Therefore, forming an alliance with the Farid family was the last thing that Mr. Ixiu, who was paralyzed in bed, could do for Karta.

And he didn't tell Karta about this.

He just expressed the hope that she could take over the orbital fleet and see her get married and have children before he died so that he could revitalize the Ixiu family.

Unfortunately, due to previous education problems, Karta, who was a bit stubborn, only remembered the first half and the last half of the sentence.

I completely forgot about the middle part...

And finally ended up in the situation of being captured today.

Just as she was thinking about all this, the door of the box was knocked again.

"who is it?"

"Miss Carta, it's me."

Nanao's voice came from outside the door.

"come in."

As the door opened, Nanao brought in the afternoon tea with a smile.

"Miss Carta, it's already tea time."

She didn't speak, just let Nanao put the teapot and cups, and poured her black tea before she asked.

"During lunch, Miss Gudelia said that you were out for something. What were you doing?"

Her tone was very calm, as if she said it casually.

But Nanao didn't deal with her as she imagined.

"Before lunch, I pretended to be you and went out with Captain Alex."


Karta was shocked when she heard Nanao casually say that she was pretending to be herself.

"What is going on? What are you trying to do by pretending to be me!"

In an instant, she thought of many bad things.

For example, pretending to be oneself and misleading the Gallagher troops.

Seeing her serious expression, Nanao pretended to be surprised and covered her mouth with her hand.

"Ah, it seems that Captain Alex didn't tell you. That's right. I guess he is worried about your wild thoughts."

After listening to this, Karta became even more angry.

"Why don't you tell me this kind of thing? Are you afraid that I will think nonsense! You obviously don't tell me, so I will think nonsense!"

Facing the angry Karta, Nanao still answered with a smile.

"Well, after all, this matter is actually not a good thing for you. It's for your own good that Captain Eric doesn't tell you."

"What on earth is going on! I order you to tell me!"

Karta unconsciously used a commanding tone.

In this regard, although Nanao understood the plan in her heart, she hesitated to answer.

"This is not good. After all, Captain Alex didn't tell you. What I told you privately..."

"But it doesn't matter, I won't say you told me."

"Yes, Miss Carta."

After receiving the guarantee, Nanao told Karta the whole story.

Of course, there are some lies mixed in.

The so-called highest state of lying is naturally nine points true and one point false.

The more Karta listened, the more frightened she became, unable to detect Nanao's lies at all.

In fact, it cannot be said that Nanao's words were completely lies. She was just telling Karta about some possibilities that would arise after her death.

For example, once she dies, who will be the biggest beneficiary.

As well as the attitude of other Qixing families towards the Yixiu family, as well as their acquiescence and encouragement in this matter.

Normally, Karta would have expressed doubts.

After all, how did a mere maid know these things?

But at this moment, she was so confused that she didn't consider this at all.

Her mind was just thinking about the storm of information Nanao had conveyed to her.

'Someone wanted her dead. '

'The people who want her to die are the same people from the Qixing family. '

'Her death represents the complete decline of the Yixiu family. '

'Who would benefit most from her death? '

Regarding the last question, she subconsciously thought it was the Elian family and the Kuzan family.

But under Nanao's guidance, she discovered that it seemed that the Farid family would be the biggest beneficiaries.

After all, as his family's ally and his guardian, Iznario can get the greatest benefits.

McGillis may even be involved.

When she heard the name, her heart twitched.

She recalled her 'accidental encounter' with McGillis in Vangolf some time ago.

In fact, she was the one who found an excuse to meet McGillis after he came back from Mars.

Of course, she, always duplicitous, treated McGillis coldly.

'Your sneer full of contempt still makes people look angry at first glance, McGillis. '

But Chocolat himself is used to her poisonous tongue.

"The same goes for you, Karta. You haven't changed since we met."

"There's no point in flattering me!"

"No, I'm just stating the facts, the beautiful and arrogant daughter of the Ixiu family, the head of the Qixing family."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Kalta, whose cheeks turned red, scolded him angrily.

"Karta, to me, you are as unattainable as the stars in the sky. I know very well that I come from a humble background, but you don't pity me or sympathize with me. Instead, you treat me as an equal."

