Ignoring Galio's complaints, Alex immediately ordered.

"Accelerate forward, prepare the fleet for battle, and dispatch immediately after arriving at the target space area. Assist Kuzan's fleet in the battle."


Although I looked down on Iogu, this was not the time to trick anyone.

M/A is a threat to humanity as a whole, and the guerrilla fleet accelerates towards the target space area.

Iogu Kuzan drove his black and gold-painted Reginrez into the battlefield, followed by Julieta's Reginrez Julia.

"Iogu, you must not go to the front line, otherwise I will take you back to the mothership even if I cripple you first."

Faced with Julieta's rude tone, Iogu patted his chest.

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Julieta did not believe his words, but silently followed his body.

Although this M/A has awakened, like other mechas from the calamity war era, it is obviously not in its best condition.

Therefore, the first thing he did after waking up was to restore himself.

And its location is a colonial satellite, which is no different from raising a mouse in a rice vat.

"Communications with the MS troops entering the colonial satellite were cut off, and they may have all died."

"What! These damn guys actually caused the sacrifice of my important subordinates! I will not bypass them!"

Iogu yelled angrily in the cockpit.

This is not an act, but he really values ​​his subordinates very much.

Now that those subordinates who entered the colonial satellite to look for the so-called Omden Colonial Satellite Company had lost contact and were in danger, he naturally directed his anger at that group of people.

"Where are those Omden people?"

"I don't know. He didn't show up either. Maybe he was killed by M/A."

"Hmph! I won't fix them until I get back!"

At this time, the fleet brought by Iogu had already formed its formation from the side of the colonial satellite, preparing to launch an attack.

Although the mission of the Kuzan fleet is to fight pirates, so it is not a full force dispatch, there are still 10 ships in size, and they carry the Dainsniff team.

"Attention, MS team, cover the Dynesniff team as they approach the target."

As Iogu's replacement, the subordinates of the Kuzan family arranged their action plans in an orderly manner.

This kind of self-directed behavior is also thanks to the tradition of the Kuzan family.

The ancestor Kuzan was a guy who liked to drive his mobile suit to the front lines.

But unlike Iogu, who is addicted to food, the previous generation Kuzan was a genuine ace pilot.

That's why the Kuzan family formed this special command system, which is still in use today.

But what confused them was that although they received news that M/A had awakened, they could only visually observe some bee-like Brumans flying around.

It was not attacked by M/A, and the other party had no intention of taking the initiative to fight humans in space.

"Is this M/A trying to force us to fight inside the colonial satellite?"

Julieta guessed.

Iogu snorted coldly at this guess.

"Hmph, these cunning beasts. Do you think this can trap us in the trap?"

Just when Julieta thought he was going to order the bombardment of the wreckage of the colonial satellite, she heard him say it.

"This is a relic passed down from generation to generation. It cannot be destroyed easily. We have the advantage. Now we all attack the remains of the colony!"


"Huh? You're crazy!"

She looked at the guy who just said that she would not be fooled, and ordered the troops to enter the colonial satellite and engage in close combat with the opponent.This is not being deceived, what is this?

"Wait! Iogo!"

While she was busy stopping Iogu from messing around, a new Ahabo signal appeared from the other side of the colonial satellite's wreckage.

"This is the guerrilla fleet! And why are they here!"

"Have you forgotten? The guerrilla fleet is performing a search mission in the Venus space domain. This is now the opponent's combat area."

Iogu was a little embarrassed by Julieta's complaints.

"Of course I remember. But, this is a colonial satellite under the jurisdiction of the Kuzan family!"

At this moment, a voice that Iogu would never forget came into the communication.

"First of all, I came here according to Commander Lesdal's order. Secondly, we also received reports that there will be abnormal situations here. Finally, Iogu, please remember next time not to shout on the public channel."


Iogu, who was choked and speechless by Alex, was shaking all over.

He hadn't yet broken free from the psychological shadow of the last beating, so he held it in for a long time before uttering a sentence.

"The Kuzan family will handle the matters here alone! There is no need for the guerrilla fleet to participate!"

"The problem here is what we discovered, and I don't think you have the ability to solve M/A on your own."

"You look down on me!"

"Yes, that's right. I don't want you to lose too many troops, so now, I take over the on-site command as the commander of the guerrilla fleet!"


Although Ioghu wanted to object, Alex followed the rules of Gjalalhorn completely.

The guerrilla fleet is a large fleet formation on the same level as the Moon Ring and Earth Ring fleets.

Although there is not that much actual establishment now, it is still one level higher than the Kuzan fleet belonging to the Arianhed fleet. Alex, who is also the commander of the fleet, has higher authority than himself.

This means that although he is the head of the Kuzan family, Alex is indeed one level higher than him in terms of job level.

