It's better to have a fight to wake up these people who have been in the dark for too long.

And Alex also needs a strong enough opponent to test Barbatos' transformation.

As for which of the two purposes is the main one, it doesn’t matter!

Therefore, he did not contact the other party immediately.

Instead, he manipulated the machine body, raised his sword and pointed it directly at the opponent, making a gesture to invite a fight.

"Want a fair fight with me? That's exactly what I want!"

At this time, Jekyll had already seen the white-blue painted assault armored ship coming out of the gravel belt.

And another Gundam skeleton body standing on the hull, Gundam Gusin.

There were also three mass-produced mobile suits present. It was obvious that the other party did not intend to let people like them leave alive.

Then, being able to have a fair fight would satisfy him.

Otlinde held the double blades of the Valkyrie in her right hand and held the blades vertically on the left chest of the machine.

Responded to etiquette.

Then the next moment, the silver-white Valkyrie launched the attack first.

Facing such an opponent, Jekyll did not dare to let the opponent attack first, otherwise he would be directly at a disadvantage.


The sword pulled out a sword flower in Barbatos's hand, and the machine also accelerated towards the opponent.

The two aircraft quickly closed the distance, and the sword and sword collided together.

Altlinde quickly flipped the sword in her hand and launched a combo attack with the other end of the sword.

Barbatos quickly retracted his sword, swung the blade from bottom to top, and parried the attack from the other end of the sword.

At this time, the front end of the war blade took advantage of the situation and swept over, intending to hit Barbatos' waist directly.

It was obviously too late to block with the sword, so Alex decisively pulled the joystick.

The right thruster of the Sirius fuselage was fully opened, and the fuselage immediately acted according to his wishes.

With the assistance of the thrusters, the white mobile suit rotated 360 degrees and drew an arc as a whole, successfully circling to the right side of Altlinde.

The sword in his hand was like a hunting cobra, suddenly stabbing the Valkyrie's neck!

At the last critical moment, Altlinde also turned around forcefully and got out of the way of the tip of the sword.

However, the blade still slid past the head that was shaped like a Robin Hood hat, leaving an ugly scratch on Otlinde's head.

Jiki suddenly broke into a cold sweat. He knew very well that Alex did not have the Alaya Consciousness System.

But the other party's performance just now made him unable to help but feel shaken and doubtful.

As a member of Gallarhorn's secret force, he knew that the research work promoted as anti-human technology was still continuing in Vangolf.

And in the recent Battle of Edmonton, a technology verification machine using this system was also put into use.

Unfortunately, that machine was defeated by Barbatos in front of him and another machine that looked like a Gundam skeleton.

However, Abloh and Gjallarhorn were busy fighting a political war of words, and intentionally or unintentionally ignored this MS that used anti-human technology.

Barbatos' quick movements made him suspicious.

'Did the other party perform alaya surgery without me knowing about it? '

Although it was just suspicion, in the next battle, Jekyll still dealt with Alex according to the standard that the opponent was a user of Alaya.

At this time, Barbatos, who missed a single blow, immediately sheathed his sword and retreated immediately.

His precise prediction caused Altlinde's counterattack to fail, and the tip of the war blade almost brushed against Barbatos' outer armor.

Jekyll judged from the feedback that although it seemed to be a hit, it was certain that the war blade missed it at all and did not leave even a scratch.

"As expected of the man who piloted Barbatos from Mars to Earth."

After retracting the war blade, Altlinde took the initiative to attack again. The propeller behind the machine burst out with light and accelerated forward.

He knew very well that it was already so difficult for his opponents to deal with just defensive counterattacks.

If Alex is allowed to take the initiative, his failure will only be a matter of time.

Therefore, no matter what, he must maintain his offensive.

The moment he caught up with Barbatos, the war blade pulled out a circle of sword light in the right hand of the machine body, using the characteristics of the Valkyrie's double blades to spin the blade towards the opponent.

Jekyll's idea is very simple. If the opponent uses a knife to parry, he will be interrupted by the continuous attacks of the war blade, and even the weapon will be knocked off his hand.

Then the opponent's only way is to keep retreating to avoid the edge of his own attack.

And some distance away, there is a meteorite that is not large in size, but not small in size.

The opponent must find a way to get rid of his attack before hitting the meteorite.

Even if he moves left and right, he is already ready for subsequent attacks.

He wanted to see how Alex would crack his attack.

Sure enough, as he expected, Barbatos did not choose to take this move forcefully, but kept retreating.

Because Alex also knew that the rotation of the weapon in Altlinde's hand was not unlimited, and it had to stop before the body's wrist was overloaded.

As for the meteorite behind him, he had already noticed it, but he still chose to retreat directly.

The two sides were in a stalemate, advancing and retreating. Seeing the meteorite getting closer and closer, Barbatos showed no intention of evading it, as if he completely ignored the meteorite.

"What the hell does he want to do?"

Just when Jekyll's heart was full of doubts, Barbatos suddenly flipped his body, kicked his legs on the meteorite behind him, instantly changed the direction of the body's movement, and flew diagonally upward.

On the tip of the Valkyrie's blade, the touch of impact was clearly felt this time.

But it only left a not-so-deep scratch on Barbatos' torso.

This blow also caused the Valkyrie's double blades to stop spinning. In an instant, the two aircraft started to move like athletes who heard the starting gun.

