Although Gallarhorn knew that this big guy was a friendly force, this was not a game and there was no friendly force damage.

After being knocked away by a few more Grazes, the Gallarhorn MS troops had to retreat or stay away from AX2.

In order to avoid being accidentally injured by this devil-like guy.

Tekkadan's MS, on Alex's reminder, moved away from the two machines that were constantly moving on the battlefield.

"Don't try to run!"

But as time went by, Corliss also discovered Alex's little trick.

AX2 calmed down and no longer blindly attacked Barbatos.

The machine cannons under the shoulder armor on both sides flip over and fire at the target.

Controlled Barbatos' movement within a certain range.

Then AX2 quickly closed the distance, and the two giant axes crossed and slashed diagonally. Barbatos once again narrowly avoided this attack.

"How did Mikazuki defeat this guy in the first place? Oh, by the way, I don't have Alaya Consciousness."

Back then, Mikazuki defeated Graz Ain.Relying on the liberated Alaya consciousness, he also paid the price of his right eye.

It can only be said that although the degraded version of Alaya Consciousness they used can forcibly achieve the effect of the original version, the price they have to pay is much higher than the original version.

And in order to ensure that the pilot does not risk his own life, there is a limiter inside the Alaya Consciousness.

But this thing is really anxious, and it must be saved when it should be saved.

But the problem now is, Alex, he doesn't have alaya consciousness.

This system does not seem to be compatible with the new human system.

To put it simply, Alaya is still wired transmission, while NT is already a wireless Bluetooth headset.

I don’t know yet whether Alaya Consciousness is compatible with wireless mode.

This also led to the fact that although Alex had sufficient skills, he was unable to further unleash Barbatos' potential.

"Now, it's embarrassing."

Control the body to jump up to avoid the attack of the battle ax.

The current situation is that it is difficult for AX2 to hit Barbatos, but it is also difficult for Barbatos to achieve a decisive attack effect due to the opponent's reaction speed and excellent protection.

The two sides were temporarily at a stalemate, but Alex still discovered a weakness in the AX2 body.

But this requires Barbatos to take risks and get close to the opponent.


Alex gritted his teeth, and the white devil reversed his previous evasion and suddenly closed the distance between them.

At this moment, a gray figure suddenly attacked AX2 from the side!

Alex recognized that it was Asmodeus.

However, he immediately noticed AX2's movements and reminded him loudly.

"Sanming! Be careful!"

His reminder made Mikazuki instinctively alert.

Asmodeus, who was already approaching AX2, stepped on the ground at the moment of emergency stop, and with the help of the propeller, the body suddenly jumped up!

The next second, another huge battle ax swept across Asmodeus's position.

"So fast!"

This kind of action efficiency is not unfamiliar to Mikazuki.

That is the reaction efficiency unique to the Alaya consciousness system.

He is even using this system now, but the other party's system seems to be faster than his own.

"That guy should also be Alaya Consciousness, and it's very likely that he's the original one."

Alex's voice confirmed his guess.

At this time, the shoulders of AX2 on the ground spread out, and the two machine cannons fired at Asmode who was jumping back and falling.

Mikazuki immediately crossed the machine's arms in front of him to block the attack on the head.

On the ground, taking advantage of AX2's attention, he was attracted by Asmodeus.

Barbatos immediately swung his sword forward to attack, aiming his sword at the enemy's leg joints.

With such a huge machine body and extremely strong armor, the slashing effect is not good, so attack vulnerable parts such as joints!

But facing his attack, AX2 seemed to have the reaction speed of a new human being.

Before the sword could hit its target, a huge battle ax blocked the attack path.

The tip of the knife struck the face of the tomahawk, leaving a scratch.

The next moment, the battle ax swung outwards, swinging away the sword. At the same time, another battle ax swept over from the right side of Barbatos, with the intention of cutting him in half.

The moment the attack failed, Alex realized that he was about to face AX2's counterattack.

So the machine quickly retreated to avoid the counterattack, raised its left arm, and fired the machine cannon at the opponent's head.

This forces AX2 to close the head armor, blocking the blood-red one eye behind the armor.

He also raised his hands to block his head for protection, thus breaking the opponent's offensive.

Seeing that the opponent turned to the defensive, Alex keenly seized this opportunity and immediately launched a counterattack.

Barbatos landed, slid backwards for a distance, stopped suddenly, and then quickly lunged forward.

The body drew an arc and circled to the left side of AX2.

