The cold and vast universe is as full of challenges to humans as the ocean in the Age of Discovery.

People who set sail did not know what they would encounter, but brave humans still used what seems to be quite crude ships now to bravely conquer the ocean and set foot on the New World.

The Age of Discovery, which promoted mankind's great geographical discoveries, has always been talked about by people.

Those stories are full of one-eyed pirates, huge treasures, mysterious civilizations, terrifying monsters and so on.

In today's large-scale development of the universe, there are also similar existence stories and legends. In addition to lost civilizations and treasures, there are also ferocious enemies.

There are still pirates among them.However, although he still wears an eye patch and flies the skull and crossbones flag, the matchlock gun and scimitar in his hand have been replaced by MS, and the sail battleship has also become a space battleship using the Ahab furnace.

In addition to pirates, there are also legendary monsters.

Although humans have not yet stepped out of the solar system and entered a wider star field, they have seen legendary alien civilizations and huge magical creatures traveling in the star sea.

However, the terrifying monsters have been created by human hands.

M/A, a killing weapon created by mankind itself, is an out-of-control monster that once pushed mankind to the brink of extinction.

After going through all kinds of hardships, he was defeated by the horn, but now he appears again.

They are like monsters lurking under the sea in legendary stories, waking up again from their slumber.

They attack ships on the water, killing crews, or set off violent waves that flood ports and cities.

Compared with the monsters full of destructive desires in the story, M/A has a simpler purpose.


Alex's plan is to use this twisted underlying logic as an excellent way to deal with AI.

However, it requires taking great risks.

The M/A army discovered by the Venusian patrol fleet was sailing quietly in the direction of Radonica, even ignoring the nearby human warships monitoring them.

Because they are not wild M/A, but creations controlled by humans.

The scale of M/A is not as huge and unrivaled as actually reported.

However, in terms of numbers alone, they are still a formidable enemy to the guerrilla fleet.

More importantly, in addition to quantity, their control does not simply rely on the wetware host.

The cause of the accident at the Mars Experiment Base has been identified. The cause was that after the remote control signal was interfered with, the body moved according to autonomous commands and launched an attack on nearby threatening targets, mistakenly awakening the real AI, and then being counter-controlled.

So the new generation of M/A that learned its lesson not only added a human brain array firewall to prevent it from being controlled by AI.

A double insurance control method is also adopted. Firstly, it is still the remote control command method, but in addition, a manned M/A is also used as on-the-spot command.

Among these M/As, two are controlled by humans and serve as nodes at the apex of the meaning of the swarm.

Their role and purpose is to prevent the human brain array from being confused once the remote control signal is interfered with or out of the remote control distance. At the same time, they can also counteract the AI ​​control to a certain extent, thereby avoiding losing control of the wetware M/A.

This method is actually quite old, but it works.As a temporary emergency measure, it has been proven that it can effectively avoid being counter-controlled by AI.

Until there is no better way, Dr. Mimir can only be forced to adopt this control method that, in his opinion, is very primitive and easily exposed.

However, this method actually provided convenience for this operation.

First of all, the base is quite far away from Radonica, which has exceeded the effective distance of remote control.

Secondly, they didn't really want to attack Radonica, and in order to avoid losing control at this time, the wetware host's intelligence was limited.

Therefore, it is necessary for humans to control the direction of the M/A army and the actual attack target at close range.

In order to protect the safety of human operators, these two manned M/As are located at the core of the entire army.

"Through the A-14 node, the fleet integrity rate is 95%, the signal connection is normal, and no enemies are found in the surrounding space."

"We have been sailing for 10 hours, why haven't we met the target yet? Doesn't it mean that the guerrilla fleet has already set sail? Could it be that it actually escaped halfway?"

As soon as the communications officer finished speaking, the weapons controller complained.

The M/A's cockpit is composed of three people, because the control is more complicated than that of the MS.

Therefore, different pilots are responsible for tracking enemy communications, driving and weapons (M/A status) control.

"Maybe he really ran away. The scale reported by those guys is too exaggerated."

The pilot in charge stared at the navigation chart in front of him and complained.

"Can't these guys report on a smaller scale? Besides, the hero of Gjallarhorn doesn't seem to be as brave as he says."

the weapons operator said contemptuously.

"Facing an enemy of that size, retreating is normal. No one would stand up for strangers. It's just for propaganda purposes."

The three of them chatted leisurely. The current stage was automatic navigation. The three of them only needed to ensure that the M/A army did not deviate from the route.

And just when they had started talking about the so-called Gallallhorn gossip, a reaction finally appeared on the detector.


The communications officer made an excited sound.

They suddenly became energetic and no longer looked as lazy as before.

"The distance is 150000, the number is 4,5, 10...[-], it is a needle-mouthed fish-level Ahab furnace."

The communications officer looked at the increasing Ahab wave response on the detector and made a quick judgment.

"The other party should have released the MS!"

