Meribed demanded.

But Yukino Cheng showed a troubled expression.

"But this afternoon, there are still repaired leaks that need to be debugged."

"Leave it to us, uncle."

Ryder said while patting his chest, and Yamaki nodded as well.

"Yeah, that's right, we can handle this kind of thing."


Seeing that he was still a little hesitant, Meribed on the side supported him.

"You have to believe them. After all, they are students you taught, right?"

"That, all right."

Yukino Cheng thought for a moment and agreed to their request.

"Then, remember to take a shower after dinner, Captain Yukino Cheng!"

"Yes, I remember."

The situation inside the base can be said to be very leisurely for Tekkadan.

However, when they are leisurely, the world has not stopped.

Regarding the accusations made by the temple a few days ago, Gjralhoon took a rare silent attitude.

Neither denying nor admitting, just pretending that nothing happened.

But at the same time, the current head of the Farid family, Iznario, suddenly announced that due to health reasons, he was resigning from the position of director of the Supervision Bureau and stepping down as head of the family.

Regarding this attitude of silently pretending to be dead and Iznario's sudden resignation, several other economic circles also confirmed that this matter was obviously true.

Obviously, the Supreme Roundtable wants to handle this matter in a low-key manner, and may even have reached some agreement with Abloh.

But other economic circles that have grabbed the chicken's feet don't think so.

For a time, almost all over the world, people were passionately and seriously denouncing Gjalralhorn's interference in the internal affairs of the economic circle.

The resulting demonstrations spread all over the world, but the Gallarhorn garrison, including the Police Department and the Control Bureau, rarely maintained the greatest degree of restraint.

For this kind of behavior of holding one's tail between its legs, various economic circles immediately gave their next reaction.

SAU was the first to announce that it would form its own armed organization belonging to the economic circle to protect the independent sovereignty of the economic circle.

While there is no talk of cutting the financial support provided to Gjallhorn, it is a dangerous sign.

After SAU announced this news that shocked the world, within a short period of time, the other three major economic circles also responded.

Almost immediately, the Van Golf Declaration, which had lasted for more than 300 years, was on the verge of bankruptcy because of the rearmament of various economic circles.

For a time, many experts and scholars exclaimed that after more than 300 years of peace, mankind will finally face war again!

In reality, however, the war never stops.

Many media outlets have expressed concerns. Since the signing of the "Van Gelf Declaration", no organization has been able to violate this declaration without being purged by Gjalalhorn's thunderous wrath.

At present, the four major economic circles have violated this declaration almost simultaneously, making the situation tense...

However, just when everyone thought that an unprecedented, largest-scale armed crusade since the establishment of Gallallhorn was about to take place.

Something shocking has happened. This is a blatant violation of the Van Golf Declaration for various economic circles.

Gjallarhorn only expressed his regret through the media.However, it did not use force to suppress the four major economic circles with a tough approach as shown in the past.

Countless experts and scholars who swore that a war might break out were almost slapped in the face for a while.

This has led to speculation among the outside world whether the two parties have already reached an agreement privately.

So why did Gjallarhorn, who has always been strong, watch several organizations break the Vangolf Declaration?

But outside speculation is always speculation.

Neither Gallallhorn nor the four major economic circles disclosed the inside story behind this.

Therefore, the PY transaction behind this is destined to become a dusty history.

Waiting for the unblocking in the future, or becoming a secret that researchers are tirelessly pursuing.

'And in this new era of great excitement and ups and downs.Tekkadan, under the leadership of Alex, is also embarking on its own new journey. '

(System-chan’s affectionate and unflattering narration)

Ignoring the sudden illness in the system, Alex was convening a meeting with Tekkadan's senior executives.

Although the outside world is quite lively these days, for the teenagers with the Tekka Group.

They didn't feel much at all, and they still continued their lives step by step.

After a few days of vacation and repair, the fatigue caused by continuous combat has almost been eliminated.

So Alex summoned several deputy leaders and other key members for this meeting.

First, Nanao briefly introduced the current situation to everyone.

Others were initially a little confused as to why this mysterious woman was at the meeting.

Until Alex said that he had confirmed that Nanao was one of his own and would give everyone an explanation later.

Others did not comment on this, because they all believed that Alex would give a clear answer.

After listening to Nanao's introduction, others also had a detailed understanding of the current situation.

Olga was the first to speak.

"So, we are participating in history?"

"I always feel like I'm dreaming."

Biskate took off his hat and scratched his hair.

"We are now celebrities, right? Hehehe."

A proud smile appeared on Eugene's face.

Xino on the side couldn't help but nod.

Alex did not deny what they said.

"Celebrities are for sure. I think all of you here have already registered with various major organizations. It is estimated that even detailed information that you may not be aware of is also placed on the desks of the organizations. But..."

