As a product of Hasmon, this tail blade is probably the hardest part of Barbatos' body.

That's why Alex chose to attack the muzzle with the tail blade, and at the same time threw out the sword whips of both arms.

The sharp blade cut open the attacking mechanical claw, but there was another mechanical claw that aimed at Barbatos' head and slapped it down.

At this critical moment, Simengli MK3 rushed over from the other side and used his knees to push away the mechanical claw.

At the same time, the drill launcher installed on the knee suddenly popped out, directly piercing the mechanical claw at zero distance.

Before he could say thank you to Galio, Barbatos' tail blade was pulled out from the pierced muzzle.

Then taking advantage of this opportunity, the machine jumped upwards and came directly in front of M/A's head, which had been penetrated by two spikes.

Then the tail blade swung and pierced Luvitiel's head.

This blow not only penetrated the scarred head, but even tore the loosened head directly from the body.

Even though M/A's head hung on the tail blade, Alex still didn't take it lightly.

Barbatos closed the sword whip in his hand, raised his arms, aimed at M/A's bulging torso, and stabbed it hard.

After piercing the body, the two sword whips were swung outwards, cutting a big X on the torso.

After doing all this, Alex was convinced that M/A was dead.

At this time, the remaining Brumen around them had lost control and fell into a closed state.

Looking at these drones that stopped functioning in front of him, 598 gasped.

"It's all over?"

"Ah, it seems so."

Renji controlled the machine body and used the heavy cutting blade to push away the debris in front of him.

"Look, M/A was destroyed by Barbatos!"

Following Vistario's voice, the others looked at the situation in the center of the battlefield.

Barbatos was seen floating in front of the huge M/A, with his arms hanging down naturally. There were two huge scars on M/A's chest, which was stuck like a hedgehog by spikes.

And on Barbatos' tail blade, M/A's head hangs.

"Awesome! As expected of Captain Alex!"

Little fan 598 exclaimed in admiration.

The three of Renji looked at this scene dumbfounded. They knew that Alex was very powerful, but as adults, they were naturally a little suspicious of hearsay.

But now after witnessing the battle with their own eyes, they were completely convinced.

Although it was with the assistance of the Dynasniff team that they defeated this M/A.

However, the three of them asked themselves that even if someone assisted them, they would not be able to achieve the same level as the other person.

"It seems that you can receive your third seven-star medal. Congratulations."

Galio congratulated him sincerely.

"It's not just me, but you too."

Galio was stunned by his statement.

"And my share?"

"Of course, I will mention all personnel involved in the battle in the report."

"Wouldn't that mean you would have to write more than ten pages just for names?"


Although it was an unexpected encounter, the battle ended quickly.

The enemy is a medium-sized M/A, but this M/A, which Alex named Luvitieru MK3, does not have the huge size and large number of Brumans of Barbados, nor the Hasmon and artificial ones. A strange combination of M/A.

Therefore, it is not too difficult to deal with it. In addition, I don’t know how long it has been frozen in amber. In front of the well-prepared guerrilla fleet, I quickly became angry on the spot.

Chapter 311 Another contestant appears

After the battle, it's time to clean up the battlefield.

In order to avoid the remaining M/A and Bluman, Alex ordered that every piece of ice floe be inspected in detail.

Mendo volunteered to follow him for inspection, and Alex agreed to his request.

Anyway, if someone is watching him, even if he wants to die, he still has time to make amends.

What's more, as a professional archaeologist, he should have some unique skills that can help the guerrilla fleet confirm the situation.

Mendo may not be good at combat, but this kind of treasure hunting and archaeological work should be considered his job.

As for the mother body of M/A, after removing all the nails inserted into the body, it was hung below the Martian Glory and prepared to be taken back to Radonica for further detailed inspection.

But this time it was not all without gain, judging from the drone missile nests under the opponent's wings.

The automatic defense system that appeared at the frontline base under the jurisdiction of the Falk family and the missile nest of the man-made M/A seemed to be inextricably linked.

Obviously, in the era of calamity wars, humans also imitated some of M/A's weapons in order to defeat M/A.

For example, this automatic defense system used to fight against the Blueman Sea is a good attempt.

But for some reason it was not widely adopted in the end, perhaps because of the end of the war.

After all, Venus is already the last battlefield between humans and AI.

Alex felt that this system could be used as a reference. At least it could be installed on battleships to fight against the Bruman fleet led by M/A.

In addition, the organization that researched M/A probably also learned from this system, but chose to use off-the-shelf missiles.

All this shows that there may be more secrets here on Venus than you think.

Just as he was thinking, the outer fleet sent a message.

