Three days passed quickly, during which the investigation teams sent by the three major economic circles each sent back their preliminary investigation reports.

Looking at this preliminary survey report, the heads of the three major economic circles fell into deep thought.

Obviously, the eloquent report clearly stated one thing, that is, what Gjallarhorn informed them was true.

When the investigation team arrived at the scene, they saw a large area of ​​debris extending from Luna Dew.

These are all composed of the wreckage of the destroyed Bruman, and there are even two Pinbill-class wrecks that have not been towed away.

And under the leadership of Gjalalhorn, they also visited the battleship damaged by Barbados' beam cannon.

He also personally took samples to investigate the remains of Bruman.

In the face of this evidence, the investigation team believed that Gallallhorn had indeed encountered an AI weapon from the war era.

In the face of this evidence, the heads of the three major economic circles had to accept this reality.

That is, the wolf is really coming!

So when various people arrived in Vangolf for a press conference.

The media were surprised to find that they were not the only ones here.

Even major economic circles sent representatives to participate.

Even SAU, which criticized Gjallhorn as nonsense a few days ago, shamelessly sent representatives here.

Although no investigation team was dispatched, they also got the news from other economic circles.Therefore, someone had to be sent to attend the press conference.

Chapter 255 Press Conference

The press conference was held in a stepped auditorium in Vangolf.

This press conference was hosted by Alex, the temporary commander-in-chief.

Given that he performed well in meetings with economic leaders and subsequent handling.

So this job was left to him and he continued to be responsible.

When he walked onto the stage, the media immediately started taking photos.

They already knew the identity of the person in front of them.

It can be said that it is full of legend.

Regardless of whether it was a mercenary group composed of young soldiers, they escorted Gudelia all the way to Abro.

Whether his true identity is finally revealed to be a member of the Seven Stars family, both are enough topics.

Many media outlets actually came here for him and wanted to give him an exclusive interview.

But Alex felt that by the time the press conference was over, these people might have forgotten about it.

"Everyone, it's nice to meet you all. I think everyone knows me, so I won't introduce myself too much. I am Colonel Alex."

His relaxed opening remarks brought smiles to many people's faces.

"Well, time is precious. I think everyone in front of the screen is impatient to wait. Let's get started."

The sound of taking photos subsided, and the reporters turned on their recording equipment.

The cameras in the back row broadcast the footage in real time to all corners of the earth.

Including the moon and several near-Earth colonial satellite groups.

And to Venus, Mars and even Jupiter in the outer colonies through Arianeder.

This is Alex's strong request to make this press conference as transparent as possible to avoid misinterpretation of the true meaning.

In these places, whether on the streets, in homes, offices, bars and cafes.

Many people are paying attention to this press conference, which has been rumored for three days.

"The content of this press conference was already stated three days ago, so I won't go into details. Please watch the video first."

Subsequently, the 10-minute version of the video that was once shown to the heads of economic circles was once again broadcast through the camera to everyone in front of the screen.

Although the video transcribed twice through the camera is not very clear.

However, the fierce battle scene and the intimidating power of the unknown enemy still made everyone in front of the screen feel fear.

A swarm of ferocious mechanical insects that are not afraid of death, a super large mechanical body with huge size and full attack power.

They didn't understand why Gjallarhorn would play them this monster that seemed to appear in a movie.

At the end of the video, the scene is fixed on Barbadolo's huge appearance.

"After watching the video, I believe everyone has many questions. I will now give an introduction to the situation in the video."

He then introduced the situation of the Gallarhorn fleet encountering M/A at Luna Dew and the battle.

Everyone present listened in silence, and no one tried to interrupt him midway.

Not only them, but also the people watching the press conference were also stirred up in their hearts at this moment.

Fighting battles, horrific killing weapons, Bluman, M/A.

These terms are really very far away for people today.

Except for some scholars who specialize in studying these histories, ordinary people's understanding of these histories is limited to textbooks in school.

As an adult, I came into contact with these terms in film and television works.

After all, there are quite a lot of works based on M/A, including bad movies like "SAU Fortress" and excellent works like "Top Gun".

But no matter what, these are already considered by people to be history in the past.

Although it did happen in history, as time goes by, people gradually forget the horror of these killing weapons.

Some people even openly questioned whether these histories were true and claimed that they were all fake.

But this time, Gallarhorn said that they had fought a battle with monsters from the Calamity War era not long ago.

Moreover, they were not able to kill the opponent and allowed the opponent to successfully retreat.

Although Luna Dew is now sealed, M/A's whereabouts are unknown.

It sounds unbelievable, but they didn't find any logical errors in it, and the amount of information in it was amazing.

So when Alex said it was okay to start asking questions.

The reporters went crazy, scrambling to raise their hands.

"The fourth reporter friend is in the third row."

