However, the head seems to be in good condition, although there are two thorns inserted into it.

It was obvious that Barbadoro's AI core had been penetrated, but it was probably forced to start by installing a wetware host.

The mouth is still intact, and obviously the beam cannon inside should be able to be used. The important thing is that the huge tail blade swinging behind its head is also there.

The Gallarhorn MS that rushed forward first was easily swept away by the huge tail blade.

"Pay attention to others to stay away from the tail blade's attack range. I'll meet him."

After giving the order, Alex took a deep breath.

"Although this is not the first time, it is still the first time without the protection of Alaya Consciousness E."

After gripping the joystick tightly, he said softly.

"The warriors from 300 years ago, the enemy in front of us now is the enemy from 300 years ago. Now, wake up! Alaya consciousness, liberation!"

In fact, after the first liberation of Alaya Consciousness, Alex discovered that his Alaya Consciousness skill had an additional Alaya Consciousness Liberation effect.

The safe duration is 180 seconds. Of course, if it exceeds 180 seconds, the skill can also be continued, but in that case, krypton life is required.

According to the skill introduction, if the skill lasts for 300 seconds, you will lose your eyesight; for 450 seconds, you will suffer paralysis of the lower limbs or hemiplegia; for more than 500 seconds, please choose the style of the urn you like.

"180 seconds should be enough to finish him off."

Holding back the nerve pain after liberation, Alex gritted his teeth and looked at the huge enemy on the screen.

"If I can't beat a complete version, I can't beat a crippled one! You're right! Macassiya!"

As if in response to his words, Macassiya, with red eyes, directly pulled out the γ nanocomposite sword from his waist!

After the connecting device under the wrist is connected to the hilt, the power of Ahab's furnace is directly input into the sword body.

The sword glowed with red light, and with the high-speed movement of the machine, the entire blade seemed to pull out blood-like sword light.

Although Dr. Mimir forcibly replaced the AI ​​core destroyed by Dainsniff with a wetware host, the giant M/A did not only have one core.

After being activated again, the dormant AI core in the body quickly woke up and started a battle with the wetware host for control of the body.

However, when the red one-eyed man saw Magatha rushing over with a bloody sword, the AI ​​rationally gave up the fight for the body and instead cooperated with the wetware host to launch an attack on the enemy.

It was already too late for the beam attack, so the only remaining giant mechanical claw flew out and headed straight for Magatha.

However, this Gundam had no idea of ​​evasion. It raised the red sword in its hand and slashed in the direction of the mechanical claw!

Chapter 344: Hairy as fire, body big and weak...

With just one blow, Barbadoro's last mechanical claw was split into two halves.

Alex couldn't help but admire this power.

"Good sword, now I'm going to take the shape of a gamma nanocomposite sword."

Although he was killed by Chu Jian, M/A's reaction was not slow, and the wire pulled the broken mechanical claw away.

Taking advantage of the brief blocking of vision, the mouth opened, and the built-in beam cannon quickly charged up and fired.

However, Magatha rolled nimbly to avoid this attack, made a right-angle maneuver, and headed straight for M/A's head.

With the help of skills, Alex quickly noticed the source of the M/A's movement.

The wetware host array located under the head expansion structure has this kind of cheating-like skill, which makes it impossible for him to hide the wetware host.

Seeing this Gundam heading straight for the wetware main unit, the tail blade swung from the back of its head and headed straight for Magatha from top to bottom.

For this blow, Alex had no idea of ​​slowing down. On the wings behind his back, the auxiliary arms spread out, holding two swords, and crossed them to receive the blow from the tail blade.

Although it was not knocked away, the machine body sank, and the position of the horizontal slash of the gamma nanocomposite sword in his hand also changed.

The knife that could have cut through the head armor struck the damaged main gun.

The original perpendicular knife mark formed a mark like an inverse cross.

“Harry fuxk lure”

Alex even had the time to complain.

The machine's feet kicked hard on Barbadoro's machine, and then jumped up and flipped back, avoiding the second attack of the tail blade.

At this time, more Bruman and other artificial M/As flew out from the gap where Barbadoro stood up.

This is the remaining force that was previously enclosed in the hull. At this moment, they fly out along the gap in the hull.

Obviously, this is Dr. Mimir's final battle.

However, he obviously underestimated the combat effectiveness and fighting will of the guerrilla fleet.

Seeing that they could not intervene in the battle between Magatha and Barbadoro, the other mobile suits immediately engaged Bluman and the other MS/As who appeared.

The Dynesniff team, which had been on standby for a long time, fired a round of fire directly at the M/A that had just appeared.

Originally intended to attack Barbadoro, their position was not as far away as before, so the hit rate was very high.

Almost all the newly emerged M/As were hit, and several of them were killed on the spot.

Alex didn't care about this. More than 180 seconds of 60 seconds had passed, and he still had more than 110 seconds left.

After Magatha jumped up and backflips to avoid the tail blade, the body that rotated 360 degrees immediately climbed upward slightly. The γ nanocomposite sword in his hand straightened up and stabbed towards the location of the wetware host!

Rarely, Barbadoro's huge body actually retreated backwards to avoid the knife.

Alex could feel the tip of the sword piercing the armor, but it was not deep enough and failed to hit the location of the wetware host. It only cut a hole in the outer armor.

But naturally he wouldn't give up the attack just like that.

"It's not over yet!"

The thruster behind Macassiya accelerated, and with the help of the body's acceleration, the sword penetrated deeper.

But Barbadoro took the opportunity to raise his tail blade and flew from bottom to top.

