Although he thought his smile was a bit chilling, Lesdal couldn't help but ask.

"Oh? What method."

"Creating a fait accompli..."

At that moment, the expression on Alex's face was like that of a very loyal civil servant.

And now, listening to what Lesdal said on the stage, look at the astonished expressions on the faces of the other three family heads below the stage.

His smile became even brighter, and the red... medal on his chest seemed to become more vivid!

The so-called "whirlwind" is a perfect word to describe today's world news.

The carve-up and annexation of SAU by Gjallarhorn and Ablo, and the initiative of the "New Van Golf Declaration" were all big news.

But none of these are as exciting as the news of Gjallhorn announcing reforms.

Moreover, some reporters with quick hands and eyes captured the astonished expressions on the faces of the three family heads in the audience when Lesdal announced this, as well as the smiles on the faces of Alex and Iogu.

Although the photo was quickly modified to show the three family heads smiling together with Alex and Iogu.

However, this has also led many people and organizations to speculate that there does not seem to be a complete consensus within Gallallhorn regarding the reform.

Some people are even speculating whether the Bugle will fall into internal divisions due to this incident, leading to a civil war?

For a time, the whole world paid close attention to this matter.

After all, this is different from SAU. SAU is a dead duck with a tough mouth and can only shout.

But as the largest military organization in the Earth's circle, the Horn may drag the whole world into the water once they start filming.

Especially when it attacked the SAU, the ground attack behavior of Dainsniff shown was even more fearful to the whole world.

But unexpectedly, for the next period of time, everything inside the horn was calm, as if it was really after the war that the swords and guns were put into storage and the horses were released to the south.

This made the whole world breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that the two sides could not fight for the time being.

In fact, Lesda's actions were like tearing off the roof, leaving others with no choice.

Just as others had guessed, after the celebration, the three heads of the Baduwen family, the Baklazan family, and the Falk family jointly launched an attack on Lesdal.

Asked why he announced the failed resolution, Lesdal said calmly.

"I remember that we all expressed our position in the conference room and agreed in principle to reform the horn. Although we did not decide on the specific content, everyone had no objection to the reform, so I announced the news that the reform would be carried out. There should be no Say something is wrong."

His sophistry choked the three of them for a moment.

Because Lesdahl was right. In theory, all of them supported the reform, but they had different ideas on the details.

In this way, it cannot be said that he violated the principle of non-disclosure by disclosing this news.

"However, your reform plan is too radical. It will severely damage the entire Horn and even cause internal division and chaos. Lesdal."

The head of the Baduwen family emphasized again.

"But what's the difference between Wen Tunshui's reform and no reform?"

Seeing that another argument was about to happen, Lesdal chose to take a step back.

"So what if I choose less drastic measures?"

Later, he came up with his latest revised reform plan.

Alex's bold idea to Lesdal, in addition to being announced on TV, made reforms necessary.

There is another way, the window theory.

Looking at the expressions on the faces of the other three people, Lesdal felt that this method was really useful.

a month later.

McGillis walked in the passage of Van Gelf's underground prison. His footsteps echoed in the empty passage, making the surroundings seem very quiet.

He stopped in front of a cell door, and the guard unlocked it for him.

The cell door opened, and Iznario sat in the cell with a slumped expression. He raised his eyelids and looked at McGillis who walked in.

The SAU leader and others were tried a week ago and were sentenced to death for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

And today is the day of execution.

"Oh, McGillis, I didn't expect you to have the nerve to stay in Gallarhorn."

Looking at him still wearing Gallarhorn's uniform, Iznario said with a sneer.

"Let me guess, which head of the house did you climb into again?"

McGillis is now comfortable with his sarcasm.

Alex told him that the past cannot be changed, so it is better to face it calmly and work hard for the present and future that can be changed.

"It's a pity that except for you, no other family owner has this special hobby."


The sneer on Iznario's face instantly froze, and the expression on the blond young man's face reminded him of the moment he was stabbed in the back by McGillis.

Then his expression turned ferocious.

"Do you really think they have any good intentions in keeping you? Stupid!"

Seeing his sudden change in expression, McGillis remained very calm.

"Of course I know their purpose of keeping me. However, I already understand that as long as I show my worth, I can stay here. And, you probably don't know yet, Gjallarhorn has announced The internal system of bloodshed and inequality has been abolished, and reform has begun..."

Having said this, he paused and looked at Iznario.

"However, my foster father, you will never see that time."

"You bastard! If I hadn't saved you back then, you would have died long ago!"

Listening to the always elegant adoptive father talking about lotus, McGillis shook his head and said with regret.

"It's really ugly, foster father, where is your usual elegance? Sure enough, in the face of death, it is difficult for ordinary people to be calm and calm about death."

Then he waved his hand, and two soldiers stepped forward to lift Iznario out of the cell.

The originally quiet corridor was filled with Iznario's angry curses, but McGillis still followed behind with a normal expression.

It wasn't until he was tied to the execution platform and seemed to be stimulated by the cold metal that Iznario stopped cursing.

His eyes looked around with panic when he saw McGillis behind the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, the head of the Baduwen family and Alex next to him.

