There are still many mysteries about this machine, such as why there are two machines of the same model.

While he was busy studying Macassea, a battle was unfolding around Suixing in the Mars universe.

The opposing sides are Tekkadan and JP Trust, as well as Jasni's supporters.

Just as Alex estimated, Jasni launched a rebellion in Suixing!

The time went back to two days ago, when Alex had just been attacked and had not had time to contact Mars.

Olga and others on Mars received news that shocked them, according to Makumad's confidant who claimed to have escaped from Suixing.

Jasni started a rebellion, but did not completely control Suixing. He is currently fighting with another faction within Suixing. He escaped and asked Tekkadan for help.

Originally, the Jasni faction had declined rapidly since he was deprived of his second-in-command position.Divas does not have an advantage internally.

But the sinister Jasni first sent people to sneak attack Makumad and seriously injured the old man, causing him to fall into coma.

Therefore, although the other faction had the advantage in numbers and strength, it fell into a deadlock because it had no leader.

He escaped desperately, reported the news to Tekkadan, and asked for support.

This news shocked everyone in Tekkadan. They had not experienced rebellion before, but they did not expect such a thing to happen to a company of the size of Divas.

However, after such a long period of training, Olga is no longer the stubborn girl who can only keep moving forward.

He did not agree immediately, but used the excuse of contacting Alex and the time needed to mobilize the troops, so he arranged for those who came to report the news to rest first.

Then he quickly summoned the senior officials of Tekkadan and told them about the incident.

"Do you think this is true or false?"

Olga looked around at everyone present, imitating Alex and asking for advice.

"It's best to test it out first to see if it's true or not. Then make a plan."

Biskate said cautiously.

After all, this thing sounds too scary, so to be on the safe side, I still need to confirm it.

It's okay if it's true, but if something goes wrong or is deceived, it will not only be Tekkadan's face that will be damaged, but also Alex's face.

Bisquet's opinion was echoed and supported by others.

Olga also had this intention, so he contacted Sui Xing on the grounds that he had a "big semi-metal business to discuss with his father" and asked to speak to Makumade's father.

But he was directly rejected by the other party, the strange voice in the communication told him.

Papa Makumade is unwell and is receiving treatment in the hospital.

Instinctively, Olga felt something was wrong, so he said.

"Oh? Then I'll go to Suixing to visit his old man, and ask him how to do this big deal."

This reason was also rejected by the other party.

"No, the doctor said that the boss needs to rest, and he will not see visitors for the time being. You don't have to come over, and you won't be able to see dad when you come. Wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

"Now, who is responsible for work matters?"

"This... you guys make your own decision first, I will tell the boss."

The other party was vague and did not give a clear answer. He just said that Olga would make her own decision and that she would contact him again after Makumad recovered.

Then he hung up the communication without waiting for him to ask any more questions.

Olga raised her head and looked at the other people in the office.

"It seems that the situation is not good. Something happened on Suixing."

The communication with the other party just now was clearly heard by everyone present.

With the importance Makumard attached to Alex, he would always answer Tekkadan's calls personally.

But this time, not only was Makumade absent, but the person usually responsible for liaison has also changed, which explains the problem.

"Deputy Commander Olga, it seems that we have to prepare for the worst, that is, Makumard is dead, Suixing and even Divas have fallen into the hands of Jasni, and many of the people above will become each other. I think we must tell the young master about this matter first, and then wait for his order."

Said an ordinary-looking man wearing round-rimmed glasses.

He was Alex's advisor assigned to Olga from the Isu family. He claimed to be Valentine, and no other identity information was told to the Tekkadan people.

This person's words have always been considered sarcastic by others because he always pours cold water on others and speaks according to the worst-case scenario.

Although many times what he said would come true, but it was very uncomfortable to be blunt, but he still did it his own way.

Therefore, his words unsurprisingly aroused the glares of other Tekkadan members, but they obviously didn't care.

Olga knew that what he was talking about was a possible and the safest plan.

But this was not the time for internal disputes. At the same time, he also had his own ideas.

"Don't argue. What Mr. Valentine said is also a possibility. We must prepare for the worst. In addition, the group leader will definitely inform us, but,"

Olga said firmly.

"The leader is on Venus, and it takes two days for our contact to come back and forth, so we can't just wait, so I think we'd better take action right away."

Chapter 325 Raid on Suixing

Others, including Biskate, thought it made sense.

Two days were enough for the battle situation to change drastically.

The star of the year may still be in contention now, but in two days, it will be hard to say.

“So, hands up in support of immediate action.”

Everyone raised their hands except Valentine.

"Mr. Valentine, it seems we all chose to act first."

Valentin shrugged.

"Now that Deputy Captain Al has made his choice, I will not object. After all, the young master's request from me is to assist you, not to command you. You make the decision, and I will try my best to help you improve it."


So he turned around and gave orders to Mikazuki and Xino.

"Let the MS and MW teams prepare for dispatch, contact the shipyard, and prepare our fleet to sail."

"it is good."

"no problem!"

The two agreed happily.

"Biscat, let the infantry team set off together and be prepared to join the gang war and land on Suixing."


Biskate nodded in agreement.

