They are just anxiously trying to regain control of the human brain M/A to prevent this matter from being exposed.

But no matter how they sent control signals, the M/A they created did not respond to their call.

The fundamental reason is that the development team adopts the same underlying framework system of AI.

Although the cloned brain is used as the main control core, one thing they forgot is that a pure cloned brain does not have consciousness.

It is generally used as a data carrier, so to put it bluntly, there is no firewall...

The contact with Hasmon allowed him to be invaded by AI in an instant.

At this moment, the human brain M/A has become the opponent's little brother, following him straight towards Krise.

This means that it is only a matter of time before things come to light.

"Right now, Krise is organizing an evacuation, and Horn is leading the mercenaries to build an ambush circle."

Hearing the investigation report from the front, the person in charge almost pulled out his hair.

Now, there was only one way before him.Now that M/A is out of control, they'd better evacuate this place immediately.

Regardless of whether the final result is that Gjalalhorn defeated the two M/As, or the two M/As created enough chaos.

In order not to be traced, they must evacuate as soon as possible.

Then he raised his head and gave orders to the others.

"Immediately organize the core members to evacuate with all the information, act quickly."

"What about the others?"

A cold glint flashed in the person in charge's eyes.

"Kill them, then blow up this place and destroy all information records."


Iznario's people were busy evacuating and destroying evidence, and finally killed all the people who couldn't be taken away.

Alex finally got the exact information about M/A...

Through adventurous close-in reconnaissance, they have confirmed the direction of the M/A army and are expected to arrive in Krise in 30 hours.

At the same time, it was confirmed that among the M/A army, there were two huge bodies that were obviously different from the surrounding Brumen.


Alex turned to look at Olga.

"Are you sure that what you excavated is an M/A?"

"The news reported at that time was indeed that there was one mobile phone, the other one was a MS, and there were several small Brumans."

Olga opened the record on the tablet and showed him the photos of the excavation taken at the time.

"It can be detected that there are two mother bodies."

Alex showed them the footage captured by the reconnaissance team.

I saw two huge figures looming in the dust all over the sky.

"Could it be that there is actually another one nearby that has not been dug out, and was also alerted by Ahabo later?"

Bisquet made a wild guess.

"It's also possible."

Alex thought for a moment and felt that this might be a guess.

After all, my system has tricked me not once or twice, but now that I have brought Gang Nails, it has reduced the difficulty.

Then it is natural for the opponent to increase the difficulty, but this method of increasing the difficulty is a bit too simple and crude.

If I bring a full squadron, will I have to directly fight Barbadoro + Harpas + Queen Amelia + 18 Reginas?

What about pit father?

(The system 'has hacked me again and recorded it all in the notebook.')

However, with two M/As, the original plan may not be suitable and must be modified.

At the same time, Alex is also wary of other variables.

Although Chocolate, the Purple-haired Prince and Iogu were all trapped in the Earth Circle.

But since there is one more M/A, there is no guarantee that there will be someone seeking death and tempting the M/A to turn around.

Fortunately, with his advance warning, all the gathering points around Krise had been evacuated.

Even if it turns, it won't be impossible to pull back.

Evacuation warnings have also been issued for the urban area of ​​Creese, and residents there are also being evacuated in an orderly manner by Gallarhorn.

Although Alex was very confident in his interception plan, he still asked Krise to evacuate in advance.

The Panama tragedy has been remembered as a negative example by the whole world.

Therefore, the evacuation he requested was not hindered much and went smoothly.

It is expected that in 20 hours, the entire Krise will become an empty city.The ground troops of the Mars branch are deploying the second line of defense in Krisai.

In this way, even if the first interception fails, they don't have to worry about not being able to organize the second interception in time.

However, the battlefield will then take place in the city of Krisai.

"Everyone, we have to change our plans."

Tekkadan, the commander of the ground forces of Gjallarhorn, and several others gathered in front of the map and watched Alex write and draw on it.

After calculation and consideration, he decided to reset the first line of attack.

"The first line of defense is set up here."

The two M/As naturally needed a spacious place to attack them. After listening to what he said, Biskate suddenly raised a question.

"Captain, who will be the bait to attract M/A in the direction of the trap?"

The location Alex had chosen was perfect for an ambush, but there was just one slight problem.

That is, according to the reconnaissance information, the route of the M/A army was about 50 kilometers away from the preset ambush position.

This requires someone to act as a bait, pilot the MS, attract the M/A to change its direction, and lure the target in the right direction.

