At the critical moment, Barbatos blocked with the sword hammer in his hand and retreated from Hasmon.

Although the sword hammer in his hand was knocked away as a result, the other sword hammer pulled out in time still blocked the tail blade's subsequent attack.

"Attention all, Hasmon's armor is more fragile than expected. Team Dainsniff, prepare to fire."

What he originally expected was that the two Gundam bodies would not only be a burden to contain.It is also responsible for confirming the target's weaknesses at close range. After the confirmation is completed, the Dyne Sniff team can shoot in a targeted manner.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they fought, it was determined that the opponent's armor was full of weaknesses when facing Okada.

So without any nonsense, he directly ordered to fire. Time was precious. After all, there was another M/A waiting to be beaten by them at the rear.

After receiving the order, the Dainsniff team, which was ready to shoot, immediately targeted Hasmon who was chasing Barbatos and Asmodeus jumping up and down in the canyon.

"Prepare to launch, other mobile suits please stay out of the way!"

Although it was a close-range shot, the accuracy could not be guaranteed, so other mobile suits still needed to avoid the rays to avoid hurting innocent people.

The guards who received the order maneuvered their bodies to avoid the rays.

The howitzer behind Barbatos's left arm flipped over and aimed at Hasmon's head.

Although this grenade did not cause much damage, it hit M/A's head and threw it back.

In order to maintain balance, the huge body paused briefly at this moment.

"Now! Launch!"

Barbatos retreated quickly, completely ignoring the rock wall behind him, slammed into it, and stuck to it.

Just kidding, if he was hit by Dainsniff at such a close distance, it would be nice if he could keep his whole body.

After receiving the order, the Dynasniff team immediately fired, and the surrounding aircraft only heard a short "Whoosh!" 'A sharp whistle.

Immediately afterwards, a nail directly penetrated the huge left side of Hasmon's body.

Another shot hit the functional component below its abdomen, but the third shot flew away due to the movement of M/A's body caused by the first shot.

This shot flew straight along the canyon, hit the pile of rubble where Ji Dela was buried, and exploded a large amount of smoke and dust.

Alex didn't care to evaluate whether this would cause another M/A to escape early. He was concentrating on dealing with the injured Hasmon at the moment.

"Keep loading and launch again! Hurry!"

Seeing this, Alex continued the order.

Although two nails were hit, there were no fatal injuries. Hasmon screamed and was still alive and well!

After Barbatos pulled himself out of the rock wall, he picked up his sword and hammer and headed straight for the target. He estimated the time and found that Hasmon's main gun's cool-down time was almost up. He must prevent the opponent from firing, and for the Dyne Sniff team To gain time.

"Keep loading! Move quickly!"

On the rear artillery position, the mobile suits of the loading team immediately stepped forward to carry out loading operations.

But because of the firing, their position had been exposed at this time.

Before Barbatos rushed forward, although the main gun had not been cooled down, the injured Hasmon raised his mechanical claw and used the same type of kinetic energy weapon to shoot in the direction of the enemy who injured himself.

Although the rate of fire is not as fast as the electromagnetic acceleration of Gangdike, the slow-moving Dynasniff team has no time to dodge.

The kinetic energy projectile, which looked similar to a thorn nail, directly penetrated a Dyne Sniff Graze and Hrok Graze who was loading ammunition.

Then, the kinetic energy bombs that penetrated the two mobile suits flew forward for a certain distance and were nailed to the cliff wall, causing considerable damage behind the splashing gravel canyon.

Many people, including Olga, were knocked to the ground.

A lot of various equipment was also damaged, and the scene suddenly became chaotic!

Hearing the confusion in the communication, Alex, who was fighting Hasmon, immediately ordered.

"Rescue the wounded, the first team of Dansniff retreats, and the second team is ready to fire and wait for my order! Oops!"

The next moment, a tail blade suddenly appeared in front of Barbatos. The white MS that hurriedly raised its sword hammer to parry failed to block the opponent's blow.

Although at the last moment, Alex tried his best to avoid being hit directly in the cockpit.

But the sharp tail blade still knocked away the shoulder armor on his left shoulder, exposing the skeleton inside.

And the second sword hammer in his hand was also knocked away.

Alex controlled the body to move sideways quickly, dodging the second strike of the tail blade.

Asmodeus seized the opportunity at this moment, holding the giant javelin in hand, rushed to Hasmon and slashed with his sword at the location where Barbatos had caused damage before.

The armor plate that withstood two consecutive heavy blows fell down. Before Mikazuki could celebrate his victory, another mechanical claw lifted up the next moment.

Mikazuki saw another kinetic energy bomb in the middle of her claws at a glance!

With the assistance of Alaya Consciousness, Asmodeus jumped up on the spot and flipped 360 degrees backwards before landing, barely avoiding the kinetic energy bullet that was fired almost close to his face.

The kinetic energy bomb was seen to have penetrated directly into the ground, and created a circle of spider web-shaped cracks on the ground.

However, Mikazuki, as Tekkadan's ace pilot besides Alex, is naturally not a weakling.

He took the opportunity to manipulate Asmodeus to draw an arc under Hasmon's feet and go around the back of M/A.

He raised the giant javelin in his hand and struck the mechanical claw that supported the machine body again.

Before the thrown tail blade stabbed him, Asmodeus jumped backwards to avoid the attack, and smashed a Bruman into pieces.

