"for the future!"

"For Humanity!"

These hot emotions gathered in his heart, nourishing his heart like a warm current.

All this made Alex feel warm in his body, and the fatigue caused by the continuous battles was completely washed away.

"May the glory of mankind live forever!"

I don't know who shouted, and then an overwhelming number of the same slogans rang out in the communication.

"Although human beings have various problems that make us not perfect. However, human beings also have a heroic and unyielding golden spirit."

Neither McGillis nor Galio spoke, but it could be seen from the acceleration of the two Gundams that they were not at peace at the moment.

At the same time as the commando team composed of mobile suits advanced towards Barbadoro.

Two huge beams of light also illuminated the entire battlefield again.

The other two main guns of Barbadoro finished cooling down and opened fire on the Mistertine fleet.

The two beams of light took away two battleships again, but the remaining battleships had also completed reloading.

"The Misterdin fleet is loaded!"

"Target, Impaired Barbadoro, fire!"

Following Lesdal's order, the remaining 27 warships opened fire again.

The roaring giant spike flew across the battlefield, completing the hit before the damaged Barbador could avoid it.

In this attack, five more hit, and another three hit Barbados' huge spread wings again.

But it didn't hit the base of the wing, but broke the wing in the middle.

These three hits caused Barbadoro to lose three wings again, leaving only three long and three short wing-like structures on its huge body.

The advancing MS troops also saw this scene, and their morale was once again improved.

"well played!"

Now, this monster should be seriously injured!

But under the expectant eyes of everyone, the beam cannon on the chest of Barbadoro, which looked very damaged, lit up again.

A beam of light streaked across the battlefield and hit the flagship, the Bonito.

Chapter 368 Breakthrough

In fact, this shot was aimed at the Deinsniff fleet, but the second round of shooting hit a nail on the body, causing the aiming system to deviate.

Before there was time to correct it, the shot went sideways and accidentally hit the Bonito next to the Misterdin fleet.

The beam hit the starboard side of the 800-meter giant ship.

Although it was not a direct hit, the power of the beam still opened an ugly wound on the side.

The lights on the bridge instantly went out, but the backup power supply was immediately activated, but the lights turned dark red.

At the same time, the alarm sounded, and Lesdal, who fell to the ground, was helped up by Iogu and shouted orders.

"Stop the sirens, CIC, and report the damage!"

"The starboard Gnaku was penetrated, and the specific losses are unknown. We lost a main thruster, 60% of the right steering thruster was destroyed, the main generator failed, and the engine room and power room were temporarily unresponsive. The main gun and missile array Temporarily lost the ability to shoot."

Lesdal's frown slowly relaxed, and the situation was much better than he imagined.

Although the starboard side suffered heavy damage, the entire ship was still in good condition.

At this moment, he was glad that the shot did not hit the upper deck of the ship, otherwise it would be useless even if the Bonito class retracted the bridge.

This shot tore an ugly wound on the entire starboard side. If it hit the upper deck, the bridge hidden below the deck would probably be in danger.

"Using the remaining thrusters, the ship retreats, calls damage control for emergency repairs, and restores power supply as soon as possible."


"Contact other ships and inform them that our ship is retreating and needs cover. Inform them that I am still alive. Order them not to panic and continue fighting!"


"Has the Misterin fleet finished loading?"

"The loading completion rate is 45%, and the remaining ships are continuing to complete the loading work."

"Let them hurry up!"


Before he finished speaking, two beams of light were fired at the reloading fleet of Dyne Sniff, and the beam after hitting this time began to move slowly laterally, so more warships were hit.


Lesdal and others looked at this scene in surprise.

When the beam disappeared, he reacted immediately.

"Damage report!"

"No ships of the Mistertine fleet were sunk."

This sentence reassured him a little. As long as the fleet continued to maintain its scale, they would be able to ensure the lethality against the enemy.

But when the CIC report came next, his heart sank.

"However, 12 warships were damaged, all due to damaged lines and generators, and were temporarily unable to fire."

"How long will it take to repair?"

"The fastest is about 30 minutes. Four of them are in serious condition and it will take longer."

"These AIs are so sharp."

Although three warships were sunk by the opponent's counterattack before, he still had 27 ships in his hands that could be fired.

However, after this round of beam strafing, although no ship was sunk, nearly half of the warships were damaged and unable to shoot for a short period of time.

