"Speed ​​up, speed up! Don't stop!"

Although he was almost thrown out, Dante loudly ordered decisively.

After hearing the order, the driver continued to accelerate, pushed the overturned enemy MW sideways, and forcibly opened the channel.

Just like that, Tekkadan's two MWs not only did not slow down.Instead, it accelerated even further, roaring past the other bewildered Gallarhorn MW troops.

"It's the enemy! Chase!"

Looking at the opponent who was riding high, the Gallarhorn troops immediately chased after him.

"We have company!"

Dante looked at the enemy chasing behind him and shouted loudly.

"We have to get rid of them!"

"But we have to send Mr. Jimae and Gudelia to the Parliament Building!"

"Are you crazy? The front and back doors are full of Gallarhorn people!"

At this moment, Shi Miao suddenly said.

"Let's not go to the Parliament Building first, let's go to another place."


Dante couldn't care less at this point to consider why.

Shi Miao marked a spot on the map.


"Okay! Turn left at the next intersection! Pay attention to the cars behind you and leave some gifts for them!"

"Roger that!"

The two MWs drifted and turned left at the next intersection.

Immediately afterwards, the tail hatch of the second MW opened, and several mines were thrown out.

After the smart landmine lands, it starts quickly.

The pursuing MW Gallarhorn only saw the landmine on the road ahead after turning the corner.

The driver immediately took evasive measures, but it was too late.

After sensing the target, the detection devices of these landmines flew directly up and stuck to the evading Gallarhorn MW.


Before the driver could jump out of the car, the smart magnetic mine attached to the MW exploded quickly.

Seeing the explosion at the intersection behind them, everyone in Tekkadan breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, they were temporarily freed from the enemy's pursuit, and all that was left was how to enter the parliament building.

Arriving at the spot marked by Shi Miao, they stopped the car.

This is a very ordinary-looking three-story building located behind the Parliament Building.

Two people were left to guard MW. After getting off the bus, the group quickly entered the building.

Under the leadership of Shi Miao, they came to one of the offices on the first floor.

As the mechanism was activated, a passage leading underground was revealed.

"This is the secret passage to the Houses of Parliament, a secret known only to the representatives of the Houses of Parliament. Come with me."

Afterwards, the group entered the parliament building through the tunnel.

That’s what happened just now…

"Mr. Shimiao!"

"Great, he caught up!"

The Miao people were naturally very excited when they saw him.

But the opposition doesn't think so.

They were already confident of winning, but they suddenly panicked.

"Zhimiao...how is that possible!"

"He wasn't..."

Seeing Shi Miao appearing at the door, another candidate, the opposition representative, Enli Fleur, stood up.

"How is this possible! How did you get in here!"

At this moment, she was shocked and angry.

In order to ensure that the seedlings could not get in, the water outside the parliament building was already surrounded by Gallagherhorn.

Not even a fly can fly in!

But in front of him, there were not only Shimiao and his secretary, but also several guards in suits and two women.

How did such a relatively small team get past Gjallarhorn's blockage?

It can't be that the guards are collectively blind.

Could it be that Iznario betrayed himself?

Just when she was thinking wildly, Shimiao's expression became serious.

"How did you get in? I'm a former representative here. Do you think I can't get in because there are people outside?"


Enlie Fleur thought of a rumor about the Parliament Building.

It is said that only each representative knows about the secret passage.

"I know the internal structure of this building better than you do. Representative Anri."

Seeing the changing expression on Enri's face, Shimei walked into the council chamber.

"I just heard someone say that the elections are going to start right away. Well, now I'm here. Let the elections start!"

The opposition's previous actions have now shot themselves in the foot.

As news of the arrival spread, reporters outside the Capitol went crazy.

Because it was an open election, Gjallarhorn did not set up signal blocking.

So soon, the news spread everywhere.

This also includes the Gjallarhorn base.

'Snapped! ' a crisp sound.

The goblet in Iznario's hand was smashed to pieces.

At this moment, he completely lost the elegance he had before.

In addition to the bad news that the seedlings entered Edmonton, the news of the destruction of AX2 and Simuli also came.

The continuous bad news made him, who had always been elegant, now have a twisted expression of anger and surprise on his face.

"What the hell is going on! How could Zhimiao enter the city! What on earth is McGillis doing!"

Suddenly, he thought of a terrible possibility.

"Could it be that...the one who set all this up is actually..."

Thinking of this, he threw his cane to the ground angrily.

"Asshole! What an ignorant white-eyed wolf!"

Realizing that he had to leave here immediately, he picked up his cane and turned to leave the office.

His adjutant saw him coming out and immediately stepped forward.

"Get ready for the plane now, I want to go back to Vangolf."

"Director, what about the battle here..."


Seeing Iznario looking at him with anger on his face, the adjutant swallowed the second half of his sentence.

Ever since he served as the opponent's adjutant, he had never seen such a ferocious expression on Iznario.

So he quickly changed his tune.

"Yes, I'll arrange it right away!"

In the parliament hall, the arrival of the seedlings completely threw the opposition into disarray.

Especially Julie Fleur, one of the representative candidates.

At this moment, she was nervously discussing countermeasures with her staff, but judging from the nervous and sad expressions and sweat on their faces, it was obviously too late.

Dante and others who saw this scene did not understand what it meant.

It can be seen that it is not a bad thing to see tension on the enemy's face, so they all smiled.

"Dante, we need to contact the leader."

"Come on, let's go to the top floor."

Leaving one person to look after the place, Dante and the other person turned and left the council hall.

"Representative of Chang Miao Qian, please speak."

The host extended an invitation to Shimiao.

"Please wait a moment. If you want to speak, then there is someone who needs to speak more than me now."



Shimiao stepped aside to let Gudilia appear to the others.

Chapter 174 Victory

"She is……"

"A little familiar."

"Isn't this the revolutionary girl Gudilia?"

"Really her?"

After others recognized Gudelia, they started talking.

Shimiao's performance just now was so strong that everyone else subconsciously ignored Gudilia who was standing aside.

"I object! She is not a member of the Abro Parliament! Moreover, what is being held now is a representative election, and irrelevant people should not come on stage to speak!"

Enri was the first to stand up and object.

After all, this was the result of urgent discussions between her and her staff.

If Shimiao gives a speech, no matter what he says, he will definitely attack his resignation because of corruption.

But they didn't expect that the old man was far more cunning than they thought. He just refused to do it himself and let others do it.

Or Gudilia, a popular political figure recently.

So she naturally had to raise objections, because in this way, the other party would be in an invincible position.

"It's a parliamentary election, but I hope everyone can listen first to what this girl from Mars has to say."

"Whatever she says has nothing to do with this election!"

Enri firmly opposed it with one bite.

"No, it does."

Shimei changed his usual image of a kind old man in front of Tekkadan and said tit for tat.

"What she wants to say is what I want to say, so I hope you can all feel at ease and listen to what she wants to say!"

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