Although Alex was not very conscious, he still keenly grasped the key.

"Base? You do have a base. Where is this base?"

"...In a debris field on the back side of Venus, it is a planetary cruiser with the Isu family emblem."

"Huh? The Yi Xiu family, that's not..."

Alex was stunned.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a strong killing intent coming from behind.

He immediately maneuvered Barbatos to dodge, but was still a step too slow.

Two huge beams of light passed by the side of Barbatos, melting the shield of the spike launcher assembly on the right waist of the machine body and the armor of the right leg.

After a long period of fighting, the nano-coating on the surface of the body has been exhausted, so this situation occurs.

The shield with the electromagnetic accelerator exploded, and the explosion pushed Barbatos in the opposite direction, away from the beam attack and avoiding the fate of the detonated machine.

Only then did Alex see clearly who was firing.

It was the big Zamru that he had just killed.

"how is this possible?"

He had clearly only felt that there were only three people in the opponent's body before.

"Could it be that……"

For a moment, he thought of a possibility, that is, there was an unactivated wetware host in the machine.

Only in this way can he escape his heightened perception at that time.

"What a cautious guy!"

The Great Zamru that surrendered immediately was hit by these two beams.

M/A's skin was thick and thick enough to block the attack, so the trio didn't pay attention at first. They thought they only needed to survive the short few seconds.

But the big Zamru that fired seemed to have no regard for the overheating of the main gun, and continued to output the beam.

When they tried to control the machine to dodge, they found that they had lost control of the M/A and could not even move the machine.

"Not good! We, we lost control of this M/A!"

"The nano coating is running out!"

"Eject, eject!"

"No, the ejection mechanism is locked!"

Alex heard panicked and desperate sounds coming from the M/A cockpit.

The nano-coating of the Great Zamru's armor hit by the beam was quickly consumed, and then the armor began to turn red, which was a precursor to the armor being about to be penetrated.

"Attack the M/A who opened fire. We cannot let them die. They are important witnesses!"

Alex shouted in the communication, and then forced himself to drive the damaged Barbatos towards the big Zamru that was firing.

Other mobile suits, including Symonli, immediately pounced on the M/A that fired.

However, the opponent used the beam scattering cannon to push back and block these MSs. Although it was only for a short moment, it was enough.

Just when the mobile suit that was forced back turned around and launched an attack, the armor of the big Zamru that was hit was penetrated.

The beam penetrated the armor and penetrated into the body, causing a violent explosion.

In the explosion, the big Zamru exploded into pieces.

And the muzzle of the big Zamru's main gun that was firing melted due to the long-term continuous firing, and fell into a self-destruction explosion...

Barbatos was pushed away by the shock wave of the explosion because he was closer to the second Great Zamru.

Due to severe damage to one side of the machine, the entire machine rotated.

Alex in the cockpit watched the explosion of the two big Zamru, and felt his blood pressure rise for a while, and then he fainted with dizziness.

Before he fell into coma, he vaguely heard Galio's anxious voice...

A few hours later, Alex opened his eyes.

It was as if there was a layer of water in front of his eyes, shaking constantly.

But he could still vaguely see clearly that above his head was a ceiling with lights.

"Unfamiliar, grunt, grunt...cough cough cough..."

The moment he opened his mouth, a stream of liquid poured into his mouth along the slit of the respirator.

Choking, he immediately sat up and took off his respirator. He found that he was soaked in the medical cabin. No wonder the ceiling was shaking just now.

He coughed a few times to spit out the liquid that had choked his mouth. He tried not to think about how this thing had soaked his body just now.

Alex wiped his face and struggled to climb out of the medical cabin. He picked up the towel placed aside to wipe his body and put on his own clothes.

At this time, the military doctor who received the signal from the medical cabin came in and checked his body again. After confirming that he was only slightly anemic, he was allowed to leave.

When he came to the bridge, he saw Galio who was commanding the fleet for him.

"You're awake, Alex. How do you feel?"

"This feeling is very subtle."

Alex rubbed his painful temples and simply sat down on the deck of the bridge.

"It's like being drunk and realizing that you haven't caught the last tram. You declined the invitation of a young and beautiful female colleague to stay, and rode a shared bicycle for 10 kilometers home in a heavy rain. I thought my wife would be moved, but she was... My wife complained for three hours, feeling very regretful that she might as well have been a social animal staying at a female colleague’s house.”

After Alex finished speaking, there were coughs and stifled laughter on the bridge.

Galio was stunned for a moment and complained.

"What kind of strange description are you using?"

He waved his hand and said in an old-fashioned way.

"Young people who are not married will not understand."

"Then you are married?"

"I have a girlfriend, hehe."


Seeing him, he was still in the mood to make fun of himself, which meant that his health was probably fine.