The sword was raised and suddenly stabbed the power tube under the target's ribs.

Although this should not be the same thing as the Zaku power tube in the UC world, it is based on Alex's experience in the One Year War.

As long as any exposed tubular thing on the MS is damaged, the output of the body will be reduced.

Don't ask anything!Because that’s how it’s set up!

The tip of the knife suddenly passed through the pipeline connecting the power furnace to the breastplate on the back, and the sharp blade cut it off instantly.

A large amount of liquid leaked from it, and the giant ax in AX2's left hand slammed down, forcing Barbatos back.

The giant ax hit the ground and stirred up smoke, obscuring AX2's figure.


Alex looked at the smoke and did not let down his guard.

After all, the law of smoke and smoke comes first, and I don’t know how many people have overturned on this.

Chapter 172 Battle of Edmonton 7

"Captain, can I use the pile driver on this guy?"

Alex didn't hesitate at all to Mikazuki's request.

"Yes. But pay attention to timing and safety."


At this moment, Alex instinctively felt shocked.

Barbatos quickly rolled to the right, and a giant ax whizzed out from the slowly dissipating smoke, and then stabbed hard into the position where the machine was standing.


AX2 rushed out like a wounded beast, staring with one blood-red eye.

The machine cannons under his shoulders fired continuously at Barbatos, forcing him to jump back continuously and widen the distance.

But AX2 seemed to have spotted Barbatos and rushed forward violently.

When passing by, I didn't forget to take out the tomahawk stuck in the ground.

"Holy crap, is that thing a decoration?"

Seeing AX2's completely unchanged attack efficiency, Alex couldn't help but complain.

Seeing AX2 turning on the violent dual-wielding berserker, he also knew that he could not directly receive the opponent's attack at this time.

The best way is to stall for time and wait for the other party to end his violence.

However, in order to give Asmodeus a chance, he decided to take a risk.

Barbatos stopped retreating, fully opened the thrusters, and launched a countercharge towards AX2.

"It came just right!"

Looking at the white mobile suit in front of him, Corliss, who was immersed in the cockpit, completely focused on the enemy in front of him.

Although the damage just now did not cause the body to malfunction, it actually had some impact on the cockpit.

It's just that it can't be seen for a short time.

The two aircraft quickly closed the distance and raised their weapons almost simultaneously.

The battle ax and the sword collided together, causing fierce sparks to burst out.

Taking advantage of the moment before the opponent's other battle ax was raised, Barbatos ran directly into AX2's arms, increased his force and pressed the weapon hard.

The distance between the two mobile suits was compressed to the limit, and it was also smaller than the minimum attack radius of the weapon.

When Corliss saw this, AX2 decisively threw away the other tomahawk.

He freed up a mechanical arm to grab the white demon that was already in front of him.

"Only you! Only you must die!"

Listening to his crazy voice, Alex decisively let go of his right hand pushing the sword blade, leaving only his left hand holding the sword.

He grabbed AX2's left wrist with his right hand and choked the opponent's attack midway.

"I will definitely die, but not now!"

Holding the joystick tightly with both hands, Alex gritted his teeth and answered.

At this time, Coris, who was soaking in the cockpit, noticed another Ahab signal approaching quickly from behind.

That's Asmodeus!

While Barbatos and AX2 were fighting, Mikazuki seized the opportunity and quickly approached AX2 from behind.

The pile driver on the right arm is ready and can be fired as soon as it successfully approaches the target!

As for whether Barbatos could dodge, Mikazuki, who firmly believed that Alex was strong, didn't consider it at all.

Although he didn't know what was on Asmod's arm, Coris instinctively felt a huge threat.


AX2 tried to withdraw his left hand, then turned around to engage the enemy.

But Barbatos grabbed him tightly and couldn't pull his hand away at all.

"Don't even think about running away! Aren't you going to beat me! Bastard!"

Alex's voice came.

"You, you guy! Damn it!"

However, with his complete Alaya consciousness, Coris naturally has other methods.

AX2 suddenly raised his leg, bent his knee and hit Barbatos' front skirt.

The huge force even caused the white MS that was a Gundam to be knocked off its feet and float into the air!

"Don't get in the way!"

Alex realized something was wrong and wanted to distance the machines.

So while Barbatos put away the knife, he also released his right hand.

But the next moment, AX2's legs, which were originally bent to attack, straightened instantly!

The foot drill directly tore off Barbatos's left shoulder pauldron with this kick, revealing the skeleton underneath.

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