Looking at Eugene and Xino's grins that almost reached the back of their heads, he began to pour cold water on them.

"That's not something to be happy about."


Not only Eugene and Xino, but Olga was also stunned for a moment.

Biscat's face showed a thoughtful expression.

"Although we have completed two seemingly impossible missions, escorting Gudelia to Earth and escorting Shimei to Edmonton. This is indeed something we should be proud of, but we must also realize that Tekkadan It’s still a weak organization.”

"Don't think that after defeating Gallarhorn a few times, we will be invincible. Those few victories were either a trick, or took advantage of the opponent's carelessness, or even the opponent took the initiative to let go."

"I think the last battle should have left a deep impression on everyone. Although the enemy's tactics are rigid, they are far more numerous than us, and their fighting will is not inferior. The losses caused to us are also the same as before. Several times.”

Regarding what he said, the pride that originally filled the faces of the deputy captains and key members gradually disappeared.

Because what the leader said is true.

Especially the final battle outside Edmonton, although Tekkadan defeated enemies several times their own.

However, Gallarhorn's troops seemed to be endless, and they were about to swamp them.

If the armistice order had not been issued, it is still unknown what the final outcome would have been for both sides.

Judging from the situation at the time, although Tekkadan was able to achieve a strategic victory in the end, it was certain to fail tactically.

Before the armistice, their defense line had been suppressed to the limit.

If the fight continues, the MS and MW teams will have no choice but to retreat back to their temporary base.

Seeing the thoughtful expressions on everyone's faces, Alex was very satisfied.

It seemed that his wake-up call had the desired effect.

It’s true that Tekkadan is famous, but given their current scale, they can be said to be unworthy of their reputation.

Therefore, he must first unify everyone's ideas and wake up some people who are somewhat arrogant and complacent.

It also sets the stage for what I want to say next.

"It seems you all realize the problem."

But he didn't just pour cold water on these teenagers, he still deserved praise.

"Beating Gjalalhorn is something to be proud of, but don't be complacent, because we still have a long way to go. So what I want to say next is about Tekkadan's future plans."

"Of course, as is the old rule, the plan I put forward is just a plan for everyone to discuss. Everyone can still speak freely."

Nanao then distributed Tekkadan's future plan drawn up by Alex to everyone on the tablet.

According to his habit, the contents of Tekkadan's internal documents are very concise.

Because unnecessary cliches, nonsense and all kinds of meaningless parts are omitted.

Therefore, the content of the document does not seem to be much, and in addition to some parts, Alex only wrote a general outline without specific details.

Everyone quickly read the future development plan.

Then they were shocked by Alex's boldness.

Chapter 191 Alex’s Ambition

Olga was the first to stand up.

"Captain, I can understand the expansion, but is this scale a bit too big?"

Not only Olga, but others also feel that the scale and speed of this expansion are a bit too exaggerated.

According to this plan, Tekkadan will at least triple its current size within one year.

At the headquarters, the MS team will be expanded from the current size to two squadrons (32 MS).

The MW fleet is expanded to two fleets and has a size of at least 4 battleships/transport ships.

Establish branches on the moon and earth at the same time, and the branch size should not be less than 200 people, and have at least 2 squads or more of MS, and 2 squadrons or more of MW.

The Lunar Division is guaranteed to have at least one assault armored ship or 2-3 small transport ships.

The Earth Division has at least one squadron of transport aircraft.

This is only the plan for one year, and there will be plans for the next three years...

After reading this plan, everyone else felt that Alex was not thinking clearly because of his recent relationship with Gudelia?

Let’s not talk about how we can expand Tekkadan to such a large scale within one year.

The cost of the weapons and equipment that needs to be purchased alone is enough to bankrupt the current Tekkadan.

Not to mention the large expenses for subsequent maintenance and upkeep, the current Tekkadan does not have the financial strength.

He answered Olga's question calmly.

"Don't worry about this. Brother Nase has brought news about Divas. In the semi-metal business, we have a share. The annual profit share is enough for us to purchase weapons, ammunition and maintenance equipment."

This news brought relief to others who were worried about the economy.

But just because the economic problem is solved, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be problems in other aspects.

In the past, Alex often said that if you take too long a step, you will easily lose your temper.

However, the current expansion speed is not a case of big steps, but a direct split in the air.

Biscat asked him worriedly.

"Captain, but as a result, we don't have enough manpower. Let's not talk about the scale of the Mars headquarters. The Earth and Moon branches also need to arrange manpower. With our current scale, it is difficult to achieve such a leap. It will develop in this way. And at such a scale, our ability to accept jobs will be greatly reduced in a short period of time."

What the little fat man said is very pertinent.

Tekkadan's current scale, if it wants to expand to this point, will recruit several times the original manpower.

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