Seeing that McGillis didn't speak, Iznario continued.

"Next, you should send someone to catch me, right?"

"No, Iznario, you have violated Gjallarhorn's taboos and seriously violated the Vangolf Declaration. As the acting director of the Supervision Bureau, I will arrest you."

Unexpectedly, his serious words made Iznario laugh.

"Hahahaha, it's so majestic. It seems that you have forgotten your identity and really regard yourself as a bloodline of the Farid family?"

Iznario's words made McGillis tense up, but before he could let Shi move out, the old man on the screen said.

"You are just a bastard who comes from nowhere. I have chosen you to be my pedophile. If you weren't a bit smart, you would be no different from other toys for my entertainment."

Shi Dong looked up at McGillis in astonishment. He couldn't believe what he heard.

McGillis gritted his teeth and looked at Iznario with a ferocious expression as he exposed his secret.

"What? Are you angry? I have said it before, I will never forget these things."

"Even if you reveal my identity, you will not end well, Iznario!"

At this moment, McGillis is no longer as cool and calm as before, and this is exactly what Iznario wants to see.

"Both each other, but before that, I'm afraid you have to survive first."

Hearing this, he frowned.

"What do you mean?"

Iznario raised his hand and looked at his watch, then said to McGillis with a smile.

"Didn't you already get evidence of my crime? You can't guess what I want to do?"

McGillis instantly thought of the keyword "M/A"!

"not good!"

He raised his head sharply and planned to ask Shi Dong to contact the defenders urgently to prepare for defense.

At this moment, as the explosion sounded, a piercing siren sounded throughout Vangolf!

Iznario heard the sirens as well and laughed.

"The time is just right, now you can taste my revenge on you! Van Gelf will be reduced to ashes in my anger, and you will die here!"

After speaking, without waiting for McGillis to respond, he took the initiative to end the communication.

After turning off the communication, he leaned on his cane and turned around gracefully.

He stepped over the guard's body on the ground, carefully avoiding the blood soaking the carpet.

Surrounded by soldiers wearing unmarked combat uniforms, surrounded by them, Iznario calmly walked out of the villa where he was under house arrest.

On the tarmac, a transport plane was waiting for him...

After the communication was cut off, McGillis no longer cared about Iznario. He turned back and looked out the window.

I saw a Graze Knight being knocked off the pedal by an M/A.

The cockpit was smashed, causing the MS to fall like a kite with its string broken under the building of the Supervision Bureau.

The huge shock and the explosion's fire and black smoke plunged the Gallarhorn soldiers into chaos before they could react.

Iznario's 'troops' launched an attack on Vangolf!

"Shi Dong, no matter what you just heard. Now, we must focus on solving everything at hand."

McGillis turned to his lieutenant and said.

"I believe you, Brigadier."

Shi Dong didn't hesitate much and immediately nodded in agreement.

Although the secret he heard was shocking, McGillis's purpose was indeed consistent with his.

"Very well, let's deal with this attack now."

After saying that, the two strode out of the office...

The attack force sent by Iznario caught the Vangolf defenders completely off guard.

After all, it has never been attacked since it became Gjallarhorn's headquarters.

Although the appearance of M/A made the defenders more vigilant for a while.

However, the enemy has not attacked the earth, so this is still a safe rear area, so the guards' attention has become a little lax.

The large cargo ship carrying M/A and Bruman took advantage of the loophole provided by Iznario's men and sailed directly into the port in the name of transporting supplies, and then started to cause trouble.

Not only did this make the outer guard fleet lose its interception role, but when the fleet tried to come back for reinforcements, sonar showed that there were targets approaching at high speed underwater!

"The target is approaching at high speed! Is this a torpedo?"

Just as the sonar operator was wondering what he was hearing, a huge column of water exploded from the middle of the nearby frigate.

The huge waves even caused the ship to be thrown up and shake violently.

Immediately afterwards, people on other nearby ships heard the whine of metal being torn apart and the hull shattering.

Immediately afterwards, a 3000-ton frigate broke into two pieces before everyone's eyes and sank rapidly.

"This is not a is M/A!"

The target that was initially considered a 'torpedo' was still maneuvering at high speed underwater and speeding towards the next warship.

Only then did the sonar crew determine that the torpedo that had just hit the frigate was not the torpedo, but the M/A.

The next moment, several new targets appeared on the sonar and Yaha wave detectors.

The surface fleet was restrained by the sudden appearance of underwater M/A and was unable to return to rescue.

The M/A and Bruman who emerged from the port cargo ship immediately launched an attack on the key points on the island.

Subsequently, a large number of transport planes flying from the direction of the American continent also approached the sky above Vangolf. After opening the hatch, a group of MS without any markings also entered the battle...