Because the ship-based Dynasty Sniffs are undoubtedly large power consumers, they naturally cannot be used when the battleship is damaged and the output of the generator and Ahab furnace is unstable.

This means that at this moment he only has 15 warships left in his hands that can be launched immediately.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Lesdal immediately ordered the 15 warships to shoot at the target.

The target this time is still the damaged Barbadoro.

Although more than 10 nails have been hit, this Barbados is still fighting back, and it must be destroyed or paralyzed first.


15 huge nails flew towards the target again.

This time, only 4 shots hit the target, but they finally succeeded in severely damaging the Barbadoro.

One of the spikes hit the muzzle of the large beam cannon on the opponent's chest, causing it to lose its ultra-long-range attack capability.

The huge threat faced by the human fleet has now been reduced by one-third.


"well played!"

On the human side, everyone cheered for this successful attack.

This is not only the first time since the beginning of the war that humans have severely damaged a giant M/A like Barbadoro, but it is also the greatest result achieved against AI so far.

Although the boost to morale was huge, the situation of the mobile suits that broke into the M/A Corps was not good.

"Keep going! Don't stop!"

Julietta shouted loudly in the communication, and at the same time, she drove her own body and waved the sword whip, fighting with the Danakin in front of her.

As they continued to advance, MS's losses increased.

Moreover, the number of enemies faced is increasing, and the speed of advancement is getting slower and slower.

At this moment, they had penetrated deep into the center of the M/A Corps, and the reinforcements in the rear had been completely cut off, leaving only the MSs that gradually shrank into a spherical formation and continued to fight.

Even the three Gundams originally guarded in the center have joined the battle.

Simon used his drill gun to smash the attacking Bruman with a sweep.

Galio took the opportunity to take a breath and shouted to Alex.

"Alex, it won't be good if this continues. Do you have any backup plan?"

The golden battle sword in Bayeli's hand blocked the slash of Dana's golden lightsaber in front of him, but the battle sword in his other hand suddenly turned 180 degrees and thrust out behind him, killing a Bruman who was attacking in a sneak attack.

"There is a plan, but it's a bit crazy. It's up to you and McGillis to see if you dare."

"Is there any plan crazier than killing the M/A Legion and then killing Barbadoro? Do it!"

Galio asked rhetorically.

"That's right, go ahead with whatever plan you have, as long as it helps us get out of trouble."

McGillis also agreed. At this moment, his physical strength was also a bit too much.

"Okay, this is what you said, don't regret it."

A few minutes later, on the bridge of the Bonito-class ship.

"Commander, Colonel Alex is calling."

"what did he say?"

"He said...shoot him?"


This nonsense sentence stunned Lesdal and Iogu.

But CIC quickly handed him the tablet.

After quickly scanning the message from Alex, even Iogu felt that this person was not crazy.

"This is crazy..."

However, Lesdal did not make a decision immediately. He closed his eyes and thought for a moment.

"Order, the Dynasniff team, to conduct a coverage strike in the area where Alex provided the coordinates."

"Ah? Yes!"

After giving this order, Lesdal gritted his teeth and said.

"Also, mobilize two Mistatin fleet battleships that have been loaded..."

Soon, the Dyne Sniff brigade in the main team received the new attack coordinates.

"Keep your eyes open. There are our MS troops near the target area! In order to help those brave guys escape, we will fire three rounds of volleys!"

The leader aircraft shouted loudly in the communication.


All Dainsniff pilots took aim carefully according to the coordinates.

Normally, it's okay to hit it crookedly. This time, there are friendly forces on the coordinate axis.

Although the attack range is marked, they all know that at this distance, the deviation of the barrel is a few tenths of a millimeter, and the error of reaching the target is several meters.

"First round! Prepare! Release!"

Three squadrons of Dainsniffs opened fire at once on command.

After completing the shooting, Hurlock immediately stepped forward to help reload.

At the same time, the optical lens on the head of the observation machine unfolded, staring at the landing point of the first round.

At this time, the remaining intruding MSs had shrunk into the smallest spherical formation under Alex's command.

He had told everyone who was left of his crazy plan, and he had confessed it to these people.

"If you get hit by Dainsniff, it's just bad luck."

The pilots who have survived until now have already put life and death aside.

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