Chapter 284 Fierce Battle with Hasmon 3

Taking this opportunity, Barbatos also distanced himself from Hasmon. The sword hammer in his left hand had been blown away by the collision with the tail blade, but immediately a guard threw a new sword hammer over.

While catching the weapon with his right hand, the howitzer on his left arm fires continuously at the target to attract the opponent's attention.

The impact point of the grenade was under his aim, hitting Hasmon's left shoulder where a spike penetrated it.

In the explosion, the already cracked armor was further shattered.

The explosion caused the red outer armor on the left shoulder to detach, revealing two disc structures underneath, dotted with three holes.

"Huh? What is that?"

Alex looked at those things and felt they looked familiar.

But the next moment, the same red outer armor on Hasmon's right shoulder also unfolded, revealing the same disc device.

Alex was shocked!

This is the loading mode of Barbadolo's wing secondary cannon!

This damn thing also has secondary guns?

Coach, this is unscientific!

"All attention, avoid!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw slender beams of light shooting out of the three holes in each of the four disks.

Although it is not as powerful as the main gun, the damage to MS is very average.

With the help of the rotation of the disk, these beams of light moved around, and the rockfall caused by hitting the rock wall actually caused a lot of trouble for humans.

This forced the mobile suits, including the guards, to stop other actions and concentrate on dodging.

After avoiding the beam attack, Barbatos rushed forward with his sword and hammer in hand.

Seeing the white Demon God approaching, Hasmon's flexible tail blade flew up again and was knocked away by the sword hammer.

However, the tail blade drew an arc again and continued to attack, forcing Barbatos to stop his progress and continue to dodge.

Mikazuki took advantage of the opportunity for the tail blade to attack Alex, and Asmodeus jumped high.

He was going to use a pile driver to kill this M/A directly.

"The head is the weak point!"

He remembered Alex's instructions and stared at Hasmon's head.

But just when Asmodeus jumped up, he saw that the tail blade that was originally stabbing Barbatos like a cobra suddenly turned and headed straight for the MS in the air.


There was disbelief in Mikayue's blue eyes.

'Bang! ' With a sound, the tail blade knocked away the giant javelin in his hand that was used to parry.

Asmodeus, who lost his weapon, immediately grabbed the tail blade with both hands. Although he avoided the danger of being penetrated through the cockpit, he was also thrown away like a kite hanging in the sky and crashed into the mountain. Within the wall.

"Second team, launch!"

Alex seized the opportunity and immediately ordered the second team of Dyne Sniff to open fire.

After receiving the order, the [-]nd team of Dainsniff, which had already locked the target in the distance, immediately fired.

The three spikes screamed and headed straight for the target!

This time, all three spikes hit the target, and even Hasmon's body was driven backwards by the three kinetic energy bombs.

The smoke and dust stirred up after landing obscured the target's figure.

"Target hit!"

Just when they were rejoicing, Alex suddenly realized the danger!


The next moment, two beams of light were shot out of the smoke, targeting the second team of Dyne Sniff who had just completed shooting.

One of the machines was hit from the front. Although the nano-coating blocked most of the damage, the Dynasniff launcher on the left arm was exploded.

"The opponent counterattacks, retreat, retreat!"

"Medical soldiers!"

In the midst of the chaos, more than a dozen missiles rushed out of the smoke and landed in the canyon like a goddess scattering flowers.

The vibration caused by the explosion caused the weathered rubble on the surrounding rock walls to fall one after another. More importantly, the smoke and dust raised by the explosion obscured the entire battlefield.

When he saw the missile, Alex realized that the second M/A had obviously escaped!

And they still don't know whether they have seriously injured Hasmon.

The current situation is obviously not very good for the human side, but now they must grit their teeth and resist this wave of attacks.

Based on M/A's wisdom, if the human side retreats now, they might also retreat.

Barbadoro has fully demonstrated that AI is much smarter than people think.

Once they retreat, it will be very difficult to find two M/As on Mars who are bent on hiding.

At that time, the human side will inevitably fall into passivity. Therefore, no matter what, we must eliminate them here today!

So Alex immediately ordered.

"Dynsniff's team retreated to regroup and get ready to fire. Other MSs, be careful, the second M/A is coming out!"

In the smoke, an electric shock suddenly flashed across his forehead, and a sense of danger made him subconsciously control his body to jump up.

I saw a tail blade piercing the smoke and nailing the position where Barbatos was standing just now.

"Hasmon! Sure enough, he's not dead yet!"

The machine landed and he gave orders to the surrounding guards.


The third sword hammer was lost in the missile attack just now.

"Yes! Colonel!"

A Graze Knight quickly approached him, turned 180 degrees on the spot and turned its back towards Barbatos.

The white demon stretched out his left hand and took off the fourth sword hammer from the back of his subordinate's body.

He looked at the weapon in his hand and said to himself.

"It seems that after the battle, we have to find a way to study Bayelina's two weapons. They are said to be able to cut off MS outer armor. By the way, Astaru's sword!"

At this moment, the smoke dispersed, and the human side finally saw the current situation of the battlefield clearly.

I saw that Hasmon had collapsed to the ground. One of its mechanical legs was broken by a nail, so it lost the ability to stand.

The nail that hit the left side of the machine earlier also destroyed its anti-gravity flight capability. Although it did not destroy the target, it successfully paralyzed it in place.

Even so, Alex was not very happy, because the crucial head was intact, and the mouth beam cannon and tail blade could still be used.

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