The reporter who was given the right to ask questions stood up and spoke like a barrage of words.

"Colonel Alex, what is the purpose of all this announced by Gjalalhorn? Why did you choose to announce it at this time? What will be the consequences of your announcement like this? Have you done any evaluation?"

Faced with the sharp questions, Alex did not panic at all. He had long been prepared to face the bombardment today.

"First of all, it is actually too late to announce this matter at this time. But we need to communicate with the economic circles in advance and inform each economic circle of this matter in advance to avoid panic. However, in order to verify the authenticity, the economic circles, It took some time. We didn’t intentionally choose this time to announce it.”

His words made everyone look at the economic circle representatives sitting in the first row, making them feel a lot of pressure.

In fact, the purpose of Alex's words was to draw them into the water together to share the pressure.

After a pause he continued.

"As for the purpose, it is to let everyone know that we are facing a real threat now. In fact, we can completely conceal this matter, but once M/A breaks through the blockade and reaches a densely populated area, what will happen? I don’t need to say much about the consequences. This kind of result must be clear to everyone in film and television works.”

"Although announcing it would definitely cause panic, compared with the serious consequences of not announcing it, Gjallarhorn decided to make this fact public after internal discussions."

His frank words showed Gjallarhorn's candid attitude.

It actually created a wave of goodwill for Gjallhorn, who was criticized after the Edmonton incident.

He then gestured to the next reporter to ask a question.

"Has Jalalhorn made any preparations? Is he just informing the economic circle and announcing the facts?"

"Gallalhorn has issued an emergency mobilization order. The Earth's extraorbital fleet and the lunar extraorbital fleet have all been mobilized. The fleet has been dispatched to strengthen the blockade and surveillance of Luna Dew. In addition, other branches have also entered a state of war. And as planned, Gjallarhorn will begin to expand further to respond to possible further crises."

Alex's answer aroused more reporters' inquiries,

"Is Gallarhorn's expansion in response to M/A or for other purposes?"

He glanced at the reporter.

"Of course it is to cope with the immediate crisis. After all, we cannot wait until the fleet is exhausted before we start to expand our military and prepare for war. It will be too late. M/A will not wait for us."

Faced with reporters’ tricky questions one after another.

Alex responded calmly one by one, and he was not worried that others would misinterpret the meaning of his release.

Because this is unavoidable. After the news is spread, it will always change, and even in the end, it has nothing to do with the original meaning.

That's why he insisted on making this press conference publicly broadcast to the outside world.

In this way, let’s use the video as proof.

There is no need to waste words. When faced with misunderstandings, someone will naturally come out to refute.

At that time, Gjallarhorn only needs to guide the direction of public opinion. Isn't this easier than ending the battle himself?

And he believes that after watching the press conference, at least the people at the bottom will understand clearly what happened.

Reduce the degree of being blinded and also make them aware of the coming crisis.

In this way, it will also be beneficial to Gjallarhorn's recruitment and operations.

"This Alex is indeed a capable person. He is worthy of being a descendant of Lord Yi Xiugong."

Duke Baduwen and Duke Baklazan looked at the screen together, where Alex was quarreling with other scholars.

"Yes, but it's a pity that he is too young. Otherwise, he could compete with Lesdal for the position of commander-in-chief."

Duke Baklazan said regretfully.

"Yeah, now, we have to get through this difficulty first."

Duke Baduwen sighed.

"This is a true life and death war."

The entire press conference lasted for more than 2 hours, and Alex answered every question from reporters with superhuman energy.

After the meeting, he rushed backstage and drank three bottles of water in one breath.

On stage, he had no chance to drink water and answered questions until his throat was filled with smoke.

In the end, if he hadn't announced the end of the press conference, these people would have been able to continue asking questions.

However, the focus of the problem will not be on M/A, but on other issues.

For example, Gjalalhorn’s attitude towards the economic circle?

What about the male-to-female ratio of new recruits?

Regarding Alex’s ideal type, is he male or female?

Wait, weird and tricky questions like this.

For this, he was very fortunate that he had set a time limit for the press conference in advance.

Otherwise, in the end, you will be overwhelmed by these broken problems.

Next, it depends on the reaction of several economic circles.

At present, the three major economic circles except SAU have all realized the seriousness of the matter.

Even the SAU realized the seriousness of the matter and sent representatives to contact Gallarhorn.

Although Alex was dissatisfied with the other party's shameless behavior, he still accepted the other party.

After all, although politicians have cerebral palsy, the people at the bottom are innocent.

Even if it was for nothing else but to stabilize people's hearts, they would cooperate with Gallarhorn's actions to a certain extent.

This is why he insisted on making the matter completely public.

Although it will cause panic, it is precisely because of this that it can inspire mankind to unite.

The press conference is over, but the discussion triggered by it is not.

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