"Mr. Dexter, I'm sorry that we still need you to help us count how many assets CGS still has."

Faced with Alex's politeness, the financial director seemed a little uneasy.

After all, he first witnessed the opponent using MS to smash Gangnuo into a heavy metal-excessive Gangnuo-chan.

"No, no, this, this is what I should do."

Seeing that the other party was so nervous, Alex also understood that the impression he had left on the other party was not very good.

"Bisquet, you are responsible for helping Mr. Dexter."


After seeing the other party and Biskate getting up and leaving the office, who were obviously relieved, Alex looked at the remaining people.

Olga, Mikazuki, Eugene, Xino, Akihiro.

This is the current core staff of the three teams except him, but none of these people in front of them are adults.

The oldest Olga, despite her maturity, is actually only 16 years old...

It’s hard to imagine how these underage boys made it all the way to the end in the original plot.

As for the destruction of Tekkadan, except for Steel Spike and Gang Ma.

The big reason is that although Tekkadan has risen rapidly, its internal system and members' ideologies have not kept up.

This is especially evident in the second season.

The Earth branch was actually led by the two young men, and suffered heavy losses.

Although this is the price that must be paid for growth, it is just that the price is too heavy.

And CGS... which is the Tekkadan in the future, is more like a street gang organized by a group of hooligans.

If you want to organize a fight, that's fine.

These children are not afraid of death and have a fierceness that can be said to be like wild beasts.

But how to manage the acquired territory and eventually transform into an organization like Divas that can last for a long time.

The future Tekkadan still lacks a lot...

Therefore, recruiting troops is what he will do next.

Especially management talents!

Under the reminder of the system (system; Aba Aba?), he must not repeat the mistakes of the original plot.

Especially make sure you can't be killed by a black limousine!absolute!

(The important thing is said three times!)

Thinking of this, he raised his head and said to several people.

"Now that we have taken over this place, CGS needs to change its name."

"I agree. This name doesn't have any good memories for us."

Xino was the first to raise his hand in approval.

Several other people also nodded in agreement with this opinion.

CGS is not a name that carries pleasant memories for them.

"So, what should I call it?"

asked Eugene of A Hundred Thousand Whys.

"You don't have to worry about this, you can let everyone think about it together. What I want to say is another thing."

Alex's seriousness made others involuntarily straighten their backs.

"We need to recruit people, especially people who know how to manage."

"Huh? Why?"

It was still Eugene, but the others also had puzzled expressions on their faces.



Hearing Alex's name, the other party subconsciously answered.

"You know, how to manage ammunition storage practices?"

"Uh, I know, captain, you taught me."

"Ah, very good."

Alex nodded and asked.

"So, after the ammunition is consumed, how do you declare the purchase? What is the market price of each round of 30mm ammunition? And the single product price of spare parts for mobile engineers? How to bargain with merchants to get what you need at the lowest discount... "


Eugene rubbed his temples and hurriedly begged Alex for mercy.

"I, I understand Captain."

"Captain, you are saying that we need some management professionals."

Although Olga didn't understand why she needed to recruit additional people at first, she heard what Alex listed.

I also understood what Alex meant.

Although they all know how to maintain the base and equipment.

But when it came to some things that only Maluk and others knew before, they were blinded.

Apart from anything else, they have no idea about the logistics purchase bills and how to take over the work.

"That's right, but although we are short of people, when recruiting, we must also pay attention to knowing the details of the other party as much as possible. I don't want the people I recruit to change hands and buy us."


"There is no rush in recruiting people. We are not large at the moment, and the existing work can still operate normally for the time being. You two will be the backbone of the team from now on."

Seeing the excited expressions on several people's faces, he continued to speak slowly.

"Don't be too happy too early. You have a lot to learn. Don't think that you can do whatever you want if you become a leader. If I hear about someone who degenerates into a team of bastards, I will personally take action and clean up the door."

His words made several people present feel happy and sober up.



"very good……"

Although Alex knows the importance of recruiting, at this stage, all he can rely on in a short period of time are the people in the third team.

Fortunately, the Tekkadan was not that big at this time and could still function relying on these people.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry when it comes to recruiting people and takes his time.

He has been preparing for this for a long time. At least the members of the third team are now literate, and many of them even have a basic level of literacy.

Although it is only a very simple reading and writing level, this is already a huge improvement for these children who have no prenatal education per capita.

Zhang Mazi, the robber in a famous film that was nominated for World Heritage, said this.

"You have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to walk step by step on the road. If you take too long, it's easy to get stuck." '

At CGS, everything is going on in an orderly manner.

On the other side of the Gallarhorn Mars branch, things were gloomy and gloomy.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

The head of the branch, Connor. I have a very hard head. Condra is hitting the metal wall of the office with his head.

A few hours ago, he received bad news.

The mission to assassinate Gudelia failed.

Not only that, the Graze team sent to perform missions on the ground were all defeated by the opponent!

According to reports from the Mobile Engineer Corps, two aircraft may have been captured!

In other words, the other party has essentially taken control of itself!

What's even more terrible is that in one day, the people from Gjallarhorn's Supervision Department will arrive!

He must cover up this matter as soon as possible, otherwise the people from the Supervision Department will find out, and he will definitely suffer no good consequences.

At that time, losing this job will be the best outcome!

However, Gjallarhorn's troops could no longer be used at this time, because people from the Ministry of Supervision were about to arrive.

After all, it is easy to explain the whereabouts of a squadron, but if there are more troops, it will be difficult to explain.There can't be a complete riot on Mars, right?

"Then... we can only do one thing or the other without stopping!"

Connor, who had a red spot on his forehead, looked down at the sparks at his feet and said viciously...

Chapter 20 This is Chapter 20

The members of the third team of CGS, who didn't know that they were already being taken care of by Gjalalhorn, learned that they were about to control their own destiny.

After a heated discussion, it was finally decided to name the new company.


This was the name proposed by Olga, which was quickly adopted unanimously.

'It seems that the inertia of history is still very strong. '

Alex looked at the others who were in high spirits and sighed.

In fact, it was mainly the name that came to his mind. Others felt that the meaning was unclear.

Although the name "Dumb Truck" is easy to understand, it always feels less grand than Tekkadan.

Alex had no objection to this, he could only silently put away the name he had thought of.

"Captain, you are looking for us."

Akihiro, Chad, and Dante came to the office.

"You are here."

Alex stood up and walked to them, then took out a memory card and handed it to them.

"This is CGS's best seller information and information record card."

Looking at the surprised expressions on the faces of Akihiro and others, Alex smiled.

"As I said, I want to give you and me our freedom back."

Like Akihiro and others, he is a salesman.

And the information that stores the information of the best sellers is also their destiny.

As long as you master this, it means that you will become the masters of people like them.

"Captain, we..."

Although Alex had already told them that they would be free.

But when this moment really came, they still felt like they were in a dream, and they even couldn't believe it.

"Bisquet and Dexter found this. If you want to thank them, just thank them."

After placing the memory card in Akihiro's hand, he reached out and patted the other party's shoulder, who still had an expression of disbelief on his face.

"It's your responsibility to tell others the good news."

"Yes! Captain"

Akihiro suppressed his inner excitement, turned around and left the office with Chad and Dante.

Looking at the backs of the three of them, Alex touched the bomb collar around his neck.

"Freedom... If you really don't lose it, you can't understand how precious it is."

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