But Jasni actually wanted to use assassination to physically eliminate his opponents, which was a violation of the rules.

What's more, he also has the identity of Divas' second-in-command?

From then on, how can other organizations safely cooperate with Divas?

Chapter 268 The Secret of the Farid Family

After learning what had happened, Makumade had to apologize to Didi personally.

After suppressing the matter, the other party was generous enough, but he knew that in this way, the favor owed to him by the other party was gone.

Not only that, the originally friendly cooperative relationship between the two parties has been cast into a shadow, and cracks have arisen as a result.

But although Jasni in front of him was reflecting, the point he reflected on was that he did not keep the matter secret enough, and the matter was exposed.

Makumade, who finally couldn't bear it anymore, pointed out that his behavior of attacking allies was a breach of trust and would be spurned by other organizations.

But Jasni felt that it didn’t matter.

As long as you do it covertly enough and successfully gain management rights, those organizations that accuse you will still have to come to curry favor with you.

A fierce quarrel broke out between the two sides, and in the end Makumad became furious and announced the punishment for Jasni.

Not only was his original semi-metal income deducted, but his second-in-command position was also removed.

No matter what, he must give an explanation to the Changsheng Gang and other collaborators.

In fact, by doing this, Makumade has become soft-hearted.

If it had been him 20 years ago, Jasni might have died.

And this punishment also caused an uproar within Divas.

Some people agreed, and some felt that the punishment was excessive. What's more, depriving Jasni of the position vacated by his second-in-command naturally attracted other people's attention.

In this case, Makumade needs to use other things to divert attention from this matter within the organization.

So he thought of the Venus development plan Alex mentioned.

After listening to Nase's story, Alex understood why things suddenly became so urgent.

Regarding the development of Venus, he ordered Nanao to arrange for people to conduct preliminary inspections before leaving.

In addition to inspecting the environment, I also plan to pay attention to the extent of the hunt for Urd.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the people sent out reached Venus, something like M/A happened.

In the subsequent busyness, he did not have time to pay attention to the situation of Venus.

I just plan to take care of things on Mars and then turn around and go to Venus.

"So, Alex, how long will it take to see the plan for the development of Venus? Even if it is a draft, it is enough for the old man to give an explanation to the cadre meeting."

Alex thought for a moment.

"Let's do this. I will go to Suixing with the draft plan in a week or two. How about it?"

Nase also knew that under the current circumstances, it was obviously unrealistic for Alex to come up with a plan immediately.

"Okay, then I will tell my father this when I go back, and then I will wait for your visit at Suixing."


Since Alex still had a lot to do, Naze didn't keep him long.

The two brothers just agreed that when he reaches the age of Suixing, they will have a good drink.

Alex, who hurriedly returned to the Mars branch, sent a contact to Nanao on Earth, asking her to draft a draft plan for the development of Venus as soon as possible according to his requirements.

Then he turned back to work on the fleet.

And in an unknown corner of the earth, the exiled Iznario was talking with his subordinates.

Although he has fallen out of power, as the orthodox member of the Farid family, he still has many loyal followers.

And before realizing that he was about to be abandoned by the Supreme Round Table, he decisively ordered the transfer of some of the secrets of the Farid family.

Finally, he retained some of his strength for himself...

McGillis, who is the agent of the family head, is completely unaware of this. After all, he is just a puppet who exists to cover up his special little hobby.

There are many things that only Iznario knows. As one of the Seven Stars families, whose family doesn’t have some secrets that only the current head of the family knows?

What's ridiculous is that this guy McGillis thought that he could be defeated in this way.

So although Iznario was angry at his little pet's betrayal, he was more in the mood of watching a show at that time.

He wanted to see what this lowly born plaything could achieve.

At the same time, he also took advantage of his exile and the convenience of being separated from Van Gelf's attention to start his own crazy plan.

In addition to some assets that were transferred, there were also some secretly conducted research projects.

Among them is the core research project that has been carried out secretly by the entire Farid family for generations.

They are trying to complete the final plan of the country that was destroyed by AI before the Catastrophe War.

A method to create a controlled killing weapon M/A.

This crazy plan was not started by Iznario himself, but was the result of the efforts of several generations of the Farid family.

This contains the ambition of the Farid family in the past generations to become the masters of the horn and even the entire earth.

The heads of the Farid family in the past generations firmly believe that once this plan succeeds, it will completely sweep the current war system into the garbage heap.

By then, both the economic circle and the horn itself will become playthings in the hands of the Farid family.

They have been working hard for this purpose for many generations.

A lot of effort and money was spent on this, but it never succeeded.

After experiencing various failures, the researchers who changed their minds finally made a breakthrough in Iznario's generation.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Iznario was overjoyed.

"So, M/A's artificial manufacturing plan seems to have been successful."

The subordinate's answer was more cautious.