Although Magatha spread the auxiliary arms around his waist to block the attack with his two swords, he was still knocked away by the huge force of the tail blade.

After the Gundam rolled twice to stabilize its body, the Gundam accelerated again and rushed forward.

This time, Macassiya, who had his auxiliary arms spread out, was still aiming at the location of the wetware host.

The remaining beam cannons on Barbadoro's wings opened fire, and the sparse beams were easily avoided by Alex.

The attack from the mouth beam cannon was also unable to hit the Gundam in the state of Alaya consciousness liberation.

He had no choice but to attack again with his tail blade, and this time, Magathia did not evade the attack from the tail blade.

He waved the gamma nanocomposite sword in his hand and cut off a third of the huge tail blade with one strike, then kicked it away with a kick.

At this time, Gundam was close to the target, and then the big sword in his hand struck Barbadoro's breastplate from left to right in a tricky direction.

Under the so-called indestructible gamma nanocomposite sword, the armor was easily torn open, revealing the wet host box inside.

"You are the one!"

The two auxiliary mechanical arms on the waist of the machine raised the two knives in their hands and stabbed the black armor box.

The armored box, which was cut in half by two huge swords, splashed out the nutrient solution inside.

Barbados raised his head and let out a silent cry like a severely wounded beast.

When he pulled out the double swords, Macassiya did not relax his vigilance, because Alex clearly noticed that the opponent was not dead yet!

What's more, if this was Barbadoro from the G century, and if I was right, with the system's urinary nature, this thing would definitely not die so happily!

(System 'Conscience of heaven and earth, why is it my fault again? Don't give me any more faults, the kitchen can't even stack them')

Macassia's move to leap away from Barbadolo was undoubtedly correct.

Because even after destroying the wetware host, this huge M/A still did not stop operating.

After the wetware host was destroyed, the backup AI core took over the body.

The remaining beam cannons on the wings and mouth kept firing outwards, with full firepower regardless of whether it was friend or foe.

Fortunately, it was severely damaged and the attack range was not very dense.

The number of unlucky guys who were hit was not many, but it was obvious that the other party could not continue like this.

"In other words, this thing really has more than one AI core."

It's actually normal when you think about it. For such a huge M/A, a single AI core is not only huge in size, but also will cause the entire machine to be paralyzed once it is broken.

The distributed AI core can better control the body while ensuring its own safety.

"35 seconds left..."

The battle just now consumed 180 seconds of the 35 seconds of safety time.

So without any nonsense, Alex drove Macassea and picked up the γ nanocomposite sword and rushed towards the M/A again.

Although time is tight and he doesn't know the specific core location, Alex is very calm at the moment.

His brain was running at high speed.

First, exclude the wings and head. If there were cores on the wings, they would have been blown away long ago.

As for the two Dyne Sniffs inserted into the head, it was clear that the core of the machine at the head had been destroyed.

After excluding the propeller position in the lower part of the abdomen and the huge beam main gun, only the body spread out under the head that had just been chopped off was left.

This is usually stored inside the machine body, so it is also the safest place.

Thinking of this, Magatha suddenly turned around and cut off one-half of the remaining two-thirds of the tail blade that was coming from behind, and then kicked it away.

Then he turned around and slashed horizontally with the γ nanocomposite sword in his hand, cutting off half of the head that was impaled with spikes.

The red one-eye flew out with the beam cannon in its mouth, revealing the torso under the head.

This is the safest disguise for the entire machine. The wetware host just now is installed here.

In the gap made by the nanocomposite sword, you can still see the armor box that was cut in half by the sword.

However, the AI ​​core cannot be seen, and there are still 15 seconds left.

"No matter what, then I will be a ripper this time!"

Macassia stood with his feet on Barbadoro's huge body, holding a nanocomposite sword, plus a sword held by four mechanical arms.

Like Jack the Ripper haunting the streets of the foggy city, he pointed his weapon at the headless M/A and stabbed him.

It took the γ nanocomposite sword two seconds to cut the armor on the outside of the body with two knives.

Then he used his free left hand to tear the armor apart, which took another 3 seconds.

There are 10 seconds left at this time.

Looking at the intricate parts inside, Alex controlled the machine body and slashed it with his knife without any hesitation.

The five swords were like stirring meat, aiming at all the exposed parts and cables, attacking in one go.

5 seconds later, Barbadoro's dying tail blade was raised, preparing to launch a final attack on the chopping Macassa.

With 4 seconds left, the tail blade roared towards him, but Alex seemed to turn a blind eye and continued to attack intently.

After 3 seconds, a box with a clear mark was finally found inside the smashed body.

The appearance of this thing was exactly the same as the AI ​​core armor box he had seen.

"You are the one!"

Magatha raised the nanocomposite sword in his hand and slammed it down.

The sturdy armored box was easily penetrated like a piece of tofu, and the entire M/A twitched as if in convulsion.

Alex knew he had struck the right spot, and there was only one second left to fight safely.

So he turned off the skill, and then Magatha was knocked away by the tail blade...

Fortunately, the tail blade that had been chopped off, with a little more than a third left, was now flat-headed. This time it just knocked the Gundam that had just completed the liberation of Alaya consciousness away.

And it’s no wonder that this was just the opponent’s last useless counterattack before his death.

After Alex stabilized the machine, he looked at Barbadoro who had turned into wreckage and let out a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the biggest threat on the battlefield has been eliminated, and after losing this huge M/A equipped with a wetware host, these man-made M/A actually became out of control.

It seems that Mimir originally planned to use the remains of Barbadoro as the main control core of his M/A Legion.

However, due to their own appearance, they could only take this step in advance without repairing the body.

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