"Of course, when this mobile suit was discovered on Mars, most of its outer armor was gone. This is all the result of subsequent additions and temporary modifications."

Alex also told the other party these things very generously.

After all, everyone is Gjalalhorn, and Barbatos's original data is already in their respective databases, so there is no point in hiding it.

"Oh, battlefield transformation and personal specialization? I understand."

However, Tao Xiang himself also understands that even if he asks the other party more, he may not be able to answer him.

"Major Alex, the propellant has been replenished and we are ready to go."

Just as the two fell into silence, the maintenance team reported to him that the supplies had been completed.

"Okay, thank you for the energy supplement, Minister Tao Xiangshanren."

"You're welcome, just think of it as a thank you gift for saving Julieta."

"Then this gift is a bit too light."

Feeling his joke, Tao Xiang replied.

"Then, after she recovers, let her treat you to dinner to express her gratitude."

"Okay, there is a chance."

Alex waved his hand and got into the cockpit. He didn't take this matter to heart.

After all, Julieta is still Iogu's guard. If he knew that he was guarding and eating by himself, he would be crazy.

Although it was easy to beat him myself, this man's face was a bit tough.

The heavily armed Barbatos was moved toward the catapult airlock.

From the screen, he saw Tao Xiangshanren waving goodbye, so he controlled the MS to raise his hand and give a thumbs up.

When the airlock door closed, the smile on Tao Xiang's face faded and she asked the subordinates standing behind her.

"Did you get the data?"

"Yes, the other party doesn't seem to be on guard against us."

"Oh? What an interesting guy."

Tao Xiangshanren showed interest in his lack of precaution.

When Barbatos was re-ejected into the universe, the fleet shrank and retreated again under the command of Lesdal.

With the appearance of the M/A matrix, the battle between the two sides fell into a further stalemate.

However, as time went by, the losses of the human warships began to further intensify, especially the Needlefish class, which had always been considered rough-skinned and thick-bodied.

The moment the machine body was ejected, Alex saw on the screen that a Needlefish class on the right side of the fleet was starting to emit black smoke.

Chapter 240 Assault, target Barbadoro

Obviously, Bruman finally gnawed through the armor of the Needlefish and invaded the interior of the ship.

Compared to the battleship's powerful ships and guns, the humans inside it were no less delicious to Bruman than the luncheon meat in a can.

Although he could not enter the narrow passage due to the size, Bruman still patiently used his beam cutter to cut through the interior of the ship layer by layer.

Expand the corridor to accommodate the movement of its own size, and then kill every human it finds.

The human soldiers inside the ship did not give up resistance. The warships fought each other uniquely to the Iron Blood, and finally turned to gang-hopping tactics.

The members of the ship already have a mature system on how to effectively resist enemies invading the ship.

But this time, the confrontation between humans has turned into a confrontation between humans and murderous weapons.

After realizing that ordinary bullets could not penetrate Bruman's shell, they took up individual rocket launchers and took the risk of firing them indoors to attack these mechanical monsters, and achieved good results.


With the choking smoke and scorching temperature, a rocket accurately hit the Bruman who had just cut through the metal wall and got into his head.

The explosion shattered the red one-eye and flew out of the fuselage, falling next to the human soldiers.

Looking at the broken wreckage at their feet, the human soldiers cheered in celebration.

"here we go again!"

"keep fighting!"

With the sound of metal friction, another mechanical monster appeared, and the human soldiers once again entered the battle.

Therefore, even if it is invaded into the ship, Bruman cannot quickly sink a warship.

On the contrary, the three Barbados that appeared on the field were a greater threat to the fleet.

However, after several rounds of shooting by the opponent, Lesdal quickly grasped the opponent's attack frequency.

The beam is very powerful, but it is not enough for the battleship level. A single shot cannot sink the Needlefish.

Therefore, he is like a master of micromanaging.Constantly adjusting the battleship lineup, always allowing the battleships with intact nano-coating to resist damage at the front.

So up to now, the Needlefish has been injured a lot, but no battleship has been completely lost.

And after the mother body appeared, it stayed behind the Bruman fleet and did not get any closer to the human fleet.

This also greatly reduces the pressure on the human side.

As for the attack on M/A, due to its huge size, human warship firepower has a very high hit rate against such a large target.

However, as a weapon that has fought against humans since the era of calamity wars, it knows that it is flexible and not a giant M/A for special use, and its own armor hardness has also been strengthened.

Not only is the armor it uses the same nanocomposite armor used by humans, it is basically immune to beams, and it also has excellent resistance to live ammunition.

However, in the current confrontation with armored bombs, humans have also summarized a set of effective techniques for dealing with nanocomposite armor.

