appeared.

"So I concluded that the other party had no ill intentions for the time being, so I used the excuse of cleaning the battlefield to make the other party retreat."

"Well done, Olga."

When you don't know who the enemy is, politely making excuses for the other party to retreat is the best way.

What, you ask what if the other party refuses to leave.

That must be the enemy, just do it!

However, although he was very concerned about Garland Mossa's appearance, since the other party had left on his own initiative, he had no intention of fighting with them.

That means the two sides will not become enemies for the time being and will meet again in the future.

What's more, the most important task of Tekkadan right now is to deliver the seedlings to Edmonton on time.

As long as the opponent does not take the initiative to provoke and launch an attack, he only needs to remain vigilant about Garland Motha until the mission is completed.

So he turned his attention back to the rest of the journey.

What he didn't know was that when the train set off, Garland on the nearby mountain actually saw Barbatos' return through the telescope.

"Ha, it seems that the operation of the Supervision Department has failed. Now the head of the Farid family is in trouble."

Garland was very interested in teaching these young soldiers to become Alex like this.

It's just that in order to contact Tekkadan, he chose the opportunity to wait for the other party to leave.

But he believed that he would meet the other party sooner or later.

In particular, their next destination is Abro's capital, Edmonton.

After the train disappeared into the wind and snow, he put down his binoculars and turned back to get into the cockpit.

He led his troops and evacuated here.

Back in the carriage, Alex went to the reception room after dinner.

He unexpectedly discovered that Shi Miao was the only one here, and Gudilia was not there.

"Ah, Captain Alex, it seems the operation went smoothly."

Seeing him appear, Shi Miao took the initiative to say hello to him.

"Yes, the next thing we have to consider is Gjalalhorn's blockade of Edmonton. I think Mr. Shimiao is so confident that he will naturally have a way to enter the city quietly."

Shi Miao didn't care about his verbal reminder.

He just stroked his beard and nodded.

"Yes, I have arranged for people to go to Edmonton in advance to find a solution. By then, Tekkadan will still need to provide cover."

"This is natural. We will definitely provide necessary cover. But you should also know that MS cannot enter the city, so the cover firepower will not be too strong."

"Understand, understand."

Shi Miao couldn't help but nod, as if he was not an employer, but a spectator.

"It's best if you understand us. After all, if this mission fails, we, as grasshoppers on a rope, will not be easy."

"Captain Alex, you have a good grasp of the common sayings on Earth, hahaha."

"I don't know either. After all, I have lost my memory."

He still uses this excuse for his past.

After all, this is something publicly recorded in his information.

"It's such a pity. Young talents like you should have been met by me earlier. It's a pity, it's a pity. But it's not too late now."

Shimiao sat up straight and suddenly said to Alex.

"I wonder, Captain Alex, are you interested in working for me?"

"Am I not working for Mr. Shimiao right now?"

Alex pretended not to understand and asked the other person.

"No, I'm not talking about this simple relationship between mercenaries and employers."

Shi Miao shook her head and threw an olive branch to him.

"But you accept my formal employment and build a real independent armed force of your own for me and for Ablo."

Hearing this, Alex raised his eyebrows.

"With all due respect, Mr. Shimiao, I can understand your thinking. But by doing this, doesn't it violate the Van Golf Declaration? Will Gallallhorn watch the economic circle rearm itself? "

Shimiao answered his concerns frankly.

"Sure enough, you know a lot. But don't worry. Last time, Gjallarhorn took a lot of effort to suppress the African Union incident. If I can come back to power this time, then the opposition will collude with Gjallar I will definitely expose Horn’s matter. By then, it won’t just be the Abloh family’s worries.”

Alex understood what he was thinking.

"I see, once this matter is announced, it will be a big earthquake for the earth, right? At that time, other economic circles will also propose the possibility of establishing their own armed forces. In this way, Abloh can take advantage of the opportunity to be stable. You’ve built your own weapons, right?”

"Yes, you are very smart."

Shimiao is very satisfied with Alex's intelligence.

Therefore, he increasingly hopes to recruit Alex to work under him.

"That's true."

After Alex figured out Shi Miao's plan, he sighed secretly in his heart.

Sure enough, today, more than 300 years later, mankind has long forgotten the huge trauma caused by the original war.

After all, even calamity battles have become history in the books.

Although people talk about the war, they all know that the losses it caused were terrible.

But for people today, it is just a series of numbers and written records.

Generations of human beings no longer have a real fear of war.

They will only complain about why Gjalralhorn is armed?

But he must survive under the other party's reign of terror.

Of course, it was also due to Gjalralhorn's own corruption.

Under the influence of this trend of thought, it is only a matter of time before various economic circles re-arm themselves.

After all, if you don’t have your own armed forces, so what if you win politically and economically?

It's like being an X kid.

The kid's tongue is sharper than that of the samurai, and he can ridicule the other person in various ways. It is very secretly satisfying to see the other person's clumsy explanation, but he can't explain himself.

But when the samurai wants to beat up the kid, I'm afraid that the kid will have no power to fight back except for his tough words. He can only go home crying with a bruised nose and swollen face.

Obviously, all economic circles have realized that if they have no force, they will eventually fall out with Gjalalhorn.

There was nothing that could be done except being beaten to pieces.

Therefore, rearming yourself is the inevitable path.

And Abro will definitely not be the first person. After all, if he announces the restoration of the armed forces on his own, Gjalalhorn will definitely scare the others.

But if the four major economic circles join forces and take the opportunity to announce it, then even Gjallhorn will be wary.

After all, we can’t kill all the four major economic circles, right?

"Anyway, it's a good strategy. Mr. Shimiao."

"Thank you. Captain Alex."

Shimiao accepted Alex's compliment calmly.

But Alex changed the subject.

"However, the premise is that Mr. Shimiao can indeed resume his role as Abro's representative, otherwise all this will end up being nothing more than a mirror in the mirror."

"Haha, you, a young man, really like to throw cold water on others."

Shinae smiled and pointed at him, to which Alex shrugged.

"Before you anticipate victory, anticipate defeat. I am accustomed to making adequate plans for any plan to avoid being helpless when faced with the worst-case scenario."

Shimiao, who was stroking his beard, nodded.

"Yeah, well, it's a good habit. However, you haven't answered my question yet. Are you willing to come and work for Abloh under me?"

The old man brought the topic back to his invitation.

To this, Alex did not immediately reply to him. After all, if he agreed at this moment, he would be completely bound to Shimiao.

So he said calmly.

"This matter is not a trivial matter. Let me think about it. How about waiting until Mr. Shi Miao is re-elected as a representative?"

Chang Miao naturally understands his little thoughts.

Obviously, Alex will not be easily tied to his chariot.

However, people are always very tolerant of talented people, so even if he declined, Shi Miao was still very generous.

"Of course. I hope that Captain Alex can give me a satisfactory answer by then."

"I will. Mr. Shimiao."

Chapter 154 Karta’s Memories

Then the two sides skipped this topic in a tacit understanding and made some guesses about the identity of the attacker.

However, the other party was obviously well prepared and basically left no usable information.

In addition, Tekkadan was not familiar with the Earth's mercenary circle, so Alex could only hand over the collected information to Tubbins and the Changsheng Gang.

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