Therefore, without knowing it, the defense forces quickly assembled towards the resource satellite according to the order, which directly led to the rapid fall of the almost undefended residential satellite.

After discovering that they had been deceived, the already insufficient defense force split into two parts.

A part of the professional security forces organized by the company and the SAU defense force drawn from other places continued to the resource satellite.

The other part of the army, composed of colonial satellite maintenance and miners, saw that the satellite where their relatives lived was attacked, so they ignored the order and left the battle line to try to return to the rescue.

Then the final result was that no matter which part of them had insufficient troops, they were eventually wiped out by the M/A army and became resources collected by the opponent.

This tragedy that shocked the whole world was later called the "Panama Colonial Satellite Massacre" in history.

This matter cannot be concealed no matter what. After all, it is a tragedy in which 1500 million people died.

Besides, it was the SAU that caused the trouble this time, and Gallallhorn didn't want to wipe their butt for them at all.

Therefore, under Lesdal's instruction, communication equipment was provided to the rescued survivors to facilitate contact with other relatives and friends.

And this matter was made public directly at the first opportunity, that is, later that day, half an hour before the head of SAU was notified.

Even when reporters blocked the door of the Grand Commander's residence, the Grand Commander himself saw the news on the TV in the office next door to him.

What?Why don't you look at it from your own office, you ask?

Because the TV in his office is broken...

As the news of this tragedy became public, it quickly caused a sensation around the world.

In this regard, the SAU tried to deny it at first, and its leader angrily asked Gjalalhorn publicly what he was protecting!

However, things did not go as he said and thought, and the shit basin was placed on Gjalalhorn's head.

When survivors were interviewed, and unnamed Bugle officers leaked the news.

More details of the whole incident have emerged, and people have gone from criticizing Gjalalhorn's incompetent rescue to criticizing SAU senior officials for disregarding human life.

If it falls in 20 minutes, unless there is space to jump, the Horn's troops will not be able to get to the scene in time anyway!

Moreover, the SAU government actually handed over the command of the regular army to private companies, causing the latter to lie about being attacked by pirates in order to protect their own property, and mobilized troops to protect resource collection satellites, abandoning the residential satellites where 1000 million people live.

Angry people began to denounce SAU executives and mining companies who tried to confuse the situation.

The SAU people were more direct, and large-scale riots broke out in the capital.

After the police responsible for the suppression released water, the people directly attacked the parliament building, moved the podium, and burned it outside the Grand Palace.

Had it not been for the mobilization of regular troops, I am afraid that the Grand Commandery Palace would have been captured and burned by the angry people.

But even so, the SAU executives had to flee in confusion.

The mining company's corporate headquarters and the collection sites on the earth were also damaged to varying degrees.

In this case, Gallallhorn's troops stationed in the SAU had to dispatch and enter the SAU capital to maintain order.

By the time this tragedy and subsequent farce on Earth reached Mars, Alex had already completed the search for another debris field.

"It's true that at this time, there are still people trying to gain political benefits. This is great, it's a complete mess."

Shaking his head, he put the matter aside for the time being.

Whether it was Lesdal's borrowed knife killing or the SAU who shot himself in the foot, it was not his concern now.

What he was more concerned about was other information revealed behind the scenes.

First of all, it was confirmed that M/A will evolve and change tactics depending on the situation.

Not only can it launch a frontal attack, but it can also set up ambushes to carry out surprise attacks, and even attack east and west.

The attack on the colonial satellite and the second ambush of the Lunar Ring Fleet patrol happened almost simultaneously.

It is enough to show that M/A will not only cooperate with each other, but also have ultra-long-distance communication methods.

Chapter 277 Awakening AI

But in addition to learning lessons from this battle, it also verified that Dainsniff is still extremely lethal to M/A.

In this attack, the four Dynasty Neve Grazes, who risked their lives to launch the final assault, successfully severely damaged a Barbadoro.

Not only did it cause the opponent's main gun to malfunction, it also broke one of its wings, and even penetrated its mouth with a beam cannon, apparently causing severe damage to its head and causing it to retreat.

What makes Alex most happy is that along with the news comes a new squadron of the guerrilla fleet that set off from Earth before the attack.

Although it is still an old-style establishment, it only has the size of 5 Pinbill-class ships.

According to the latest squadron organization, the total size of the fleets he has on hand is still equivalent to only one squadron.

However, this batch of fleets that came for reinforcements carried more Dainsniff Glaze. This was to ensure that the guerrilla fleet had stronger strength and was prepared to fight against M/A.

Who would have thought that this unexpected attack would enhance Alex's much-needed fighting power.

The Dynasniff MS currently in Alex's hands has the size of an integrated squadron, which further increases his confidence in fighting M/A.

It was at this time that two pieces of news, one good and one bad, came from the surface of Mars.

The good news is that they found Floros, the bad news is that Hasmon woke up right after he was dug out!

"I'm very sorry, leader. On our way to the excavation site, that ghost thing suddenly started moving on its own! By the time we arrived, M/A had already left."

Olga explained to him in the communication.

"Did you start it on your own? Did any of you activate the Floros? Or did you use an Ahab furnace on site?"

Alex frowned.

Ordinarily, after their own warning, Olga and the others should be very knowledgeable. How could they make such a low-level mistake?

"No, since we received your warning, the equipment we have on site are all hydrogen-powered civilian excavation models, and even the guards use MW. And Floros was dug out first. In order to avoid accidents, It was transported away from the scene as soon as possible.”