Chapter 350 War comes to heaven

"What happened! How did these M/As break through the cosmic defenses and land on Earth!"

In Van Gelf's underground command room, the heads of the three families who stayed behind finally met safely.

The head of the Falk family wiped the sweat from his forehead and panted.

He was at home when he was attacked. This life-threatening run could be said to be equivalent to his year's activity.

When he arrived, the heads of the Baklazan family and the Baduwen family had already arrived.

The two were commanding the garrison to resist while evacuating others.

"I don't know. There was no recruitment or news beforehand. Neither optical nor radar detected anything falling from the sky."

Lord Baklazan, who looked like an old man, was stroking his beard.

"how so!"

Duke Falk was very surprised. Although Vangolf's defense was somewhat lax, air monitoring had always been the focus.

After all, the thing to guard against is the AI's use of the palm technique falling from the sky, a beheading tactic.

Ahab wave detectors, infrared spectrum detectors, airborne optical probes, phased array radars, and even patrol units in the air.

Although the air detection network formed by these cannot be said to be flawless, it is enough to detect enemies that have entered the atmosphere at the first time.

But now that the situation was like this, apart from the approaching transport aircraft formation, these detection equipment did not find any enemies falling from the sky.

Just when they were puzzled, one of their subordinates reported to them.

"Enemy, there is news that M/A appeared from the direction of the port."

"What! The port? Is there a problem with the naval fleet?"

"Could it be said that there is an insider?"

While the three were shocked, McGillis hurriedly entered the underground headquarters.

He said directly to the three family heads.

"These attacks were carried out by Iznario. He secretly funded the research on M/A. These are his revenge for the Supreme Round Table's exile of him."


The nerves of the three family heads were a little numb after being surprised several times in a short period of time.


The head of the Baduwen family frowned. It was hard for him to believe that this elegant old friend would do such a thing.

The other two family heads also had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

But in the face of the evidence, they had to believe it all.

"Everyone, what we have to do now is to withstand this attack first."

McGillis reminded them aloud that although he was a junior, he did not have time to let them lament too much about the impermanence of the world.

"That's right, Van Gelf is the symbol of Gallarhorn. We must not let this place fall into the hands of the enemy!"

The head of the Baduwen family woke up first.

The other two family heads also agreed with him. No matter what, blocking the enemy's attack here was the most important thing.

So Vangolf, as Gallarhorn's headquarters and largest military base, immediately took action.

The troops, who were in chaos after being attacked, also received the correct order to attack.

Troops already deployed on the defensive line were ordered to continue fighting.

The mobile suits that haven't had time to dispatch immediately change to M/A combat equipment.

Infantry and MW troops everywhere are responsible for guiding personnel evacuation and cooperating with the attack on Bruman.

With the information about the weaknesses of these M/As sent by Alex, I believe that the MS team can completely defeat these artificial M/As.

At the same time, a distress signal was also sent to all surrounding Gallarhorn units.

Including but not limited to ground forces, as well as units such as the Earth Ring Fleet located in space.

With the base's own troops, it is still a bit difficult to quickly defeat these enemies.

Although Van Gelf's attack would definitely cause Gjalalhorn to lose face, now was not the time to worry about face.

After these orders were issued, although the battle was still in the melee stage, the situation was much better than at the beginning.

And McGillis has no intention of staying here.

After delivering the information, he immediately left the command center in a hurry. He wanted to pilot the mobile suit himself and join the battle.

After arriving at Gnaku, he boarded his mobile suit.

The original Green Jade was handed over to Shi Dong to drive and transformed into the reincarnated Holmweijie.

After all, this machine appeared in the Battle of Edmonton, so as not to arouse suspicion.

Therefore, a transformation was carried out, and the original appearance of Greinjie was transformed into the appearance of Unit 6, Holmweijie, which is the original Valkyrie skeleton.

It was also handed over to McGillis' adjutant, Shi Donglai, to drive.

And he also has a new body. Although it is not a Gundam, it is also a special machine.

V04-0630 Walter Loti, who is also part of the original Valkyrie skeleton.

This is the fourth machine in the Valkyrie series, developed with the main purpose of performing frontline defense missions.

Through a special armor overlapping method, the body armor is also strengthened while ensuring mobility and agility.

It even has a defensive power that is no less than that of Holmweijie. The overall appearance resembles the armor shape of the warriors of the Far East Island Country.

Therefore, even the weapons used are Valkyrie Katana and Valkyrie Ribazashi made of rare metals.

Although the blade is slim, the special metal makes it extremely sharp and penetrating.

In the cockpit, McGillis, who had changed into his pilot uniform, held the joystick with both hands and stared at the screen.

"If Alex can get the Seven-Star Medal, it makes no sense that I can't do all this."

At this time, Holmweijie also moved to Walter Loti's side.

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