Several other mobile suits immediately began to inspect the wreckage in the abandoned mine, looking for usable weapons.

Not long after, the MW team, which had finished cleaning up the battlefield on the south side, came to help them clean up the battlefield.

After quickly cleaning up, Tekkadan all retreated to the side of the train.

At this time, the evacuated convoy was ready to set off and was waiting for the MS team to return and make final preparations.

The MS team began to replenish the propellant. Alex temporarily left the machine and found Shimiao and others who had already boarded the armored vehicle.

The next journey is about 600 kilometers.

It is no longer possible to ride the train. Since the railway bridge has been damaged, it is obviously impossible to continue to travel by railway.

Moreover, in order to dispatch quickly, the train's cargo compartment had been destroyed by Tekkadan's MS.

The open-top train made MS easier to spot, so even if they turned to pass in other directions, they would still be easily spotted.

"Although the train can no longer be used, we can use him as a bait to play a final role for us."

Alex pointed to a residential area located south-west of them on the map.

"I have a simple plan."

The town of Peace River is also called the town of Peace River.

is a small town in Alberta located at the confluence of the Peace and Smokey rivers.

The straight-line distance from Edmonton, the capital of Abreau, is 486 kilometers.

There is a road bridge across the river and a railway bridge across the river.

It is an important gateway and transportation gathering point in northwest Edmonton.

A few days ago, the residents here were surprised to find that a large number of Gjallarhorn troops had entered the town.

They blocked the railroad and road bridges across the Peace River.

And some residents also discovered that in addition to the MW and infantry stationed in the city, there were signs of MS activities in the suburbs.

For the residents of this town, it was the first time that such a large number of Gjallarhorn troops had been stationed.

In this regard, well-informed residents learned that they came to intercept a train.

Trains are not uncommon for the residents of the town.

A weekly freight shuttle runs to Edmonton via this rail line.

It has even become a special sight in this town for some enthusiasts who love this ancient mode of transportation.

I come here regularly to take photos of the double-track train crossing the Peace River.

But this time, for some reason, the people who came were not enthusiasts carrying camera equipment.

It was Gjallarhorn who was armed with ammunition.

This started rumors circulating around the town.

Some people say that there are dangerous forbidden weapons on that train,

Some people say that there are a large number of rebels hiding on the train and they want to attack Edmonton.

Some people even say that the car contains murder weapons from the calamity war 300 years ago!

Anyway, amidst the differing opinions, the residents of the town witnessed the departure of some of Gjallarhorn's troops a few days ago.

I thought things seemed to be over like this, but today the atmosphere in the town suddenly became tense.

Not only the staff of the Abro government issued an evacuation announcement to the townspeople, requiring residents to evacuate the town immediately.

Gjallarhorn's troops even set up various roadblocks in the town, while MW and infantry were also on duty on the streets nervously.

The mobile suits that were originally operating outside the town also moved closer to the town.

In this case, the residents who were still complaining immediately stopped complaining and evacuated the town with their families.

"Major, the residents of the town have been evacuated."

Major Gjallarhorn, the commander, nodded.

"Let the MS team enter the city and prepare for battle."

In fact, the reason why residents were evacuated was not because of Gjalalhorn's kindness.

It's just to prevent MS from entering the town and settling the population.

They have received intelligence that the ambush force heading to the north to intercept has been completely wiped out.

But the good news is that if Tekkadan and Shimei continue to take the train, they can only go south and pass through Peace River to Edmonton.

Therefore, they who have blocked the opponent's only path must hold on.

And once the other party starts fighting with them in the town, it will be confirmed that the other party is a rebel.

Then the righteous Gallarhorn can eliminate them where they are without any scruples!

Gjallarhorn was ready, nervously waiting for his target to appear.

Time passed by, and soon the reconnaissance position set up outside the town discovered the appearance of the train.

The previous ambush site was less than 30 kilometers away from the town of Peace River, so it was not that far away.

Therefore, the time when the other party appeared was about the same as estimated. Through the telescope, the scout confirmed that it was the target train.

However, at this time, the train windows were covered with a layer of temporarily installed steel plates, covering the situation inside the carriage.

Even the driving position window at the front of the car is covered with steel plates, leaving only a narrow gap for external observation.

This kind of temporary armor plate looks shoddy.

The scout probably installed it to block fragmentation attacks from intercepting fire, so he didn't pay much attention.

On the large carriages at the rear, the tops of several cargo carriages are still covered with white camouflage nets that have not been removed.

Obviously, the opponent's preparations were very hasty, and they seemed to be passing through as quickly as possible to disrupt Gjalalhorn's subordinates.

