"Thank you."

After leaving these words, Gu Xin continued to rush forward.

"Hey, stay in formation, damn it!"

Seeing Gu Xin rushing forward again, Lavda angrily twisted her body in the leaking cockpit, causing a wave of shaking.

But Qi Gui Qi, as a mass-produced machine, the leaky shadow and Graze Kai cannot kill everyone as much as the Gundam skeleton body.

Faced with the enemy's cooperation, Liu Ying and Graz Kai also cooperated with each other to launch attacks.

On the battlefield, in addition to Barbatos, another Gundam's performance is probably also quite eye-catching.

Since he had not received accurate information before, Gjallarhorn had never been sure whether Asmodeus was a Gundam or a special machine modified by himself.

Therefore, there were fatal flaws in the tactical arrangements.

And this was also Alex's intention to make Mikazuki hide in the first place.

Now that we have reached a critical moment, there is no need to hide our clumsiness.

Then Asmodeus was seen rushing into the battlefield like a tornado.

If Barbatos is now a berserker, then Asmode is more like a dexterous fighter.

With the help of the original Alaya Consciousness, Mikazuki felt that this machine was like another body of his own.

Although it is inconvenient to use the giant javelin on the earth, it is more convenient to use the giant walking sticks on both arms at this time.

The unfolded pile driver barrel swept across quickly.

Kill the opponent with one blow before the weapon in the enemy's hand is struck down.

Then Asmodeus jumped up and kicked on the back of the head of the machine he had killed. With this step, he not only achieved a double jump.

The wreckage of the aircraft that he used as a pedal fell forward and blocked the sneak attack from behind, forcing the opponent to avoid the wreckage and miss the opportunity to pursue.

When the sneak attacker regained his balance, Asmodeus had already turned 360 degrees and landed on the ground.

After Mikayue looked at the strangely familiar Schwabel on the screen, he was stunned for a moment.

"Ah, it's you."

"Yes, it's me, Tekkadan, I'm back."

Ain looked at Asmode on the screen and frowned even more.

Chapter 167 Battle of Edmonton 2

In fact, he had just received permission to descend to Earth after recovering from his physical condition.

It stands to reason that it would be very difficult for someone who was not born on Earth to land on Earth, even if he was Gallagher's pilot.

After all, Earth people's discrimination against non-Earth people is manifested in all aspects.

In the end, he contacted Galio directly, and the other party remembered that he still had such a guard floating in orbit.

Ain successfully landed on Earth with the permission of the Qixing Family.

After landing in Vangolf, he immediately followed Galio and joined the group headed for Edmonton.

And here, he reunited with Tekkadan again.

"Are you... Gallarhorn's... um, Curry Rice's follower?"

This time, Mikazuki finally remembered Ain's identity, but still couldn't remember his name. By the way, he even remembered Galio's name incorrectly.

"What curry rice! It's Galio!"

At this time, an angry voice inserted into the communication.

At the same time a new Ahab signal appeared on Asmodeus's screen.

"Oh! It's you, curry rice."

"I told you, it's not curry rice!"

Galio shouted angrily.

Although he also knew that most of the people in Tekkadan had little education.

But he was still very angry about Mikazuki's behavior of calling his own name by mistake in a serious manner.

This Ahab wave signal is approaching at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, Alex also saw this new signal.

Because the machine model is clearly displayed on it.

"ASW-G-066 Gundam Simonli? Oh, it seems it has been changed to a cavalry type."

Originally, at this time, after landing on the earth, Simonli made major adjustments to the heavy armor body of the universe.

The entire machine body was changed from a "space assault type" to an "atmospheric assault type".

In addition to replacing the heavy armor with light armor, the skeleton is directly exposed in many places to reduce weight.

The legs are also equipped with the same components as the Land Combat Graze riding type.

It usually walks in bipedal form, but once it starts to attack, the auxiliary limbs hidden in front of the legs unfold to form a quadrupedal assault form.

The front end of the auxiliary limb is not a horse's hoof, but a propeller.

Combined with the suspension component of the rear skirt, it can not only keep the body in a suspended state for a certain period of time.

It can also allow the body to obtain extremely high acceleration and achieve high-speed charging like a cavalry.

In order to match this form, the length of the 'Destroyer Cavalry Lance' it uses even exceeds the length of Simonli's fuselage.

However, because of this, the machine body had to use additional auxiliary arms to hold this overlong and overweight spear.

Even the huge gun body is equipped with a propeller, which not only enhances the destructive power, but also further offsets the instability of the center of the body caused by the weight of the gun body.

In addition, there is the problem of reduced defense due to reduced armor.

Gjallarhorn technicians also fitted Cimonli with a large shield, also held by the auxiliary arm.

There is also a slashing sword hidden on the inside of the shield.

"Barbatos, I will defeat you this time!"