The weapons control officer pinched his wrist and looked excitedly at the increasing number of enemies on the screen.

"Very good, let's see how the said magical guerrilla fleet will fight against us."

At this moment, a series of explosions of fire suddenly came from the forward position of the M/A army.

Dozens of projectiles composed of explosions and flames were pointed directly at the M/A army.

In this way, it continued all the way to the core of the army, and there was no new explosion light.

"What... what's going on!"

The pilot looked at everything on the screen and asked stumblingly.

The nearest explosion flame to him was no more than 1000 meters away by visual inspection. In the universe, this distance was already within the melee range.

Not only the three of them, but also the pilot of another manned M/A also discovered this scene.

Quickly adjusting the scene, they saw that at the end of a series of explosions, a small M/A had a Dynasniff inserted into it!

"Dainsniff! How is it possible! Can it be hit from such a long distance?"

Just when they were surprised, the guerrilla fleet had shortened the distance from them.

Standing on the bows of each Needlefish-class ship, Team Dynesniff has completed the second round of loading.

"The solenoid is operating normally."

The electromagnetic acceleration ring at the tail of the launcher lights up, and the amplifying sighting system on the head swings.

On the screen in the cockpit, several huge targets in the M/A army were locked.

"Find the points based on the first round of bullets and modify the trajectory!"

"Lock complete!"


The second round of ultra-long-range shooting begins...

The advantage of Dynasniff being a live ammunition was reflected at this time. Even with such a long-distance shot, as long as there is still kinetic energy, it can cause effective damage after hitting.

For beam weapons without UC, once the range is exceeded, the outer binding layer will scatter, causing the beam particles to escape and become ineffective.

But what they need to pay attention to is the accuracy of shooting at such a long distance.

At this distance, as a weapon that is unguided and does not have its own position correction, Dainsniff will be deflected even by a small angle.

After crossing a long distance and hitting the target location, they would always go to grandma's house.

This is also the reason why, even though there were two squadrons and 32 MSs launched, only a dozen of them hit in the first round, because the rest all missed.

In fact, there were so many hits, which surprised Alex. He originally expected to hit a few digits in the first round, which would be a huge hit.

Unexpectedly, he actually hit 13. Although it was less than half, it was still a very high hit.

As for the one that missed the mark?

There are no colonial satellites in this direction, and the worst they can do is continue flying forward, eventually flying to no one knows where.

Therefore, Alex is not worried about other damage caused by missing the target.

On the bridge of the Glory of Mars, the results of the second round of hits were quickly reported.

"In the second round, 15 rounds were hit. The number of hits in the Blueman fleet is unknown, but the M/A target still exists!"

"The third round of reloading is in progress."

"Let the Dynesniff team continue to shoot, and do it with confidence."


Alex actually had no dissatisfaction with this result.

At this distance, if you can hit it, you will win.

Moreover, relying on the huge kinetic energy of Dynasniff, as long as it hits, it will be devastating for both Bruman and M/A.

And the hit is a series of destruction results, if this is an Anton Star game now.

Alex's screen should be flooded with titles such as consecutive kills, team kills, vehicle kills, gods descending to earth, and other titles.

At this moment, a heart-wrenching BGM suddenly sounded in his mind...

'One shot into the soul!Kill streak!Destroy enemies continuously without taking any damage!Unstoppable!The mission reward is 12000 silver lions, and the ammunition replenishment is 82000 silver lions! '

The system suddenly showed up in his mind.

'go!Don't cause trouble!Scared me! '

The system prompt reminded Alex of the non-renewal of his top-of-the-line car, and his blood pressure couldn't help but rise.

At this moment, preparations for the third round of shooting by the Dynesniff team were completed.

"The third round is loaded!"

"The electromagnetic accelerator is operating normally."

"Lock the target!"


After the third round of shooting by Dyne Sniff, M/A began to accelerate forward as if waking up from a dream.

Chapter 331: Big Swing in Front of the Enemy

Regarding this result, a guess in Alex's mind was confirmed.

'Sure enough, whether it is artificial or AI, it requires a reaction time. '

At this point the crew reported to him.

"The enemy target is accelerating and is expected to enter the battleship range in 15 minutes!"

Alex ordered calmly.

"The entire fleet retreated in reverse at half the speed, and the Dainsniff team continued to fire, consuming the enemy's numbers."


His order was quickly conveyed to each battleship and mobile suit.

I saw that the advancing fleet began to slow down collectively, the light of the tail thrusters disappeared, and the front thrusters began to light up.

After completing the fourth round of loading, the Dynesniff team was not in a hurry to shoot, because the fleet's deceleration and stagnant advance would inevitably lead to slight shaking.

Therefore, it was not until all the warships stopped advancing that the Dynesniff team fired their fourth shot.

"Design is complete, let's reload!"

Then as they reloaded, the fleet began to move backwards in reverse as ordered by Alex.

"They...retreat again."

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