But if you really engage in confrontation and even strike first, isn't that a dead end?

This group of people immediately announced their separation from the current government after Gjalalhorn issued a 24-hour final warning.

For a time, the SAU, which was originally two opposing parties, split into more factions, making it even more chaotic than northwest Shanxi.

Even before the 24-hour countdown given by Gjalalhorn ended, fierce conflicts between the various factions had already occurred due to misfire, and then evolved into a large-scale war.

Iznario and SAU leader George never expected that the SAU civil war was about to break out, but it did not happen.

But at this moment, it broke out...

"This, this is different from what was promised! Iznario!"

On the communication screen, George, who was sweating, complained impatiently to Iznario.

The original purpose of accepting this guy's cooperation was to take advantage of Gjalalhorn's busy battle with the AI.

Taking the opportunity to gain more benefits and sending troops to attack Vangolf was to show determination and strength.

After originally defeating Gjalalhorn's troops in the SAU, his confidence increased greatly.Unexpectedly, instead of compromising, Gjallarhorn directly raised the slippers in his hand and prepared to slap himself to death.

That's right, the so-called annihilation of SAU troops and tens of thousands of M/A units is all bragging, just to scare the opponent.

In fact, the number of M/As is not that large, and Gallallhorn would not believe it. With so many wetware hosts, Van Golf has long been unable to bear it.

As for the Horn garrison being annihilated, it was actually the SAU troops that defeated the Gallarhorn troops with the assistance of M/A.

With the level of training and organization of the Bugle Force, it would be very difficult to completely annihilate them.

With the advantage of sneak attack and M/A, SAU only defeated the opponent in the end.Although some of the Horn troops were indeed annihilated and captured.

However, a considerable number of troops still successfully broke through and moved towards the coastline.

In order to prevent the other party from successfully reaching the coast and joining the Horn fleet at sea, the SAU force is continuing to pursue these escaped Horn troops.

Originally, these were all acceptable surprises in the plan.As long as Gjallarhorn is intimidated by them, everything will be fine.

Unexpectedly, this time, Gallallhorn not only was not intimidated into compromising, but even sent an army to suppress the situation without any mercy.

Not only did the plan of George and others fail, but it also caused the SAU, which was already on the verge of civil strife, to actually fall into chaos under tremendous pressure.

This was completely contrary to the result he wanted!

So he changed his previous attitude and hurriedly came to question the other party, completely losing the politeness he had at the beginning of the cooperation.

"Don't panic, George, everything is within my plan."

Although I deeply despise this short-sighted and stupid politician.

However, considering that he was the only force that agreed to cooperate with him, Iznario still comforted the other party with his good self-cultivation.

"We are fighting locally. With the troops in your hands and the wetware hosts that I am constantly manufacturing, as long as we can defeat the first wave of Gallarhorn's crusade, other economic circles waiting to see will take action. After all, no one wants Gjalralhorn to continue to ride on their heads. And this unpredictable decisive battle is the best chance to overthrow Gjalralhorn!"

"Well, that makes sense."

After listening to what he said, SAU leader George, who was still panicked, calmed down.

"Don't worry, I will let my army of drones cooperate with you, but making more drones requires more brains."

"No problem, I'll give you as much as you want."

George readily agreed to this request.

In the current chaotic situation, the most indispensable thing is criminals and missing persons. Just catch some people and you can meet the needs of the other party.

"Then I will ask the troops to prepare for battle. When the 24 hours are up, I will reject their request. Your drone army must be in place by then!"

Iznario agreed wholeheartedly.

"no problem."

"Then let us defeat the horn and join forces to seize the domination of the world!"

Even now, he is still dreaming of overthrowing the horn and establishing a new order in which he will rule the world.

Although Iznario despised his crazy idea in his heart, he still praised it.

"Of course, the new order should be led by us!"

After that, both parties laughed.

After the communication ended, Iznario sneered in front of the screen.

"Huh, short-sighted guy. Do you really think what I want is power? Trash!"

Then he turned and left the room...

He was in the earliest secret base established by the Farid family on the American continent.

It can be said that the Farid family spared no expense in order to research and control M/A.

Not only has it invested a large amount of money in scientific research, but it has also established secret bases in many places.

Even the Seven Stars family can't resist such a large investment of funds.

The Farid family almost went bankrupt because of this. In Iznario's generation, although they recovered, the family's fortunes were also in decline.

But the opportunity to change destiny also appeared in his generation.

First of all, the Yixiu family of the chief family became interested in the wetware host and secretly invested in it, thus avoiding the bankruptcy of the Farid family.

Then Iznario took advantage of the opportunity of backstabbing the Ixiu family to monopolize all the technology that should have been shared and the capital invested by the other party.

Because both parties were involved in the development of forbidden technologies, the Ixiu family dared to be angry but did not dare to speak out, and even took the opportunity to become Karta's guardian.

The second step was to win over a doctor named Mimir, who made a breakthrough in wetware host technology and successfully manufactured the wetware host M/A.

Originally these were two happy things, but when combined they should be double the happiness.

Once the time is right, Iznario's plan to conquer Gjallarhorn and the world can be put on the fast track.

However, Loki Ixiu, who was supposed to die, did not die!Not only that, he also ruined a series of his plans.

Another variable was that the dog he had domesticated bit him back.

McGillis, this little bastard hid his ambition very well. It was not until the last moment that he realized that he had betrayed him.

It was these two people who made him fall short!The hope of seizing world domination was also shattered.