After Galio saw the enemy on the screen, old and new hatreds emerged together.

Although he knew that Carta was still alive and not dead.

However, under McGillis' deliberate guidance, the previous hostage exchange plan completely failed.

Galio, who was kept in the dark and had long been skeptical of this plan, naturally believed that the other party did not really want to exchange hostages.

Therefore, Prince Zi Mao came to a simple and crude conclusion.

"As long as I defeat you, I can rescue Karta!"

Just like in knight novels, the knight challenges the dragon in order to save the princess.

The Cimonli cavalry type raised the Destroyer Knight's spear and headed straight for Barbatos.

After hearing Galio's voice from the public channel, Alex laughed.

"Oh, Lord Knight, in order to save the princess, then I am now a vicious mercenary playing the role of a dragon?"

"Just know what you're doing! Look at the gun!"

The huge spear of the Simonli cavalry type that attacked at high speed stabbed Barbatos fiercely with huge kinetic energy.

Facing the thrusting spear, Alex seized the opportunity, and Barbatos blocked it with the tomahawk in his hand. Although the tomahawk was knocked away, the machine jumped in the opposite direction to avoid the thrust.

"Master, after all this time, you still only know this one trick."

The ridicule coming from the communication made Galio even more angry.

"Don't underestimate me!"

The Simonli riding type quickly turned around and charged straight at him again.

The machine cannon on the Destroyer's lance opened fire, launching suppressive fire on Barbatos.

Mikazuki on the side saw this and tried to come up to help, but was blocked by Schwabel.

"Your enemy is me."

Looking at the purple MS on the screen, Mikazuki answered calmly.

"Okay, let's take some time to deal with you first."

Asmodeus raised the giant crutch with both arms and struck Schwabel.

Simonli's second charge still did not hurt Barbatos.

In the three-dimensional background of the universe, Ximengli's pig attack failed.

After entering the earth, it may be even more difficult to defeat Alex by relying on pure ground assault.

It can only be said that hatred made Galio get into trouble and completely forget the previous lessons.

When Simonli turned around and launched an attack for the third time, Barbatos uncharacteristically took the initiative and accelerated to meet him.

"Just in time! Go to hell!"

Galio was overjoyed when he saw this.

With the help of the auxiliary arm, the extra-long lance in Simonli's hand was held straight, vowing to stab Barbatos through.

The shield in the other hand was also set up, covering the fragile body, leaving only the head exposed for observing the opponent's movements.

If Galio learned anything from his battle with Alex.

So making sure Barbatos is within your sight under any circumstances is one of them.

Because the opponent's movements were too fast, although there was information that Alex did not use Alaya Consciousness, Barbatos' movements were so fast that people doubted the authenticity of this information.

I saw Barbatos, who was launching a counterattack against Simori, holding his sword flat in his hand, with the blade facing the ground and the tip pointed directly at Simori.

Although the weapon is not as long as the Destroyer lance, it still assumes a thrusting posture.

Like samurai dueling under the sunset, the two MSs launched a desperate charge towards each other without hesitation, driven by their whole-body thrusters.

When the distance between the two aircraft quickly narrowed, especially when the lance in Simengli's hand was about to hit the target.

Barbatos suddenly took a step to the right, causing the machine body to avoid the tip of the lance in an instant!

"I knew you would be like this!"

Galio shouted excitedly and immediately pushed down the joystick.

Simonli's right hand and auxiliary arm immediately let go of the lance, letting the heavy gun fall to the ground.

With his free right hand, he quickly pulled out a slashing sword from the inside of the shield and swept it towards Barbatos in front of him.

Galio shouted from the cockpit.

"I won't do the same trick twice...what!"

Just when he thought that after avoiding the spear, Barbatos was going to take the sword directly to Simeli's head.

I saw the white machine in front of me instantly retracting the sword that was originally thrusting, and then instantly squatted down.

Simonli's slashing sword passed over Barbatos' golden crown, only cutting off one of its horns.

And the sword in Barbatos's hand swept across one of the auxiliary legs of the Simori cavalry type!

The material of the auxiliary legs itself is not the original part of the Gundam frame, so the structural strength is not strong enough to block Tachi's chops.

Just like how ancient infantry dealt with heavy cavalry, this knife cut off one of Simengli's 'horse legs'!


The four-legged Simonli instantly lost his balance and tilted to one side.

But Galio is indeed making progress, and he is quickly controlling the machine.

With the help of the suspension component of the rear skirt, Simonli finally didn't fall down because he broke one of his auxiliary legs.

He barely maintained the balance of the machine, and then took the opportunity to pull up the machine, retract the auxiliary legs, and let Simonli stand up on his legs again.

When Simonli turned around again, Galio discovered that Barbatos was holding a sword, standing not far away and watching at leisure, but did not launch an attack.

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