"Yes, sir, we can now confirm that our research direction is correct. However, we are still not able to be completely flawless like the current M/A. After all, artificial brain arrays are still much more fragile than silicon-based chips. .We need more field testing."

Iznario understood what his subordinates said very well.

The root cause of M/A's killing is the distortion of its underlying logic program.

The country that originally created the M/A aimed to use this killing weapon that never tires and can evolve independently to deal with its enemies.

Unfortunately, they all underestimated the iterative evolution of AI.

Just like the evolution of living things, it is due to mutations in DNA.

In the iteration of the AI ​​program, there were obviously bugs, which turned the original 'kill all hostile humans' into the wrong logic of 'kill all humans'.

It seems that even logical programs like 0 and 1 will have the same evolutionary errors as DNA.

In order to create a controlled M/A, Iznario learned the lessons of previous generations.

Decisively gave up the continued use of silicon-based chips to create controlled artificial intelligence.

Instead, they adopted the relatively mature biotechnology in Iron Blood.Control M/A by creating and cloning blank human brains.

This technology actually comes from Gallarhorn's internal research, and is used to successfully create ideas and technologies that can carry and reduce the consumption of Alaya consciousness.

Finally, with the help of this technology, their plan achieved a breakthrough and was only the last step left to put it into use.

"Then continue to study along the current ideas. We are only one step away from success!"

There was a look of madness on his face. After several generations of hard work, he was about to succeed in his own hands. How could he not be excited about this?

"But my lord, we still lack testing."

The subordinate warned again carefully.

"Then schedule the test."

He showed a slightly dissatisfied look at his subordinate's words.

"But now, there are horn fleets everywhere between the earth and the moon, and I'm afraid we can't find a suitable testing site."

"Well... that's definitely a problem."

After listening to the joy, Iznario calmed down and thought seriously.

What his subordinates said was true, because another plan of his went awry and M/A woke up.

Now the earth and the moon are full of eyeliners and patrol fleets set up by the Horn. Any disturbance will lead to the appearance of the Gallarhorn fleet in a short time.

In this kind of atmosphere and environment, it is very dangerous to test existing experimental products.

If he was not careful, he would be exposed. He didn't want to expose himself to other people's sight before the plan was formed.

"Let's do this. I'll arrange for you to go to Mars for testing. Wherever the horn power is not strong, it will be very suitable."

After some thought, Iznario picked a testing site that he thought was very suitable.

Although he has received news that in order to deal with the new crisis, a new guerrilla fleet has been formed, and it is now cruising on Mars.

However, this newly formed fleet is not fully staffed at this time, and is naturally not as powerful as the Earth Ring and Moon Ring fleets.

Although their fleet commander was the boy from the Ixiu family who defeated him outside Edmonton.

But no matter how strong his personal abilities were, he still failed to win against an opponent like M/A.

This was what he saw from the battle report of "Barbadoro Encounter" he obtained.

Even if he is discovered during the test, using his layout on Mars will not easily lead to his plan being exposed.

Alex didn't know that someone was already watching him and wanted to cause trouble in his defense zone.

At this time, the guerrilla fleet, which had completed its supplies, was beginning a new round of search operations.

After submitting the report on the battle with Dawn Horizon, he led the fleet out for the second time.

The target this time was still the wreckage zone from last time. Because of the encounter with pirates, not even one-tenth of the wreckage zone was searched last time.

Alex's plan this time is to use a week to complete at least one-third of the search in this area.

In fact, he probably has a good idea of ​​whether there is an M/A here.

Dawn Horizon has been hiding here for about 7,8 or [-] years. After interrogation, it was found that during this period, they had never disappeared for unknown reasons.

If M/A existed, I'm afraid all these pirates would have died long ago.

Chapter 269: No one alive...

Although M/A is very cunning in terms of combat logic.But their underlying logic is to kill all humans.

It was impossible for them to allow such a group of humans to live intact for so long under their noses.

What's more, the supplies from Dawn Horizon are enough for M/A to create an army of Brumans.

Therefore, whether it is due to the underlying logic of killing or the procedural requirements to expand the size of its own population, M/A has no reason to leave these pirates alone.

However, just in case, to avoid the possibility that M/A has been sleeping and was not awakened.

Alex decided to lead people to search again.

After the last actual battle, he had enough confidence in Dainsniff.

It also summarizes a set of effective usage methods.

Even if there is really an M/A, it can be made impossible to come back!

Therefore, in this search, he used a search method that was jokingly called 'snatching the snake in the grass'.

Since M/A had a strong reaction to Ahab waves, he specially connected three MSs in series with Ahab furnaces and installed them in the cabin of a small spaceship.

On the Ahab detector, the small spacecraft powered by three Ahab furnaces is as conspicuous as the light-emitting organ on the top of the monkfish's head.

Use this small spacecraft with an automatic route as bait to fish deep into the wreckage zone.

Even if M/A is sleeping, such strong Ahabo may be enough to wake her up.

Using this method, Alex finally confirmed it after a week.

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