"That's weird..."

Although he didn't understand why things developed like this, Alex knew that now was not the time to investigate the cause and responsibility. Killing Hasmon was the most important thing.

"Where is the M/A location now?"

"The other party made a big fuss in the mining area, destroyed the refinery, and robbed a batch of resources. The scene was in a mess, and we couldn't confirm the specific whereabouts, so we temporarily lost the target."

After listening to Olga's introduction, he probably guessed what Hasmon was thinking.

Seize resources, create more sub-machine, and then launch attacks in densely populated areas.Then continue to grab more resources, continue to create more sub-machine, and continue to launch attacks on other dense areas...

Use this snowballing tactic to strengthen yourself, create more kills, and at the same time 'evolve' yourself.

In order to achieve this purpose of killing, M/A even installed biosensors to search for humans.In order to facilitate targeted search for human settlements.

There will even be a certain degree of trade-offs. M/A will actively look for the direction with the largest number of humans and can even ignore the lure of small-scale troops.

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered to Olga.

"Immediately evacuate all human gathering points around Krise, and also warn Krise to prepare for evacuation."

Olga was shocked after hearing this.

"You mean, it's going to attack Crise?"

"They will definitely do this. This is the lowest logic of AI. And the largest human settlement in the surrounding area is Krisai. I will lead people to go immediately for reinforcements, and the Gallarhorn troops will also assist you. of."

"I understand! Captain!"

Alex acted quickly, but he was not very nervous.

Because he is always cautious, he has already formulated action plans in advance, as well as plans for emergencies and plans for emergencies.

Although Hasmon's start was a bit unexpected, it did not exceed his expectations.

Under the control of this system, if nothing unexpected happens, is it still called an accident?

According to the prepared plan, the guerrilla fleet began orbital airdrop to the surface of Mars in a very short time.

Although Dainsniff Glaze had to land on a shuttle, Barbatos and the other mobile suits descended directly to the surface of Mars on surfboards.

After dozens of bolides passed through the atmosphere, Alex received Olga's latest report.

"Captain, M/A just attacked a factory, and the workers there didn't have time to evacuate."

Although he was mentally prepared for someone to be killed, Alex still felt angry.

This is not directed at Olga and others, but at M/A.

Suppressing the indignation in his heart, he asked Olga.

“How are the evacuations going elsewhere?”

"Evacuations in other places are proceeding smoothly, but there are three gathering points not far from the attacked factory. It is estimated that the evacuation may be too late! We have sent people to rescue, but we are afraid that we will not be able to catch up."

Alex made a quick decision on this matter.

"Send me the coordinates. You lead the Tekka Group to continue covering the evacuation of other gathering points. I will take people to cover them."


After receiving the coordinates sent by Olga, Alex sent the coordinates to the MS troops that descended with him.

"First Squadron, follow me to coordinate No. 1. Second Squadron follow Asmodeus to coordinate No. 2. Sino, you take Tekkadan's MS squadron to coordinate No. 3."


"Understood, Captain."

"no problem!"

The MS squadron in the air used the surfboards under their feet to change their direction of descent, and fell towards their respective coordinates.

The first squadron led by Alex landed about a few kilometers away from target point No. 1.

Before they landed, they saw thick smoke from the explosion near the gathering point from the air.

It was obvious that this place had been attacked by the M/A because it was the closest gathering point to the factory that was attacked.

"Let's go!"

Without any nonsense, Alex pushed down the joystick.

Barbatos jumped off the surfboard first and rushed towards the gathering point. Behind him were the Glaze Knights of the [-]st Squadron.

As the first squadron drawn from the Earth Ring Fleet, the MS carried were in addition to the conventional Graze models.

Karta also specially selected a squadron of Glaze Knights as Alex's personal bodyguards.

According to her words.

'Brother, as the face of the Yi Xiu family, how can he not have personal guards around him?Even the idiot Ioguna has one. '

Although these are the personal guards who protect him in theory, their combat effectiveness is not as strong as his, so it is not certain who protects whom on the battlefield.

But since this was a necessary facade, Alex accepted them.

But in most cases, these personal guards are used by him as ordinary mobile suit squadrons.

He doesn't need any fancy honor guard, but MS pilots who can fight.

Fortunately, these people did a good job in basic training, so they have grown up after experiencing some actual practice.

The only thing that dissatisfied Alex was that these people had to go to the battlefield shouting slogans...

What was shouted before was the standard slogan of the Kalta Ring Fleet, 'Face the wall for nine years, stay strong! '

Now it was replaced by what he proposed and was widely accepted by the Gjallarhorn troops.

'May the glory of mankind last forever! '

He corrected this point several times, but he still did not let them change it.

So he could only accept it and try to get used to it.

Now, these Glaze Knights, who were shouting slogans, followed behind Barbatos, forming small triangular formations with small teams as units, and launched an assault on the gathering point.

This town is like countless small gathering points scattered on Mars. They are all settlements that provide basic services such as housing for nearby farms and factories.

Since there are no ferocious beasts on Mars, there are usually only a small number of guards in small towns, ranging from a dozen to dozens of people, with a few MWs.The main purpose is to prevent bandits from attacking.

But for them, the probability of this town being attacked by large-scale bandits is very low, because this town is too small, and it may not be cost-effective to rob it.

Therefore, this town has been very peaceful and peaceful since it was built. The most important job of the guards is to catch little thieves who steal things.

Unless the town continues to expand in size, it will probably attract the attention of wandering bandits.

However, everything changed today...

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