"Incendiary bombs, launch!"

Following the order, the naval guns fired incendiary bombs specially designed to burn off the nano-coating at these huge M/As.

The flames that exploded upon impact burned the nano-coating on M/A's body.

However, these huge machines were not the mentally retarded Bruman. He suffered continuous blows and judged that a single beam attack would be difficult to sink the battleship.

They immediately changed tactics.

"The enemy ship's main gun cooling is about to be completed!"

On the bridge of the Bonito-class ship, based on several shots fired by Barbadoro, the human side has calculated the approximate cooling time of the main gun.

When the countdown was about to end, the Bonito class once again issued an order to the entire fleet, reminding them to pay attention to the M/A's main gun.

Under the reminder, the human fleet's attention was highly concentrated, and each ship was waiting for the formation adjustment after the attack.

When the main cannon was cooled down again, the beam cannons on the chests of the three M/A lighted up again, and then three beams were shot out.

Different from the previous attacks, this time they focused fire on a single battleship!

A Stilfish-class vessel located in Lesdal's own team was directly hit by three beams!

Although the ship's bow is used to confront the enemy, the surface to be bombarded is reduced to the greatest extent.

The M/A, which can be controlled by AI, has an astonishingly high hit rate. The first beam directly hit the bow of the ship.

The other two beams that followed, under the control of AI, also hit the bow of the ship accurately.

At the location hit directly by the three beams, the nano-coating was quickly consumed.

It didn't take long for the nano-coating to be consumed, and then the outermost layer of the laminated armor was burned by the beam, quickly overheated and melted, and then penetrated by the beam.

Then comes the second floor, the third floor...

All this happened in just a few seconds, and the human side had no reaction at all.

"The ship is about to be penetrated!"

On the bridge, the crew issued a warning to the captain.

But the next second, the bow of the battleship was pierced by three beams of light. The beams poured into the ship and swept away all objects and humans in its path.

Until the main gun ammunition depot was detonated, and under the gaze of other surrounding warships, the warship fell into a devastating explosion.

This was the first loss of a large battleship sunk by a beam on the human side.

At the same time, this is also the first Gallarhorn-class battleship to be sunk in battle in recent decades.

The sinking of this battleship was not a serious loss to the human side, because they still had enough battleships.

But it was a serious blow to the morale of the human side.

"Don't panic! Increase the firepower. The upper limit of M/A's armor is not invincible."

Lesdal saw the explosion of the battleship and was very shocked.

However, as a commander, he also knew that he must ensure and boost morale, otherwise if they collapsed, they would only be chased and beaten.

So he immediately gave new orders to others.

"Order each ship to focus fire on one of the M/As according to the squadron unit, and try to destroy them all at once!"

The order was quickly passed on, and the fleet immediately took action after receiving the order.

In fact, this order had been issued once before. The reason why Lesdal wanted to repeat it again was to wake others up from the shock of the battleship being sunk.

Give them something to keep busy instead of fermenting each other's awfulness in their minds.

Otherwise, this battle cannot be fought.

"M/A started moving again, approaching the fleet!"

After receiving this news, Lesdal didn't know what the other party was going to do, but he realized that there must be something wrong with these guys.

"The fleet retreats and keeps its distance."


Also seeing the battleship being sunk was Alex.

"These guys are a bit too intelligent."

Looking at the opponent's three-on-one cooperation just now, he felt a lot of pressure.

'The main mission actually wants to destroy one of these things, are you serious? '

Compared with Barbadolo, Hammons is simply a harmless piece of trash.

He knew very well the combination of weapons on Barbadoro.

This thing is not just a main beam cannon, but also has a total of 22 small beam cannons on four pairs of wings.

It's just that these secondary guns have not fired yet.

Even if they get past the interception of these beam cannons, the opponent still has a pair of giant mechanical claws, which are still guided by wires.

"If I go back to Mars now, dig out Hammons and kill him, can it be considered that I have completed the main plot?"

He complained to himself.

"Okay, but please survive this battle first."

The system gave him a gentle reminder.

"Besides, I knew it would be like this."

Although he complained, he did not stop moving closer to Barbadoro.

However, it is not without good news.

"Captain! Colonel Kalta said that the Earth Ring Fleet is coming! We can already detect Ahabo's signal!"

"very good!"

Alex has never thought that this sister is so cute.

But he didn't forget to remind Eugene.

"Give them the current combat information and let them arrange a combat plan."


After the communication ended, Alex's confidence greatly increased.

The Earth Ring Fleet dispatched a total of 30 Needlefish-class ships and 50 Bisco-class ships in this wave.

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