"In my opinion, you have always been a refreshing person. You and Galio are both my close friends. I hope to maintain this relationship forever."

But now, the person who keeps claiming to be his best friend is the person who most likely wants him to die.

This huge gap made Karta unable to accept it for a while.

"how so……"

She murmured to herself, her eyes even losing their highlights.

Looking at Karta who was already entangled, Nanao continued to guide him.

"Don't worry, Miss Karta. In short, this matter has been resolved now."

"Solved? What do you mean?"

Karta looked at Nanao with eyes full of disbelief.

"The enemies who set up an ambush have been basically eliminated by Captain Alex. No matter what the other party's plan is, you are safe now."

"Those people were eliminated by Alex?"

Karta mechanically repeated what Nanao said.

"That's right. That's it."

Nanao used a positive tone to induce her.

"Captain Alex, I think this is a trap. Not only for you, but also for Tekkadan. So for your sake and self-protection, that's why."

"I'm sorry for using your pilot uniform without telling you again. Miss Carta."

But Carta didn't respond at all, as if he hadn't heard her apology.

What she was thinking about at this moment was why Alex was so nice to her?

And this is exactly the effect Nanao wants to achieve. Although she doesn't know what she is thinking in her heart, she just needs to implant this impression into the other person's mind.

The rest is waiting for the crucial appraisal report.

When Alex asked her to help get Carta's blood sample, Nanao knew what he wanted to do.

Therefore, she took the initiative to propose to Alex that the force behind her would conduct the test.

In this way, not only can he avoid other forces that Alex is familiar with, but he can also achieve extreme confidentiality.

It can also make the test results more credible and prevent someone from forging the appraisal report for ulterior purposes.

Although he did not fully trust Nanao and the mysterious organization behind her, considering that what the other party said was reasonable, Alex handed one of the samples to her.

As for the other samples, he still kept them, planning to wait until the matter was over and then quietly find a place for identification.

After Nanao finished speaking, the two of them remained in silence, with only the sound of the train passing over the tracks.

At this time, Alex didn't know that he was being plotted against.

Tired, he fell asleep to the sound of the train passing over the tracks.

Since the train started heading south, the journey has been very smooth. Although everyone in Tekkadan has been vigilant at all times, there have been no attacks for several days.

It seemed that Gjalalhorn arranged such an interception battle, and then focused entirely on blocking Edmonton.

Therefore, everyone in Tekkadan was very optimistic about the upcoming journey, and even Shimae said that this way, they would be able to reach their destination earlier than expected.

However, Alex was not as optimistic as others.

He always felt that what they would face next might not be ordinary interceptions.

But despite his worries, the train safely passed through the dangerous Yukon and Northern Rockies regions and entered a safer and flatter area.

Not only is the terrain here low, but the snow will also melt quickly in a short period of time due to the foehn effect.

Therefore, when they entered this area, they saw tundra first, then coniferous forest and grassland.

After crossing the Mackenzie River, they were only the last distance away from their destination, Edmonton.

It can be said that victory is close at hand.

But at this time, the feeling of danger in Alex's heart became even stronger.

For a new human being, any feeling of danger is an early warning.

Especially when this feeling becomes stronger and stronger, it indicates that they are approaching danger.

Therefore, he ordered the Tekkadan members to continue to be vigilant.

He would definitely not say that this was his intuition. In that case, not many people would believe him.

So he used the excuse that this area had entered a flat area, and Gallallhorn might expand the defensive circle and set up an ambush.

Olga and others were quite convinced by this excuse. It was this alarm that allowed the Tekkadan members at the front of the train to discover the blown railway bridge in time and apply emergency braking.

Chapter 156 Encountered an ambush

Although the people in the car were unprepared for a moment, they all fell and staggered.

But before they could get up to complain, the sirens rang through the train, and Akihiro, who was on duty, discovered the Ahabo signal that suddenly appeared from both sides.

Gu Xin immediately jumped out of the carriage and took the initiative to meet the enemy.

The pilot of another leaking aircraft who was on standby also immediately urged to open the roof of the carriage.

"Move quickly, the enemy is already in your face!"

Lavda looked anxiously at the slowly opening top panel on the screen. She had never felt that this thing opened so slowly.

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