And he has already made plans to kill him at the critical moment and solve the internal problems first.

Although this is likely to make him criticized, as a heroic figure.

He naturally knows how to use extraordinary means at extraordinary moments.

However, what no one expected was that it was not the economic circle that fired the first shot, but AI.

The reorganized Moon Ring Fleet still continues to patrol near Luna Dew, performing blockade missions.

The attack that happened two weeks ago made their originally numb nerves tense again.

"These monsters are very cunning."

The fleet commander said to his subordinates.

"Everyone keep their eyes open and don't make the same mistake as the 23rd Squadron."

Shortly after he ordered increased vigilance, the siren sounded.

From the direction of the Moon Goddess, a torrent of light appeared again!

A Needlebill-class battleship located outside the fleet was hit, but fortunately there was only one hit, so the battleship was not sunk.

It was just that the beam hit the middle and front side of the side, causing the main gun to be destroyed, and the anti-beam coating to be completely ablated, revealing a large piece of ugly armor plate background.

"Order the injured warship to retreat, and the other warships to turn! MS team is dispatched! Contact reinforcements! They are coming!"

Having learned the lesson from last time, the squadron immediately began to turn around and at the same time started shooting in the direction of the beam. MS teams were dispatched in sequence.

The damaged battleship, covered in thick smoke, moved towards the rear of the fleet.

"A large number of targets are approaching, it's Bruman!"

On the screen, dense images of enemy planes flooded in like a tide.

The artillery fire from each ship continued to pour towards the target, and the explosion of fire did not stop for a moment.

Surprisingly, the Brumann fleet also changed its previous upright half-charge tactics.

They divided into several different groups and launched a spiral charge.

Not only did the distance between the large groups increase, but the density of Brumans between the groups was also diluted, and each Bruman began to maneuver for avoidance.

This has reduced the hit rate of the human side's naval guns and missiles, and at the same time, its lethality has also been greatly reduced.

Although this increased the contact time between the two sides, in terms of actual combat effects, Bluman's losses were reduced.

"These monsters actually changed their tactics!"

When the fleet commander saw this scene, his jaw dropped in surprise.

"The entire fleet retreats at a constant speed, don't stop shooting, and keep a distance from the enemy."

Even so, he immediately issued the order.

The fleet kept its bow facing the enemy, firing while retreating.

"Team Dainsniff, confirm target!"

The Dainsniff team located above the fleet has now expanded to the size of a squadron.

And they also have the right to launch an attack alone once the target is confirmed.

The squadron leader roughly confirmed Barbadoro's location based on the location of the first shot.

But he did not order to fire, he was waiting for the opponent's second shot.

Although doing so is suspected of using friendly forces as live targets, shooting blindly now is likely to alert the opponent and make him escape.

Soon, the second beam torrent shot out again.

What is surprising is that this time, the Blueman fleet actually actively avoided the beam attack of the mother body.

This scene was also recorded.

"They have learned to cooperate and no longer blindly sacrifice their offspring!"

The beam stream hit another Needlefish-class ship, which also only severely damaged the hull without sinking it.

It seems that the power of the opponent's single beam is already at its upper limit.

At this time, the Daysniff team finally locked in Barbadoro's position.

"Target confirmed! All aim!"

The transmitter radiator unfolds and the electromagnetic accelerator begins to spin.


16 Dyne Sniffs were launched at super high speeds, and even high-power optical lenses could only capture the afterimages of them as they passed through the space.

"Reload! Hurry!"

Before there was time to confirm the result, the squadron leader immediately ordered Herlock Glaze to start loading operations immediately.

Dynasniff's speed was so fast that the Horn Fleet did not even notice the salvo immediately.

It was only after the crew on the bridge reported that the fleet command knew that Dainsniff had fired.

"It must be hit!"

Chapter 275 The real disaster has just begun...

The fleet commander looked at the enlarged Lunar Dewdrops on the screen with anxiety.

Senior officers like them are very clear about the advantages and disadvantages of Dainsniff.

At such a long distance, a 1mm jitter during launch will be amplified dozens of times at the target distance.

Soon, smoke rose in the direction of the Moon Goddess in the distance, and it was impossible to confirm whether it was hit.

At this time, the Dyne Sniff squadron, which had completed the second round of loading, immediately fired again.

After the launch was completed, the squadron leader gave the order again.


At this time, the hit results of the first round have been confirmed, and at least two of them hit the target.

As Barbadoro's huge body rushed out of the smoke, the fleet could clearly see the two Dainsniffs inserted into the opponent's aircraft.


