But Alex didn't watch it halfway through, or chose to watch it in fast forward.

He patiently watched the video from beginning to end in one second.

He tried hard to imprint Gudilia's figure in his mind, and his every smile was deeply remembered.

Although he plans to go to Mars, it will take time and he won't be able to go in a short time.

At the end of the video, Gudelia started to squirm again.

Her face was red, a little embarrassed, and she didn't even dare to look at the camera.

"Alex, I, I heard someone say that kissing goodbye is normal etiquette between male and female friends."

"Huh? Who taught her that?"

Alex said subconsciously.

However, he felt that no matter who taught her, this was so right!

The beauty on the screen continued to talk.

"But, I know this is a video, and there is no way for the two of us to kiss goodbye across a screen and hundreds of millions of kilometers away. So..."

Then, on the screen, Gudilia put her right hand to her lips, kissed her gently, then put her palm on her chin and blew a breath.

"Fly, blowing a kiss is okay."

Alex looked at his girlfriend's movements on the screen and felt his heart beat faster.

"Then, that's it, Alex, I love you."

The screen went black, and Alex just sat at the table.

After an unknown amount of time, he raised his left hand and caught something in the void.

Then he put his left hand to his lips, and he laughed.

Facing the darkened screen, he muttered to himself.

"I received your kiss, Gudelia, I love you too."

That night, Alex slept very soundly...

There was no words for the whole night, and early the next morning, Nanao greeted Alex when she saw him.

"Good morning, Master. You look very happy today."

"Oh? Is there any?"

He touched his cheek.

"Probably, because something good happened today."

After speaking, he smiled and left.

After a brief breakfast, he left Yi Xiu's house by car and headed to the Gallarhorn headquarters in the Van Gelf Center.

There, the Supreme Roundtable will discuss today whether to adopt emergency mobilization.

When he got off the bus in front of the headquarters, he saw McGillis, who had also just arrived.

"Good morning, Alex."

"Good morning, McGillis."

The two of them still have a superficial alliance, so the etiquette between them is still in place.

The two walked up the steps side by side, attracting many people to look at them along the way, mostly women.

As the headquarters of Gallarhorn, Vangolf has a large number of female non-commissioned officers serving here.

As the younger generation of the Seven Stars family, neither McGillis nor Alex can be said to have grown up with the anger of both humans and gods.

The blond McGillis and his handsome face have long been popular among Vangolf women.

A man with blond hair, aloof and aristocratic temperament.It's a pity that he has an underage fiancée with a huge age difference.

(Xia Ya poked her head, "You want to find an underage mother too?")

Alex on the side is wearing a mask because of the scars on his face.

However, at this time, the mask that originally covered three-quarters of his face was replaced by a Kesui-style mask that only covered the upper half of his face.

Although not all faces are revealed, it adds a sense of mystery.

Different from McGillis' aristocratic temperament, the other party who has experienced amnesia and mercenary life is more down-to-earth in his dealings with others.

And because he is still single, he unexpectedly surpasses McGillis in terms of popularity.

However, it is rare for the two of them to appear in the same frame, so when they saw the two of them appearing together, many female non-commissioned officers whispered.

As a new human, Alex felt some strange excitement from them.

He wanted to say that to these ladies.

"Collect the smell, the turtle carries the barber shop." '

Chapter 251

"Hey, you two are so slow."

Walking up the corridor leading to the conference room, the two saw Galio chatting with the female lieutenant in charge of reception.

After seeing them, the other party also took the initiative to say hello.

The female lieutenant on the side also left knowingly.

"It seems that Lord Baduwen has arrived."

When McGillis saw him, he understood what was going on.

"Yes, I can't get in, so I can only wait here."

"Then, flirting with girls by the way, right?"

Galio smiled cheekily after being exposed by Alex.

"It's just chatting, don't think too much."


Alex said to him seriously.

"I've been to the Moon Circle Fleet and I've met female officers who you've flirted with."

"Cough, this..."

Looking at the embarrassed Galio, McGillis and Alex smiled happily.

"lets change a topic."

Galio looked around and approached mysteriously.

"Is everything in the battle report true?"