Olga had already thought about it. Even if she made a mistake in the end, it would be treated as an emergency drill.

After the order was issued, Tekkadan took action.The troops began to assemble, prepare the aircraft, and prepare weapons and ammunition.

At Valentin's suggestion, Tekkadan not only reported the anomalies in the Sui Star to Alex, they also did not forget to report to the Gallarhorn Mars branch.

If a fight breaks out near Mars, Gjallarhorn will definitely intervene.

Even if Gallarhorn does not provide support, Tekkadan must explain the matter to the horn in order to avoid complications.

It can be seen that Olga and others have become increasingly mature under Alex's deliberate tempering.

The original iron-headed boys are also growing up day by day, and given time, they can also become outstanding talents in their own right.

While Tekkadan was busy preparing, Alex's inquiry and contact was also received by Tekkadan.

After Olga read it, she handed the tablet to others for circulation.

"The leader and Brother Naze were assassinated by people sent by Jasni, and the leader was injured!"

Everyone's expressions became serious when they heard that Alex was injured.

If I was worried about making a mistake before, then after receiving the news from Alex.

Tekkadan has determined that no matter whether there is a rebellion on Suixing or not, Jasni is taking action!This reason is enough.

So Olga announced to all the members;

'Jasni, who was trusted by JP, the former second-in-command of Divas and the biological flesh and blood of Makummad, committed murder against his father and brother.Captain Alex is injured! '

Tekkadan was very angry at Jasni for rebelling and trying to kill Nase and Alex.

Alex is their spiritual support and the hero who saves them.And Nase is the eldest brother who is dedicated to helping them.

These two people, as well as Makumade, are very important people to Tekkadan.

Now, it is confirmed that there was a rebellion in Suixing, and the killer sent by Jasni injured the group leader.

(Jasni'I sent someone to hurt that!')

So no matter what, Tekkadan has reason to take action.

Therefore, after sending a second detailed description of the situation to Alex, the four Tekkadan assault armored ships that had been assembled immediately set off for Suixing.

Ever since Sui Xing moved to the Mars universe, he has never left.

Although in name only, Suixing is a planetary cruiser, a mobile colonial satellite, that travels between Mars and Jupiter.

However, Divas's recent business focus is semi-metal mining on Mars, so it is natural to stay close to Mars to facilitate business transactions.

Originally, Suixing was a residence with a beautiful environment. In addition to the industrial sector of Divas, there were also residential and commercial areas.

Because Suixing is also a mobile supply base, providing repairs and supplies for passing ships.

Now, this place has been caught in the flames of war...

In the end, Jasni could not restrain his ambition and launched a rebellion against his father.

He sent people to launch a raid on the villa where Makumade lived, but was blocked by his loyal guards.

But Makumade was shot by a sniper during the evacuation and was seriously injured and fell into coma.

Jasni took the opportunity to tangle with the Diwaz cadres who supported him, trying to take advantage of Makumard's injury and Nase's absence to seize the ownership of Diwaz.

At first, Jasni actually wanted to take over Divas peacefully.

So he held a cadre meeting and declared that it was Nase who attacked Makumard, so he asked the cadre meeting to authorize him to take over Diwaz, arrest Nase and cancel Tabings' status in Diwaz.

Fortunately, not everyone is willing to surrender to him. After all, compared to Nase, Jasni is too ruthless and insidious.

So he said that Nase sent people to attack Makumad, but many people didn't believe it. After all, Nase would never do such a thing, regardless of his personality or the degree of respect he currently receives.

For a time, there were more opponents than supporters, which shows how unpopular Jasni is.

More importantly, during the stalemate between the two sides, Maikumad briefly came to his senses. After learning that Jasni had held a cadre meeting, the old man understood what he was going to do.

A video was sent directly to the venue, pointing out that Jasni was a traitor.This time the cadre meeting was in an uproar.

Seeing that the situation was different from what he expected, Jasni became angry and ordered his subordinates and supporters to attack the opponents.

For the sake of their own lives, the cadres who opposed Jasni could only unite to resist.

But Makumade only stayed awake for a short time before falling into coma again.

The battle between the two sides broke out inside and outside Suixing. At the beginning, both sides were very careful about propriety. After all, no matter who won, Suixing was their territory.

Therefore, at the beginning, both parties also paid attention to avoiding densely populated areas such as residential areas and commercial areas.Fight in factory areas and no man's land.

But as time went by, both sides gradually became jealous.There was no need to worry about that much, and the battlefield also spread from the industrial area to the residential area and commercial area.

And most importantly, Jasni's side controlled Suixing's communications and ports with the outside world from the beginning through deliberate calculations.

The opposition tried their best to get a small boat to escape Suixing and go to Mars for help.

But there was no news after that, and now Jasni's group controls Suixing's communications, ports, and navigation bridge.

The rebels occupied Ahab's furnace and some industrial facilities, while Makumad also received treatment at a secret location under their protection.

They desperately hope that Makumard can wake up. After all, once he wakes up, it means that the boss of Diwaz is still there, Jasni's claim will be useless, and the other party's faction will collapse.

So despite their numbers, they went on the defensive.

But as time went by, the opposition, which had no assistance and no unified command, began to gradually waver and disintegrate.

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