Altlinde thrust the tip of the war blade upwards and headed straight for the cockpit on Barbatos' chest above her head.

Barbatos opened his arms, held the sword and stabbed Otlinde from top to bottom.

Under Alex's new human senses, the machine avoided being pierced through the cockpit by the Valkyrie Blade.

The blade scraped against the right side of the machine's torso, and Barbatos' sword was blocked by Altlinde's shoulder shield on her left shoulder.

The two machines did not get entangled, but immediately separated.

Each turned back 360 degrees to adjust their posture, stretched out their weapons, and started another round of fighting.

The sword and the war blade collided together, and the two machines adjusted their postures again. At this time, the two machines had changed from chasing and escaping to moving relative to each other.

Use force at the same time to make the distance between the two bodies smaller and smaller.

Just before the two MSs were about to collide, the two of them, as if they had a clear understanding of each other, each controlled the machine body and raised its free manipulator.

Aiming at the head of the enemy machine respectively, he punched out!

There was no reservation. Both sides hit their opponents and were hit by their opponents.

Although they didn't collide by an inch, due to the interaction of the forces caused by each other's punches, the two MSs each flew backwards.

Although Altlinde's trick was not to use the mechanical hand, but to hit Barbatos with the wrist-like Dyne Sniff launcher component on the outside of her left wrist.

But the Valkyrie with a single furnace is obviously not as powerful as the Gundam with two furnaces in this close-range, bare-handed game.

Barbatos adjusted his posture and launched his attack again.

Only after Altlinde finally regained her body's balance did the situation that Jekyll least wanted to see happen.

The offensive and defensive situation of both sides was reversed!

With a 'bang' sound, the sound of the war blade parrying the sword was played in the cockpit by the sound system.

Immediately afterwards, Barbatos withdrew his tachi, avoided the sweep of the other end of the war blade, and then stabbed Otlinde's right hand with the tip of the tachi in his hand.

Altlinde barely moved her arm and blocked the attack on her wrist with the tail of the middle part of the war blade.

Before Jekyll could take a breath, the front parts of the thrusters on both sides of Barbatos' waist suddenly unfolded, revealing the muzzles of two black cannons!

This is the waist-folding rail gun that Alex actively requested after reading Technical Chief Anderson's modification plan for Barbatos.

Specially used to fire cold guns at close range.

Although the iron-blooded technical route has made beam weapons obsolete, the development of live ammunition weapons continues, and miniaturized rail guns are also one of its branches.


When Jekyll saw this scene, his eyes widened and the hair on his body (except the top of his head) stood up instantly.

Although he immediately controlled the machine to evade, the distance between the two parties was too close, and there was no extra space and time for movement and evasion.

The two rail guns fired at the same time, and under Alex's deliberate aim, the two shells accurately hit Altlinde's legs.

In the fire and smoke of the explosion, silver armor fragments flew everywhere.

But Barbatos did not take the opportunity to attack, but pulled back some distance.

When the smoke dissipated, Altlinde's appearance was revealed.

The originally beautiful silver-white outer armor was now covered with various scratches, which were caused by close-range attacks by fragments of his own armor.

The 'culprit' that caused this result was Altlinde's own leg armor.

The legs that were blasted by the close-range electromagnetic cannon were not only shattered by the outer armor, but the skeleton of the left leg was even broken from the knee joint, and the left foot and calf were floating aside.

Although Barbatos intentionally targeted the legs instead of attacking vital parts, the damage caused by the explosion still caused some damage to the cockpit.

Chapter 227 Because you didn’t ask?

Jekyll was hit in the head by fragments, and blood flowed down his forehead, covering one of his eyes.

However, he still witnessed Barbatos actively retreating.

For the first time, he took the initiative to ask Alex.

"Why, why don't you take the opportunity to kill me?"

"Because I'm not here to kill you."

Hearing the other party's natural answer, Jekyll looked shocked.

But at this moment, his subordinates rushed forward.

"Protect Captain!"

Seeing the miserable state of their captain's body, these team members ignored his previous orders and rushed forward to try to snatch people away.

A small group of stinging bees bravely attacked Barbatos.

The other team took the opportunity to step forward and try to snatch Altlinde back.

Seeing this scene, Alex said very pleased.

"Captain Jekyll, you have very reliable subordinates."

Saying that, without waiting for the other party to answer, Barbatos raised his sword and blocked the tomahawk that stung the bee first.

Before the other two Stinging Bees could get into position, Sirius raised his foot and kicked out the Stinging Bee in front of him.

The sword swept to the right, and the blade cut off the handle of the battle ax in the other hand of the Stinging Bee. The unabated blade cut off the left hand that the Stinging Bee hastily raised to parry.

Then the machine body rotated 180 degrees on the spot, not only passing the sneak attack from behind, but also knocking over the last Stinging Bee with one elbow.

"Stop! Everyone stop!"

It was at this time that Jekyll's order came through.

His order stopped the other two Stinging Bees that were injured by Barbatos from preparing to launch a desperate attack.

"Major Alex, since you said you are not here to kill us, what are you going to do?"

Jekyll looked at Barbatos on the screen.

"I'm here to tell you the truth, but it's a pity that you yelled and killed me as soon as you came up, without giving me a chance to explain."

Hearing his relaxed tone, Jiki felt embarrassed.

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