The Gallarhorn soldiers cheered, and the next moment.

The wings of Barbadoro's aircraft approaching the fleet lit up with a light representing death!

The M/A's secondary battery is about to fire!

"The entire fleet! Prepare for impact!"

As soon as the fleet commander finished speaking, 22 beams of light were shot out.

The beam that rotates with the muzzle of the beam cannon not only involves Bluman and the MS who are unable to dodge.

It also swept past the Dyne Sniff team that had just finished launching and was loading.

Realizing that the enemy was firing again, the M/A immediately began maneuvering.

The huge machine also made a move to float up, intending to avoid these objects that could harm it.

However, due to the size of his body, Barbadoro's movements were still a step slower than the extremely fast Gang Nail.

In the second round of shooting, four more hit its huge body.

And one of them, like a divine aid, was accurately inserted a little below the muzzle of the opponent's main gun.

This shot almost shattered the main gun, but in fact, this shot caused a lot of damage to Barbadoro.

From the screen, humans can see that the head of this huge machine is shaking continuously, as if an injured giant is roaring silently.

Then this huge M/A rushed towards the human fleet like a wounded and enraged beast.

During the flight, the secondary cannon strikes on the wings appeared again.It was obvious that even if this blow did not completely destroy the main gun, it also lost its ability to fire.

"Its main gun is damaged! Team D'Insniff! Keep firing!"

When the fleet commander saw this, instead of being afraid, he was overjoyed.

"The Dynasniff team was attacked by the M/A beam."

But at the moment, the Dynesniff team was busy avoiding the beam attack of the secondary gun.

In this round of beam attacks, the AI ​​basically locked their position and fired.

Although the beam of the secondary gun is not very powerful for a battleship.

But it was different for mobile suits. After the captain completed the evasion, he saw that he was the only one left in his direct team.

So he immediately asked on the communication channel.

"Every team reports the situation!"

"The first team lost one aircraft."

"Team [-], complete."

"The third team lost one aircraft."


"Team [-], Team [-], please answer if you hear this."

After a brief silence, the squadron leader understood what had happened. It was obvious that the fourth team was completely wiped out.

Not only the fourth team, but also the two Helock Graze teams responsible for loading, only two survived in this round of strafing due to their poorer mobility.

This means that they only have 4 Insniffs left to prepare ammunition. If they want to launch again, they must return to the battleship to resupply.

The time it takes to get back and forth is fatal to a battlefield where seconds are the key.


He hammered the console and looked at the approaching giant M/A.

"Everyone, target Barbadoro, shoot!"

Fortunately, the third round of loading has been completed, so they are still able to fight against the approaching huge M/A.

The remaining eight Dyne Sniff Glazes aimed at the enemy again and fired the third round of spikes.

Due to the close distance, the hit rate in this round is extremely high.

Five spikes hit the huge M/A flying in the direction, two of which hit the two spherical secondary guns on the wings and completely destroyed them.

The explosion caused Barbadoro's body to emit black smoke, and the other three hits hit the machine.

But even though there were a lot of hits, the number was obviously not enough to destroy the huge M/A in front of them.

The thorns inserted into its huge body are like small thorns and are not so conspicuous.

The wounded Barbadoro rushed towards the fleet unstoppably like a crazed Titan.

"How's the situation with Team D'Insniff?"

"About half of them have been lost, and the remaining units are being reloaded, but there are only four rounds left!"

After hearing the report, the fleet commander hammered the armrest.

"Damn it, the number is still not enough! Order the fleet to focus on the target with all your strength, and we must not let the opponent get close to us!"

Although there is no record of a warship destroyed by M/A at close range, according to the information provided by Alex, Barbadoro clearly has extremely strong melee attack power.

He didn't want his fleet to be the first to be destroyed by M/A in close combat.

At this time, each ship had realized what the furious Barbadolo wanted to do, so they continued to retreat.

Naval guns and missiles fire at targets as if they cost nothing, trying to delay and hinder the opponent's footsteps and buy time for reinforcements to arrive.

And Barbadoro, who was rushing towards the fleet with Bruman, was like an angry insect king leading a swarm of insects, rushing towards the fleet.

The mobile suits that tried to block him along the way were either overwhelmed by Bruman, or destroyed by Barbadoro's secondary cannon or even his body.

Realizing that they were unable to fight against Barbadoro's MS team, they could only avoid the two sides and use their firepower to fight Bruman to prevent them from assisting the mother body in attacking the fleet.

The chase and escape between the two sides did not last long. Barbadoro, who suddenly accelerated, quickly approached one of the Needlefish-class ships.

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