At the same time, they also carry sharp weapons specially designed for hunting large targets.

Seeing that the pirate fleet has not moved yet, but is turning in place.

So he decisively issued the order.

"Everyone stops advancing. Team D'Insniff, target pirate fleet, fire three rounds first!"

The troops who received the order immediately stopped their actions. Two Dynesniff teams immediately stepped forward, and the other mobile suits immediately made way for them to clear the launch area.

Everyone else in the guerrilla fleet is no stranger to this special force. Since it was equipped, they have been told how to cooperate with this small team.

But they have never seen the power of this weapon. They only know it from the information and introduction. Now they finally have the opportunity to use a knife to pull it off, which opens their eyes.

"The enemy MS team did not move forward, but stopped."

Zandobaru was stunned. Could it be that the other party was waiting for the Needlefish class to enter?

"The enemy's MS team's formation has changed. What is this?"

The optical lens zoomed in, and six Glazes were seen stepping forward with huge devices mounted on their left arms.

"What are they doing at such a long distance?"

The distance between the two sides at this moment is far outside the normal attack range. At this distance, even if the naval gun fires, the hit rate is very impressive.

"Target locked."

The optical lenses on the heads of the six Grazes unfolded, revealing modified head sights.

On the spherical head, an optical lens with telescopic magnification is installed.

"Open the safety and deploy the transmitter!"

At the front end of the Dynasniff launcher on the left arm, the bow-arm-like device is unfolded, the safety is released, and the loaded first ammunition is ready for firing.

The electromagnetic accelerator at the tail end begins to rotate, and launch preparations are completed.

"Electromagnetic acceleration is normal! Ammunition is normal! Can be fired!"

Alex ordered from the cockpit of Barbatos.


After receiving the order, the pilot of Dynesniff's team immediately pulled the trigger.

From the screen, Alex saw six spikes fired from the launchers on the left arms of the six machines.

Its speed was so fast that even as a new human being, he could only see a blurry shadow.

As for others, they really didn't see how the fired ammunition was fired.

I just saw these six aircraft retreating slightly, and the ammunition in the left arm launcher had disappeared.

"The first round is fired, the second round is loaded!"

Without waiting for the first hit result to appear, the Dainsniff team began loading the next round.

And just when Herlock Graze, who was in charge of loading, stuffed the nail in his hand into the launch tube.

Exploding fireworks came from the direction of the pirate fleet in the distance.

Although there are only 6 nails, the hit rate is not low against a ship that has not yet moved.

From their respective battleships, the pirates saw six beams of light shining in the direction of Gallarhorn.

The next moment, the bridge of one of the battleships that had not been stowed away was penetrated by a Dynasniff!

The nails that penetrated the bridge were inserted into the bridge like hairpins.

The huge kinetic force even tore the bridge base away from the ship with a terrifying crack.

The entire bridge tilted to the other side of the ship, and almost everyone on the penetrated bridge was killed by the power of this blow.

Those who were lucky enough to survive were also violently shaken, their internal organs were injured and they vomited blood.

The alarm sounded inside the battleship, and the panicked pirates called to the bridge, but there was no response.

Not only was this warship hit, but all the other five nails hit except one.

Chapter 263 Driving the Sheep

In addition to this unlucky ship, three other assault armored ships were hit on the hull. The huge kinetic energy even pushed the hull to one side and collided with neighboring ships.

Another one missed the ship, but hit the pirates' patchwork main base.

The power of the kinetic energy bomb directly blew up a third of this privately built illegal building.

Many pirates who had not yet had time to board the ship were thrown directly into the cold space.

The last shot missed the target and passed by the arc-shaped hull of an assault armored ship. After leaving a trace of tearing the hull on the lucky pirate ship, it was ricocheted by the arc-shaped hull. The trajectory of this nail was changed.

Although it did not hit the enemy, it smashed a meteorite into pieces, and then a large amount of debris hit other pirate ships like a heavy rain.

Although the power of this shot was not as powerful as a direct hit, the debris flying everywhere made it difficult for the pirates to deal with.


At this moment, Dainsniff's second salvo began.

Six Dainsniffs once again fired at the chaotic Dawn Horizon fleet.

"Reload, third shot!"

Alex still gave orders calmly.

However, he was actually shocked in his heart by Gang Nai's victory.

Although there were only 6 of them, the losses caused to the opponent were even more exaggerated than 60 MSs.

Even 60 mobile suits cannot cause such serious losses in a short period of time.

The second wave of six spikes all hit the target, but a few hit the unlucky armored ship before.

One of the nails should have penetrated the battleship's main gun ammunition magazine.

In the violent explosion, the hull of the assault armored ship was torn apart, and the thick smoke from the explosion obscured most of the hull.

All this announced that the battleship was sunk.

In addition, two battleships were penetrated by the power compartment, tilted, and paralyzed in place, unable to move.

