Shi Miao was very satisfied with his caution.

"Very well, then, I'll leave everything to you, Captain Alex."

"this is necessary."

Nothing happened that night, it was very quiet, and Gjallarhorn did not leave the city for a sneak attack. He seemed to just continue to stick to the city as ordered.

However, at the other end of the city, Iznario, who came across the ocean, also landed smoothly at the airport outside Edmonton.

And also brought the combat troops that will be put into use next.

When he learned about Shi Miao's performance during the day, he snorted coldly.

"Hmph, are you going to use the pressure of public opinion to get yourself into the city? This guy Shi Miao has no other tricks."

In this regard, Julie Fleur also smiled and nodded.

"Since he wants to attack in public opinion, let him be satisfied."

"Have you made arrangements?"

"Yes, it has already started. When he wakes up tomorrow, his expression will probably be very exciting."

Sure enough, early the next morning, when Shi Miao woke up.

I found that the Internet is full of news replays about his corruption and resignation, as well as various so-called 'latest news'.

For example, Shi Miao colluded with SAU, Oceania was traitorous, and other sensational news.

He stroked his beard smilingly.

"It seems that the opponent's counterattack has begun."

The opponent's counterattack was not beyond Shimiao's expectation, and he had already planned for it.

Soon, there was news on the Internet about speaking out for Shi Miao, which was arranged by his faction and supporters.

So the two sides got involved on the Internet.

At this time, Tekkadan ignored the various wars of words on the Internet.

The MW troops brought by Olga escorted the armored vehicle Shimiao rode yesterday to the edge of the city as usual today.

However, the Gallarhorn Police Department, which has learned its lesson today, has prepared response measures in advance.

A two-way blockade was announced overnight on the edge of the city, and a 3-kilometer no-access area was designated.

Approaching this area from any direction will result in a shooting without warning.

This will prevent the media from putting the microphone in the face of the police station to report like yesterday.

At the same time, this distance also includes the area across the bridge, giving the police department a legal and reasonable reason to take action.

Therefore, when Tekkadan's MW troops just approached the bridge, they followed the orders of the front commander.

The Gallarhorn troops opened fire immediately!

The 30mm and 105mm guns equipped by MW flew over the bridge and fired at Tekkadan.

"We're under attack!"

"Back up!"

Olga ordered decisively.

The Tekkadan and the MW troops in the front row were temporarily equipped with bulldozers and steel plates.

Therefore, despite being attacked first, under Orr's timely order, they retreated decisively without any casualties.

Faced with the enemy's fire attack, Olga did not hesitate to order a counterattack.

For a time, the two sides engaged in a fierce exchange of fire around the bridge.

The sound of gunfire spread into the city, and the media in the distance captured footage of the exchange of fire between the two sides.

Even if you didn't watch the live broadcast, the rising smoke column in the northwest of the city made the situation in Edmonton even more tense.

At the same time, a team of 5 people led by Sino, led by Shimiao supporters, quietly sneaked into Edmonton from the city's underground waterways...

This is an underground sewer system built a long time ago, after all, although Edmonton does not receive much rainfall.

However, there is a lot of snowfall every winter, and the flooding problem caused by the melting of the snow has caused the city's underground pipe network to be built in all directions.

And just like many cities, as the pipe network continues to be expanded and updated, the original old pipe network gradually becomes a secret hidden in the darkness deep underground.

Either become a smuggling corridor, or become a home for wanted and homeless people evading pursuit.

And like many large cities in this era, these sewers were built with the need to provide auxiliary mechanical access.

Therefore, the buildings are often very tall, so when Xino and others are walking on the same road under the leadership, they feel that they can run MW.

Although some areas are narrow and the MW cannot turn around, considering the speed of movement, the MW is definitely faster than walking on two legs.

Another reason why Xino relies so much is...

The distance on this route looks long!

"How far is it?"

After walking for several hours, he asked the person who led the way.

"About 8 kilometers to go."

"Ha, it seems that if you want to walk in on two legs, you still need a certain amount of physical strength."

Hearing this answer, Sino firmly decided to use MW to transport personnel.

On the ground, the MW battle between the two sides continued.

Seemingly due to insufficient numbers, Tekkadan fired smoke bombs and retreated after fighting for a period of time.

"Stop firing!"

The commander of Gallarhorn's troops immediately ordered after seeing this.

The sound of gunfire gradually stopped, and when the smoke dissipated, only the bunkers piled up by the opponent were left on the opposite bridge.

