"I can't think of it, who is it?"

Alex pondered for a moment and then told her.

"It's Karta."


Hearing the name, Gudilia looked at him with wide eyes, shock written on her face.

"Ka...Karta? Karta. Ixiu?"


Alex nodded slowly.

"No? Are you lying to me?"

Gudelia still couldn't believe this news.

After all, the identity contrast is a bit too big, and I don’t even dare to write it like this in novels!

Alex understood her reaction very well.

"I couldn't believe it at first, but that's what it said on the DNA test report."

"In other words, you are actually from Gjallarhorn?"

She had some difficulty connecting the person in front of her with Gallarhorn. This news overloaded her brain.

"Yes, I...I was also very surprised and confused. After all, I had a lot of fun beating them before."

"Yes, we have fought against them all the way along the way."

Gudilia was also very emotional. As for other thoughts?No.

So what if Alex is Gjallarhorn's man?He had escorted him all the way to Earth, and there was still some trust between the two of them.

But she still had her doubts.

"Then, what are you going to do in the future? Alex."

"What do you mean?"

"That's it, you, do you want to go back to Gallarhorn, or continue to lead Tekkadan forward. And, and me..."

The question comes to mind, 'What should I do?' ', but Gudelia couldn't say it.

Alex, aware of her inner feelings, tightened his arms again and hugged her.

"Others, I'll tell you based on the situation, but I won't let you go. Even if you run away, I will catch you back."

Listening to his slightly domineering words, feeling the warmth on Alex's chest.

Gudelia greedily buried her head in his arms and breathed in his breath.

The hands holding him did not let go.

"Ah, that's great..."

Lavda, who was peeping in the MS cockpit from a distance, saw the scene of the two embracing each other, covered her cheeks and let out a strange laugh.

But Lavda, who was twisting like a maggot, didn't know that what the two said was slightly different from what she thought.

There are romances, work matters, and even the mystery of one’s life experience...

But this didn't stop her from showing a "stunned" expression and planning to spread the word about it.

Because a long time ago, including the crew of the Hammerhead, they had been waiting to see the gossip between the two of them.

It's just that the two of them have always been more than friends but not lovers.

It makes everyone always feel like 'I really want to kill you'...

Unexpectedly, today I became the first person to discover that the two of them were married.

The two people, who didn't know yet that they would encounter strong onlookers tomorrow, were still talking.

Holding Gudelia in his arms and smelling her fragrance, Alex warned her.

"Gudelia, please keep this news secret for the time being. Because besides me and Karta, you are the third one to know."

As for his maid Nanao, he completely ignored her.

Nodding obediently, she agreed.

"I know, but I don't think you can keep this matter secret for long, right?"

Hearing this, Alex smiled brightly.

"Yes, but I just need to hide it for a month."

"Huh? Why?"

Looking at her, the smile on Alex's face grew wider.

"Because I made a bet with an enemy."

At this time, Galio, who still didn't know that he was being tricked again, was sleeping soundly in the hospital.

The two of them wandered outside until late at night, and finally confirmed one thing.

No matter how hot the emotion is, it can't be as cold as the arctic air flowing south!

After sending Gudilia back to her room, Alex felt that his whole body was about to freeze solid when he returned to his own room.

As for why they don't just do nothing and ask for nothing, it's because both of them still have a lot of things to deal with.

So Alex has neither time nor leisure.And the eldest lady will definitely not take the initiative in this kind of thing.

That is to say, when they sent Gudelia back, they just kissed each other at the door.

After a night of silence, Alex got up the next day.

But I found that the atmosphere in the base had become very subtle.

When he came to the restaurant to have breakfast, the other team members were quiet for a moment when they saw him, and then everyone greeted him warmly.

However, as an NT, he still noticed the curiosity and happiness in everyone's enthusiasm.

But since no one told him directly, he didn't ask further.

Until Atla mustered up the courage to come to him and ask questions with indomitable momentum.

"Captain! They said that you and Miss Gudelia are together! Is it true?"

Alex, who was putting a piece of egg into his mouth with a fork, suddenly stopped.

Looking at Atla and Mina, who was silent but looked curious, he didn't hide anything.

After stuffing the egg into his mouth, he admitted openly.

"Yes, the two of us are dating."

"Oh! Congratulations!"

"Great, great."

Seeing Atla and Mina celebrating, he just smiled.

The relationship between the two of them was not an ulterior secret, but it was just a short period of time. After all, including today, the two of them had been dating for less than 72 hours.

But apparently last night, the two were spotted walking hand in hand.

Chapter 186 A New Beginning

Everyone else was eavesdropping on the conversation between Atla and him.

After hearing his admission, the restaurant was quiet at first, and then suddenly became lively like a pot exploding.

"What a great leader!"

"You are finally together."


Among the noisy crowd, Alex, the person involved, was very calm.

He pointed his fork at the guys, deliberately speaking with disdain.

"Look at how you have never seen the world!"

He complained and continued eating.

However, others were still discussing the matter enthusiastically.

And when Gudilia and Fumitan appeared at the door of the restaurant, she was also surprised why other people looked at her with a strange look.

Unlike Alex, the eldest lady is a woman after all, so the rest of Tekkadan were too embarrassed to ask or joke.

Until Lavda came up mysteriously and asked her what it felt like to hug Alex.

Looking at the gossipy expressions on the faces of the other women around her, the eldest lady realized belatedly that the relationship between the two seemed to be impossible to hide.

But although she was embarrassed, now that it had been made public.

The two of them sat down together to have breakfast openly, and even fed other people present a mouthful of dog food.

This made other people shout, "I can't stand it!"

After breakfast, Gudelia was escorted to Edmonton.

She formally discussed the semi-metal mining rights with Shi Miao, which was her most important mission on earth.

All the hardships I have experienced along the way to this day are all to achieve this goal.

Therefore, Shi Miao deliberately placed this matter today, and also conducted it in a quite formal way.

"Finally, today is here."

On the way, Gudilia looked at the scenery outside the car window and murmured to herself.

"Yes, Miss, your hard work has finally paid off."

Fumitan also echoed that, as one of the witnesses, she watched how Gudelia walked all the way.

"No, Furmitan."

She turned back to look at her maid and said seriously.

"This is not the result of my efforts alone, but the result of the joint efforts of many people, including you and Tekkadan."

"Miss...I don't deserve it."

Fumi lowered her eyes candidly and wrung her hands together.

Although Alex and Gudelia allowed themselves to be redeemed.

But Fumitan has always insisted that her past betrayal does not deserve this kind of redemption, and everything she does now is atonement.

"No, although you have done wrong things in the past. But you still chose to support me in the end, didn't you? Fumitan."

In front of Fumitan's lowered eyes, a familiar hand appeared, and he took his own hand.

Encouraged by the eldest lady's words, she raised her head and looked at Gudilia.


"I believe you, Furmitan."

Gudilia interrupted her self-blame with a smile.

He also reached out to pick up the necklace from his neck and showed it to his maid.

"Look, this is a testimony of our friendship."

Looking at the same necklace hanging around her neck, she felt very warm inside.

It was this warmth that saved her...

"Miss, thank you."

At this moment, emergency news suddenly played on the radio in the car.

"I just received news that the newly elected representative of Abro, Shimiao, expressed a strong protest to Gjalalhorn, claiming that Gjalalhorn interfered in Ablo's internal affairs and tried to interfere in the conduct of the parliamentary election. And announced Gjalalhorn Evidence that the Farid family of the Seven Stars of Horn colluded with the opposition in the Abro Council!”

Upon hearing the news, Gudelia immediately understood.

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