But this person still made me very unhappy!

While Galio's expression changed, Alex returned to business.

"How long have I been in a coma?"

"In 7 hours, the battlefield has been cleaned. But there is basically nothing that can be recycled. Those M/As are all filled with this, leaving no useful information."

Galio pointed to his head.

"It's not unexpected. I noticed it when I fought with them. That's why I wanted to capture those people. It's a pity..."

Alex sighed. There were originally three prisoners, but the guy named Mimir was actually more cautious than himself.

Two insurances were actually set up to prevent rebellion.

Fortunately, I asked a few more questions and got the specific location of the other party.

Although the dead prisoner did not give him specific coordinates, he still knew where the other party's lair was based on the other party's description.

Located in the debris field on the back side of Venus, is a planetary cruiser belonging to the Isu family that was abandoned during the Calamity War...

The information the old housekeeper gave him included the specific coordinates of this ruins, as well as more detailed information.

Now that the troops sent by the opponent to attack him have been eliminated, Alex has two choices.

One is to go back to Braled to settle accounts first, and then go to Mimir.

Or go to Mimir first, and then come back to settle the score with Bradley.

After weighing it, he asked Galio.

"What are the losses of our army?"

"Six battleships were damaged, but none were seriously damaged. They can continue to fight, but their speed is affected. The MS team suffered a greater loss, but it still retains 6% of its combat effectiveness, which is enough to support another medium-sized battle."

"Where's Team D'Insniff?"

"The troops that can still fight can form a squadron and a half. As long as we don't encounter troops of this size, we can fight."

"That's enough"

Alex nodded, determined.

Then he gave the fleet a turning order and moved towards the location where Mimir was hiding.

"Are you going to sneak attack them?"

"Don't say it so harshly. It's a sneak attack. This is called a righteous backstab."

Chapter 339

Seeing Galio's expression of wanting to complain, Alex continued.

"While they still don't know that the troops they sent have been wiped out and are unprepared, catch them off guard. If they return to Venus and come back again, I'm afraid the other party will be prepared. By then, whether the other party runs away or sends another such A large force is detrimental to us. So I plan to take advantage of this moment to kill them directly!"

"Are our current forces enough? That is a planetary cruiser, the kind from 300 years ago."

Galio's concerns are not unfounded.

The Gallarhorn planetary cruiser before the Calamity War was different from the civilian model of Sui Xing. It was armed, even to the teeth.

Regarding his worries, Alex seemed confident.

"Don't worry, that planetary cruiser is a relic belonging to the Yixiu family. I still have the underlying code for system control permissions on it."

"That's good."

Although we don’t know how much inventory the enemy still has, they have lost the fire support of the planetary cruiser.

With the existing strength of the guerrilla fleet, I believe it is enough to suppress the enemy. The difficult part is to board the ship and fight.

In the final analysis, they were not conducting a frontal battle this time, but a sneak attack.

With deliberate arithmetic and unintentional calculations, as long as the enemy can quickly suppress the peripheral firepower, send boarding troops to land, and control the battle inside the planetary cruiser before the enemy reacts, it will be very beneficial to the guerrilla fleet.

Unless the other party took out a Barbados from his crotch, Alex would decisively give in and run away.

However, considering that his opponent was a very cautious person, Alex also carefully formulated his battle plan.

However, he didn't know that he was currently on a planetary cruiser in the debris zone of the target space.

Dr. Mimir is furious.

"Can't be contacted? What's the matter with being unable to be contacted?"

Although the security chief was tall and could blow up the skinny old man in front of him with one punch, he still answered tremblingly.

"They have exceeded the maximum communication and detection distance, even if there is a signal relay... Maybe it is because they are still fighting and Yahabo interferes too much with the communication signals."

"Of course I know that Ahabo interferes with communication signals! I'm asking why they didn't inform us before the war started!"

Dr. Mimir walked up to the head of security in two steps and looked up at him, his eyes fixed on him behind his spectacles.

His bald head reflected bright light in the light, but the security chief had no intention of laughing.Because the last person who secretly laughed at the doctor's bald head has been turned into a wetware host.

He swallowed slowly, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

Dr. Mimir is indeed a very smart person. He single-handedly contributed to the development of M/A and the wetware host technology. It is not an exaggeration to call him a genius.

But despite this, he is not omniscient and omnipotent after all. The doctor is actually not good at marching and fighting.

Although multiple insurances were installed in M/A to prevent rebellion, after all, his professional field was not in military command.

So although he can't be said to be an expert in commanding, he is still the kind of person who can fight with Iogu repeatedly.

Ordinarily, this is not a big problem. After all, a PhD is mainly responsible for scientific research.

The key thing is that he is the top person in charge of this base.

Therefore, his orders cannot be disobeyed.

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