However, they obviously underestimated the Gallarhorn troops who were ready to intercept.

"Report to Commander, the target has appeared and is about to reach the first interception point."

"very good."

The major nodded with satisfaction.

"Order the first intercept point to act as planned."

In order to ensure a smooth operation, Gallallhorn set up the first interception point outside the town.

In fact, this interception point is more formal than practical. After all, even the blocking and warning fences placed on the railway tracks are made of wooden boards.

In addition, MWs on both sides of the tracks were also ordered not to fire.

The purpose is to allow the other side to get through and provide oneself with an excuse to intercept.

After receiving the order, MW immediately issued a warning to the rapidly approaching train.

"We are, Gallarhorn, now asking you to stop the car immediately! You..."

Before he could finish his words, the train broke through the interception.

The wooden blocking fence erected on the railway track was easily knocked open by the high-speed train, and then rushed towards the town while wiping the MW on both sides of the railway track.

"Commander! The other party broke through the blockade! Refusing to stop!"

MW reported to superiors.

"very good!"

The major waved his hands excitedly.

"Order other troops to intercept the train after it enters the railway bridge!"


The train, which did not slow down at all, rushed into the deserted town and continued to move along the tracks.

When the train stepped onto the railway bridge across the Peace River, the MW team that had already been deployed on the highway bridge opened fire immediately!

The 30mm machine gun and 105mm artillery fired wildly at the train.

Soon, the mobile suits deployed on both sides of the river joined the attack, and for a time the entire cross-river railway bridge was shrouded in explosions.

These shells easily penetrated the left side of the train, and then ricocheted and exploded in the empty carriages.

"Very well, the mobile suit team is ready to attack the enemy's mobile suits!"

The major held up his binoculars and looked at the beaten train, which was on fire. He nodded with satisfaction and continued to issue orders in an orderly manner.

If attacked in this way, although the enemy's mobile suit will not be damaged, it will certainly not sit idly by.

But he soon discovered something unusual, that is, even though the MW's firepower was so fierce.

The other party didn't react at all, as if everyone in the car died in the gunfire.

As the left tractor front was completely smashed, the unbalanced train began to overturn and derail.

The huge carriage began to tilt under the traction of only one side of the car, with the sound of wheels and rails rubbing, and the sound of metal twisting in a ball.

The huge carriage deformed, then detached from the tracks and fell into the Peace River.

But until this time, the white camouflage cloth originally covering several of the carriages fell off.

Through the telescope, the major clearly saw the hole in the roof of the car and the empty compartment.

Of course, it can't be said that it's completely empty. There are still supplies that Tekkadan didn't have time to take away.

'be cheated! '

This was the first reaction in his mind.

"These bastards!"

He squeezed the telescope with both hands so hard that his knuckles turned white.

"Order! The MS team is dispatched immediately! Search along the railway line! We must find those bastards!"

After saying that, the major slammed the telescope to the ground.


A few hours later, the search team found traces of a river crossing between the abandoned mine and the town.

Only then did Gallallhorn confirm that Tekkadan had already crossed the river from here and passed through their defense line.

At this time, several hours had passed since the other party left.

Even if it was a conservative estimate, the opponent was already racing all the way towards Edmonton along the highway, and it was obvious that they could no longer catch up.

When the news was placed on Iznario's desk, Tekkadan successfully used the train to distract the other party's attention and took the opportunity to cross the river as a whole.

We have moved along the highway to a location about 100 kilometers away from Edmonton.

As the distance progressed, the number of surrounding settlements increased.

There is no longer any need to hide Tekkadan's whereabouts.

Many people in residential areas watched in surprise as a group of armored vehicles led by MW drove past the highway at high speed, crossed the residential area, and then disappeared at the end of the road.

Some people also discovered that at the edge of the residential area, several mobile suits appeared quickly and then disappeared quickly.

“I’m afraid Edmonton already knows the news about our presence.”

In the cockpit of Barbatos, Alex maintained contact with the convoy driving along the road.

"So I suggest that you keep at a safe distance and do some repairs. I think after sitting in the car for so long, you also want to move your stiff bodies."

"That's right, I can't feel my waist anymore."

Shi Miao strongly agrees with this proposal.

Chapter 160 Arriving outside Edmonton

In fact, to be fair, the seats in the armored transport vehicle prepared by Tekkadan were quite comfortable.

But when space is limited, having to sit is really a torture for older people.

And the old man Shimiao couldn't be like those young people. He felt stuffy in the car, so he could climb on the roof of the armored car and sit outside to enjoy the breeze.

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