"Commander! We captured an assault armored ship wandering nearby."

"Huh? Who is it?"

Alex thought he had caught his lieutenant and was a little excited.

But when he saw the garishly painted assault armored ship, he knew it was definitely not the other party.

However, he still connected to the communication and confirmed the identity of the other party.

At just the first glance, he confirmed that the other party was also a contestant hunting Urd.

Because the dress of the little girl next to the blonde woman was too familiar.The uniform attire of the witnesses was too conspicuous.

The blond woman on the screen looked very nervous, but after seeing him, she was a little surprised.

"You, you are Captain Alex?"

"Oh, you know me?"

Alex feels that with this face, he can walk sideways in the earth circle. At least by brushing his face, he will not starve to death.

"Yes, you don't know me, but I know you. I belong to the Tabings Transport Ship Group, and my name is Tamami Rakko."

"Oh, he's from Brother Naze."

Then he looked at the other person with a weird look in his eyes. Another beautiful woman. How much luck does his elder brother have?

'My eldest brother really has good kidneys...'

Of course, what he was thinking couldn't be said in front of so many people.

Even if Nase is shameless, the blonde beauty in front of him, who seems to be his sister-in-law's unknown size, still needs shame.

So he skipped the topic and asked directly.

"Then why are you around here?"

"This one……"

Seeing that the other party was hesitant, he pointed it out directly.

"Aren't you also part of the hunt for Urd?"

"Huh? You know everything?"

Twenty minutes later, the group met on the 20 assault armored ship.

By introducing themselves, Tamami and the other contestants got to know each other.

Vistario even shared his gummies with Tamame's witness, Kenshal Kusa, who looked completely underage.

The little girl thanked her very happily, then peeled off the candy wrapper and stuffed it into her mouth.

Alex asked Palsti, who looked the largest among the witnesses.

"Ms. Palsti, your organization still employs child labor..."

"Huh? Ah, I don't know about this either."

Palsti was very surprised when her name was called, but she still answered honestly.

"We have never met each other, we just know that other people exist. This is our first meeting."

After hearing what she said, Alex asked in surprise.

"I've never met my boss or my colleagues. You just follow the ring everywhere in a daze. Should I say you are big-hearted or stupid..."

Alex's straightforward words made several other older witnesses smile awkwardly.

Without worrying too much about this matter, he turned to ask Tamami.

"You said you were a member of the Tubbins, but the Rakko Pirates were pirates with records within Gallarhorn. Do you have any explanation for this?"

"We were originally a team that was controlled by others and were responsible for doing dirty work. Later, with the help of Sister Nase and Armida, we finally got rid of that controlled state, and then we joined the Tabins."

This is in line with Nase's style. Tabings is a transportation group mainly composed of women and rescued must-haves.

Nase has a good eye for recognizing people. Basically, the women who were rescued and the people who were sold out all worked very hard.

These people know very well that their efforts are not for anything else, but for themselves.

"So what role do you play within Tubbins now?"

"Dealing with various problems. After all, we are also considered members of the martial arts faction. We are mainly responsible for fighting against the pirates and organizations that attack Tabings."

"Oh I got it."

Regarding the news about the Rakko pirate group, Alex has already contacted Nase to confirm the authenticity.

But even if you use Arianead, this is a very time-consuming thing.

Therefore, like others, he planned to keep the Rakko Pirates by his side for close monitoring.

"Since you claim to be a member of the Tubbins, I hope you can cooperate with me."

"Captain Alex, what are your instructions?"

Regarding the person in front of her, Tamami was actually under a lot of pressure.

Although it is called a pirate group, the total number of people is only 77 people on the ship.

The number of MSs was also very limited, and there was no way they could compete with the Gallarhorn fleet in front of them.

"Now Gallallhorn has intervened in the hunting of Urd, so as a contestant, you must, like them, temporarily follow the fleet and not leave without authorization."

When saying this, Alex pointed to Vistario, 598, Mendo and others aside.

Before Alex arrived, Tamami had already talked with them and learned the identities of their contestants.

"I understand, I am willing to follow the fleet."

For this competition, Tamami is actually more interested in exploring the secrets behind it. After all, this project is carried out in the Venus space, and it can easily threaten the safety of Tabins' route.

Since Gallarhorn, led by Alex, is willing to take over the investigation.

Then there is no reason for the weak Rakko pirate group to continue taking risks alone.

After successfully recruiting another contestant, Alex calculated that 7 of the 4 teams hunting Urd were already controlled by Alex.

There are two other participating teams that he has yet to meet.

One is the Zankelan mercenary group, which is said to be a combination of two brothers.

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