It seems that he has also read the battle report written by Lesdal.

"Yes, we all witnessed everything with our own eyes and participated in the entire battle."

McGillis nodded and pointed at Alex.

"Alex, he also piloted a mobile suit and had close contact with those... things."

Seeing Galio's eyes looking towards him, Alex nodded slightly.

"Yes, those things are much stronger than we thought."

"Hard to destroy?"

Galio asked in disbelief.

"In short, if you want to defeat the opponent with MS, I'm afraid you have to use some forbidden weapons."

Hearing this, not only Galio, but also McGillis was stunned.

"Forbidden weapons..."

At this moment, another voice came from behind them, interrupting McGillis's intention to ask Alex.

"It seems that I am the latest to arrive."

The three of them stopped talking and looked around.

I saw Lesdal arriving here with Iogu and Julieta.

After everyone greeted each other, the four of them walked towards the venue, leaving only Galio and Julieta who were not qualified to participate in the meeting outside.

After the door of the venue was closed, each family head and the family head's agent sat on the tall chairs representing their respective families.

Behind them hung the family crest and flag.

The oldest Duke Baklazan looked at the other people present and spoke.

"Then, let's start the meeting."

After he finished speaking, Duke Baduwen asked the four people who had returned from the universe.

"We have seen Mr. Aili's battle report and the battle video. Those monsters are indeed M/A from the calamity war era 300 years ago, and are not new things deliberately created by someone, right?"

Rysdal nodded.

"According to the inspection of the recovered Bruman remains, some of them were newly created recently, and some were created dozens or even hundreds of years ago."

This conclusion was reached through isotope testing of the recovered Bruman remains.

This information was just delivered to Lesdal earlier today.

The other is the broken corner. Although the material analysis report has not yet been released, it has also been isotope determined.

The time to prove this piece of material is at least hundreds of years old...

Looking at these two reports, several people present had mixed feelings.

"Enemies from 300 years ago, this kind of thing sounds like something that only happens in legends."

Duke Falk wiped the sweat from his forehead and muttered to himself in a voice that could be heard by others.

Although his words sounded a little dejected, they spoke to the feelings of others present.

No one thought that the enemy from 300 years ago would appear again.

And it still appeared in such a powerful situation. The human side concentrated such superior forces, but it actually only repelled the opponent, but failed to destroy the opponent.

This made the seven people present feel tremendous pressure.

"Having said that, since our predecessors and martyrs were able to defeat them, then we can too."

In the solemn atmosphere at the scene, Lesdal spoke.

"This is why I proposed an emergency mobilization. As long as we unite all our forces like we did 300 years ago, we will be able to defeat these human creations."

His words seemed powerful and dispelled the gloom that had just enveloped everyone's minds.

"With our current strength, can't we defeat the opponent?"

It was still Duke Falk who asked Lesdal a question.

"I would like Alex, who has close contact with M/A's body, to answer this for you."

Seeing Lesdal turning the question to him, Alex did not refuse.

He had planned to take the opportunity to put forward his own suggestions and ideas to these high-ranking people at the meeting.

So he stood up and showed the picture taken from his MS's perspective again.

Although these scenes are hot, others have already seen them.

But if I explain it myself, there is no doubt that it will give them a deeper understanding.

"Barbadoro, the main body of the main body is huge, but not bulky, and the maneuverability is quite flexible. Moreover, the main body is also equipped with a large number of Brumans used for maintenance and defense. This means that even if it is close to the opponent's main body, it will not It represents safety.”

On the screen, Bluman emerged from all over the mother body and rushed towards Barbatos, like a soldier ant guarding the insect nest.

"The head position of the body can be expanded, making it as flexible as the upper body of an ordinary mobile suit. It also has a pair of huge wire-controlled mechanical claws composed of three sharp claws. Although I haven't tried it, it is estimated that it can easily crush the mobile suit. The strength of the wires is extremely high , at least Barbatos’s sword made of skeleton material didn’t cause any damage when struck.”

"The head is very hard. Sword and hammer attacks have no effect at all. Even the eyes are covered with transparent protective materials. The specific resistance to blows is unknown, but the attack of Tai Dao is also ineffective."

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