I do need to obey his orders, and this is what Lesdal specially arranged to avoid this situation.

"Ioghu, think of what Lord Lysdal said."

Julietta reminded him quietly.

When arranging for him to go out to fight pirates, Lesdal warned him that if he persisted in his own way, he would be deprived of the right to command the fleet and go home to think about his mistakes until Lesdal agreed to let him leave Vangolf.

"I see!"

Iogu, who was almost vomiting blood due to depression, could only grit his teeth and agree in order to avoid this outcome.

After Alex took over, he ordered two fleets to surround the abandoned colonial satellite.

"Open fire and blast the target out with artillery fire."

"Stop! This is a colonial satellite built by my ancestors of the Kuzan family!"

Chapter 313 Siege Battle

Iago tried to stop Alex again, but failed.

"But this place is now destroyed and has become the home base of M/A. Do you want your men to enter the colonial satellite to fight these enemies?"

Alex's words made Iogu speechless.


The warships of the guerrilla fleet immediately opened fire as ordered, and began bombarding the colonial satellite that had been broken into two parts with naval guns and missiles.

After some hesitation, Kuzan's fleet also started firing in accordance with his order.

Seeing the wreckage of the colonial satellite under his jurisdiction being bombarded, Iogu's inner resentment towards Alex became even more intense.

'One day, I will make you pay! '

Alex didn't know that Iogu resented him, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

According to the data, this is already an abandoned colonial satellite that was destroyed by M/A in the calamity war.

It is different from the cocoon found before, and has no repair value at all.

That's why he ordered direct bombardment with artillery shells and missiles to force the M/A hiding inside to come out.

If, as Iogu thought, he rushed in and fought the opponent in close combat, in such a narrow terrain, the losses of the troops would be great.

The outer walls of the colonial satellite were quickly shattered by the bombardment of artillery shells and missiles.

After all, it has been exposed to cosmic rays for 300 years, and the outer wall that has not been maintained for a long time is not strong.

Soon, under the bombardment of artillery fire, M/A who was hiding inside could no longer hide.

Although there was not much recovery, the AI ​​knew very well that if it continued to hide here, the hiding place would undoubtedly be destroyed.

At that time, you will become a target and be slaughtered by others.

But at this time, his condition had not returned to its best, so he chose to send out his own Bruman fleet to buy himself time.

The remaining Bruman fleet, together with the new fleet that had just been produced, moved towards the weak point of the human fleet's artillery fire.

The one chosen as the soft persimmon was the Kuzan fleet, which had a slightly smaller fleet.

"The Blueman fleet is approaching!"

"MS team! Meet the enemy!"

Although chosen as the target, the Kuzan fleet was not inexperienced.

Although Iogu was kept by Lesdal some time ago, the fleet was assigned to Luna Dew to perform the blockade mission.

There was also a squadron involved in the encounter with Barbadoro.

Seeing the Blueman fleet rushing towards itself, the fleet immediately changed the target of the bombardment and opened fire on the incoming drone swarm.

At the same time, the MS was also ready to face the enemy. Iogu felt a little scared when he saw the swarm of drones on the screen.

This was the first time he faced the M/A army directly. Fortunately, he was at the rear, so he raised the long-range rifle in the machine's hand and pointed it at the target.

"Accept Iogu Kuzan's sanction!"

The long-range rifle fired, and the live ammunition passed through the space and accurately hit the target.

"Huh, I'm still pretty accurate!"

Hitting the target gave Ioguru more confidence, and he continued to fire at the enemy.

Julietta looked at the approaching group of drones and realized that she had to give full play to the performance of the aircraft and step forward to fight.

"Iogu, just stay here and I'll go to the front."

"Don't worry, I'll be here to provide you with fire support."

Considering that he also underwent Alaya consciousness surgery, even if he couldn't defeat him, he should have no problem escaping.

So Julieta controlled her body and moved towards the front line.

The transformed Reginrez Julia has high mobility and can quickly reach the front line.

The machine cannons on the shoulder shields fired four barrages, destroying Bruman who rushed towards him.

Then he rushed into the enemy formation, swinging out the sword whips on his arms, smashing the enemies in front of him to pieces.

Under her leadership, the mobile suits of the Kuzan fleet tenaciously withstood the offensive of the drone swarm.

However, the attack on the colonial satellites came to a halt, but at this time, they could no longer care about so much.

"Friendly MS troops are coming from the other side to support us!"

Julieta also saw the MS troops coming from the other side.

"Guerrilla fleet?"

Discovering that Bruman was launching an attack in the direction of the Kuzan fleet, Alex did not choose to sit back and watch.

Although he hates Ioghu as a person, his subordinates are a fighting force on the human side.

He can't do that kind of behavior where friendly troops are immobile when they are in trouble.

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