And all this happened in less than 1 minute...

It was only then that the pirates woke up and began to move hurriedly, releasing smoke in an attempt to interfere with Gjallarhorn's attack.


However, Alex still gave the order for the third volley.

The six spikes fired for the third time penetrated the newly formed smoke, destroying and paralyzing two more assault armored ships.

Looking at the explosion flames coming from the smoke, Alex gave the final order.

"One more salvo, MS team is ready to move forward."

As the loader, Herlock Glaze can carry 4 spikes at a time. After the three rounds of salvos just now, they still have two spare ammunition.

However, Alex planned to order the troops to attack after another round of volleys.

The previous two salvoes were so effective mainly because the pirates did not understand this weapon, and the opponent's ship did not start, but stayed in place, completely acting as a fixed target.

The fleet that has already moved is not as easy to be hit as it was just now.

Moreover, with the smoke covering them, they could no longer judge the enemy's trajectory.

Sure enough, after this round of attacks hit the smoke, only one explosion flame was seen.

Whether the remaining nails hit or not was obscured by the smoke and could not be seen.

So he gave the order.

"MS team advance, pursue the enemy. Team Dynesniff, replenish ammunition and follow behind the MS team."


It was not only the pirates who were shocked by the power of the gun nail, but also the pilots of Gallarhorn.

But when they thought that this powerful weapon belonged to their side, their morale was greatly boosted.

As ordered, a squadron escort was left behind and passed by the Dynesch Squadron and the Bisco-class cruiser, which were replenishing ammunition.

The remaining mobile suit troops, following Barbatos and Asmode who were leading the battle, accelerated across the distance between the two sides and plunged into the smoke that had not dissipated.

Although the field of view was blocked, Yahabo detection still clearly marked the enemy's movements.

Just as Alex estimated, the pirates who had eaten four rounds of volley fire without any preparation had no desire to resist.

Faced with the fear of Gjallarhorn finding his home base, and the terrifying effects of powerful new weapons.

They completely gave up resistance, and both mobile suits and battleships chose to turn around and flee in a hurry.

After breaking through the smoke, Alex saw the actual effect of Dynasniff up close.

Two armored ships were sunk on the spot, and three others were paralyzed and unable to move.

Dawn Horizon, which was originally large enough to give Divas a headache, lost half of its ships here before the official battle.

And the residential station that looked very historical had been beaten to pieces and was crumbling.

What he didn't know was that the third and fourth volleys were fired, and two more each hit the location of the residential station.

This residential station that the pirates had put together with a lot of effort was now completely in ruins.

Most of the pirates and dealers who did not escape were dead, and only a few lucky ones survived hiding in relatively intact cabins.

"Don't stop, the MS team continues to pursue. The Bisco-class will stay here to deal with it."

Alex gave the order safely, leaving the Bisco-class responsible for cleaning the battlefield, and then led the Gallarhorn MS team to continue pursuing the fleeing enemy.

At this time, the dawn horizon was completely frightened.

When Barbatos broke through the smoke first and appeared on their optical lenses.

Zandobaru no longer had the calmness he had before, and he loudly ordered his subordinates.

"Speed ​​up, speed up, and send people to the rear!"

But the Juebei troops had been basically destroyed in the attack just now, and the rest were the backbone of the pirate group.

But these people will not fight with all their might like the Juebei people.

It would be okay if they rob merchant ships or fight organizations with the same power.

But facing Gjallarhorn, who was armed to the teeth, they were unwilling to die for it.

Everyone is running away, why should I die?

Therefore, his order did not add much hindrance to Alex and others.

However, Alex did not order his men to pursue the pirates.

His plan was to drive the opponent out and attack from both front and back.

Once they disperse each other in the wreckage zone, it becomes a painful hide-and-seek.

So they were like sheepdogs. As long as a battleship showed the intention of breaking away from the team and escaping, the MS team would use firepower to force the battleship back to its original route.

And Zandobaru is not a fool. He knows exactly what the other party wants to do.

He often used this method when facing those merchant ships, but now these tricks were all used on himself.

He also experienced the fear of people on merchant ships being hunted by him.

But right now, he had nothing to do. The opponent's mobile suit that fired new weapons was chasing behind him, watching eagerly.

He bet that as long as he ordered the team to disband and run away, those powerful new weapons would be shot at his head immediately.

Therefore, they can only step into the trap step by step with their heads down like a flock of sheep being driven by a shepherd dog.

This was because he didn't understand these weapons. In fact, Alex had no intention of using the spike in the pursuit.

This thing has no guidance, and its hit rate on moving targets is the same as that of an empty target.

The Gallarhorn MS troops were chasing after the remnants of Dawn Horizon, and both sides were chasing and escaping as they moved outside the wreckage zone.

The fleet that had received Alex's order had also set up a blockade outside the wreckage zone, waiting for them to surrender.

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