Tekkadan's MW unit has disappeared.

"Captain, shall we pursue him?"

Faced with his subordinates' initiative to fight, the commander shook his head firmly.

"No, the order we received is that it is enough to stand firm and do what the order requires."


The commander's face darkened as his subordinates who were eager to make meritorious service wanted to say something else.

"Execution of orders, Lieutenant."


After his subordinates left, the commander looked in the immediate direction of Tekkadan and let out a sigh of relief.

What a joke, he didn't get carried away with excitement because of the opponent's retreat like this stupid guy.

You know, the other party was just afraid of Van Gelf's declaration and did not let the MS get close.

If any mobile suit from the other side ventures close, they will be forced to retreat.

It is precisely because of the city's cover that they can fight 'fairly' with the MW versus MW lineup.

Taking the initiative to attack out of the city is tantamount to giving up the city's cover, so the opponent's MS can attack them unscrupulously.

This is complete suicide!

'When the battle is over, report this lunatic guy and transfer him away. '

The commander made up his mind to wait for the fighting here to end and let this impulsive guy leave his unit.

It's okay if you want to die, don't hold yourself back.

After the Tekkadan retreated for a few hours, they replenished their ammunition, reorganized their formation, and launched another attack.

The Gallarhorn troops immediately launched a counterattack, and the two sides fell into a fierce exchange of fire.

This exchange of fire lasted for several rounds, and it was not until darkness fell that it stopped.

With Tekkadan's final retreat, Commander Gjalalhorn finally felt relieved.

The next day's battle ended like this.

Early on the third day, the MW troops led by Olga appeared on time again and started a fierce battle with the Gallarhorn troops at the bridgehead.

After a day of fierce fighting, both sides have roughly mastered their opponents' routines.

So on the third day, losses on both sides began to expand.

The exchange of fire, which was more intense than the next day, lasted from morning to evening before it came to an end.

Compared with the losses of the troops, there was another signal that made Commander Gjallarhorn even more worried.

In the last round, it could be seen from the detector that an Ahab wave signal suddenly appeared on the edge of the screen.

Although it was not within interference range, the meaning it represented frightened the commander.

This means that the other party may not be able to hold it any longer.

After all, these people are mercenaries, not regular troops. If the battle situation is frustrated, it is not impossible to mobilize MS to participate in the war.

So that night, the news was reported.

"Oh, it seems that the other party can't bear it any longer and plans to use MS. It seems that Shimiao really has no other option."

Iznario was not surprised by this.

How capable can a group of mercenaries be?

It's just relying on the excellence of the machine. After all, it is a Gundam type MS.

Coupled with the fighting will and technical excellence, that's all.

If you really care about tactics and planning, you can't compare to Gjallarhorn.

Moreover, tomorrow is the day of the parliamentary election. If they cannot enter Edmonton, they will lose after all.

Therefore, the opponent will definitely use MS tomorrow, and it just so happens that he will also use his trump card.

As the director of the Supervision Bureau, he did not attach much importance to Tekkadan's tactical capabilities.

Therefore, with unique arrogance, he made a judgment based entirely on guesswork.

"Yes, father, I think they have no choice before they consider dispatching MS. After all, tomorrow is the most critical day."

The purpose of the report submitted by McGillis was to mislead his adoptive father into making wrong judgments.

"However, if MS is allowed to enter the city, it will definitely cause huge damage to Edmonton. Should we also send MS troops to stop their actions? This will also provide an excuse for justice for our actions. "

After listening to McGillis's thoughts, Iznario nodded.

"Okay, let the MS team go out during the day tomorrow. Eliminate them."

"Yes, father."

At the same time, Alex also listened to the detailed investigation report of Xino who had just returned.

This investigation took two full days.

In order to avoid being monitored, the two parties did not contact each other, so Alex thought that Sino had been caught in a trap.

Therefore, he even considered whether to wait until night and lead people to investigate in person.

It wasn't until later today that Xino and others returned safely that he breathed a sigh of relief.

He, Shimiao, Gudilia and others listened to Xino's report.

Chapter 164 Before the Great War

Although he usually behaves very unreliably, Alex clearly knows that when it comes to serious matters, Xino is still very reliable.

In addition to confirming that this is a safe route, you can sneak into the city secretly.

And the exit is not far away from the location of Abro Parliament.

Sino also detected the main entrance of the Parliament Building, and there were Gallallhorn guards stationed at the back entrance.

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