Facing the threat of death, his survival instinct made him struggle to say something.

But his mouth was immediately blocked, and he could only make a whimpering sound.

After the injection device was connected to his arm, McGillis, who was behind the floor-to-ceiling window, first pressed the switch at the instruction of the staff.

One of the three needles was pressed down and then pumped into Iznario's body.

The gagged Iznario's whole body was tense, and his eyes were so wide that they almost cracked the corners of his eyes.

McGillis was followed by the head of the Baduwen family, and finally Alex.

The three of them pressed the switch one after another, allowing three injections to be injected into Iznario's body.

Although theoretically only one of the three injections was poison, both Alex and the Baduwen family knew that the poison injection was administered by McGillis.

The three of them watched Iznario, who was originally struggling and twisting, lying motionless on the execution bed as if his soul had been taken away.

Medical personnel came forward to check and confirm his death. In fact, Alex had already 'heard' Iznario's unwilling cry before his death.

When the medical staff announced that Iznario was dead, McGillis beside him visibly seemed to have escaped from something.

Alex could notice that his shoulders, which seemed to be carrying something, relaxed, and his slightly curved back straightened a little.

After walking out of the execution chamber, McGillis, who had been silent for the whole time, stopped. He let out a sigh of relief and became energetic.

"I finally...feel relief. Thank you, Alex."

"No need to thank me, I have my own purpose."

"Oh? What do you need me to do? However, I am no longer the director of the Supervision Bureau. And with the fall of the Farid family, I no longer have the title of the Seven-Star Family. Now I am just an ordinary Canadian. Lalhorn Soldier.”

Alex smiled slightly.

"It's not a difficult thing, and the theory of blood has been abolished now. I believe that with your ability, you can regain what you lost."

McGillis smiled slightly at his statement.

"So, what do you want me to do?"

"It's what you've been doing, continuing to work towards changing Gjallarhorn."


Although Gallallhorn's reforms have gradually begun, everything is on track.

But the re-signing of the New Van Golf Declaration did not go so smoothly.

The process of wrangling is naturally not something that can be solved in a short time, but is an extreme tug-of-war that takes place in years.

Each participating organization hopes to maximize its own interests, so various extremes will follow.

Although it is not a full-scale martial arts show, the bickering at the conference table and the various private transactions outside the conference table can be said to be very lively.

Alex was mentally prepared for this, so he took advantage of this time to do a few trivial things.

The first is about the status of the guerrilla fleet, as the third newly formed large-scale fleet in the AI ​​war.

With the end of the AI ​​war, the size of the guerrilla fleet has also been limited.

After all, without the outbreak of a large-scale war, there is no need to maintain such a large fleet with the current scale of Gallallhorn.

Not only the guerrilla fleet, but also the previously expanded Moon Ring and Earth Ring fleets were abolished.

Some of the dismantled fleets were not mothballed, but were directly transferred to the guerrilla fleet.

Although the fleet size was limited, in fact during the entire war, the guerrilla fleet only had two squadrons of 20 ships, which was still far from the planned scale of 10 squadrons.

Therefore, even if it was cut in half, the Horn still expanded it to 5 squadrons and 50 Needlefish-class ships.

Although it was reduced by half the planned size, it was still considered a large-scale fleet.

And according to regulations, once a large-scale war breaks out, the guerrilla fleet will expand its establishment as appropriate.

By being written into the Bugle Regulations in this way, the guerrilla fleet was also preserved after the war, rather than dismantled.

In fact, what lies behind is more of a complicated power struggle among the top roundtables.

And the Uggtrasil has been fully repaired. From now on, this planetary cruiser will serve as the base of the guerrilla fleet.

It usually stops near the Lagrangian L1 point between the Earth and the Moon.

Once something happens, it will serve as the horn's main mobile force and be responsible for quickly entering the battle.

Galio and McGillis were both transferred to the guerrilla fleet and served as Alex's deputies.

This arrangement was naturally so that once he was gone, the guerrilla fleet would not collapse quickly or be annexed by Lesdal.

And at his behest, McGillis also continued to recruit and form the Gjallarhorn Young Officers Organization.

In the context of reform, the organization expanded rapidly.

Use this as insurance and a back-up, if Lesdal deviates from his purpose in the future and reveals his undue ambition.

So if the guerrilla fleet and the Earth Ring Fleet join forces, it won't be completely defeated.

However, he sincerely hoped that this backhand would never be used.

Modification at the end of Chapter 383

The second thing was that with his help, the Yi Xiu Family, the Montauk Chamber of Commerce, and Divas jointly announced the investment and development of the Venus tourism project.

Gjalalhorn also announced that the prison for serious offenders originally arranged on Venus would be moved to the moon.

Radonica was reclassified as an ordinary colonial satellite, and its residents were given IDs recognized by the economic circle.

Radonica, which has gained an identity and also received an injection of funds to develop tourism, will surely gain new vitality.

Vistario and others are very grateful to Alex, and specially sent a thank you video for this.

The guiding girls who participated in the hunting of Urd also obtained new identities after being reviewed and could freely choose how to live.

What surprised Alex was Kachua's identity.

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