Mikazuki, who was sitting on the box and dangling his feet while eating dates, raised his hand.

"Let me go. Asmodeus has a lightweight body and a Gundam frame, and it also has Alaya Consciousness. It has sufficient movement speed and sensitivity."

"Well, I think it can."

Olga expressed her approval for Mikazuki's initiative to ask for help.

Biscat and others also felt that it was best to let Mikazuki go, although it was risky.

You can send others there, which is more risky.

As for Alex, they didn't consider it, even though he was the most skilled among the pilots present.

But he is a general and the architect of the entire plan. How can he be personally involved in such a thing?

Therefore, they had a tacit agreement not to mention the possibility of Alex going.

Even Gjalalhorn considers this.

But how could this little trick possibly deceive Alex, a social member of the Li faction?

"Hey, hey, you guys, have you forgotten my existence? Compared to Mikazuki, I am more suitable."

Seeing that he wanted to go by himself, Bisquet interrupted first.

"Ah, Captain, that..."

He pressed the hat on the little fat man's head and rubbed it hard.

"Shut up, I know what you're going to say."

Seeing that the think tank was silenced, Olga could only persuade him bravely.

"Captain, you are our general and the maker of the plan. You should stay here so that you can adjust the plan at any time."

"Yes, you will use the words I taught you to refute me. You have made progress, but I still want to go."


Seeing that he insisted on going, Olga took a step forward to continue to dissuade him.

But Alex raised his hand to stop him.

"It's really because I am the one who made the plan that I have to go there in person. Sitting here waiting for the news from the front is even more uneasy for me."

At this time, Sanriyue jumped off the box and walked over.

"Okay, I'll go with the captain, okay?"

Seeing that they couldn't persuade Alex, everyone could only agree with Mikazuki's opinion and let the two of them go together.

So the two Gundams took off on the flight pedals of the Garrison garrison and pounced directly on the M/A army hundreds of kilometers away.

"Mikazuki, are you nervous?"

During the flight, Alex asked Mikazuki.

What they were riding in was not so much a flight pedal as a manned transport aircraft.

The appearance is similar to the Decbalan used by the messenger cavalry in Mercury Witch.

MS is hunched over the body and can kneel on one knee or stand.

In order to facilitate long-distance transportation, both Gundams kneeled on one knee on the back of the pedal, and then grasped the handle.

"No, I'm not nervous at all."

In the cockpit, Mikazuki was eating the bento sent by Atla before departure.

Alex looked at Mikazuki on the screen who was eating a lot of food and smiled.

In fact, as the real male protagonist of Iron Blood, Mikazuki's calmness has always been a highlight.

During the time-travel contact, Alex was also convinced that this kid's calmness was not an act.

Rather, it is a special emotional state that coexists between fearlessness and fierceness.

He is fearless, partly because he knows too little about the world, lacks common sense, and therefore lacks fear of some affairs and organizations.

And once he entered the battle, the shadow left behind after hours told him that if he didn't fight and win, he would die.

So Mikazuki has a fierce temperament when he fights. For him, he will die anyway, so he must risk his life. Even if he is injured or paralyzed, as long as he survives, he has earned it.

However, after Alex's education, this kid has changed to a certain extent. His calmness has also changed from a combination of fearlessness and ferocity, to a combination of true calmness and ferocity, more like a ferocious wolf. .

Technically, it has also changed from being brave enough to fight and relying on intuition to fight, and has become more refined.

Although Barbatos allowed himself to drive, Mikazuki seemed to be more comfortable driving a lightweight machine like Asmod.

At the same time, Alex could feel that Sanriyue admired and believed in him very much, and had even reached a state of blindness.

"With the captain here, whether it's cooperation or other aspects, I feel very relieved and can fight according to my own ideas. Xino and the others can't keep up with my reactions, and I'm not used to directing other people to fight."

He complained a little.

Although he is already the captain of the Tekkadan guerrillas, he is nominally the commander-in-chief of the MS team.

However, he was not used to giving orders to others during battle like Alex.

What he is best at is quietly picking up his weapon, rushing towards the enemy, and fighting!

Therefore, Sino, the vice-captain, is usually responsible for on-the-spot command.

But everyone knows Mikazuki's character, and there are no complaints about it.

Chapter 280 A surprise for the enemy

"However, they elected you as captain because they trust you, because you can always lead them into battle and still stand at the forefront of them."

After listening to his words, Mikazuki scratched his hair and said a little embarrassedly.

"But, I'm learning from captain."

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