Fortunately, he had saved a hand in advance and avoided the complete failure of the plan.

Now, his purpose has changed from seizing Gjalarhorn's supreme power to taking control of the world.

It became "Since I can't get it, then destroy it!"

Then he was surprised to find that it was much easier to destroy the world than to control it...

The easiest way is to fund the enemy, and now the one who has the ability to fight Gjallarhorn is AI.

Although the two parties cannot communicate normally, they can use the insider to bypass the blockade and provide the AI ​​with resources such as scrap metal and electronic components.

Ever since the Panama tragedy, Iznario has been doing this kind of thing secretly.

Although the number of resources he can provide is not large, it is also an extra boost for AI.

Capitalizing on the enemy can not only reduce one's own pressure, but also contribute to the destruction of the world and contribute to the cause.

Thinking of this, the expression on Iznario's originally gentle face turned ferocious.

"Since I can't get it! Then destroy it!"

The situation is slipping in an unexpected direction. Even System-chan, who has a God's perspective, doesn't know why it is like this.

"Should I give him some supermodel BUFF? No, I have to ask my seniors..."

24 hours later, the guerrilla fleet led by Alex finally returned to Earth.

At the same time, George, the current head of SAU, once again gave a public speech.

He rejected Gjallarhorn's request and once again reiterated that Gjalralhorn was evil and an organization that hindered the development of mankind.

He once again called on other economic circles to join them in fighting to overthrow Gjallarhorn.

But this one-man show is destined to be sung by only SAU.

Not only did Abro ignore it, but the Federation of Oceania and the African Union also expressed their neutral stance on this matter at the first time.

George, who was lame after being fooled by Iznario, also understood that if the SAU could not defeat Gjalalhorn's first wave of troops, or the opponent's goal of ending the battle in a short time would be defeated.

The other three major economic circles will not change their attitude easily. After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. No matter how weak Gallarhorn is, he is still much stronger than the economic circle that has just reorganized its troops.

Chapter 356 War and Trial

Knowing that war was inevitable, he was fully prepared.

Not only did he issue war preparation orders to the troops loyal to him.He also declared to them that thousands of M/A units were ready to assist them in fighting. This battle to defend their country was just and they would never lose!

After receiving a rejected response from the other party, the Gallarhorn troops surrounded the SAU and began the attack as ordered.

The maritime fleet did not rush to launch a landing, but first carried out focused attacks on ports and coastal military bases to destroy the opponent's counterattack capabilities and navigation capabilities, and completely blockade the SAU.

Lesdal's purpose is also very clear. He hopes to use this method to divide the already chaotic factions within the SAU and bring this war to an end as soon as possible.

Although having two battles at the same time is not difficult for Gjarrarhorn.

But he still hopes to focus all his strength and attention on fighting the AI.

Compared with the blockade tactics at sea, the tactics of ground troops are much simpler.

After artillery fire and bombing, the Gallarhorn troops stationed on the border between Abro and the SAU, together with the Abro Defense Force, crossed the border and entered the territory of the SAU.

Due to civil unrest, the number of SAU troops on the border has been greatly reduced, and the northern areas are basically areas controlled by the opposition.

Therefore, the resistance to the coalition forces is not tenacious, and can even be said to be very sparse.

It was estimated that there would be no M/A troops, so the advance of the Gallallhorn troops and the Abro Defense Force went very smoothly.

But they did not blindly carry out long-distance advancement and large-scale leapfrog tactics.

According to Lesdal's words.

'The focus of this battle is not how quickly it ends, but how to advance in the most stable state. This is a battle Gallallhorn must not lose. '

Therefore, the ground advancement plan is only to intersperse, encircle and annihilate small areas when encountering strong strongholds.

Avoid the deep penetration of lone troops separated from the battle line over large areas and long distances.

Although this is cautious and delays the opportunity of fighting, it can avoid the troops falling into traps to the greatest extent.

SAU tried to prove itself by defeating Gjallarhorn, and Gjalralhorn also understood that he could not lose this battle.

Because the eyes of the whole world are watching.

Losing to SAU is, in a sense, more serious than losing to AI.

According to the report submitted by Alex, the other party's claim to have tens of thousands of M/As is obviously bragging, but there are still hundreds of them. The threat of these M/As is far greater than that of the SAU force.

The current deployment status of these M/A is still unclear, and it will take time for investigation and confirmation.

Therefore, Lesdal ordered the ground troops not to underestimate the enemy and advance rashly.

In addition to the ground, SAU colonies and docks in space were also surrounded and attacked by the Earth Ring Fleet.

However, unlike the ground, these shipyards and colonial satellites basically quickly announced their surrender to Gallarhorn.

Space is no different than the ground. You can still run away if you can't defeat it.

Moreover, in the cosmic environment, these docks and colonial satellites are destined to be very vulnerable to artillery fire. It only takes one artillery shell to cause tragedy.

So their actions are not incomprehensible.

The guerrilla fleet that had just returned to Earth did not join this battle. They were ordered to repair briefly and then head to Luna Dew.

"Are they really planning to go all the way to the dark side like this?"

Galio doesn't quite understand what SAU is doing.

"There is no way. Because they are wanted, even if they surrender, they are destined to end their lives. So they will never surrender."

"These stubborn guys! They really want to drag the whole world into the water."

Galio had already learned the truth about McGillis from Alex, and for a while, he didn't know how to face this close friend.

Therefore, he chose to vent his hatred on Iznario. Naturally, SAU, as his ally, was also implicated by Hate House and Wu.

"When are we going to land?"

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